i " '' * ' t By George! . . {Observations In nail about K. M. Ml?Sports Comment) .The curtain came down on the cur rvtu H. S. baseball season with a Mi art Monday when tho Mountaincrs . Jr. oiled Shelby for the uran t finale. The Shelby boys won the game, but. xheu. they had two Kood unips. The ,'j?: ftrial score was 6 to 3 with Uofortb mft.^iL'iiiirsiiii mi . by, ace hurler for C. Jones was hign bitter with 2 for 4. one of Ihein a too.'' run over the right Meld fence. Tills pnue put the Mouotalneers at lh'- hah way mark for the season with 5 wins and 0 losses. Voiulay was also the last day for foach Moss, who ha? accepted a position with an Accounting firm in Charlotte. We are all sorry to aee t oath moss leave, and wish him the best o'luck' in his new position. We eertalnly hope thivt those with whom te does* business are fairer than ? Some of the bcLsehatl umps he's met as a ccach. We have been asked to call atten.Thursday and Friday The Hurricane Dorothy LaMour Saturday Invisible Menace BorLs'Karloff Under Suspicion '% Jack Jlolt 9' " , * ? - , * Monday and Tuesday Radio City Revels Bob Burns Jack Oakie Wednesday Gaiety Girls Patricia Bills Jack Hivbert DIXIE . 8g??? For TT A pick-up in Men's Suits. Only thirty suits mAoflir amall UIUOUJ OI1WH anu llicuium sizes. All wool silk lined, belted back. $12J)0 to 15 Values ? .. " * ' * 7.75 Men's Summer Straws 1.001 Men's Polo Shirts in Silk Linens? 48c t< The nicest looking 50c Shirts you ever saw, but 29c Belk's D* I The Home Oi Attend "Bern Frolie",' * * lion to the (act that a tennis Club *>11 be formed within the very near future. The boys have been working (n the school' courts and top soiling them this week. Anyone interested in tennis should see Jack Fortune.' Skimpy Stowe or Mr. Fred Plonk. |! (Spreading it on thick: Doc Campbell La a popular guy in Shelby .... "i he girls gave hiin a rousing cheer il the jrntne Mopi'iv We'll bet that .1 Smith ?al Had Mimp'n to do with t rhar ....I What's this about l?*h All?-?n nid tKtgief ...... More the bakery in still a popular- place at Shelby .... *! ....Aside to Mtas Mori is: Just to prove that I am a iml. I wen't mention that little Friiavi J night incident ...-." You know .....' I about \ou being at the show with a handsome ycung fellow And tne ( inconvenience which the rain Causes ....! And now I expect I'd better leave town 'til a few people cocl,hffj ' and'forget NOTICE OF SALE Under hjm! by virtue of the power of sale contained in an order in the proceedings entitled. "Town of Kings Mountain vs. George E. Dovell end wife. Marian Lovell," the undersigned will sell for cash at the Court house dcor in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina on Monday. June 6, 1938, at ten o'clock. A. M. cr- within legal hours, the' folloylng described real estate: ' j Lots numbers 24 and 25 in Block A. as Will appear on a map or plat made by Cyrus C. Bnbb, Surveyor, Feb. 17, 1923. foJ C. K. Stowe and 11 B. Stowe, which plat will appear on record In the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland Copnty in Book! of Plats No. 1 at page 55, reference! to which is made for a fuller de-l the purpose of satisfying town taxes1 against same and will be sold subject" to Cleveland County - taxes, script ion. The above lots are being sold for This the 4th day of May, 1938. J, R. Davis Commissioner. ?adv?may 26?D. A <1 impute between Britain and France over the oooupajtlon by French troops of Fashoda, a town ha the Egyptian Sudan, nearly provoked1 war between the two oountrlea In1 1898. MASONIC MEETING First Monday Night In Each Month II' 1 le MEN " ' ' , felt and sailor Hats ? & 1.50 Rayon, Shantung and o 1.00 white stand up collar the sorriest one? each jpt. Store r Better Values Woman's Club, Fri. Night * V * THE K?KO? MOUNTAIN HKRAL Personals ( Cont'd from Society page) of the UUckbburg schocl (ncult ix?nt the wreck end with Mr. an .\fr> \V. K HUkely Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ix>yd O mand. a son. Loyd Meek. May S. a Harrison Hcspitil. U.?tcu i. Mothe md haby are at home pow\ ?c? r ill, i 111 ii nun i i i hi an cperm loo for the removal c tier tonsils which she underwent I i he Mncolmon Hospital recently. -?O ? Corporal Sidney A. I'pchurcl who is statioued at Charleston. i (.pent the week-end In Ktn( Umintaln Miss Virginia McOill returned I her . home in Little Hock. Ark., du ing the week end after a ten daj visit to relatives In Kings Mount all ?o? Mrs. Hayne Bl&okmer. Mrs. Pai NeUler. Mrs. Joe Newsier and Mr Harry Rage were recent visitors ? Williamsburg, Va.. and a number i other places of historic Interest. Mr. J. E. Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. N A Earp and family went to Alexand County for the birthday dinner of Bowman, who is the father of Mi Earp, recently. ?0"? Mr and Mrs. Cletnonsce Bocne ai children of Hemp spent the we> end with relatives 1 Kihgs Mountai Miss Gaytielle Boone remained f an extended visit; ?o? Miss Bva Ann Payne haa return to her home after being on a to to Washington. D. C. While away b visited many Interesting places Virginia and Maryland. ?o? Mrs. Max Norrla o* Birmingham Ala., la spending a few days In Kin Mountain visiting her sisters, M Florence Mims and Miss Agnes N ris. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holcomb a two children, Patti and Billy of J Airy spent the week end with I and Mrs. W. J. McOlll. Mr Holcoi is Mrs. McGlll's brother. Mr. C. E. Nelsler, Jr., a comm sioner of Kings Mountain Presbyte to the General Assembly of the Sc them Presbyterian Church left W? neaday for Meridian, Miss,, whe t ho a ocornklw <<* iio mnai ???v ??IJWVM? 1 a W 4UVUV, Dr. W. L. Mauney of Wlnstc Salem and Mr Gordon R. Watson London, England, were guests of I Mauney's parents, Mr, and Mrs. ' U. Mauney, during the past wee ?1>? end. M!s>3 Daisy Payne, student nur of the City Hospital, Gastonla, N. ?r> orr..iiy underwent an emergi cy appendix operation Is recuperi , hi iter home on the Kings Mot lain" road. -?0 ? Miss Annie B. Roberts Joined i*r?v of teachers here Saturday ar visited Biltmore Mansion and E 'MM IV EW Sll MAKES SENS CURRIN I ca**w"" I M 2. WHIM M?lM ft 19)7. Coeephwly mum. oiled eod cooled. Coom* w tealoo Plea becked by om I' J??2H*r ^ QOCtOIK TMYS y 1. uuam oums man m? mom icai (Mr o All Motel for fawec. Aee( imwooM>u?*T ggjj 1) THURSDAY, MAY 1?. l?3t tate at Ashcvllle. The tcttr wu con ducted by Dr. Dereodlnger. fbcten ton Art Professor et Catawba" Cot-j lege. c>'. Mlgs Oraoe Fortune spent Satur* day with Mtas Mary Porter in Charlotte. Mies Fortune was guest cf hon' or at a bridge party given at Mlaa Porter's hone on the York Road. Bat r urdsy afternoon. Other guesta trow Kings Mountain were Mis see OCett r Kise'r. Oetsyts Crawford sal Mrs. Harold Crawford. if t- iI club In llertle County has W a Now llm twhirp Red brt tl?.ra which be is now gelling for 15 cents a i nouud u a rlub pre) it. H. ' . | *gi The destructive hatch elm dtac:?ne into the "r/'ed 8 ties "vet wet a 1325 and IS. ' t r hurl ?ln? ? lottj sh'pped from Rut '? ti cabinet r. makers In the Middle West, rs . . *1 FOR J CLERK OF COURT ^ ___ ***** j|)l^in m. ij ?*tffr ^E^i Hto k :?*F ? -*#* H[ Sg^ : 1,1 1. ad1 " E. A. Houser, Jr. ab 38 Years Old. , Native of Fallsbon, CleveUJ land County, ry' World War Veteran. * Educated at Trinity Colre lege and University of N C. | Has had accounting exI perience necessary to fill ? the office properly. >r. Hp ftppks fhp nffW nnlv mi R- ths basis of his ability to k*i serve the public. I He is now and always has ?e, been ?1 HIS OWN MAN. ?t.' He is Able, Experienced, 1U Conscientious. Your Support Will Be a Appreciated id . ammmmmmaammmmmmmmmm Attend "Barn Frolic", Woma /*$&; ATIONALLY GREATER T . . . FOOD ... ICR . . ;i a. - may not Savo at a/! Cmm fa and ma ? ^ a* im I PHgkUiw'i Iowh OOM _ uurn 1 Nnr M1m MmwNIh IB**1 I on cunm alooa. And > ?IW* y I aatHnga on food, U* an iMflial I yon aMnay Lantf 4 wa< I in ona, twa^trndra lAVYawPw | IWa why tha man !!? notou- I onr Mftidafea 4-W.y 1 r? s=s?rS ggSr a.0*. 4 rAKrnr-^JJ I ; f;-| inwgTQ"?. 1 ^Aaaunirir 1 ^ CkaidSaarMX^ Subscribe to THE HERALD - - I II ?1*-? ??~^^? ? VOTE FOR Renn G. Honeycutt ; i- . ' ' < V ^ ,^2L ! / . -1 ; ?rV ; 5 I : !M -a ^ | ' Hl Jj^A fek^i CLERK SUPERIOR COURT J. j -JUNE 4th PRIMARY? T la ray campaign for Clerk of Superior Court I am making every effort to see as many of the voters as possible, but If I am unable to see you personally between now and the Primary on June 4th, I trust you will take this letter as a personal solicitation of your vote and' support. ' tf M I first came to Cleveland County with my father. Rev. W. V. Honey- '* cutt, in the year 1910 and lived at Belwood for a number of years. I entered tbo Army to the year 1917 as a volunteer and saw service in France wKh the 81st Division. For the past 12 years I leave been engaged In the cotton business in Shelby, durtag which time I have'had business dealings with j the majority of the Cleveland County farmers each year, and I would be glad to have you talk to any one of them between now and the Primary regarding'my character, business ability and fitness for the office I seek. 1 jam married and have two children. This 1s the firat time I have been a candidate for any office, and If I am elected I want to assure you that I fll will at all times conduct myself, and perform the duties of the office in a manner to Justify any confidence you may place in me. YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT I WILL BE APPRECIATED n's Club, Fri. Night I THE PROOF! J *~H5S? -JsS $119.50 1 imt m pewlbU yum aniam int built! 1 . > . i d upkaap, too! It uru That ooljr Frigid- V gttv tcmm A fa. And ualaaa rafrif aira giro tfaa ?x*? \"*T l"?? / not aura at all! A aingia work-aaving uaamay aauata tba aavbg billtv of N1V otbar wtfil HDoubW-Eaar"QukkubaT(ujra...NIWlY