r i .social; I Of INTE f PHONES 10-R A ! * mintitiiiiiT^ BELLE IN HART WKOOINQ I wedding characterised by beauty and Charming simplicity wan aolem i nlted Saturday evening. May 21, at I 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe J. Bell, of Klnga Moun- t tain, when Mine Portia I.oulae Bell, i of Klnga Mountain and Charlotte became tbe bride of George Einhart of I O. Sargeant. pastor of tbe bride, per- I formed uie ceremony. ' i The vow* were spoken before tin ! improvised altar In the living room,1 ' wkh the white and green bridal mo- 1 tK emphasised throughout.' Graceful fern* were twined on a trellis and < interspersed with white flowers. Ca- I thedral tapers on white candelabra ' furnished a soft light. | I There were no attendants, the cod < pie entering the ceremony room together. i The bride wore a simple dress of wtiite silk combined with white lace ' and fashioned in slenderising, prln- ' cees lines. She carried a lovely arm bouquet of pink rosebuds. c The bride is the odest daughter of, a Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Bell. She attend-] t ed high school in Charlotte and, v Kings Mountain, and later attended [ Appalachian State Teachers College o at Boone. She is a talented artist, a young woman of charm and is ad s mired by a wide circle of friends. [ The groom ih a son of Mrs. Nora EInJhart, of Clyde, Ohio. He is also a ' talented young artiat. He Is now employed as director of sales for the, ' Chicago Sign Sales Corporation, I with offices in Charlotte. The young i couple are now at home In Charlotte.1 ; i ENTERTAINS AT [ HOUSE PARTY , W. K. Mauney, Jr., who was a member of the graduating class of r Lenoir-Rhyne College entertained the members of hie fraternity, the Oam- | ma Beta Chi, National Social Fra- | ternity, of LenolrRhyne College, at a week-end house party at bis cabin 1 at Lake Montonta. t TTie young men arrived Friday aft- t ernoon and were entertained tyring, c their stay with swimming, hose-back 1 riding, boat riding, mountain climbing t fishing, ete. On Saturday evening the Alumni 1 members were dinner gueets of D. R ' Mauney, Jr., in CherrytvUle. |1 Prof. Patterson, faculty advisor to,( the fraternity, who is in charge ofi! Lenolr-Rhyne Summer School. Join-; 1 ed the party Saturday night and Was a guest at the cabin for the remain- ( der of the week-end. The entire party had lunch at Mountain View Hp- 1 tel Sunvkiv. ! : , The Alumni members present were Prof. Patterson and Harry Van . der Linden of Hickory; D. R. Maun- 1 ey. Jr., of Cherryvllle, Frank Bfird of Kanuapolla. Franklin Casper of ' Mt. Pleasant, N. C., Woodward Hunt 1 of Falrntont, N. C., Hubert Aderholdt' mil' W. K. Mauney, Jr.. of Kings ! Mountain; other fraternity members.! ' at the house party were diaries Mor' rieon, 'Pom Foard, John Phillips, , Richard Yoder and Rttifbird Patterson. all of Hickory; Tom Trott ofj Kannapollg and Marvin Cooke of Sal ' Isbury. j ' CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY ANNIVER8ARY , The children and grandchildren of ! Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mauney met at the Aubrey Mauney cottage at Lake Montonia, for a family reunion. Sunday. The affair was planned especially to honor Mrs. Mauney on her birthday anniversary. A boutlful dinner >waa served and ( a beautiful birthday cake graced the table. Those enjoying the fegtlvtties were ( Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Mauney, Miss Martha Lou Mauney, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Mauney and chlMren, Peggy , Anne and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Barnee, all of Kings Mountain; Mr. and Mrs. Hennan Wolfe, Betty, An- . na and Nita Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lohr, and LawTence Lohr, Jr., all of Charlotte; Dr. Jacob Maundy of Biltmore. ( CHECK DYSENTERY Don't allow the poisoned accumulations m disordered stomach and bowels to hang on, sap your energy, upset your digestion, ruin your disposition and undermine your heattn. ANTE-FERMEN will solve your problem. - It soothes aids nature In regulation and will help you. AVOID COLITIS A prescription for both children and adults. Ask your druggist. Send empty carton for copy of Addrese Ante Fermen Co., . SONG BOOK FREE 1 Columbia, 6. C. aiinrnWirtrir .ih -ant-M-'.! ? - - AAAaaaaaaaaaa. AA AAA -www?W WW WW WW wW.WWWWWWWW WW WW\ LND PERSONAL HAPPE REST to ND 88 MRS. A. H. PAT BOOK CLUB MEETS Mm. D. C. Mauuey was hostess to members of the Thursday Afternoon Book Club and a targe* number of invited guests, entertaining at her heme on Itidge street on last Thursday afternoon. The rooms were arranged with IkjwIs of colorful flowers. Mil xiiuui nay ma JW- of'if." 'oilowing pr^sratn featuring readngs and- music by-a number of toung people: Headings by Margaret Williams and ltetty llord, pupils ot him Mary Frances iford; piano solo Mies Maune.v; reading ? Patterns? >.v Miss Klltabeth Plonk; piano solo, Srneat Maune.v; ' Prof. Qulzz, Itnpertonution by Mrs. R. 8. Plonk, Jr., of Sessemer City; several short humor* >us readings by Mrs. W. ,K. Mauney. A tempting salad course and a tweet course was served. IECEPTION AT -ORT.UNE HOME Immediately following the wed ling ceremony of Miss Grace Fortune ind Mrs. Harvey Dulln on last Thurs laf evening, an informal reception vag given at the home of the bride's larents, Mr. and Mrs. W. U Fortune m Gold street. The lower floor was thrown enuite and made most Inviting with a trofU8lon of summer flowers The dining room was in green and vhite carrying out the bridal motif. mhe table was laid with a handlome lace cloth and centered with a towl of white lilies, and delphinium vith cathedral tapers at each end. Presiding In the dining room were drs. Helen Neat, Mrs. Harold Craword. Miss Ozell Kiser and Miss Ocaria Crawford served bridal Ices ind cake. Mrs. Jacob Cooper presided at the eglater. >LAVGROUNO 'WORK TO IE STARTED The Junior Woman's Club mem>ers say: "Get out your overalls and akes. gentlemen and ladies", for here's to be a Field Day for garden>nerg next week on Friday, June 17, 'rom 4:30 p. m. 'til dark. The proper y which Mrs. M. M. Carpenter has 10 graciously permitted the Junior Woman's Club to use as a playground is to be entirely cleaned up, tnd made attraotlve by the planting >f flowers and shrubbery. The Junore ask the help of the citizens of he town In this undertaking, which should be of interest to the entire community. Mrs. Robert Miller, chairman of his project, is especially seeking the issistance of the American Legion, fown Council, Fire Department. Vmerlcan Legion Auxiliary, and Sen or Woman's Club. There will be a ab of lemonade, too. to cool the >iicbed and dusty throats of the ivorkers. Tli& program of the Junior Club, A'hUh preceded the business session Monday night, was in charge cf tne International Relations Committee. Rev. L. Boyl llamtn made a most InalKiiolluA n n >1 into roat {ti <v toll/ unit iiv ( n c aiiu iiiivi^oiiiig v??i rv vm tie subject cf "Peace." He stressed liie importance of a Chrihtlan peace jnd brotherhood, by graphically picturtng the horrors and destruction, of var. The hostesses were Mrs. Charles Dates, Jr.. Miss Sara Ramseur and Mrs. Gene Matthews. ?i ' i < \ Personals Rev. and Mrs. 15.. W. Fox were vis tors at Duke University this week. O?? Miss I/Ols Fortune spent the weekend at home. George LaMlmore, Jr., Is visiting Ms grandmother In Hertford. Miss Marlon Klrkpatrlck was a week-end guest of her cousin, Mrs, laocb Cooper and Mr. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Doty and Miss Doty of Toledo. Ohio, were guests of Mr, una mm. u r . nmi aunaay. Miss Ella Harmon went to Mt Holly Saturday for several days vie It with her niece, Mrs. Carl Stroupe Mrft. J. M Patterson and Miss Bee sle Slmojyton visited New Hope, 8 C., Tuesday. Miss Lola Thomas of Charlotte It rymnitris: this week with her cousin Miss Wllodean Blar.toir. Gilbert Falls Is a patient In Duk? Hospital, Durham, where underwent an operation recently. Miss Oltle Hartsell has as hei guest this week her little sister, Ev? lyn Hartsell of Monroe. Mrs. H. H. Houston anl children o Pag eland were guests of Mrs L?. I ^ yf "iVSi'ir l1' f tPlflry -t-tY' '* i ' * i ' THB KINCM3 MOUNTAIN BB NINGS WOMEN TERSON, Editor j Baker for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Sot at h erg and i Mi?a Kairy Grace Patterson of Char' lotto event the week-end in Kings . Mountain. Mias Mary Frances Uantt of Char mother. Mr*. Pauline P. Weaver who has spent the past several week* in P?'itn sylvania returned home Thursday. Miss Wolfe of Charlotte is i spending the week wiih her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Mauney. ?o? Mrs. P. D. Patrick and Miss Betty Patrick are visiting relatives In Florence, 8. C. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ware nave as their guests Mr. and Mrs. William Lollnian of Baltimore, Md. | Mr. Leon Hendricks, of Belk's ' Store force, is spending his vacation > In Illinois. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nlmmcns were called to Ashevllle this week on ac-( count of the critical illness of a brot' r-in law. Mrs. Carl Davidson has returned home from the Presbyterian hospi-j tal and is improving nicely but will be confined to her room for a while j Miss Dorothy Patterson is spending the week In Charlotte, guest ot her sl6ters, Mrs. J. C. amathers and Miss Fairy Grace Patterson. Mr. Byron Keeter, of Hooter's Department Store, is expected back today from Baltimore where he ha# been on a buying trip. Misses Mary Frances and Busle U goo left Wednesday for Buffalo Ltthia Springe, Va? where they win spend the summer. Miss Peggy Rhinehardt of Lincoln ton 1? spending this week In Kino Mountain, guest of her cousin, Mtotr Nacy Parrlsh. c Judge and Mrs. N. A. Townsend :f Washington, D. C? visited his j mother, Mrs. Oliver, and sister, Mrs. j Fleming Ramseur, laBt week. i Mr. Jackson Townsend of Hoosick' Falls, N. Y., spent the week-end with' his sister. Mrs. Fleming Itamseur,' and niece, Mrs. Paul Mauney. I ?O? Miss Violet Goforth has been seri| ou&ly ill for the past week. She is a i patient in the City Hospital. Gas-J tonia, where she underwent an opera (UTSCUk FRII iewSHH Also Provci Irn p ^BOwMA Ofw J Of A,^^v, Jr or you mi ML o> Bid m ^H PfHhw^^HV alBi^l n i mbkjjP^M i B I ? . H '-'aMMOMB* ' t r . M" '. ?__?.?J v^^KL, , H " fl k > II 1 ^HVn ? }% ; ' " ' ' ' t^i - ' . '''. ' -" * - :-<i.>.' . ^lv^.l. -?-* .-til * - ... ._ fin'i'kfci"' Vi ~ * -_ifc * ...v ALDTHUR8DAY, JTJNH ?. 1?S? lloa )Mt week. Mrs. M. B. Ramsey. Burvle Ra: sey and Wilton Wright or Wash in, ton, D C., are spending this wee with Mr. and Mrs. Vance Wright an family. Mr. and Mrs. Upward McGiU an children of Dallas, Texag, expect t arrive late in the week for a visit t Mr. McGni's parents. Mr. and Mri A. J McGill. Mrs It. K Elam has returned fror Italelgh where she attended commel * <"01001 at State College Her sot i'hill!|i Klani, giaduated with bigi honors. Mr. and Mrs. Grady King open Si;:,das in Ticone Thev were a<eom mm mm ir *h y r HI and baby,' who are gueot* of Mr* King for several days. I/ on Wolfe left Saturday for Clll ton Forgo. Va.. whore ho will spent the summer. Ho wag accompanied ti Charlotte by Mra. Nino Wolfe an< Mies Ethel Roberta. ?o? Misses Virginia and Frances Sum mors, daughters of Mr and Mrs Frank Summers left Sunday to sport a month at Camp Deerwood, at Bre vard, N. C. Mrs. James McOIll of Columbia, S C.t and sister, MI99 Sudie flood o Atlanta. Ga? are guests of Mrs. W K. Crook this week. They will be Jorr cd by Mr. McGill Saturday and re turn home with him Sunday, Mr. and* Mrs. R. H. Ligon, Mrs Walton Ligpn and daughter, Mlsi Nancy Jane Ligoh. of Huffalo Lithli Springs, Va., have been guests -ol Mrs Madeline Ligon and Mrs. Bet F. Beam. ?o? Mr. Gus Faulk, student of Wash ington' and Lee University! stopper on his way home at Chipley. Fla to spend the night with Tommy Hat per, son of Dr. and Mrs. c. W. Har per Miss Maude Ava Hordi, who hat been making her home with Mr. ant! F. H F1 m f*r 'RENT COST , Itr Sivin^i on Foo<L.lct m/%s% s?% r%r*t%.JBa mw&m ry not Save at aft i EBB Come ia and tee-bi I Mgideire with the Nr v / ktm not ooly oa ope* ? w* food, ice, apkeep, too.' WVT I 4 of. these Ways or yon Vac tome refrigecetora i oi than waya more tfc 1 all other waya. Take aochancee! Ch LJ that pr?m iti savings M DoS^IU^Qdtillu STYUD 9-Way Adfoata Moitrare Seai Hydreto I exclusive advantages. It New Silent Meter-Mia J AS LOW AS . \ in [J 119.50 ) ^ Easy Terms m BBk JfawnH Mrs. Carl Davidson, baa been ill a< the borne of her parents in Waco for m several weeks- She was taken to g. Charlotte this week for examination llt and treatment. Mr. W. F. Rhodes attended the out ins and picnic of the 2nd Division of a the Two Carolines of A. E. F. held a Sunday at the Kings Mountain Bat0 t leg round Mr. Rhodes is the only , member of the 8econd Division in Cleveland County. Misses Vera and Ruby Kails of . L-umherton. were guests of relatives B- _ ' mm? hi Our Sincere t r Appieiialiim 1 Ttlis week marks our f j . our business, and we cat * nity to express our sinc< 1 who have made our first We desire to pledge ou times to serve yob to th< We feel that we have 1 "Creators of Reasonable I Mountain which make il to go out of town for mi We are now better able serve you and yre extern you to let us continue to | vice possible. I.j - AGAIN WE SX1 ! Kings Mount r C. D. Blanton r * T5ie Rex: > i L_??? - - - . v ~~ \ J <. . A. Funds Ava nmkov F mmmj m wmvx H Hi. I i may waste in any ?? I WT 4 tan they may save id W // ooaa the refrigerator / *"* / no yow work with NIW I M?ia? be Trays-NIWLY- / 0||7*7 ble teterior ... raw / VO|C| ? ted doeeae more / ' FrigklaJre with the / Come io. See it / _ I *idfc *"85 2EE ?E9H / *^''oJd52^5 FVtMIDAIRK FIRST . . . AND IAVII PAULINE STO MARGRA( : . ^ ' r.-v >- , - . . 1 r , I In Kings Mountain during the weefc- 1 'end. Mine Vera. Ei'l-. was en-route to I Nashville, Tenti., w'nere she enrolled for summer oour ?3 at Scarrltt College and Peafcody Mrs. E. W. Blanton and daughter, Mrs. Mae Walker a6tend*?l the gradn atlng finale at East Carolina Teacn' ers College, Greenville, N. C.. June 3-6. at which time Miss Mareella : tllantcn graduated with honors. Miss J Blanton returned homo with them. Miss Illnnton has joined the faculty of the school of Raleigh and will aa, sttniv her duties in the ?-arly fall. i .. irst year's mile post in i not miss this opportu- 1 re appreciation to you i year successful. rselves to strive at all i best of our ability. lonestly earned the title * Drug Prices in Kings t unnecessary for anyone j inimum prices. j than ever before to 1 a cordial invitation to render you the best serF?THANK YOU ain Drug Co. j J. L. McGill H all Store DEEPEST EVL Ser u ..Upkeep! / SfUfrr . I I isjjfc fore your eye*-bow / mPto!! w Silent MtterMiwr / P.* Wing com ... but oa If on mutt uve in mU I Sk^BK 'v-'" / rSlP" / 1 / ~"'*%ss/y>>w;' I 1 RE 1 :e store 1 .-1 BUILD *1^1 *' 1 NOW j - n "? .iliable | ompany j "i>j , _ . - -'M X/ I 1 wm - > I i HH ~1 v Lp^K** J * ' '^H BL^f?i, iBSHgig '/KHH I METER-MISER 1 Bm-r<?w? k*n?y l**r * nmt la* nitiicntiaf arhanhm Ha mp to U% MORI om alac ka caiNM-attai Mptt Mlaar Betcly a?lad. Aam?rtrally H. Coaiaa wkh 5-Ytaa ProaacH by Otaaaal Motor*.

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