. * Winners In Sat * ^1 : ' fwj '' 3%& ' RAYMOND CLINE Re-elected Sheriff of Cleveland County in Saturday's Primary. First National Bank "Dresses Up" Thr First Natirnul Ilar.k of Kings ilt-i.iiiain is now iili ;u,i?ed in a new eutfit. The interior lir-.s been completely remodeled in every respect, tew style walnut fixtures have replaced the old fashioned caged> type. Indirect light has been installed * b'-t'h makes an oven gtow at all times. Venetian blinds has been erecu*l. and celotx has been placed over head. Breezes from air-cooled fans tow keep patrons of the First National comfortable on the hottest -lays. Now furniture has been purchased for the ofH.ee, and a tile as: bestos flooring has been lain. . The interior walls have been completely renewed with paint. The building in general including the Directors' room an' the second floor has been repairad. Citizens of Kings Mountain may be justly proud of their banking institution. With aeseite over three-quar tors of million dollars and deposits ever oneihatf a million, Tne Best Thursday and Friday The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Tommy Kelley Saturday Little Miss Roughneck Edith Fellers Loo CarllUo Condemned Women SaUy Eilers Loula Hayward Monday and Tuesday The Adventures of Marco Polo Gary Cooper SlgHd Gurie Wednesday ?Double Feature? 10c and 15c 1 Accidents Will Happen , Ronald Reagan Gloria Bloadell Find The Witness CharlM QulgJey Rosalind Keith DIXIE To The Of riovalo VI VIV f VI14 The nvx*t difficult proble to find words to express voters of Cleveland Com the week-end and on Me paper, I tried my level b pression oi my gratitude power of speech. 1 can 01 I THAN J. Raymc - -?>n j ' J. : yy i. jrday's Primary ' E. A. HOUSER, Jr. Newly elected Clerk of Superlo Court in Saturday's Primary. Town In The State has a bank tha Is both dependable and progressive. Under the leadership of the bot capable cfllcers and directors, th | First National has made steady ac vances to the citizens of Kings Mou tain.- Following are the men wn have guided this financial Institutloi which has contributed so much t te growth and- welfare Of King Mountain, to its present height: E M. Baker. President, R. L. Maunej j Vice-President, and B. S. Neill, Catlf ier. Directcrs are: D. M. Baker, O. i | Bridges, \V. K. Mauney, R L, Maune\ 'P. M. Neisler, F. R. Summers, M. A Ware. KINGS MOUNTAIN SOFT BALL STANDINGS Monday's games: R H I Post Office 010 100 0 2 4 Stags 804 218 x 21 18 Grover 11 13 , Mauney. 2 7 j Old Mill 000 002 0 2 I Bonnie 431 302 0 13 Pauline 020 301 6 10 Margrace 000 Otfl 1 2 6 Wednesday's games: Old Mill 000 100 0 1 Margrace ' 003 120 x 6 Mauney 310 001 1 6 10 Stags 002 712 0 12 13 Pauline 300 024 x 5~TT~ Post Office 000 012 1 4 6 Grover 122 463 0 17 18 Bonnie 001 000 0 1 5 Standing 'W - L Pet Pauline 3 0 ' 100 Grover 3 0 100 Bonnie 2 1 66 Stags . 2 1 66 Margrace 1 2 33 Old M1U 1 2 33 Mauney 0 3 00 Next Week's Games: MONDAY, JUNE 13 Oil Mill at Stags Pauline at Bonnie Margrace at Mauney Poat Office at Qrover WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 Bonnie at Poet Office Paulino at Mavnwy Orover at Old Mill 8tags at Margraoe RETURN TO KINGS MOUNTAIN Mrs. E. C. Cooper has returned U Kings Mountain, from Raleigh am has opened her home on Piedmon Avenue, for the summer, Mtes Margaret Cooper, student a Lenolr-Rhyne College and ZMgai Cooper, student at Christ's fiptscopa School, at Arden, have Joined theii mother here for the summer. t People ? J n ma lounty . m I've had this week was my appreciation to the ity. I spent hours over rnday, with pencil and est to write the true exI find it's beyond my nly say? IK YOU md Cline *iii Ath'iftnfrl ? THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HKRALDTT Local Boy Makes Good At Painting Again (te promising young painter from Settlemyre. who is specialising in portraiture. is now finishing several targe easel paintings that he expect* to exhibit In Washington and New York this year. His work Is said to show decided taleut. Young Settlemyre'n parent* reside at 204 West Kings street, here. r O. B. Biffgerstaff Buys Crescent Store O. n. BiggergtaW. of Forest City, and father of F. E. Biggerataff who fc ruierly owned the Crescent Store lj here purchased the bankrupt stock e ar.d fixtures at the U. 8. Bankrupt u Court Tuesday afternoon for $625. nj .Mr. Biggerstaff also purcnased tne o!f lotte the bid was raised to the above figure. It Is understood that the stock of goods and fixtures will be moved frcm Kings Mountain. Business Men To Go To Battleground For Supper 1 ? ? 5 The Business Men's Club begins 2 this evening their regular summer - schedule of picnics In the commual? ties arourtd. Kings Mountain. They ere going today to the OCC Camp Funguson near the Battleground for a supper which is to be served them - in the mess hall at the eatnp. ' To 1 this meeting the men are taking the 2 ladles and other* ae their guests. The best way to this camp accord ing to Olee Bridges. President of the Club, la to go the York road, turn to the right at the sign pointing to the b battleground and keeping to the 4 right; the camp 1s located on the right A number ot parties are planning 4 to go a little early so as to take the 2 opportunity to see the Improvements 2 which are being made In the battle. j cround area. X. H. PATTERSON -WINS 9 3E0 SPRINGS 0 ... . ^ A. H. Patterson is either a good 11 guerser or measurer. He was declar3, ed winner of $22.75 pair of Foster's 3 Ideal Bed Springs in the contest 9 sponsored by the D. F. Hond Furniture Compan to determine the number of Inches of wire In the springs. The correct answer was 12,802 and Mr. Patterson's estimate was 12,800 missing by only 3 1 relies. 132 persona entered the contest, and Mr. Hord waa well pleated with the Interest aroused by the contestants. LENOIR-RHYNE GRADUATES Mis# Mary Louisa Rhyse, du^Utr of Mr. arid Mr*. C. Q. Rhyst, and W. K. Mauney, Jr, mo of Mr. and Mra. W. K. Mauney, of King# Mountain ware among th? largo group ) graduating at Lonoir-JUiyna Collage I mi# year. 1 i t I ONLY PAPER IN THE WORLD DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY * . TO THE UPBUILDING OF KINGS MOUNTAIN AND COMMUNITY THE KINOS MOUNTAIN HERALD i i fVI ' I I ' .1 - I I I ' 1 ?S^BBteix< i iim^B v^iJhL. *j?M*m C',s .' TF^' MVBEIM k tJi WB ' H^BCU IjBA I |mmSl I mHK SB . -jiBBBB B y *1 Mr. WlltUm C. Cmver sen of M B and Mm. W. C. Caven). nmduato I try to drop their cargo where any- I body who needed cash could pick It u?. ? The Capitol spectators are specu- I lattlng on a new potentiality. The I CIO, it has become known. Is quietly I organising the Nation's unemployed I and relief client*. They are being tar I ken into the CIO fold as non-duea I paying members ? until they get I iotas. They are admitted to this stat- I .. _ tk. MMilliM. ' that ik^.1 atill I 40 Ull IUC WUWUVU UMIl 1UOJT W||| work * unpaid organliers tor tha I CIO add bring to metnberahipa of I due?fnylng employed workers. In return (or their services they I are also premised help in increasing I their relief rations. In other words; fl the CIO help* theui get more reHw I from the public agendo*. With the CIO already dominating I muoh of the relief diapenatng. the I speculators are wondering just boar I potent the organisation may become I if and when the organisation of en* I ployed and unemployed alike Is oouv I plete as one unit. ' WPA "boondoggle" stories are go j tng the Washington rounds and oaus I ing no end of criticism of the WPA ] among the conservative Congress- I men. One etory concern# a WPA pro I Ject In Missouri, where H seems that I $226,981 93 was spent to compile a I Missouri guidebook. Now the project hee been suspended without publics* I Hon of the book because the WPA | says it can't find a "dompetent" edt I tor to assemble and edit the great I mass of oopy written by the reliefer* I SMYRE WILLIAMS BREAKS LEO Mr. Bmyre Williams, assistant I Manager of Balk's Department Store I bad the misfortune Tuesday after- I noon to break Ms right leg playing H < soft ball. The large bone was broken I lost above the ankle. The many I friends of Mr. WUUame hope for I bins a speedy recovery. WINS HONORS AT ORRHANASE Mho EtevlMa Lifctlejotin, daughter I of Mrs. R. r. Utilejohn and the late 1 It V. Uttlefefaa, of Kings Mountain I sad Qsatonla, reoently won the n? sb medal at the Thoaaasvttt Or II fSsnsgs. Mlw Ltttlejefcn won hnsmnM be both plage and atartaet playing. || | - ?-? i^ . 1^ I ^P; ; "!%^^H-' Hbm I ln|| I 1 I ' I a Kv ?^H ijj 1^ I I I I J ^Hfl i HI III' H_ _ I M V | H ^V B Thur.- Fri - Sat.! ^BMHMH^HMMMHiMHHHaHHI^ManHaM I Linen, Shantung, Voiles, and Dimity DRESSES R j - ] Spotlight, Linen Shantung and Sheer Dresses ? I 1.98 to 4.85 8 FREE I to the first 25 Purchasers of one of these Dresses I ?A 50c Good Quality, Form Fitting Brassiere. ?Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only? . 9 ?SPECIAL SALE? I ' 750 Pairs of Men's Summer Pants. Tweeds, Ducks I Gaberdines, Linens and Sanforized Tweeds? I 97c to 2.98 I FREE to tho fircf Piiv/JiaaAM ^ > ?* 8 -- >