* Winners In Satu * gMMHRj B| 9 Hm^ ^ . ' RAYMOND CLINK Re elected Sheriff of Cleveland Courv- | ty in Saturday's Primary. i * ' r First National Bank "Dresses Up" The First Natic-nnl llank of Kings i Itoun-tain 'is uoSur oh ai.hed in a new ] eutfit. The interior lir.s been com- \ pletely romodelod in every respect, i mew stylo walnut fixtures have re- | placed the old fashioned caged' type. < Indirect light has been installed t ?bh-.h makes an even glow at all ; times. Venetian blinds has been erec-! ; t?*l, and celotx has been placed over! * head, Breezes from air-cooled fans!} tow keep patrons of the First Na-ji tional comfortable on the hottest' ] days. Now furniture has been pur- > dbased for the ofllce; and a tile asbestos flooring has been lain. The interior walls have been completely ' renewed with paint. T.he bulkMng In * general Including the Directors' room en the second floor has been repaired. Citizens of Kings Mountain may be justly proud of their, banking institution. With assets over three-quar tere of million dollars and deposits ever onebaK a million, The Best . Thursday and Friday The Adventures of -Tom Sawyer Tommy Kelley Saturday Little Miss Roughneck Bditrta Fellers Loo CarllUo J.i \ ' * . ; , v . ' Condemned Women Sally Filers Louis Hayward ? c - s 3 Monday and Tuesday ' The Adventures of Mareo Polo Gary Cooper Slgrid Gurie Wednesday ?Double Feature? 10c and 15c Accidents Will Happen " < Ronald Reagan Gloria BlondeU F Find The Witness Chartee Qulglejr Rosalind Keith K DIXIE i HIiffHiHIHHHHHiliM m To The Of Clevelai The nvx?t difficult problem to fipd words to express n voters el Cleveland Count; the week-end and on Mom paper, I tried my level bes pression of my gratitude. I power of speech. 1 cfcn onl; . I THANl J. Raymon j ni.i ?'?nr ! . ! i relay's Primary E h e. A. HOUSew, Jr. ixewiy elected Clerk of Superior -ourt In Saturday's Primary. Town In The State hae a bank that [a both dependable and progressive. - . ' . * ' Under tlie. leadership of the both capable ofllcers and directors, the First National has made steady advances to the citizens of Kings Mouri lain. Following, are the men wno have guided' this financial institution ivhieh has contributed so much to e growth and welfare of Kings fountain to its present height: D. M. Baker. President, Jl. L. Mauney, i'ice-President. and B. S. Neill, Casher. Directcrs are: D. M. Baker, o; A 3ridges, VV. K. Mauney, R L. Mauney, P. M. Neisler, F. R. Summers, M. A. Vare. . C.. ru...i>. for cre. arsduated V rem Krtkine College. Du \Vcat. 8. J :.. with high Iv^nors on M.y 31*. 4 during his four year course at Kr? line. Mr. Caveny has' been p: Mideni fifc if Lhii P*?li^iinlhr-" * l**?k? -~~*?^? Ml * ?mv * unviuniuciu uticnr) a citjiy. | rcasurer of the Brsklne 3> rui ionjr H cciety, and a member of the Brgl;lne I ?nd, Campus Swing band, 8 ax a- H Acne Quartette. Glee Club, the Gold I m Quill creative writers' club. Pore I ' 3naln-truster who reportedly wanted I o have airplanes fly over the coun- ^B ry dropping dollars for recovery's I ake. The story has gone the rounds I if the Capitol in many versions, the I nost popular one being: ThU certain gentleman (he Is also I tredlted with writing a good many 1 the Cabinet speeches) Is supposed I o have proposed the gpeixUcS-from- I he skies program during a oonferen I re on spending Ideas back in 1934. I le purportedly said that the right H vay to restore buying power and 1 >rlng recovery was to pour money in I 0 circulation in the greatest possl- I >le quantities at the highest possible ?peed. To do tbat he suggested that I 1 fleet of planes be loaded with dol- I ars and be sent out over the oouo> I ry to drop their cargo where any- I wdy who needed cash could plcl; It I tp. The Cap lie 1 spectators are specu- I abing on a new potentiality. The I !10, it has become known, la quietly I irganislng the Nation's unemployed I rtd relief clients. They are being ta> I :en into tbe CIO fold as nonduei I eying members ? until they get I ote. They are admitted to this stab I ? on the condition that they will I rork as unpaid organisers tor the I !IO add bring In memberships of I nee-paying employed workers. In return for their services thsy I rs also promised help in Increasing I heir relief rations. In other word*, I lie CIO helps tbeni get more reilei I nt the pobUe agencies. . With the CIO already dominating I inch of the relief dispensing, the I peculators are wosderlng Just hoar I otent the organisation may become I ' and when the organisation of etn I W?d and unemployed alike Is com I lete aa one uj>U. a WPA "boondoggle" etciiee are go I ig the Washington rounds and oaus I ? no end of criticism of the WPA I noong the conservative Congress I ien. One etory concerns a WPA pro I >ct In Missouri, where R seems that I 226,9(1.92 whs spent to compile a I tlasonrt guidebook. Now the nroiect I Be been suspended without publkw I on of the book because the WPA I iya k can't find a "Competent" edV I hp to assemble and edit Che great I ia?|i of copy written by the reliefer*. I MYRE WILLIAM* , PEAKS LEO Mr. Suyre WlUlama, assistant I anager at Belk's Department Store I id the misfortune Tuesday after- I >on to break Ma right leg playing I ft ball. The large bone was broken I at above the ankle. The than? I lends of Mr. WlUlama hope for I na "a speedy recovery. ,. J3 v; A A uauste - ? 15c I Prints 10c and 25c I FREE?A 15c Simplicity Pattern with 3 yard I I dress length or more over 15c yard. I 1 FREE^MOVIE TICKETS to the First 20 Custo- I I "THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER 1 I at the Dixie Theatre today and Friday, with the I i purchase of a Tom Sawyer Shirt at only 75c OR?a pair of Tom Sawyer Pants at only $1.94 | | n ? - fSTn&ST****** and **nU nvw and get I I Belk's Dept. I Cx, I I more II