' ISKS i: social Of INTI :: ' phones 10 r e birth* for mirth One h? licaiw Clod's heart lu u gni (leu Than any wbece o)kv on earth." Dio, iiIwiiIh'M of the MihmIonttt Hocloty of llo/iH' Memorial A If. I CJiureli, reinitiated ill. .nutiul Juh li e coinuieniorntitiK tin- bin Inlay at uivirx.tr) of Mrs Iktlt White fon Kit itilnMitllary. Htiiiioiie hi Itidia * ? i??i ? dili (Hiiiy but niis hi-|'i jt, ! ><> !< hi n<>outit of Htcfetneltt Weather. Mn Moffat f Willi- lii.il i i.urx-- o ? tiui.it interesting nature ituily ut:t u flower tin nil- contest wits i'ti Joy**1 with Mm. W. K. Crook receiving ill prize. Mrs. C. W Hk-harlsbn receli ed the price for the most correct so luiton flower contest. A vocal sexteti was rendered bj members of the Junior Choir. Mite Mary Royce McOIII and Miss Nortn: Crook Rang a duet: "None Rut Thee' Mrs. W. M Ho.vce was asked t< represent Mrs. Dale White by proxj and was presented a gift. A social hour followed' the prog rait Refreshments consisting of tea ant ' waferfc were served. HOUSE PARTY AT LAKE Mrs. Paul Peterson, Is cliaperonIn; the youuger social set at Like Mbit tonla on a house party given lij Miss Retty Lee Nelsler In .honor o Retty's' eousions, Louise and Rett) Nelsler of Renvois, (la. Other ffttes!! include: Jackio Rawles, ! Pixel Falls uiiu company, Marina snerrtii, <> Erwln. Tenn.. Jo Keeter. Mary Eve lyn, Goforth, Dorothy Onnaml, of Ilo noak, Va., and Rachel Smith. PLONK-UMBERGER The following invitations hav< been Issued: Mrs. Leonard Umbergor requests the honour of your presence at the marriage of her daughter Jennie Ruth to Mr. Hal Sloan Plonk Saturday evening, the sixth of August at eight-thirty o'clock at her home ., Concord. North Carolina. ATTEND TRAINING SCHOOL AT JUNALUSKA : Mrs. E. W G Qriffln. Mr,s. II. T. Fulton. Mrs. Wray Williams. Mrs. E. L. Campbell and Miss Winn if ml Fulton left Sunday afternoon fot Lake Jutlaluska where nicy are ;r. tending the Training School for Religious Workers. . Our 62ti Now Off ( FOR SAVERS The installment shares and also the Optional st quire about. FOR THE HOME BUI Our Association will le praised value of your ] ^ _ $1,000.00 you pay as fol Dues Interest ;INVESTORS? We pay 4 per cent divi* Home B Loan At Dr. J. E. Anthony . J. B. Thomasson A. H. Patterson AND PERSONAL HAPPEN iREST to 1 AND 88 MRS. A- H. PATtt * + + > + ? *** : : *+* ! *+* HONORS HOUSE GUESTS WITH BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Harold lluittiicutt most do liftbtfully onion allied ut throe taliU"- i v ni' llr!i>je KrKI'.>y evening, nonhritt? l -. r ItoiliU' kuo.kb. MIkk Margaret) l.aiac* of Plui'iopa nm! NIwh Eva J i > I !<>nk. \Oio left Saturday ou a \Ves' t> r? I. UvwU of lovely flow era wtre. un? l. i- lii nt?:< /t'aib'n. i \ d' lioloiia n.iI id and aweet ciiurae ' - s* r. * ii) mi* ii?r Ji?? iii'ii'.i i?* ; i; ur .iiul Ale-dames <*, K. Nehilcr ami 1 .. \V. Iiiiiii'i. i Gift* wen* pri SHiIcq '? MImih 1 'f?rtux and Plonk :in?l the high ((irf Jfprire- Mas won bv M*'?. Garland Still t I*,..n. second high by Miss Oi'illf Kls-' ('r- . i-j Tito guests hjfltfded some of the ! former friends of Mian Harn< h who i s wore: .Mi .s?i m Helen Kldcnbour. lid i oil Hay, Oezlle Kla Percy Hilling. John MeGIll, Jim f i Herndott and Garland Still of Winston-Salem. . , : ; . I ENTERTAIN AT BUFFET SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. Coinan Falls rteliitlit fully entertained at a buffet' supper s i*oxi lust Friday ovening. T.ovoly cut I | flowers were ' arranged throughout]' v-jthe apartment. -1 t Miss Mildred Moss, who left thej r day, leeeived an attractive gift. Oth-j ?}-er guest.i ineludV'd Misses Sara Kate . Ortnand and visitor. Nancy DaShield f ' of Smithfield Va.. Sara Allison, Mar caret Smith, Mis. J. S. Hood. Mr. J. K ; (\ Williams. Dr. \V. Ij. Ramseur and Frank Hoyle of Shelby* .' ii DANCE GIVEN BY t . MISS NANCY SUBER A ' >nnn> An(A?-nk1? -f/wt- * * I t ? uiuoi t-it^;uuic a 11 air lur int younger set was the dance given by f , Miss Nancy Suber on Friday night, j. Around twenty five guests attended. Delicious cake and punch \?c.e served throughout the evening. ' ^ r? ?' 1? t ATTEND HOUSE PARTY IN BESSEMER CITY Mrs. Sarah Black. Misses Ann, j l^auru, I.ula Phlfer. Mrs. Uen D. s Phlfer. and Miss Vera Phlfer enjoyed very pleasantly an open house party at the beautiful home of Mrs. Annie j Sexton.- Bessemer City, last Friday at i ; leruoon from 5 to 7. Mrs. Sexton's, daughter. Ixtis, wKol was set ioiislv injured in an autom'o- j j I bUe v.reck near Atlanta. Georgia. L ' - vrr. 1 weeks ago, is home much hn proved. Miss Sexton was a sopho-' tuore at Agnes Scott t'olh ge at the i ! 'into of the accident. ~~zil! . - ... I ; 1 Open iring f n at 25c per week per share, h lares which you should in.. T 0 LDERS?:? e nd you two-thirds W ap j property. On a loan of Hows: $2.50 a week \ $1.16 a week " ' ' ' "* * < , 3 \ [lends on Full-Paid Stock. J uilding & , >sociation , i President ?! Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer > (1 ; I * \ . t ' " ' . * vi.'; THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERAT INGS WOMEN ERSQN, Editor ANDERSON-PUTNAM MARRIAGE. ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mis'. \V:viy Kill Putna unaoiince tli'u iiiJi iuK'1 of Ku'ir da l-'j'-'T. .Uulilc Ki'>:ao?r'.h, (i> liar lio'j'ie An >1 son. of HW-kory and (i iOU.<|.. ; . . * . * Y< < mariliKo wti.i 8<>l Rlchoidson spent Su lay with his sister, of Earl Statlol ?o? "Miss May. Plonk Is visiting rel Ives in Burlington and Hemp. "N. ( Mrs. J. E. Ltpford is visiting r< lives In Charlotte this week. ? Mr. an I Mrs. Hester Hoke ha\ earned from a trip to Manteo an ther pla-ees of interest. ?o? Miss Muvgaret Wolfe of Chariot! res a visitor In Kings Mountain o r the week-end. Mrs. J. A. Harmon returned to h? ic>:ne in Shelby after spending se ral days with Miss Ella Harmon. Miss Elizabeth Plonk and R. ( Monk, Jr., are visiting relatives I lampion, Va.. ?o? | Miss See wan ee Hillhous of Ande on, S. C., is house tcmest of her si er, Mrs. B. M. Hayes. ?o? Rrv ntwll v*?-e. r* t\? mit?. i>. *> . rv/x ivii i>ic ay for I.ak from Columbia, S. ar pep-ding the week at Myrtle Bea'l ?o ? Miss Nonnoi Crcok is a icurst c . Wityhroji r?j< lt'mav Ii ir homes jn Oranrel/urg. -S. C. , ? o? Miss Mary Mitttfie 11 of limpet: .Hie, S. C.. was a ' visitor in Kin;: I'lantain last we?k. --o? M a. W. Drove of flrerv. ft. t" s vi itiiijf her ilaur.hter. Mrs. It ! 'eeler. ?o?' Mr. Kclwin and Fa!son Ttarnrs ? " t-efht. guests of Mr. Jaiiies K. At tiony, Jr. iVr. Charlie Rhode* ,.r Chariot! pent Sunday visitinc relatives i Lings Mountain. ?n? Mis* Katie Oarrett of Woldon, > is a Riteat of MAnnie Oilli.i r-.l ether friends and relatives i Lings Mountain. ? o? Mrs. Ed names. Miss Mnrg-.m lames, Edwin and Faison name' f Plnetcps. N. C? were ret; t nests of Mrs. E. Nelsler. _o? Oeorge Eattftnore. Jr.. ts spndia ante time- at Camp Elliott, near O! :crt. He was aroompanird to fit aanp by his parent:*, last Sunday. ?o? 'Miss Myra Barber and M*.son B; ipr of Decalitre. ya., are the Iu.'if :u? =?*? this week Of MIrs Perot!) loke. -?O?* Mrs. W. J. Fnlkerson is honi tgain after having studied for si reeks at 'W. C. N. N. College i Ireensboro. ?o? Mrs. W. J.\ Fulkersoti has as hi iOuho gueata her young sisti r >11ss< s Dorothy and Nancy Ruby < fickory, N. O. ?O? Mrs. W. J. MeOIJI. who has bee ittendih* Rimwiier school at \V. C. J. GreenehorOf returnedi hom aBt Saturday. Misses Ma.rq Jane and Virgin! xvgan have retumed home frot ?oone where the.y have been atteni ag summer school. Mr. C. A. Hu/fstetler Is critical! II at his home on Nortr Pledmoti tvenue. Mr. Huffstetler has bee n invalid for several years. e ' ' Mr. an* Mrs. I. D. Qoforth wer D, THURSDAY. JULY 21, 193S k* guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs J J Robert T ho roe at their suinmo < > home at Balaman, near Wayneavllle J J ?o? i '' Miss Avlcne Hambrigh't of Char .1 lotte spent Sutidny in the' home 01 J J her sister, Mrs. K. It. Roberts, am < Mr. Roberts. < Mr. and Mis. M. C. Falls had at ! \ tr.-ir gifs's Monday night. Mr. Lav J | U:!.N e Falls and son, Robbie, of Dur < hxuti. ,t ?o? Mtss Kathleen thiffney of Haiti , more tinieral Hospital, Bo Ignore j M t. ! visiting- friends and relative* m !n Kings Mountain.' ?"! -o- ; . >>' The Young I Voples Department of at; the Fit r ftaptist ihureh went on an oi: ill- to-' It'-i-cmir City shimming at ii Wedtl' rtlay night. j V.' o ' h- M and Mtr.. H :wy. I'.tjce mil Mr 8 ne f MiS.lOe T>. ttl-nil St- lit. lb* sh i i,' uid >no"?;ir.{i tluough the Tllil^W' Blrt III P M Ok Hi K r M i Wi! J! Fay Mmtitfv, It ?' ;. \v-! t> or; l*j'Sit ii-- \ker l. r* Tuesdify for a j ,t?I oin rrlp t?> the Shenandfjh \'al ! Virginia U* in h and Mtintccr. Mrs M. II. H'.Si-r and daufcit'er. Mi- N". .F. Wateraon. Mr. and Mrs, Lester Hoke, Dot lloke and company '|i\pcei to go to Virginia Beach this I Week. (J.j w _ .T?"7 .hin. fi?ui mi-tyjer n?s as Her house guestb, Mrs. Northcwt and dunohter. Q Mildred Ann, from Ac-worth. Ga. The ! XenhcuUs' expect to be with Mrs N? islcr for several weeks. i 1 Paul 'Noisier. Jr.. will entertain W'dno-sluy at a dance at his lovely . lionic for his house guests. Hilly.' i.o ils. and Hetty Noisier bf Renvois Georgia. . e . ?o' Mrs. B. IT Mathls. Miss . Pearl Ki;r. Mi\ and Mrs. (*. D. AVarc and children "vislti rl Mr. B. II. Mntliis ,at| tho Veterans Hospital in Columbia eiSunday. ? 8r? Misses Veltma Putnam and Vc-ola Blantou and Mcrrs Oren White and 'r John R .ndall Sf W Sunday in the v" mountains of western North Caroli-j na. ? o? . Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mauney spent a few days at Rcouo last week visitin? Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Barnes who have been teaching in summer school there. ? o? Mrs. Ted Gamble and Mrs. Claude Hambrieht are chaperoning soimo n y (Cont'd on back page) V (1 If / SUNl n -j:-"jj? --^ - - ; Final C Belk's Lac .j Now, Folks, we, have or.! July an d.fanuary, and > mean regular mcrohartdi for next season's good*. FINAL CI Silk and SI OKOVF ONK (.KOI F TWO VALL KS TO S3.00 CROUP THREE VALUES TO $4.00 CROUP FOUR VALUES TO $5.00 . GROUP FIVE VALUES lO $5.95 GROUP SIX VALUES TO $7.00 LADIES PAJAMAS" Figured Silk Pongee $2.00 Values Final Clearance $1.00 ONE LOT 77c Full Fashioned Silk Hose 59c pr. fig $>/ UMt. SHE'LL Jjgr..npHE milk that JL bottle is winn * day. It gives you vantages . . . the purity and qunli guards on the fit plant . . . and a I word in protect! . .kWl Order it for your ^I benefits every tt1e that fa the last fj ion and convenience. *8 family and enjoy its JJ J I | S~* . "7 wnrMM of corapltle pro- . : ind fMlttr ... on Ua ( >! ??, in llw bottle. jW_ ' ' md Cap are approved fcy |J Mint ?t MoiU.t Milk 'I I M4M, IM. I'AmrlMUi el tniljn lap | kIRY J >- - - * jj ii iniV aii