p^7 . wk?' 7'' \/.'.'"y" ^V: . - ; BHK; , . 7 ? * ,? : "( '- ti .\" ' * !. S. * \ ;* tr : r SPORTIN' with 7 MARTIN; h tc M ?h hi: -at ;? jj Uyd Kalk'i- ! mhi stu K , sf Mouutain high Boiioot uu:<-)i In-1 hVutuiliiK a small, but hunt iitim-h ti{ Imivh, and aa i . i (|t| i i-> .??K", it< tluuwo o-ii a!3 nSTuIJ J'."." V.,,1, ' tin n. K..-~ M'?uiimui t< a?u- lin-va ' t??'i'Uv o,\ it itly . M a'k. ml 'willy- ill (ooiball. i , in olln r ?ja i1 . a vv? li. Thv hi.i ul tuui ma ?< <av-,i ?? ' s. . - ~ . * ( | yi-t. 1i?. one ?,jiiie. someone away , tor u_ thirty eirslu yard run. M.iklok ; it tirs: ai:. k)..l on the ti)i<>- yard . ihn-/ Three play* later. It was toutih down, t'ii .o go. Most King.* Mountain- funs sry that Mobs was a good ?oaxh. This I know: He is a gentleman; he knows his business. The failure cf high: school athletics in this city seems to| toe due primarily tp the lack of . materiel. Not since Fulkerson's lastj team in 11C4 (Won 3. lost'f. tied 3)> ha? more than one 170-pou'nder re-: ported for practice. There-seem to be no more Thoniburgs, MeSwains, ; * [ Shoits, Whites, etc.. at least, not] within reach. j In September, Crowell Little, all-j elate,- all-southern, co-captain with all-Anferica Andy -Bershak of ah exceptionallygood University of North; Carolina it"o;V.ball team, comes to Kings Mountain as Moss successor, i His record' shows his ability. j However, Little will do no better; than Mass,'unless some capable too; J ball mate-rial is given him when pracj tice begins around1 the middle ot September. No man can win ball games without material; It is an imponVibllity. The people of Kings Mountain have provided for a high school band and their confidence has not. been * . misplaced. Why not work a bit for <! high acbool athletics. According to Ifie plans o( other schools, theie 1 would be a high school athletics as t sociation made up largely of ctti- ! sens, each interested and willing to r devote a little time to building high school athletics. Why not give a i good coach a real opportunity? Put ' Kings Mountain- athletics on a par with Kings--Mountain mustct The project is not too far-fetched. t The official batting average's of the ] Piedcnont league, printed by the Howe News* Bureau and carried by the Charlotte Observer, last Sunday 1 listed .321 beside the names of Jake Early, representing a 230 point gain ' since early in the season. . From eichth position in the batting order,he has climbed to fourth, and his * huns batted is column in clituingj steadily. The former high school star is de-fin it c making gocd. and1. aecOrti* |* Ing to ihe Observer, sports editor.; i. r\v is a cilicil to go; go up.' Washington, parents club to the t harhittc Hot-nets, scents to tie his next stcpttlnu place, antl Kings Mountain fans expect hhn to step ' in as ;e> !ir.- stiIng -.atelier next.-' season foe another North Carolina' star. -Rfcl: I'errell. Jake Is a hustler, and many flUrl-,, bute the success of the current Horn; -,s to h '.s hunt ling spirit. ,and anil capability in handling pitchers.; According to Hucky Harris. Washing ton manager. "He should be playing A A ball right now." MASONIC MEETING First Monday Night In Each Month i jearfTGi - STAR ONSKis/ " 'Ik (*<?f makes him a lUr performer m tku. Smooth rolnf "? T?"' ehln mokes ssper-keen War 8h|l*-?4rt Blodes ttmr KraVs?7i* Q"lit* '**** 1 1 * f 1 ' ' SPO BY MARTIN H Grover Fa Local Tennis 1 Opens Next Fr: > St owe Is Tourney Headin u' t j-I i' , Tie- foiiiOiiMimnHiWWWP^T^W" ourii -inntip v. lit ?s*'* uii'U i way Krt-fI:,), Jut) TJ. according t>> ihc an h uik I'tiii-iii ma lc> by Skimp 8lo*?>. mil Mini, m supervisor. Award* tin vi- hot lii'fii do'/1 lit I ply Prided iipim. but ti is expected that , intl merchants will proviso a - Iro 'f ihy fur the winner and consolation, ii'lzed fur tbe semi-finalists. The possibility, of a two-division { ournament. junior and senior. d?>lends solely on the number of en rants eligible for the younger divlson. All entrants must register at he Herald Office or with Howard A'hittington bv Wednesday noon. 1 uly 27. _ In announcing the (ournament. 5towe also made public the following 'ules and regulations: 1. One new ball must be furnished by each person for each Indlvtdu- il matdi. this to be the. only enranee fee, with the winner receivnb both hails as a reward. The tournament will in no way , nterfere with soft ball schedules in i )i (Icr that softball players may parieipate. ?' ,, : d. I'lay will proceed* in regular ournament fashion, with seeded .Livers, two brackets. and match ! liiniuatlous. (hast year's challenge netliod proved slow and unsatlsfacory.) As there are no-w three available ourts. the two school courts and >ne at the water workB. tournament leads feel that the tournament ihouldl be completed In three or four lays. Tt is expected that final plans will ?e announced by Thursday, July 28, ind all details, as well as tournanent pairings will, be carried in the text week's Issue. . ' ' Changes Are Few \t Meeting Of League Managt rs NO UMPIRE BAITING*' ! SAYS LEAGUE HEADS j Edcns Gets Open Berth. 'in :i teitgtny two-noun session last j t'iiur.-a;iy night, the team managers! .n'the City Softball I.engue granted! Shorty E^ns' Itamblers the Post-Bitico berth, laid penalties for "um-| lire baiting,'* and delected a commit: lot; ef three to handle protests, !Kfinite action included: 1. A 14-day "free period,' lasting: until August 1. during which lime! itiry player may be signed! and play-1 t-d on the >.line day. 1-A 3% a week playing Bchetl lib on Monday, Wednesday, and Fri i day. j.?Any player ejected' from two league gaiiit-3 for complaining or bickering with the umpire la Immediately ineligible for the remainder of the season-. Only the eanager may confer with the umpire. 4.!?No plover signed with any other sofrbull e-lub. here or otherwise,! is eligible for league play unless he! shows a rlease slip front his former elttb dated 7 days previous. 5.?The official league ball Is an! ofliciil Softball with outseants, to be! handled from Bridges & Hantrlck. I 6.?A committee! c-f three. Including' the league President, S. A. CriBp,| [ nfb -I II tflnvill will hnMflla oil nwt- ; ii?ts, which must bo :uineci in to' olilcial umpire ?1 tiring the protested game. 7.?A benefit game for SmyreWH-: lia its between Graver and a teem of all Stars, managed by \V. J. Fulker yon. aaaisted by .Charlie Moss, will be played Thursday, July 21. 8.?M necessary, a playoff for the league cro'.vn will take place between. Gtover and the second half winner hi the Icanl ball park, with idmlssto.i 10 and 15 cents. .Much time was given to the umpiring problem, resulting In the ejection .rule, whereby umpires are not to be at all lenient with hot-temper:d ball players. Two ejections mean vno inare soft ball for that, individual player c'tirlng the remainder of the; uacon. C'cavmenting on the meeting, leaSuc-Presldent, Hay wood E. Lynch u'J: "I believe we're going to clfcck llong all right during thla second taJf, wMh less trouble all along. Naturally, everyone will have a bet :ct knowledge of the rules?includng the officials.' 'HE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD 1 RTS [ARMfON. ices All-St - , . 4 ourney iday STANDINGS I??~_ W . L Pet. Ra*nbW,i* I 0 1.000 . ..' r I 1' ..!? '' Pontine . 1 -L. .:? Poiiikht I. 1 .500 Miiiiiiy H 1" ,1 JpM 3 fcio i .ooli 1)1 : Mill ?? 1! .000 Results ' . i Monday Stag* 1; Pauline 14 Margrace 6; Grover 4 Rambler* 9; Old Mill 3 Ronnie 12; Mauncy i6 (called In fift h?darkness) . Wednesday Marguce 5; Pauline 4 . Ronnie 9; Old: Milt 3 Grover 7; Mauncy 0 Stags-Ramblers (postponed on account of rabi.) Next Week's Games . FRIDAY, JULY 22 Margrace at Old Mill -A OA mauney ai ovugs Pauline at Ramblers Bonnie at Grover MONDAY, JULY 25 . Old Mill at Stags Bonnie at Pauline Mauney at Margrace Grover at Ramblers WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 Ramblers at Bonnie Mauney at Pauline Old Mill at Grover Margrace at 8tags Margrace Licks Grover And Pauline To Lead Loop Ramblers Win First. First licking Grover on Monday, v-4, Margrace took a ten inning thriller from Pauline yesterday after noon, 5-4, to take over the league lead for the first week's play, though tied with Shorty Edens' Ramblers by percentage, who .won their first game from the' Old Mill Monday, 9-5. /Ther? was no freak in the Margrace win yesterday. After Pauline had tied the score at'four all, Charlie Moss' boys came back in the first of the tenth to gainer lour hits and take the ball game. Jess Jenkins led olT with n single. Ktters flied out to second, but Charlie Moss and Red L?ayloti' slammed .clean singles to cent or to load the sacks/ and Humphrey lined one through tire box to score Jenkins for Pauline. Yates, Jim Cole, and Kinma llord went down in or-.jr' to end the game. HuiWphi ey's game winning hit was his third for the day. as he shar cd hitting honors with Ray Kirby. who collected a heme run, double and single out of four trips to the plate. But Gates, ox-Stag, fielded faultlessly for Pauline, but failed to hit four times, ohce with two men on. The Pauline had previously swoan ped the Stags on Moiiday, 14-1, while both the Bonnie and Mauney spilt In tfwo games. Urover came back to take Mauney 7-0, and the OH* MH1 continued their last half losing streak by dropping two games. The scheduled .Stag-Rambler game was postponed on account of wet grounds and 'will be played Tuesday. Farm Questions Answered Q.?'How can 1 prevent h.oms from growing on my dairy, csIvcb? A.?The development of horns can be prevented by applying caustic soda or potash to the horn buttons when the calf is flrom four to eight eight days old. Clip the hair from over and around) the button, wash aad thoroughly dry clipped surface and then apply the solution with a caustic stick. The stick ehould be moistened on one end and rubbed* carefully on each hom button two ot three tiiaieei alternating between the buttons until there is a raw place about the sise of a nickel. Do not rub until the spot bleeds. Care should' be token not to use too much moisture for If It gets in the eye K will cause blindness. Keep animals under shelter K there is a chance for rain. r .. , I JOB PRINTING ' ?PHONE 167? | UtURSDAY, JULY 21. 1838 * *' ' r. V* ' f ars Today Game To Benefit Injured Clerk All Teams Represented flrowr, .winner of the Mrst half In - ? - - " - - takta -m ll'-fl Kulkei >in? All-Star.' in a liincfit name fo? . Sr.i - iv \\'il at tin local hall park. I'lt'ior the plan followed. ach first half ttiaiiajtof tunnel hi two of hit' bi'ttir players to ho aHcc'fd on the ^ II ...I.tl _ - iifi-nini vtuu, n tint- i?i .uhi r ruikvi -j son and his assistant. Charlie Moss.j ! chose any other player. th?'y wished, i Receipts from the game will br' turned-over to Smyre Williams, plerk |n Hoik's Department Store, who broke hU leg while playing softbnll six weeks ago. It is thought tteot Manager Crisp of Grover will use his regular, pen nant winning line-up In trying to stop the galaxy of stars assembled from the ''secen teams, starting oh the mound one-hit' John tlold. Fulkerson has not decided deftnitely on His pitching ehcfce. but its is picbab'e that h,e will start SUiihp Stowe, Stag Manager. Pre-gaiue . statements favor tHc all-utarB.'- local fins eonfvdf nt thatthe "cream of tlio crop' van halt the pace of thf fast (5rover outfit. 'I be lif .e we'd give ambodft' a tussel with a line-up like -this.' Fulkeroon said last night, "even the profession a) sot': bailers.' The probable linc-up aTe: All-Stars Po. Grover Comwell, Stags lb Keeter L. Moriison, lion. 2b A. Crisp J. Cole, Paulino 3b Hoffman Humphries, ^iargrace ss Bialock Hunter, Mauue If Hbpe Layton, Margraco cf G. Royster Fails, Stags rf J. Royster | riayaes, Mauncy 8f Cancer Carl Moss, Margraoe o Shufoixl Stowe, Stags p Gold . All-star reserves. T. Reynolds and Claude Morrison, Bonnie; Oales, Stags; Sims and Campbell, OIJI Mill; Jones Fortune, P. O (Ramblers); Yates, Pauline; Kirby, Margraoe. Ninety three children under age j cf 16 were listed. In May, 1938, as be-, | ing Incarcerated in 34 county Jails, in North Carolina. Nine Cumberland County poultry-, men have protected 2.000 pullets | from chicken pox by giving them the j vaccination. I I - . ' r "We pledge o f ii visions or tni that Beer is t Wide-spread of Practice by THE PUBLIC'S response t a Code of Practice by the Brewers Foundation w? favorable. Newspapers, social serv thousands of individuals i satisfaction with the brewei to conduct their business in desires and conscience of the. Tu- ? ?i?? - I 1 IIC vuuo piougcs xnc DTC "support the duly constitut< 1 the elimination of anti-so wherever they may aurroi beer to the consumer." UNITED BR 21 E v Correspondent groups and it where who are brewing indusi responsibilities Look for this symbo, ; *V-V.- v; ' Farm Questions > Answered Q.?Is U wise to operate on o chice n with an impacted crop? ' '. ' ~ ' ' A.- No. Most fann birds are low priced Individuals wlt.r egg production aa their main function for returning a profit. Any operation, no matted how careful, would stop this j prot'Mctlon for several months and the bird would bo an' toonotnic loesj for that period. Then, too. tre incisions made usually heal slowly atnlj in many cases the birds die before, regaining health and production power. For a heavy, pendulous erop. It' Is best to destroy the bird so affected. ciunrc | tta/A AV/blJ ... - | , | Should always be kepi in appearance and health's this service and we have first class job. Call us vice. FOSTER'S SI Phoni * Golden ( MI The Quality Milk that is I . bot hgrown-ups as well j can't imagine how refrei Golden Guernsey Milk rc tried jt, so why not call .? start delivery immediate 1 ' '' ' ' ' . Margrai Here To Serve GOLDEN G Mil 1 11 1 i' 1 1 urselves faithfully to obsci ls Code of Practice he Nations Bulwark of ^ Praise follows adop members of Breweri o the adoption of How far we cai members of the pends very much c ?s prompt and also on you. Public opinion o ice DTAiirVfi anH 0 ? , ...V. IV k/tlllg UlAJUl nunc expressed great laws. Restriction o s' determination legal, respectable r accord with the operate to rais* re American public. Public preferenc* werm publitly to dation members, i< sd authorities in reproduced below, icial conditions approval both to me und the sale of retailers, and will newed effoHs. EWERS INDUSTRIAL FOI '.ast 40th Street, New York, N. e is invited from tdivi duals every- ^jl - interested in the ? try and its social ^ I I % \ in members' own advertising. * DIXON NEWS <By Charles EJ. Stewart) The Dixon ball team lost to Crow tiers Mountain last Saturday by the score of 15-to 13 Mrs. Conrad' Hughes whg has been sick for the past week is much better at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Jackson of near Kings Mountain spent several days last week in this community. Mr.- Howard Jackson of Kings Mountain spent several days lust week with 'Mr. and Mrs. Sph Jackson Mrs. CleOrge Stewart and children ctifitit Tmuitl it> filiihl u'lllt nil a t ircna r ji^iii i ir iii^iiv *? mi iv ?? ?? vw ar King* Mountain. first class condition fdr " ^i>ke. We are experts in ^ the equipment to do a for prompt delivery serIDE SERVICE s 154 Guernsey LK highly recommended for % as children. You just shing a cool glass of >allv is llntll vnn koirn M*ijr ?fc?9 Mit%n j vu >tuf V us now, we'll be glad to ly. ' / ce Dairy You The Best. UERNSEY JC . 4 rve tne pro convinced loderation." * ? < % , . * Vtion of Code 5 Foundation i go, and how soon, de>n ourselves... but party nee aroused, can operate st enforcement of existing f your patronage only to \ etail outlets can and will ?uu>>>^ utaiiuuiuo. s for the products of Founientified by the symbol will bear witness of your mbers and to cooperating encourage them to re' JNDATION Y. BP* I

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