ma\ .? - '% t KINGS MOUNTAIN MFG. v COMPANY NEWS Lois Beattle c There will be aa Ice cream supper on the lawn Saturday night. . Mtes Annie Love Weaver had as hor gueet Sunday Miss Kathleen tiowell from Crowders Mountain. Mrs. J. J. Patterson. Misses Gladys Patterson, Lois Beattie and Mr. James Patterson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kred Patterson of SUet by. Mrs. J. A. Walker had ns her K?I < A USUAL SIGN I : , > r > ' '< | JH Wk Mm/ f * wfffs 4 |v/#fV^9j9|| j ^ MMjl ^ - J' Mian Evelyn Weaver celebrated ber sixteenth birthday yesterday. Mr. and Mm. Sidney Miller and Mra. Ernest Smith of Goldevllle, 8 C. Mr. Raymond Hartsoe spent Sunday. July to, at Chimney RockMr. and Mrs. Grady Tate spent Sunday afternoon in Charlotte. Mr. Ed Hartsoe and children, Lorene and Raymond. spent Sunday with relatives In Iron Station. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. England spent. Sunday in Charlotte. Miss Mary Alice Bridges had as 1 her guest Sunday Miss Josle Loranee of Cherry vlUe. OAK GROVE NEWS (By Mrs. William Wright) Mrs. A. T. Randall and soil Bobby, were Saturdiy guests of the formers l Luther Leagues meet oue hour be-; fore IhsninK Service. Hoy Krauts. Troop 2. meet Monday Evening 7:30. Suiitni<-r school for Church Workers begins at Blue Itldge July 23rd. '' SAINT LCKBH: The Service and sermon : A M. Illiile school lU: OU Jail! Ow I JK'lf Mtf Superllilendelit. BOYCE MEMORIAL < CHURCH i " 1 ^nilhieSchool at lb; 00 oelock |j Mottling Worship at, The | pastor will np<-?k on "MauV Appc- j tlte For The Eternal." I Evening Worship ui x >" The, pas < tor will close the tjuminn Series on, . "Christ-Controlled Lives" *vith a < study or the .IJfe of. "A Robber untl ( A IXiubtor." Voung People meet at 7 o'clock. , Mid-Week Service Wednesday' evening at 8:00 o'clock. WESLEYAN ! METHODIST CHURCH ? A. F. Connor. Pastor ; Sabbath School 9:45 A. M. ' Preaching at 11:00 and 7:15 P. M. < W. Y. 1?. S 6:00 P M. I Prayer meeting each Wednesday < evening 7:16. t GRACE METHODIST R#v. W. A. Parsons, Pastor Sunday School 9:46 a. m. Preaching Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 P. M. Epworth League 6:30 p. m. | rraycr meeting weatiesaay 7:30 P m. A cordial Invitation to worahlf with O. Macedonia Baptist Church . J. V. Frederick. Paator Sunday Scbool 9:46 a. m. B. T. U. 6:46 p. m. Evening Worship 7:00 p. m. Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7P It 7:00 p. La. 8ECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Re*. C. C. Parker, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. each Sunda.'. Park-Grace M. E. Church C. P. Self, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Epworth League 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 p. M. Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 P. M Everyone Welcome The total Jail populatiiou of North Carolina in >84 units was 6.888 on May 31. 1938. :ool 1 don't worry about com- I lr grocery shopping, just H the very best, to be had I ;ht to your kitchen table. I i, so call us often. Iirnrpicv 1ARKET P e 58-R raj EM I .' ' ' - 1- * body Would Think h'apa W "N ^ I TO. TH6 ^mmm\ I*'"-;:- - * .. ' 3 ) ?<'. . | V.vTr " cr : r . I.P, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 193S guests Wednc-sday of Mr. and ] J I Robert Thome at their sum < i home at Balaman, near Waynesv ! ?o? Miss Aylene HumbriKht of C ,, fotte t pent Subday in the home, || Iter sister. Mis. K. It. Roberts, < Mr. Roberta. ' -ho- * 1 > Mr. and Mm. M. V. Ralls ha ! treir jnnsts Monday night. Mr. ' rt nee Rails and son. Bobbie. of ? i ham. Miss Kathleen (iuffney of mote tiemral Hospital. ihiltif M ' is visiting' friends and roll ' in Kings Mountain, au- ?o? t ry "i )) VouAg I'eopies I)i |Ktrtm< ?as (j,,. i'.uptisi ehtireh went ti 'outlay to ||i Mit-mer City s.viitn t 1 l ied. VVi-dii* t<|ov night. Ji NOTICE OF SALE Uhdif aud b> virtue of tije power a _.t. .. _. i- -- * y A M Hamrlck. < 'r-i it n tin proceeding entiled. "Town ot \init* Mountain vh I? I., Stewart at tt". I will sell for < a >h at ?he Courtlout" <1 >r in Shelby. Cleveland ?Ount> North Carolina, on Monday \iiku-' 1 DCs at ten o'clixk. A M i within l? nal hours, the following iescritnl' r*-a1 estate; Si'u.t' d in the Town of King-" Mountain. North Carolina, and he titin'.ir^ t' au iron stake In the South ?ide of ti'lrt Street wtierc it interteets 'li ~ York Road, and rt'tts with tald road S. 14\ K. 75 feet to a stake: thenee a new line N. 89 \v. 150 feel to u stake; thence N. 14*1 ! IV. 75 feet to a- stake in edge of Sold Street; whence with said street' 3. 80 K 150 feet to'the beginning, -ontafniitR 11.250 sq. ft., and being: ihe lot on which said Stewart retides. This ihe 29th day of Jutie. 1938. J. R. Davis, Commissioner. ?adv?julv 28. /?/?/ ? cure* hhn MALARIA In 7 days and relieves Liquid Tab- COLDS lets. Salve first day Nose Drops Headache, 30 minutes Try "Rub-My-Tism" ? World's Best Liniment I r . i- ; ;:. ;," * * > BT- "IB Ep; 49 -v".. ' ' J Here's real shaving comfo Why gamble on nnknowr world-famous Probalc Jr. B! X . smooth-shaving, double-e 25. No buRgage checked.' No atop Daylight or night trip botli dir tiood fishing, sparkling fltesaj Virginia Beach, Cftd Point (.'on Other attractions. Round trip tickets also on sa1 Re'ldsville', Marion. Salisbury, Salem. North Wilkcsboro and fare $3.00 front all stations. Don't miss this opportunity to shore Resorts. CONSULT 1 It. H Division F Cha _ ? MEN, YOU Cfl THIS UAL RAZOR Bl rt at a rock bottom low price. Jf i blades when you can get lades at 4 for only 10^? These ^ Ige blades are made by the eer, automatically ground, > special process. For quality /y* :age of Probak Jr. today. /yO^ HTfllHIRn 4 hHBB| UN W\ 11 CA IP' ? ' ; * , - t- - - this notice will be pleaded la bar of yr any recovery thereon, e- All persons indebted to said e?> y, tate are hereby notified to make tak? II mediate payment to me. U This 18th day of July, 1938. P Aaron Wilson. Administrator. ?r -adv?auft 25-H. tooted against his worst ssnsisa germs and infection It costs as more See your druggist today, POWbCR lilwaySystem I nounce* MORE EXCURSION A., JULY 23, 193S ii Kings Movbtalb'i N C, 1.00 an# : ?j?t 'the Cr'-so-at* train* 37 isai overs. ectlons. Two whole day-3 in Norfolk, teake Ba%. Sea outings. Oceait View ifort. Fortress Monroe and many : * r \ '' '' le at all' stations . Blacksburg to Taylorsvllle, Greensboro. Winstonintermediate stations. Round trip visit Norfolk atfd Virginia Seac **' V, -..V. I ICKET AGENTS GRA.HA.M, 'asseoger Agent, rlotle, N. C. MT BEAT 1 UE IN ] JIDBK/ Ilgl ' PFRGY L. CROSBY. *V**? *. * ** rkm Hffl?# k*4;i|?i kRRIED! ~ tf(7\ S* , n.-aii **