Th* Kings Mountain Hesald Established 168S Published Every Thursday HERALD PUBLISHING HOU8ET Haywood E. Lynch Kfa Editor-Manager a ; Baiered as second class matter at the Postcflfice at Kings Mountain, u, N. C., under the Act of March 3, jjt is:?. SL'USLHIPTICIM RATES Oca Year $1.60 ,Ul Blr Mentha 76 ! iui t . . . - - ' . I A weekly newspaper devoted to 1 ^ t?* promotion of the geceral_ wel- ' ()) tatr and published for the enligbt- , cent, enti rtalDuient and benefit of ' t in the cittzeriS jf Kings Mountain #nd , aI Its Ticlnlly. , -- ... .. tte ra, u msp?.s r- c~ Not no* mil tin ii, but ? .? fy Itlrnml day, i l??n f von don't Ik,li? v" Tht- half of what V t You mv There's 110 room here for hint WI>o wliim* uk i>ii hi* Way ho gm-s; K< member. M>n. I ho world .? Saa enough with out Your woi's. > , V u Talk happiness each chance You get, and talk It good And strong; Ix>ok for it in " * v Ust The byways us you grimly Plod) along; Perhaps it Is a stranger row Whose visit never Tomes. Ppt talk! Soon you'll find . - Thai - you and Happiness Are chums! so ?Anonymous. w< - ' ^ , tii HERE'S HOPING 4" Th'.- tax rate for Kings Mountain!,^ has not been set yet. We have liotic- (( td hy the papers that most of ,he!nt lax rates for other neaVby towns have been reduced for the coming year. A few have been kept tat the. etuno rate while others have been ifdurjed. " We sincerely hope that the rate ^ for the Best Town in The State can ,u< at least he kepi at the seme figure, ''l especially at a time when other ^ owns are reducing theirs. ' co _____ es Church News trl LUTHERAN CHURCH' LA L. Boyd Hamm, Pastor Bible school 10:00. W. K. Mauney, Oeoeral Superintendent. .Services for the seventh Sunday after Trlulty: Morning 11:00, sermon: With ' J?3us' Blessing. . Evening 8:00, Union Servjce at 1 the Methodist Church. __ Ltufher-leaivnea meet 6:30. Southern District of the Brother- 0,f hood meets in Holy Communion Lu- 0 herun Church, Dallas, at 4:Kollowing the program n social hour11 and picnic will be enjoyed. All mem bers and friends 'with their families)tut are Invited. Tike a basket of eats. Boy Scot::s. Tlot.p'J, meet Mon-Jity , Evening 7:30.' ' .. j ' ! SAINT Id'ICES: ' BPde . luml 10:in), James l.ackev. ? Superintendent. * ~~ ! 1 l>... -I < eil i jrmswyivriy.n ^nurcn ?m Rev. 1* 1). Patrick, Pastor 'M-k0:15 A M Smutty School. C*. F. I"11 TliC'iitas^oii, !,' ?< 11:00 A. M. M truing Worship. Sor. <!' ?: moil s.iiitjecl: t'ol. 1:17 ?'"Hy Hint All mil Trkigs ro?i*ist." 1h S:o't I' M. 1'iiiic with o; clnil*- t'-'i chf.a in tin f!,?t I nioa Service vi j the KU'.iiiiit r at ilie ,\l>'liodlst church.; k"i Moat'iic thioiuh Friday: N::1n A. Ra M. Vacation Pihlc Sehc >1". Tito..' n will cc ...tltliur through I Argent Vlh. lut Mcv.'duy 7:?.it P. M. Boy Scouts Hit Troop One., t-arl Davi.i-.ton.' Scor. n i -s I I ter. Harry Puce and Jack Orntand.' cs?< Asst. Scoutmasters. !:'ih BOYCE MEMORIAL 1 CHURCH iZ , \V. M. Hoyce. Pamnr . Hi Lie School* at 10:00 o'clock. let* Mt nine V?; -hip at 11;hit. The ^ pii?toi- will ?p ?ik on: "The Dangers of Prayhr." Ill"livening Service at 8:tin o'clock. " iinitrng with the <::lict clinrches In the Milliliter I hi ion Services. Rev. V"1' ...... - ... 1 IMI* ?-. i>. i*:m-i<K will preach at Central1 Methodist. I Y. I'. (V C. meets nt 7 o'clock. The Ml; Week Service will he (lis ** oosuttmied for the ilionth of AuguAt.j |' CENTRAL METHODIST ! CHURCH ion K*v. K W. Pox; Pastor ! > 9:45 Sunday School, H. s. IVeler 1 pi: Superintendent. t-.:i 11:00 Set men by the pnslor. Sub I Jeot: *'\Vho Can Sto (Joel?' as 8:00 This is the first of our no Ian I services for the simmer. We .:ve .? i Kind to welcome the pastors art cos she grcrcrntlons of the other diuretic) we, nndl glad to have as tie preacher fo. T this service Rev. P. I?. Patrick, pis- Itlll 4or of the Presbyterian Church. to The young people of the other S cByorclies ai? to join our yoiytip velc people in leading the singing ftr 7M this service. l--;e < ' , V t ' . ; - '.u : TH Washington snapshots V * I / * ( (Com d from front prige) at statement tells where the ornuation got its money and how speut it. * ?*? Hut to return to I1KADL1NKS.' e headlines did not tell all of the . yard Hughes flight. It ?at nec-j Mfy to read between the lints loj t the whole story. And this was j i; lasting part: It will make the ne ot Uught8 live like that of Co \< 111).is. It*-. not that Hughes circled the | Ijlij in so muity (luys and that It! h t'ohimbus <) days to cross the lunik- which ts Important. People1 reel snc'll th tails. ,l}ut the thing [. Ii will Ike "in history Is thai the . _i Hi1 lt.?lit-uliinl UV .. ?i I?l? *1 j,i< ?? jinn > muni l>i ' " "> V ** V aye Cohuiitui and on is ?i 111 tltis' spirit still llwd In a period prVsp.-i I-t'y: Hughes hit* shown! it, it survived a d> prc-ssiou. ? ? : ' 1 1 iiiut ulvu? litii iiitt: an opihhiisiic j life lias )uM ccrue ft'OHl a ^OVllla*. nt-ai -it saows'lliac nan! thinkuig .tol only for lotia., On. > i 10.nOllliUW In a loiiual report. .National lie-sources Committee kca a sharp thrust at t}io?c wad iw the' future with 'tlcteatihi'' tits ili report refuses to concede tha; e luture ot Aiueiicau youth is the liet toll. In part the report says; One soi l ot"'appioach to these si; licwJ, the defeatist appioach, proetis on the assumption that there no )o..ger enough work to be donekeep everyone ftilly occupied." Then .it enumerate!# the various litis ot relief and adds: "However, ? >* there is good re a11 to believe that the Notion can11 absorb all -the economic goods at 'may be sppiit j thtuugn ehic.t organization and pi aducripn an.! sviibuiibn, and' the tutt puiiicipti:i oi the wllofe population in el" ,-.;ivo enterprise or set vice ot vi. ins sorts." Kfhc'eni organisation and pioduc in ami distribution fs what Amenn industry has given the Nation, is the reason America has more th tubs, more auless, more radios, >re wasbl.rg- machines, more tlecc toasteis and tne like than any iiuauiiii. in 111081 oi muse linn-its a one-man government into control and regulate product i. It Ua'L working. It won't work, i one yet (although many have ed) has been able to veto the WS of NATURE. MM Jne of the laws of nature Is uabit. was inteiesting to notice how iny newspaper linotype operators iunil the country used to setting isbington stories with figures run ig into hundreds of millions anuu llous of DOLUVltd, had trouble It the last ctop report. When tne.v uound to millions and billions bushels o? wheat. tytJ corn, inan\ j the-itt ju.vt nuiomaticjliy atuck'S i in fi'dnt of the fjgure. Su they had ' s Agriculture Department forecast I , a $2,482,102,000 corn crop. SonK | n! ___ ; 1 Facts, Fun and Fancies j Jin and Julia C"!*b. I- (J N and FANCIER ' Kti i-.N I ANNOI XCICMKNT to the voting people t Junior choir-1 i of the uptown churches tuk' it in the Union Services: FLKASK 1 i. at the Mi :noit.?i cliuich Thurs i night tit 7;:!o to prepare special isie for the Sunday night service, e young jR-ople have complete.; go of. lite mush'. Vary K.. seems to benefit from! "hottst ;.:riy' at the lake. Kalpli y has fallen a victim to her charm Seems. . ietly ami Jackie have "hi-fu-j in' " hit .is iimviio way up to! -hinotitl for tile hoy friends, tail IS 'going to town now sure iL'ih! fie dated Brytc's littl nd from i !c ridu Sunday night, 'til>!ii Hoo<V antrat ted many oi vintu/i couples to the show las' rk. Among them'were James liarree ami Milt tha Sherf-r, Gogte' ivwell and llenry Groves, and t.'ol' n with her good (?l little boy. j Ve'were rather .sr.: p: ised to see.1 zcl and K. W. togeiIter Saturd ay I ht. M'ltel and Jackie enjoyed the com i iv of two Cusioniu htds?Uiiy Mil-1 and Jim Rollins. V'hen Muddy told Urady to bring J I route on up to dance, Urady . in right down /and got Oogle i ivies. (They made some of the| r-r crowd feel rather-awkward, we1 ir!) 'oily, who is tltt' I). VV. from Chare? low- to tieorgc: I'll give you the . ilcvr tii' paying the M. It. reward ice tt ?ns your id*)i to offer one) lelon II. What's th'-t I bear about r?rel pit'don? Hotter watch it! '*..-gy, wo are glad to say, bos *lt t :r.vcro:">i >fr? nt 'be burns i* d last w*-?k. iatdd; those 0 lovely gladiolia! 'c.n title. k'-t p your eyes open I y Noisier paio a iot of attention K|?y? at Kpple's dance, hclby has boon pl'.yintt some mnr >us games this st-anon! Tuesday's v'.i.ary c.ver Salisbury, s'ouhde.i 1 tut easy one. E KINGS MOUNT\AIN HERAliDTHUF The ROUND-UP ? w By "George". 11 . bl : ; r? (i What's happening on Main Drag: t'i Tlie guvs 'n' gals gathering, as usu-! ' ? . If, al. at the drug to sip "coc's' Only now It is all mixed up ........ j. Bud Hodmen and Du'ly Williams| ate usually the guys, and it's a differ J n? J^al every night...... The ' gang'! :s baek from their sojourn at the.p like ....... And most of them sport' a de-lovely lan?Along with clsirin-' ' ig rops of freckles'....! The cops p till whale on their whistles in iu: f fr?:nu?nt intervals .... Tho it's us- .. ually ' out-Of town folk now. ..., si I,at -o' 'leant up on uc??oU?tt of -the ! t?.?ni? tournament .... And Skimp it u.,, l How to t?n?e L^, I - ? W t / Vn I . - ..._-" WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE: ? W/ien /og <Hf?rrup(e<l Bverard t Logan's Journey homo and 1 forced Mm to take shelter in the c Royal Parke Hotel, he had no idea of the adventure that awaited him. Guests at a ball in the ] hotel are detained also, and ul- 1 though Logan .refuses the hos' Vitality of his suite to certain of them, one lovely lady forces her I way in. Her impudence and kit aiK.isa him, so he offers her the e couch in his sitting room. Soon she has persuaded- him to give t Uj> his bedroom, lie discovers her even more enchanting in the y morning, but she flees suddenly s in h'.a pajamas, leaving her dress a behind. He knows her as Lady a X, believes she is married. She I is actually I,eslic Steele, grandda-.:ghter of a magistrate, in p whose court Logan is scheduled a to appear that day in Ids capac- c ity as barrister. To her grand- v father she confides that she be- c lieves Logan in love with her. . b Chapter ThrN - ? b ii lout dm mown bar secret elation when she arrived home, * Logan was loudly lyrical when he b arrived at the office. Hie assistant Blade sensed something peculiar ti when Logan spoke of London fog as "An Impenetrable veil of nays- -y tefy. Life becomes an enthralling p adventure. At any moment you c might meet a miracle." * e Blade sniffed and turned a slight- d Leslie showed her secret elatioi ly jaded eye on the fold'of Leslie's | Uresa which pecked out of Logan's pi ' Case. "I see, you met the miracle.: ol Hut strictly speaking aren't you al-j ways in the habit of meeting mira-, c< clcs, and isn't it about time -t^at you stopped..." tt glade's mild reproach was cut shoi't by the trumpeting of a well- in bied English voice in tha outer of- s\ flee. "But he knows mc, my good pi mr.n. Member of the Club," shout- hi ed the intruder and stamped into the office. Logan turned p.n inquiring eye on the beefy, formidable M figure. ej "Lord Mere," he announced him- tr self. ' Ah yes," Logan spoke and mo- sc him to a chair. ty ( v-d Itfere settled himself and fr ?*; ? .u?r<f his locutions. "How are 1 cj r-.- old buy, foeling terribly well? lo fn {rotten. It'j about my VIS cc * a4 wtv?4 Is the troublo with m ? . *J VUl< *ro??Vk? r.hocd his lordship. Li tin- night with ju ..... ?-m w- i.1 (,-i^unag xor I xi: divus*"**"^ d< ( ' e i|m?> * concurred Logan, "t-jt rs* ?**' ?? the r?*"?ii?r c> prcc*-*"** p? e?:.oi* r?* ' i.i rl M*?? "f i^d aeulj ?*> i ?o gc iun. J./ rt t;)U cl o i > ine you c<Mi)d t'iSfo'Yc a marriage Is like "an aspirin tablet." ' <; "Well. l-ord More. I'm rather , ht busy, so perhaps you wiii givo mo < co thi essential facts In u few L< minutes." j Tho essential facts were thatiP* Lady Mere had left the house, lest so night and had not retained nutii this morning. She had spent the , night at the Royal Paries. Lejjr.a *" vineed. She was dressed in en Lmoress Kugenle nffair. L.ogan's tv cheeks lost their color. And her maid, eent with her clothe, hnd J1* sen her daeh from the room she 'JJ occupied followed shoitly by a man l" in shirt sleeves. Logan took hia p? courage in both his hsnds. He at would have to divert Mere from hie pkui. He would have to Jump ? to Lady Mere's defense^ ?< He sucesrded rather* well to a 011 eertaln point. "Think back to the sacred ceremony. There she stood an innocent girl..." 0 ISDAY, JUDY 28. 1938 .... Seemed like 131 "second sprit hen the rain stopped Tt on't likely make the paper tl eek, it'er so late .... Thus all t lud-slingin* Does Haywood '.ill have all those books ho had te eld office, 'Tied' If so. whr jes he keep 'em....? M. P. repoi hat Yankee's are really chanui slk .... Os if Uloriu didn't ulrca now that ...,! And "Hed"' Hart tquires upon hla return: what 1 Iris' been doing.,,.As if 1 know URCHASE SNAP BEANS To help market conditions wh rices decline, the Federal Surpl 'ommcditica Corporation his be utr jrl, 1 d to inuke ' put chases ii.ap be aits during the present p ti< Moo " ason. Thin nrgnnlzati as already boimln h.tHHJ bushels I I HI of lolls will get the beans'. EXANDER KORDA H rutins RLE OBERON I X.-^J2 ZV VI TAUrtNCI OCIVIER x^4 una uin nauMw Mm tarn I ti ft mmLAM lllllll IN MmK Atom 1 "Look here," Mere said. He was Ired of the tirade. "She was not in Innocent girl. Before ahe marled me ahe had been divorced from i race-horaer named Lauderdale." "Oh!" interjected Logan. "And before that from Baron de 3rireac. He makes brandy. And her Iret husband waa a wrestler named Wild Man Kavanogh'." "it seems impossible," retorted, -ogan. "She sepma so young." . "Who said rhe's young?" countiretl-his Lordship. "You did," Logan spoke, covering ais error. "As a matter of fact, she look? oung. Entrcnclngly so. But she's a erpent. A viper who curls herseli .bout the heart of a trusting man nd strikes. If I don't get rid of her '11 be ruined." "I'm beginning to see the oint," Logan finally said.' "Give de a day or two in which to delde whether I'll take your case. I'm ery busy now, so H you'll please... food day, good day!" Blade waa awaiting blm when he urst into the other room, mopping is brow. "Do vou know who waa just ere?" Logan gasped. Blade smiled sweetly. "Yes, Lord (ere. I've heard he's one of the est shots in the Grenadiers." "That dress In there, It belongs ? his wife." "So-o-o, the miracle Is Identified, 'ou've got yourself in a pretty Ickle. And you can stand up in ourt and blackguard co-resnond. nta for doing exactly what" you Id." . ? when she arrived home. "But Slailc," Logan's tone was tooii3. "That's the ill :ad'.ul pari I it. I didn't <lo anything." "And what would you say to t >-respondent who told you tlia'.?' "I swear. Nothing happened. Noting at nil." Siadc's amusement had swelled ito roaring mirth. "Go ahead year," he gasped. "But do you ox;ct mo to believe that nothing rppened?" Logan thrust his toward Irs. Johnson and stared into her res. "Do you expect me to believe int nothing happened." In the evening light, Mrs. Johnin may hr.vo secnicd rather prist'. Now she looked defense^** lghter.ed and commonplace. He? res roved to those of Judge Steel* oklng to him for aid. "Well ? that is ? nothing of insequcnco ~ If you get what . can," she ended lamely. "I get what you mean, all rtgha' sgan was swaggering before 'h# iry box. His voloe he* teVea -e ? ne tone o? Ironjr. * I've oo >ubt so does bus Lor-lehip,* "I'm afraid t won id prefer mnr rn'enetloo." the hidg# ventured "AtlU * r " ' v?1 n t1 n v?i| Airdi jonf* mf" l/"k--'.n as.icd sharply. JIci * itopr-ed to the gloves In hct n He resumed in. a full vo'ce. He icv/ what ho wan Toiax now. "Wo ivo ample pset.tunl'jr In this purt to lt..rn what women mean.'* sjran dIKiki! tin word "nter.n". "My lord, there is one simple exaltation cf this case. Mrs; Johnit la a woman." Mr?. Johnson smiled shyly. "I reed hardly remind your lord' ip that woman has a creed," l^on raced on. "It contains three tides cl faith in v/l-.ich every ?roojt believes. First, that she la tlll:e every other woman. Second, at she isn't a woman at ail. And ird, that she Is on unique end rfect specimen of the species, ove criticism, beyond reproach id outside of the law." Ho paused to allow the full elgnl :anee of his opening to sink In i the Jurors. (To he continued) orris*! ISM kr VMM AtUris OWSsrsUsn i-5 , ***.. ' HH Hi i" $ J o&z? ? "Co On, Give Him a Scrapor Sisters at More About Vera's Beauty Shoppe l a smart, almost ultra-modern beauty ! parlor. where the ladies of King? Mountain may obtain ''facials, per nuMtents. oil treatments" in comfort ami pleasure. The "lobby" is furnished by Paldar cf. New York am) Chid.igd. one of the World's most re pitiable furnishing houses. Vei'a's Rcauty Shoppe is centrally . Iccoted in the Pr<'<al Itulld'i J j where it Is ttasily tfettcssaWe to al! the o.dies of Kings Mountain. Mrs. Ilawtrn litlv makes trips to New York ('My 'where she learns tne | latest methods of beauty culture and keeps abreast of the times in her ' profession. "Whit do I have to soy about seven years in this business? About the only lh*inj{--it lias been a< pleasure to serve 'the people of Kings Mountain", ami 1 am only too glad thtat I can offer them a modern shop and can assure thein of Satisfying service." ' More About Summitt'g Nu-Way the business. About two and u half year* later fount! hii'n buck In the grocery bttsl it as on Wesit Mountain street. The name of the hew firm was "Cash and Carry" and' he had cissoclated with hfm Mr. Ilnrvey Williams, who is now one of .the leading grocery' men of O.tstonia. This store was the i>?t "self-strviee" grocery ever op e l ited tn King's Mountain. Alter a bout four years M.r. Stiiftniitt dispostl of tiiis business and opened a lar ^er store 011 Railroad Avenue near he I'o'-' Oillee.. which he operated : rtfl l!t:!l when he 'moved into the "!--filt loent'on.. Tin Summit i s Xt; Way do- iiples 1j I big double front sto'v tn die hoar! I K' Mountein's luisin ss see i lem ::l.d enjoys a.. " i le ir.tdo from I both citizens of Kings Mountain a'id in rounding terrliory. A most complete line of uiuiity groceries, meats md produce. is always displayed in i most ui.ractive maiinor. Kvi-ry i id ill ill lite larire store la nlu?vn , ?% * plainly marked, so that everyone n"'9y be assure! of paving the same price. Sir. Summitt hn^l his able assistI HAVE PAINS IN \/ | OSED TC MY MUSCLE'S AND SUFFCR-T PAINS IN MY HEAD SAME WA" INSTEAO OF OU? / TrCjPOO SHOPPING - C? r QUICK f?EI I SHOULD^ BE \NJ ^ /TV. , Did you ever take (y J ache and have the he ach ache start? We'll wager you c PUI. Anti-Pain Pill; ach. They take effc? /\\ taste like wlntergree \y You can't do goo< _ a good time when yo /Jj Neuralgia Muscular Why don't you try t f\ \ relief? We believe you \\J result*. Thousands of It will not cost mucl one cent each. (less i One pill usually re 1 lev t fJet A nil-rain PUI Baffbr phg. 2S far gc. 1 l^jl - I H T' ' ?Th\ Poor Kid- Ain't Got. Nc* Home to Scrao Widl" I ants prtdo themselves on the clean* | lines.-, of their store, everything to fn place. The large meat department entries the most choice out* ot meats. ( 1 One of (be unique features of, . . Summilt's Nu-Way i" that a soda fountain is operated In conjunction with the business. A full Itne of patent medicines will Ik- found. In this ! complete store. , The clerical force Is friendly and .. 'j'courteous, the prices .tre right.'and j the Quality of the n- reha-.iise Is of the best, ami \Vith this combination, ) Smnmitt's Nn-Way jtas steadily kept ' pace* with the progress of Kings Mountain. MORE ABOUT PLAYGROUND (Cont'd from front page) ' prcpr' itf.i for the purpose but that us'ng the available ,i.ibor furnished by the NYA and the WPA to clean up pitperty now belonging or available to the community. He proposes jo landscape tand beautify the property belonging to the town which includes the Ball Park and TennM courts He prcposts that we Improve and rebuild the old' Mauney Pond at the old Kings Mountain water " works plant. All of this he says maty be done at smalt cost to the community. STAR^om'siiisi Smooth going nikM htm ft iter performer en skis. Smooth going cross your chin make* super-keen Star Single-edge Blades star performers on your face. Famous since 1880. anti-pain pills ND BEYOND QUESTlOfi r.6FH RELIEVE - BUT pillB DON'T CAUSE indigestion HL fe a medicine to stop head* >adachc stop and a stomlidn't take an Anti-Pain I > do not upset the stem:t quickly too?and they n wafers. 1 work?you can't have u arc suffering from Headache . I or Periodic pains lbs Anti-Pain Pill way to will be delighted with the others are. h. Anti-Pain Pills sell for n Economy Package) and ' r as. 'iMMq l \ -

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