ov I HOME ( VOL. 34 NO. 35 State And N Condensed Ii ?National News? New York, Aug 9.?.Her powerful vmgtaea churoe*! thr HritUh Huer Queen Mary to a new weal bound tmraeAUiuKic speed reword toduy of three duos. 21 tours and 48 minutes. Commodore Robert p. IrvW announced the bin ship bad covered " "" sj mm to Ambrose Uxbtahlp at an average ' apee-1 of 30.990 knots The boat rM&ch Ambrose IdKhiship wt 12 22 A M. (KST) lockty. Galium, China, Au?: ft.?Thirty per sons were killed and 40 wounded today when J ap an set*- war planes drop pod two bombs In the crowded square in front of. the Catholic cathedral here. Nine pi anew took part in the raid, attacking the central xtro-j, of . thej oily whcfe Govcrnnjetit building are toaated. The cathedrul was slightly damaged. Washington, Auk 9.?The Agriculture Deportment forecast today a 1938 cotton crop of 11,988,000 bales. The estflknate was based on the condition of the crop Aug. 1, which wa? 78.00 iper cent of "a normal, and on the area In cultivation July 1, less than the ten-year average abandonmeat, (which rwan est tainted at 26.347 660 acres. Pickowv, 8. C., Aug. 9.?An automobile crashed down a six foot embank moot near here yesterday and Con. nte Mason. 16, wtaa killed Instantly. Seven other young people riding in the car escarped sertbus injury. Hollywood, A/ug. 9.?Death came Irooticslly, to Jack Long, daring movie stunt man, as ? result of * motor cycle accident on- his day off. He was to have performed, a jumping feat Thursday hut was told to y come tMok Friday instead. An hour later tils motorcycle collided with an automobile. Washington, Aug. 9.?Officials et the new Civil Aeronautifcs Authlrlty took over their Jobs today, two weeks before the unified aviation program will become effective. The Intervening time will be devo ted to setting -up ft detailed system of administering a is mail contracts, supervising commercial air lines and private (fliers, and studying aviation safety. Los Angeles, Aug. 8.?Highway Pa trolman Rollye Galbcalth doesot tell the judge about the traffic violators he brings Into court?he shows him. Ge/SbraVth decided pictures would tnnii? A 1?i iAstlmSM.. AA ko OIHIIWWP MA. VI ICB\IU1WUJ IfV UV installed a movie camera on the front of Ms car. The etaroera. equipped with a photo-electric coll photo graphs the violator* as Galbraith * chosen them. Tokyo, Aug. 9.?The steamer Canberrtaj Mara was reported today to have reached Douglas Reef and found no trace of the Hawaii Clipper wflrtoh disappeared July 29 while fly lag from Ouam to Manila, Laughing Aroi With IRVl 1 h The Purification By IRVir JOHNSON SIDES, official pc.icer cold January night got tost in cowboy who found him, to lake This was Johnson's first offence am <>A8- ^VOHooPEE^ Oi rT^ delirium be walked Into - burial pb portals of an ancient ad ubandonr it off. The chilly temperature sob< the next morning penitent and terr The legislature '.lappeacd to tx member got bold of ike Indian, he .follows: SENATE B i Section I.?Be it enacted that Sides in the Carson City January 3rd, be 'leroby de t Section IL?This set that) jo i its passage and approval i WMk sssch pimp and panoply %ax and n mooa of red rlbbmi h&t :ars zrLigS'Si: SffSK&^'wstt.'s O- |_|C- ^^ a^ WWte Father had eaoZlthohte ss Im a As nat am^s d 4+HmSivWSK2FS* ' '-r* . . Kings ? ational News 1 Brief Form ?State Newa? Mordant til. Auk. 9-?Kd Poteel ihuxK'C with tho luiir?-8l..>ink <J vouhk JtiiueM t'hapmau on ih? ni*1' of Jul> 4. wrut on trial iu Burlte Si K"!!*#1 i Vim I u IB luuruiui*. The )ur> ?'nn complete and ttv In irini: (if i vMcnrp ..with lL. yULlMJUIMJ' flW'AWWT VWE acgiec murder or manslaughter. Kuieigh, Aux. 9.?The North ("are Una Legislature. in special sesstoi considered today bills which, If ? iiacted. would make possible permti nent Improvements at State InstJtu lions amounting to about 98.100.00C The nieaanres are the' State Re' eJiue I loud Bill, which .would outboi ize a bond ittsuo of 94.620,000. _ an< I the municipalities bill. The bond It 1 sue would provide funda to be suppb Itnetitwd by a 45 per cent Pfi\\ grant 4'harloUe. Aug. 9.?J. Richard Gri bam. 59 year old member of a promi nent Charlotte family committed su I clde by hanging at an undeiermlnei I hour last night and was found by re j-tlves early this morning In the ga rage at 2016 Winter Street, the horn1 of bis brother, wbtch Mr. Grahati and bis family Itad occupied for rc cent weeks. ^ j Laurinbufg, Aug. 9.Widespread, lr tercet. In the murder trial in which negro ex-convict is charged with th slaying of a Hamlet war veteran ?m< taxt operator waa Immediately er dent here late yesterday when, wit out warning. Deputy Sheriff V. II Todd and Hamlet Policeman A. F Gibson slipped George Ford, 20, n< gro. Into a crowded court room t face arraignment on a capital charg Newton. Aug. 9.?Clyde R. Travl Jr.. 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs C. R. Travis of Newton, died Suuda morning hi C'atwwbo. General Hoep td\, following an injury to ma nea sustained about three weeks ax while he was swimming in a creo near Newton. New Bern, Aug. ft.?Business se sions occupied the attention toda of 500-odd- delegates to the 51st a nual convention of the North Car Una State Firemen's Assocuwon. Fdi-nton. Aug. ft.?The mnmmot Albemarle Bridge, longest In th state probably will be completed 1 slightly more than a ween. It was to have been opened to tra fic tomorrow, but highway official said yesterday excessive- rains ha delayed completion of the span. Th formal opening has been set for At gust 25. ' Blowing Rock. A.ug 9.?William Nelson, Jr.,. 22. of Aarevllle, sliupe while wading in the -water abov LiowUle Fais yesterday and wa hurtled through the falls to hi* deal Washington. N. C., Aug. 9.?Joee? EJdlward Fe4U>a, 19,' of Bute, a men ber or a CCC camp near here, wn (frowned yeeterday while awlmoaim fn the Pomlico River hem ? n .... uid the World [N S. COBB of Johnson Sides >1 S. COBB nakor of the Pirttes in Nevada, one snowstorm nd was induced by a long swig ut 2 r, ./hi.skoy bottle 1 it tii>Ded him over comnlet.plv. In i ice anil staggered through ihe mua'?" d tomh. Then* ho lay down to leep red him up. He retimed a Carson ified - having broken the I'.w. e in sesaioh. humorously inclined ard his story, and Irew jp a bill as ILL No. 0621 the drink taken jt Johnson graveyard Monday night, c la red rrall and void. ? nto effect immediately upoa y the governor. ' and with great wads of red sealingxed to the document, this hoax was rtthout n dissenting veto, then was passed mumimouaty, and after the Per wan bestowed open Johnson with aaeEtod IttV>. "J**h|'ltJI jff PlAkMI Pigjfg W9t% CMUMSMK tp mm ; Moun KINDS MOUNTAIN. N. C. T? GUESS WHO? flHH'' t t II """b a - m^m m J B I r HA m v\i I ''jm h ^| m^m Above is pictured one >of Kings Mountain's best known citizens. This * picture was taken back in the day '" when he was an aviation enthusiast. 11 As a clue to his identity: he is as 11 closely connected with the welfare 4 of Kings Mountain as any person in ^ the Best Town In The State. 0 The Herald will give a one year's Q subscription to the first person calk *" ing phone number 167 and identify* ing uiii cmzvn. : Heme Destroyed' f By Fire h t. ,Th<? home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam t. Dye was completely destroyed bv ttre about ncxxa yesterday. The fire 0 started) In the kitchen from the oU e stove, and before help could be summoned the entire houae was in flames. Only a' few belonging of the Dye 9 family was saved, before the roof 1 fell In. j Mrs. D>e had come from the field to prepare dinner, leaving the other a members of the family at work. In " Juet a few minutes the frame house sts ablaze. Grady l(lng. Fire Chief, aadi a few of the fire-fighters answered a call. i. But the house was outside the city y limits and not within reach of the n water hydrants. Firemen assisted In o removing part of the belongings from one room. The house was located north of the Shelby highway, just beyond the clt> k limits. , o n A dramatic incident that innlt nltii at 'the fire, happened Just before the if roof fell In. The bark of a dag drown Is ed out the crack of the roaring fire d and before any of the nearby -RtruKle era confd rescue the dog. he ran i- froiu under the house at break-neck apeed to a nearby branch. B FIFTY EIGHT KINGS d (MOUNTAIN MEN tft h Are this week being taken b out of town to work on out a. of town W. P. A. projects. J What has happened to ourside-waik project? What has happened to our program of water-work and sewefage extensions? What about some program of city beautification? W'hitl nhnill anmu imm-Ai-n j ? ? wwwvw VJWIMV tllipi V? 1/ ments on property of the city? T What about a playground and park project? JESS BENNETT DIES i Funeral oervtoa for Jou-* Dennett wo -died at his home on Clove laud Avenue Tuesday morning wore hoJa yesterday afternoon at 3:00 P. M.. from the homo with Rev. P. D. Patrick offlciattnK- Interment followed in Mountain Rest, cemetery. Mr. Ben nett Had been In dteoltaflng health tar the past year, and had been so rtously 111 for several dhys before hi* death. Mr. Bennett was. 39 years of a?e. He iar survived by his widow and two children, three brothers, Clydo Cart, and W. C. Mid one rfau-r. Mar caret. Mr. Bercett was a cuau who went about hie wertc la a quint meaner, lie was woU liked) by his ?sockUea, sad was held' In the hltfiest esteem by ell W know Mm. He whr? assorts bed ,^>ro<herr.^ cayJe twfore kts Msees ?T tks fast jwpe. iiMiii mmmmu i i jpwb.?11 '? .-'J*'. " M * ? "? - / ji^' a# 1. ' ': ^ itain F 4URSOAY. AUGUST 11, 193* Kings Mount Open Septem Church School i Closes Friday Tii ill i i i in ill i in in progr**^ at' .the .First PrvabHerlaii Cbltfcli will tune to a cliw?? Frlda> Evunitj* 3:l?0 o'clock A s|mcio j I program U being planm <1. | August usual!) suggest vacation | time *lnii most folks wain to I* I out in tin* v(nut. but manv )ouii people have chosen .to spend th. time ill answering a. call which lias] bronchi on? hundred' an I twenty ctn -etmU-.itN to the school The training has lx-cti both religious autl social. lit-' ;? sic . paieuts anil friouds will have at) opportunity to see sonu.hlug of the work done by different I | groups l>> visiting tin; various dt-j ' parttneins where the> will find dis plays- of interest". i "The. Children's Service" wilt b<Friday Evening This is u forty fiv< I minutes worship period condueteu by Uie pastor und stu-.^-uts. Flood Lights To Be On | F\>r the first time flood lights will be turned on the Chancel Window. I and the worship program will be built around certain scenes from this window. The window Is one of the mo3t beautiful If its kind in this section of the country. There will be three young peoples' choirs. Twc singing ontophoaally and the third in response. These choirs are under the direction of Mrs. P. M. Neisler, with Mrs. Paul M&uney at the Console. The young people's processional will be "Brightly- tile-asms Our Ban aer,. The most ancient young people" hymn In Christendom. The theme of the worship program will "be "The Radiant Christ." The faculty of the school Is: M rs.\ J. C. Nickels. Supt.; Miss Sara Kate Ormand. Registrar; Mrs. Harry Page Playground director; Mrs. Paul Maun?y. Organist; Mtee Marian. Murphcy AMista.ni supervisor; Rev-. P. O Patrick. Pastor; Mrs. P. D. Patrick, ytu Barbara Summltt. Miss Sarah Hhary Sunrmttt, Mrs. George Meet teachers in the Beginners Dept.; Mrs. P. M. Nelsler, Mrs. Ned Moss. Mr. Lawrence. Patrick. Mr. Paul Nelsler. Jr.., Miss Elizabeth Plonk, Teachers in the Primary Dept.; Mrs. Haywood E Lynch. Mrs. W. J. Koike rson, teachers in the Junior Dept.; and Mr. Merrel Keith, teacher In the Intermediate Dept. The public is Invited to the services. HULLENDER REUNION The annual Hullcndcr Ft*, unloj v.Ul tx* held Sunday, August 14th. at the Christy Hulleuder old home place whore John Foster now lives A large crowd- of HuUenders "ami heir reiaitivet* are expected.' I ? ' Will Rogers' Humorous Story i 111 i ii > By WILL BOGJBBS 'IHIS story may aot prove tBIi atteacy otf prayer bat if* a good story juet the as me. . A. negro who wae very peer wee caught trying to a teal a chicken he a email town down South. Hie defence wae that he wae too poor to buy nay fowl for the holidays which were then only a week off. The pastor of the church got him off with a promise that he would w__a_ s .1 .11 .? sieai no more ana men toia me poor man that if he prayer fervently for the Lord to send him a fowl, that surely he would receive one. The darkey went home and threw days later the pastor visited his parishioner and asked him how his, prayers were making out "Ve'r j poly." answered the darkey, "don't seem like the Lord hears my pray; ers at all. I benn praying tv'rr night, Oh, Lewd send me a turkey! i but none ain't come yit" "Don't despair," said the parson, "renew your prayers with vigor ana dey wilt be answered." Two days later the parson made another visit to the home of his parishioner and smelled the savor of a frying fowl. "Ah, my brother," said the preacher, "I see the Lord has answered you at last" "Yea," said the poor darkey. "But only after I changed my prayer around a bit Yon see m didn't answer when t prayed. Oh Lawd, send me a turkey, so fast sight I said. Oh tawd, send me to a turkey and parson would you believe it, ; Re sent me eae lasUe of tea miai Ill-nu n ruimnirisaisi ' Wfini ?? m?W>i? i lerald v-/y ? ? .' " ^ ain Schools ' tber 1st k i ?r- 1 'officials looking forward j ! - to best school ever. j , ^ ' i k Cc1wui>j u ill ???" ? I - ^ ptember 1, 8:S?i A M AH ebildrcr c -wilt t>?- expected 10 r?iM*rt to theli v m?nt. At 1 -inrul School th? re will a i>e a Bund < oucert, bcginuiiit: ai ?. s:4.'> und lasiing until H::tb. All pu 0 treus oI the ac|toffl- art- i'o'rdinjly in cited to be pres"?M for ihi- 0|x lit lip of the sehool lerr.i "Evert ' ' tiling points to tlic b<-si -thorn <? :**,^ we have htid. We ar?* expecting an en rollttu nt of bn?rvn ltji'ti and I Too pupils tin*, first day," said II ^ ? Hai no*. SupcrhtcudMit. All schoolR are'being repaiied anil ire expected lobe in first - class j " shape by the opening lale of school.'" Central auditorium is k?-Hinyc .1 how1 1 coiling, repaired roof, and replace[ ineu: of all equipment damaged by | the fire. It. is also getting u hewi paint job. Locker equipment hast11 been purchased for the new gyinnaR-}x lum. Fhysfcal Education will be offered c this year for the first time. Mr. v .Crow-ell Little. All Southern tjimrter ii lkick and Co-Captain of the last it year's University of North Carolina o football team, wHl -be In charge of the gymnasium and ' health eduea- 1 lion. Every child entering the' high C school will be expected to take Physical Education for one-halt unit's credit. In addition to the health program, Mr. Little twill bo head coach J ot football. Added to the coaching staff to assist Mr. UTrtle, will be Mr. 4 E. A. Smart, last year's Appalachian * State Teachers College basketball ? captain; and a man -who made a name for himself both in basketball c and In baeeball. Mr. Smart will teach ? History in the high school. Mrs. W T. Weir, former Sen'or F English teacher, will have charge of c the high school library. Mrs Weir to has been taking library training .1 this summer at Winfchrap College, t UocJc Hill, S. C.. suxf Is -well prepared for the work.. Miss Margaret I Wrea, tor the past three years Head ?1 of the English Department of Leaks- 1 vtlle High School, is taking Mrs. t Weir's place as a Senior and Juuior J English teacher In the Kings Mountain High School. Miss Caroline Carlisle, graduate of | Flora MacDonaiu College. Red ^ Springs. N. C?. for the past t-wo years, supervisor of Public School Music 1 for the Fairmont City School Sy?*-, t I tern. Is taking Miss Mary Rod lev Ed t ward's place at Supervisor of Pub- , lie Music.. Miss Edwards resigned' to t take work at. Erskitie College. All t new teachers arc coming to Kings ] Mountain highlj recommended- and , tre considered to tie very outatand- ( ing in their particular fields. All schools In Kings .Mountain are | fully accredited, and. although the r\ nejw requirements are very high, the I .schools are expecting to remaii on| the accredited list. This > e<ir. many!) schools are struggling to build their', libraries and maps to meet the new;, requirements. This was Kings Mounj ] tain's problem last year. and. accord j Ing to the State Department. Kings Mountain is able to meet these rr> t quiremeata. \ School officials are expecting a very successful year. and believe this year will hate the best school < ever. It it* honied that all boys and , girls of school age will take tuivan- , tage of the school opportunities of- ; I fered In Kings Mountain. The school i | is anxious to help all, and hopes the I enrollment will be the largest in the' history of Kings Mountain. The Peut Town in The State. TROOP FIVE NE-WS I Troop No. Five held Its regular! | scout meeting night Much ttassincw*1 discussed. We plhn to have an election next Monday. Tlinsday week, we wiil goti on a i tour through tbo mountain* of V\Ys-. torn North Carolina. On our way',, I buck wo hope to tiake In things a?i | Ashe-ville playground*. No outsiders will be permitted to! j go with tut except the scout father* j Jaok Hullendor. R< ouun aster. Charles Oantt, Se,ribe. Lions Meet Tonight ?? t The Ktnps Mountain I.ions Club will hold it's regular meeting a/t the MounUtin View Hotel tonight at 7 o'clock A very interest in g program haw* been planned by Laoiw Will Lk> gnu and Oeorgv Mwuney 1.1 oris are 8pfct?d? u> call their Buddy. It it urgent that all bo present as the committees appointed last' weelc will hmve important reports to make. Arrangements have been made for Congreaamaa K. U, Bulwtnkle of Oms tenia to speak to the ?M Members. ' . ' ? , . ; v t HERALO J Five CENTS PER COP* [own And Railroad Are \gain Sued l'ap< rs wn- ?? rv<-*l on ("It/ '-i'lk 'harti'S IHIUii^; w-ottordSiy moraine n th<- suit brought b> Mr*. Annl<? ifll Adunm <n Given villi1. s. C!.. a:uiuf?t tl?>' Tow it of King* Mountain tiw; it bi'int siM'd joiutty svith tlio 1 ' 1 11 ' 1111 >ii arcidt nt at Ui.? torti'-r of King lltwt .an?l ltd ilroail Atrenllc. which *'curr? d August ,:mh. a year mjti Mrs Admits was a iiiiUM'iiKi'r In he car that crashed. the guard feaco t ith>- Lutel section The driver-Of the ear. Air Thomas iohuson. and his wife entered suits gainst the Town ami llaltnxd for .V?.?UO hut when ..the ease came up or triul in Superior Court at Shelby, Iter healing the e\iden?h' the jhdgo ion-suits the act Ion and did not alow the case to'even no to the Jury. . , Mrs. Adam- Is suing for $25 000. u her action, she claims bhe wan inilsed till over, badly shocked, and nay never be able to resume Ju\r v k. Mrs, Adams is being represent d by GuetonU lawyers. In the same wreck, the wife of ;tn . titer passenger. a Mrs. L/Ulgoton, ras killed, but up to now, no <*ult a her death has te-en filed. Autiou n death cases must be filed beforo me year has expired, 'ROOP ONE ELECTS >FFICERS Troop One hud its aaauaJ election (ondny night for troop officers; Wo ave been campaigning for the last wo weeks. In the two campaigning recks we have heard some very ood speecheo. Monday night Quuli* ate Billy Ruddock passed out wild beer suckers to bio supposed You're Also CarrlSdate Robert Pulton assed out bamboo pip pa and "Maxroll House Ooffee" to tats voters, bit much td the oorronr of the rot* rs Scoutmaster. Cirri Darldapxt anded the smoking In the Scout ' j lut. Voting by the Australian ballot he following were elected: ' ' * 1 Senior Patrol Header: Lawrence 'aJtrlck; Patrol Lenders: Billy Rod* ' J lock. Junior Moss; Asst. Patrol .oudws: Tommy Martin. Jamea Wa* - 1 era; Scrtbo. John Pulton; Treasurer "M lro Nickels. "3 John Pulton. Scribe. IREMEN ATTEND STATE CONVENTION Firemen Ted Gamble, Palmer .P>jlon. Otis Falls and Hunter Allen aro his week - tent ing the State Oourention of the . North Carolina Fircnen, at New Bern. N. C. It has bom he polity ot* the Kings Mountain fire Department to b":ve at leant wo members attend the convention saeh year. . UeGILL REUNION NEXT :i WEDNESDAY The Annual ' MoGiil Reunion wlH *j held neat Wednesday, August 17. it th? h?m? of I A. MoGLl!. located jtisnn inilpx Dorthwent of Kings Mountain. All friends arc inrit?1 to ittond and. bring well-filled biaketa. A. R. P. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC TODAY - --3 ? The .knaiiai picnic of the' A R 1'. Stccxiay School will tx- held t-hia afternoon oJ. KamrSck'* Springs. Members i-nd teaciier* are r'Mfiwvsled to meet at the Sunday Scboo: Building at :t.00 P M. today j ty JameS Preston_ (Opinions Expressed id Thi3 Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of Thi3 Newspaper.) BuMnc?8 .tCPk tti-s y-.t.r-'.s tuiUphl but. (its the fio/wT.mmtl wconQTutsi in Washing'on who arc (rm^. Th/e> get thut. wh> ?.hon the to*I ness machine suddenly stopped halting and etfflrtpd. U? upward zoom. T)i" ocouomiata 'bad exts^'ted a leveling off and straight flying for while. InsUwd everything '? *oin? 9 up. And the econmlsts are confounded been use the. rise fjatne before tbe ' new pump-printing e\p?ivSlturefj had aveu had a chance to begin. One leading riser (a _dapartment aiore ssdee. People don't buy be(taveo they think the government is g?fcut to spend! money. They buy bocaAinc they've sot ca?h in the pocket. So, hi addition to beta* CKNT the eoonomhfts arte flabbergasted. Their only ecrplaaalfcm ta that <*ve busdneee machine on Me own power right ?41 Meeif. They are now praying that the priming does at Mow Mm mar (Oent*4 on MttorUI page* J..L< -'-A Jj

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