FACTS, FUN Yes. "CJeorge"?another week ? which nieuus another brainstorm (or two ? if you can sately nay w? in H about >ou and Hoy Miller? Not an embryo romance? And What ah- a: J Hazel Kails and Bob Baker? Billy Ca\'.-h> had iH'ltvr not tiY any more ' ?FOR A 11 Pnllu nennnsti- e/?e m mm m.w m Mi|lCf |fl VpVI 17 VWI Streets. I^ot 12x350 ft. 11 sacrifice for quick sale Small cash payment. Ha years at 5 per cent intei property as part paymei tion see Frank R.,Angel Co., Roanoke, Va., or J THE H ? Invites Y< "SI IN KITC The Talking 1! Cooking Dixie 1 Sept. 22-23t Free Admissi pS?^s-ZzsBKl?Hi I WHAT DC VDO AND MCWtt ?HWI differ over, mrs. brpiw ( oh ee make i! JVt i awful scene \my home-n Chilled Fruit Jatc* ' J AUNT JEMIMA'S / W'% HOTCAKKS i made from nty Jffl direction* on Uh |l|fl Booon Strip* l,np I\mKs Outlet Coffer and FANCIES - X . of tlit "Andy llurdy" stuff! Many a heart quickened when two newcomers arrived at the dance Sat | urday night ? and many of those same hearts were almost broken when one of the welcomed visitor* left early. O. K. ?figure It out ' for > out selves. After the djuce, who would tuke 'Fay Moss home''but Uadd Humriek j That bov does beat all u> change his i opinion"! Mill White refuses to say just how I he's been doing lately. Me good Mill ! Fred Wright's green Chevrolet; S was seen in ghethy Sunday full to | the brim too. Watch it. boys' (And 1 maybe certain girls had- better keep their eyes open,loo.? This week you iniuht ask Pot Hoke about the SHS?und K. W. | could still supply X tyou know, tho unknown quantity). Two of the fa< < s wc were missing ! last Week have returned ? flibson and' (Jofcrth A new' b?jy. who* look r {\ I- !n ' oil" the oh! gild Is Johnnie ti i|*>H>Lball |il"osp"Cts cettiiliily Icok I good. Conic on but torn1 row inn i> !" suppi rt that team \\'e Willi' to si>ou win that g in'. boys; . SALE? ner Sims und Mountain l-room brick house. W ill to, responsible purchaser, lance over period of 15 est. Will consider other nt. For further informa11, Shenandoah Life Ins. . R. Davis. ERALD juTo See AR MY HEN*9 Motion Picture [ School rheatre 24, 10 A. M. ion-Free Gifts sand will, mrs. BROWN, we CK n? guarantee a-harpy eni j ^ to your cage. just get self come OP AVNTJiW 5 an ready mix. man what a i OVER - cec. a mines ? ' >?6q3| ?-fi\ try it ii \c2 morning.w/ ^^^ ' xmvch juoce Ta m kO|S0?| mM fHK KINGS MOUNTAIN HBRAI.1 Business Asks Less Control 4 ' , " * { New Vork, 8opt. 13.?(IPS).--Free eonipt ulcn land the working of ecoiiontlc lawn , will control adequately the Size of big business, and the government should step in only where moncpollstlc practices and price-fixing agreements exist, aecortf !ng to a consensus of business exeou lives queried in a recent sdrvey by the economic research division of the National Industrial Conference Hcurd. The survey revealed that many I (ashless men were, agreed that large rpeYat lug units liitv?? certain definite u. Willi >tf?cr oiiu.liizHlioits it whs said From (lioI inv< sior's standpoint. larvo P!ite,--j ((fix's iiio ofioii favored. bcmUsc of I tile dlvcfsifh : I iol." r??fiFf'HI'HU:?! Xl-l most all uiiv?x iiui'oi- 1 ih:n f Ii ' bin business Iih r?1iul"!o(i di'i'inlio arivlii' in tho public in fostering ro *? urcli. Neisler Herd Given National Recognition Peterborough. N. II.. Sept. 13;? cows in tho herd of I'. M. Noisier of Kings Mountain. X. have completed official record in the Herd Improvement Division lay we were Mattered by having ! Sat ah Kiliger ask tours truly to pb use continue it. Now that we've discovered anotlier render we're one i|> on .litlit' --.we have four Good-bye to Charles Carpenter | ihjs week. ! ' left lor Clcinsou WcC| aesil.iy morning while most of tin. It Iks about town were still abed Hoy, bus this new couching stall get what it takes or have ihc.v -.. Gloria was down '?> the l*\ 15 field j trying to g"t a snapshot -of Mi M f , ' i" v? ' j l:..f S':>nt|, of appro* ill on a p-:l t'ior thoieaf And Sir. HI. 11 . : lie and' "Ilia-hie" ale gci.-ei; In Mil- jsiit of fil v .Is Uai|ih Griffin 'an.i \Y I. I*. -?< 111 -' j. >11- ilfiiitu ??!? :.?i.? And .\lt-s Coble (from I .ili-iii. N ? ShiTy Ciiuniy.. in lv<- miles from1' p\h Air)'! lslt't. imiv ko.m- it ;,ll fix x I t wicked guttle of bridge- . Alii; hv j V11-. I In V i - * U> jila;. tin ca'tiuM I :r Viiu liail bclt'-i li :.rn In ploy: hi idge v No wonder Jim In afrniil for Hitler, to start a war.'... Willi a sir) like Maude. who wouldn't In-.....? And now we suppose tliat Jim's about the luckiest Kuy in townRoman? tic-ally speaking... ' __ (i(>od Breeding Pays With Lay Flocks The value ol' good breeding in demonstrated beyond a doubt when pullets start laying ftt the fall, said L(\ J. Maupin, extension poultry spec cialist at State College. "When you see a flock of largebodied. li< ilthy pullets that are producing' large quantities of eggs." he added, "you can be sure they nave good blood. And with proper feeding and management they should continue laying heavily through the win ter. > "Then when "you look at a flock iu which the birds are under weight, of uneven size, and irregular in egg pioduotlon even though they are fed r good, well balanced ration, it . * Is Date to say that in most eases those birds are of inferior -breeding." Bad breeding, however; is not the only cause of inferior birds and low [ production, he continued. The flock [ tr.iay be infected with disease or par | asites. the birds may not be adequately protected from Uie weather, and they may be the victims of bad feeding and management. Successful poult rymen who keep egg production at a high rate and make a fair profit from their flocks take pains to see that everything possible is done to maintain their birds in good condition. The extension ponltry specialists are seeking to raise the average production of North Carolina poultry flocks'to 170 eggs a year per hen. a little over 14 eggs per month. Producing eggs at this rate, flocks will return a profit. Later, the standard will be set hllier as more flocks give promise of being able to attain it. Approximately 10 carloads, of phosphate will be used by Mitchell County (armors by September 15. I TODAY ! All Wat, Must Be or service will will be made Do Your * ,* v j - a -* j ^ ; V . * Tow W v ' - ' ' % ' * " . "o Purchaser of cotton and cotton iroductR up to $250.?'??0 in vultte. (op iroJoctB to develop new eotmnerrlal isos for cotton have- be? n. auiiiorly.ed i> tin- AAA in iliVpi-liin prom nil A'tthcuxh ti>< niiiutxi of exhibitors i';?s dn'ubh d last ye ir. oflici.its of lie..State Kaif. to be held at ita'ejah >Clober ll-lr>; expect a further tu ! reaBe this year. Milk production per cow on An. Halt, Collt'Re extension dairyman j uhi I vvub about -4 percent IdrRerj litttt a year- curlier and only 1 per etit less than the. je tk tui ,\u;u<' 1 epot led ill Bays John Ar. y. STAR ON SKIS! Smeoth (olnjr mtkn him star performer on ikh. Smooth foln* performer* on your lut e. . I tlBHUi tlnre 1880. ||j|| | Buy A . ' .V * ' < . PAY FOR IT Why pay rent when TH^ the home you've always i ??i -i- - ug anu luaii pian, you ca easy weekly or monthly ?FOR COMPLETE Come In Today Ft July Series I Home Build Associ J. E. Anthony J. B. Thomasson A.H.Patterson a? IS THE II I .* . . , . . V er and Lit Paid on or Bef be discontinuec for re-connecti '1: * Part - Pi n Of Kings M ater and Light ' . ' - 't ,v~ , - . - - ' .*. 1 * . (wherear^t^ isl^ ^you going?y w^hl ^ >?1 I p^g/ to buy a supply of n ?' lifebuoy! i got 7 /the idea at the motion \ i picture cooking school/ zje i//rt )'/>// //>e 1RPI: movie -I "STAR IN MY KITCHEN" 1 wk ' "t'"'' '* ''oc* l ifebuoy ^ \ v come uiio this movie. \x'id mmmmmrnmrnm i i J pfis- $i.ir j? \|> k'Ubrn is lull (if mu.oi i < s and we don e want co spoil . - 9 v- j!1 we uii eel! you here ivthat . lici'inioy contain* an ixttu e.ii. ovr ?n*i miki;r than j iom^s. wild l:iii.m:ov ii vrjnd lor the 9 l.orlplt. iyf . lol.illtlvlt. 9 9 tt"" . ... "n -j CwU Hvmekrrptnf Fmrtau m I IBk **'' a Home LIKE RENT!! 1 IT rent money can buy I wanted? Under the build ,n pay for a home on payment plans. : INFORMATION? 9 ?r A Consultation Vow Open i ing & Loan I iation . I President I Vice-President I ...... Secretry-Treasurer - 1 i 5th . . I jht Bills 1 * ore this date 1 i CLIIU cimrgcs ons. ay Now fountain I Dept.