? j I i: social Of 1NTE I l t phones 10-r BAPTIST CIRCLES MEET The circles of the Missionary So clety of the First Baptist C'hurrl met on Monday ufternci.n at follow: Tjhe Anne Hasseltinc circle, Mrs R. Gold. Leader, met at the homi of Mrs. .Jack Hullender. Mrs. C. C Kdens and Mrs. CI A Bridges, pre s nted an interesting' program ot State Missions. fThe Heck-Bostlc circle, Mrs. Man ly Morehead. header, met at tin " home of Mrs. G. U. Hatnbright. witl . Mrs. Ladd' Humriek iu charge of th< program. ' ?; Mrs. A. G Saigeent gave some In teresling facts concerning Htut< Missions, in keeping with the pro Baptist Missionary Societies. tMrs. I>. F. llord presented ? chap ter of the book, "Fruits Of Th< Year." The Judaon circle, Mfs. D. 11 Oampbell, header, met at the hoim of Mra. Hill Putnam. In the absence of the leader, Mra R. R. Yarboro, presided. The Business Woman's circle me at the home of Mrs. J. M. Rhea,, 01 Monday evening with the Leader Mrs. J. K. Willis, in charge. Mrs. A. O. Sargeant made a tall on State Missions and Mrs. Rryai Word, program chairman, presentei a pageont: "Our State Fifty Year Ago." Those taking part were: Mrs P. D. Herndon, Mrs. Eugene Mathls Mrs. D. F. Hord, Miss Fanny Carpel ter. Miss Mitchell Williams And Mis i Wtrj J I !v ^BmmBm ^w _.> v^m^pj v jgH ISI&22 I . 5?"' * x*BSvyi K sPiHH^^k vHHHg| ppyajffr^Blpp^^ .? Mr/^.-^aRSMlff ?i SSmk^I^b XhIh mIHM ri<mlM A GRAND new fruit bread... , delicious In flavor... packed with the fruity good* . oeaa of bananas. And this ia news...the bananas actually keep the bread moist aud fresh for several days. Banana Tea Bread makes excellent toast for breakfast ... It's a treat at tea time, in school lunches, at church suppers. Try it for new and "different" sandwiches. Be the first In your crowd to serve this new flavor treat. And remember. Banana Tin Bread ia only one of the many new uses for bananas. . *Getysarr copy of the bananu tea bread recipe and other new banana recipes when you see "Star in My Kitchen." UMTKD FRUIT BANANAS Jiuribmfd iy FRUIT DISPATCH COMPANY ' - * - a' AND PERSONAL HAPPI .REST to AND 88 MRS. A- H. PA' i A A A A A A ? -t t. t. .t.,? ?-,?, .L t TTTTTtTTTTTTTt VttttVTTtttt (Annie Roberts. The eirele meetings were all w* i nttended. i During the social hour the . bo; . esses served fight refreshments. . SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS I ENTERTAINED ij Miss Kthel Roberts entertain! | members of the . Daughters el \\. j lev Bible Cliss of Central Methodl >1 Church at her home on Friday eve i lug". ; Howls of lovely flowers were e ranged in the living room. Mrs. K. W. Oriffln had charge i ( the entertainment for the evenii and introduced a number of ' ne 1 Officers were elected during tl OUSlllf 88 ' 8<-H*tOll UK toiiowk: Fr<1 > dent. Miss Grace litan ton; Vic President. Mr*. L. It Shuford; 8* . retary and Treasurer, Miss Etta ? Roberts with Mrs. Sam HowqII, assistant. Mrs. E. \V. Griffin was 1 elected teacher of the class wl Mrs. Henry McGinn is, as assistani ( iMiss Roberts invited the class j the drug store, where, they were s , ved delicious refreshments. BRIDGE-LUNCHEON n FOR VISITOR j Mrs.. Grady King entertained at g bridge-luncheon on Friday, honorii i her house guest, Mrs. V. C. Scht ' of Fredericksburg, Va. ' The rooms were arranged throui out with lovely flowers. Mrs. Fred Plonk was winner high score prize with Mrs. J. Smith receiving consolation. Mi Schley was presented a lovely h'c .or gift. A delicious two^courso lunche< was served. Guests iucluded Mesdames V. Schley of Fredericksburg, Troy Cs penter. Hayne Blackmer, J. D. Smi R. R. Yarboro, George Lattlmore at Harry Page. ' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pet son. of tiie Dili Lug Mill, a son, Sc teraber 4. Born to Mr. iaad Mm. Rufus Woe of the Cora Mill, a >on, September Born to Mr., and Mrs. Willis Bt well, of. the Sadie Mill. a.son. S< teniber 9. { HAD ANY HEADACHES f V HiUb LATELY 7 ) flO, THANKS V O YOU AND 1 JERVIW^j^ A nurse writes that she suffered from frequent headaches. Nothing stopped .them until a friend recommended DR. MILES NERVINE. She says Nervine stops headaches before they get a good start. Three generations have found DR. MILES NERVINE effective for Nervousness, Sleepless' ness due to Nervous Irritability, Nervous Indigestion, Headache, Travel Sickness. < Get DR. MILES NERVINE at your drug store. LIQUID NERVINE Large ML tl.M, Small Ml. 25# EFFERVESCENT TABLETS Large pkg. 75#, Small pkg. 35# in tm?i n mawm Only '-)/ Supp condi Regular Priced $7.50 Regular Priced $6 Ha Regular Priced $5 Ne Regular Priced $3.501 Regular Priced 50c SI Phone For App Ruth's Be p THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HRRATP, 2NINGS X WOMEN ITTERSON, Editor | ++*+++ + +++++++4++<M>+++*++? METHODIST CIRCLES MEET -'11 j Circ|6 number three ot central Methodist church mot at thy home st- of Mrs. Percy Hilling on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. C. W. Harper, the leader, was in cliatge. of tie business Session. The circJe voted to pay a part of 'd ihe expense of Keeping a colored girl from (his section at I'uyne Col?t lege, this to he done In connection n; .with other pledges made toward ihe support of Itethleheni House and Vaultti School.' | Sixteen member were present. ?f | lee cream and cake served *8 during the social hour, ,e Mrs. I tester Hoke, the leader, pre*' siding. Nineteen members were present. >c" Miss Wlnulfred Pulton had charge eI of the devotional service and Mrs. M May Williams presented the Bible ,ft* till v tiikPTi fmm .fiidrnfl After the business the hostess served tempting refreshments. to . Circle Number Uwo met at the er home of Mr. L.. D. Shuford with Mrs J. M. Williams and Mrs. Loy Minch 'as Joint hostesses. Mrs. E. L.. Camp bell conducted the devotional ser v(ce and Mrs. H. R Parton present a ed the Bible study. Mrs. L. 1). Shuford, the loader. had charge of the | business session. Nineteen members were present. Bo During thb social hour delicious re ' freshments were served by the- hos ?* tesses. D; - . VI8ITOR HONORED AT 3RIOGE PARTY Qn Honoring Mrs. V. C. Schley oi Fredericksburg. Va., house guest ol c Mrs. Orady King. Mrs. J. H. Thom son entertained at bridge on Friday (h ;venlng. n(j Early fall flowers were attractive ly arranged in the rooms which were thown en-suite. Mrs. Schley was presented an hor ir or gift and Miss Sara Allison wa-: presented prize for high score. Tempting refreshments were set ^ ved at the conclusion of the game Guests included Mrs. V. C. Schlej ? jf Fredericksburg, Mesdantes M. H 'User, J. C. Nickels. Hugh Ormand irady King; Misses Jette Plonk am .hirn Allison. DINNER PARTY Misses Eva and Daisy Payne wen lostesses at a delightful dinner par y SunJay in honor of their sistei Alias Jennie Payne and Dr. Bil tVcodson of Norlolk, Va. Guests ii. hided Misses Enid Mitchell an. ' 'raig Dixon, Dr. Charlie lilt tin, In lobirt Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs., linn, v Dixon, and Mr. Blaine Dixon, ;u f Gostonia. Miss Sara Sunn o Charlotte and Mr. Ben Davis of Ilai tlniore, Md. DST ROM-REYNOLDS Anno'iut emeitt hits been made o lie marriage of Miss Vera <)stron and. Mr. \\urren Reynolds Septem ler 4th. ltoth are from Kings Moan tain. MEETING OF BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Hayite Bi.iokiner entertaitie members of the Contract Bridg Club at her home 011 West Moun tain street on Tuesday afternoon. Those playing included Mrs. Jo> 1 .Veisler. Mrs. Hunter Neisler. Mrs Arnold Klser and Mrs. Charles Dill ing. ;. A tempting salad course ant sweets were served. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs William Fitzgernli ot Albemarle are announcing tht birth of a t=oh. Win. Claud Pltzgei 'aid, Third, at Yadkin Hospltul. Bun diy. Mrs. Fltxgerald was before ma riage. Miss Bessie Lee Rogers ant lived with her parents in King Mountain for sometime. 1 OFFER AS OUR GET QUAINTED SPECIALS AS FOLLOWS: Standard Materials And lies Used. Our Work Unitionally Guaranteed. Irvra Wave $4.50 dliwell Electra Wave $3.50 w Eugene Oil Wave $3.00 Kinglet Oil Wave $2.50 , i am poo and Wave - - 35c ointments At Night auty <$hoppe hone 73 THURSDAY, 8BPT. 15, 1938 Personals Rev. W. M. Boyee'was a business, visitor lu Charlotte Monday. Mr. Jisiimie Koul is in a hospital ] in Charlotte fur trout men. v ' ' ?0? . Miss ''ranees " Plonk " visited homefolks here over the week-end, Xlr. and Mrs. Charles Spake of Shelby were guests of Mr Mrs.! 1). K. llord Sunday. ' ' ?-o? Ms. C. B -Noisier. Mrs. 1). C. j Ma in lev and Miss Pauline Noisier ' spent last week at Myrtle Bench. Friends .of Mrs. Tom Crawford \tsh for h? r 'a speedy recovery, after n serious operation. ?<6? Mrs K. A. Smith. Jr.. and bahv| j sop returned home' last week from Presbyterian Hospital in charlotte. I _o Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duliti of Char! _ lotto were WIH'ks'Ull guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Fore tune."" Miss Pauline Uoforth l?-ft Monday to rosiuiie her studies at Flora Mcllonald College, Rid Spring*. Mr*. Oils Kall? and mother. Mrs. , J. II. Slpe visited relatives 'in She!i by and Bethany,- 8. C\. Monday and Monday night. Miss Phyllis Patterson and Billy i Pulton left recently for Due West. 8. i where they entered Krskine ColI lege. ^ Mrs. Grady-'King has been spend. ihg several days in Charlotte, guest Of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Willterord, the former, her b rotter. Mrs. K. E. Farley of Covington, Va t is visiting relative's in Kings ' Moun tain. Mrs. Farley was before marriage. Miss Ethel Osment. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Harmon had is their guests Sunday evening, Mr. p and Mrs. Theodore Fogleman- of ; Charlotte. 'r . ; Miss Jennte Payne of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end at her home here. Accompanying her was !>octor BUI Woodson of Norfolk. * ?o? Miss Frances Gcfonh left Tueslay for Chapel Hill where she Is reuming her studies at the University. '. ' " Dr. C. J. Black, former pastor of 1 he First Baptist Church, In Kltigt Mountain has been critically ill at '' 'tis home iu Bessemer City. 1 Br#-' ' ?o? Little Dickey Webb, son of Mr ind Mrs. It. H. Webb, is recoverlm "ront a totisil operation lie tt:t'd<>! l> vent on Monday. * Thomas Roberts, son cf Mr. ail'T 1 Mrs. Prank Roberts, left this week I (Cont'd on back page) I Come to I . %+ / DONt MISS*^ ff ySTAR IN < v&dy <mwcHtN' &0&I ( SEE THIS PAPER FOF \T1ME AND PLACE/ /I I \ \ M t 1 r J T u| So EASY to bake -foods are doubly THERE'S a delightful new mo tion picture coming and it' FREE. Be cure to tee "Star in m; Kitchen." Watch thia paper fo ;ime and place. You'll find real en tertainment in it and real help, too For it shows you a new, easier wa; to hake and fry?with Spry, th< new ALL-vegetable shortening Cooking experts for 281 home making schools say Spry's th Spry TRIPLE-CR . r-. ? ?* I Your nerves need a rest ifflfeg 1 every now and then... I 'mm * I U BBBBy Smokers find Camel's Costlier Tobaccos I are Soothing to the Nerves! fl Imperial Theatre H Will Open Friday Sept. 16 1 Friday and Saturday ?Double Feature? Tex Ritter "ROLLING PLAINS" , fl ?ALSO? "HEADLINE CRASHER" I Frankie Darro Also Flash Gordon Serial No. 1 and Shorts . _ v 10c and 15c : I Monday and Tuesday Jean Parker "ROMANCE OF LIMBERLOST" I News And Comedy lOr and 15r I I Every Wednesday and Thursday BARGAIN DAYS I 1 10c To All Ifl Come?Enjoy A Good Show FREE Motion Picture 1 I Cooking School I / have a good time - learn aboni I Cnnil CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE ^j j I 4 IrStpnon nil ~ tcllkc tiimr "?Ur | 1 ^B-.:: '.. ?J?>'i I I tr-npnon v.?.iilla preferred) I I K'/> ?&%$&" , 1 run rjR.ir -' j Icarpoom baking I 1 egg?, unbeut< n ^ powder^ | Combine Spry, rait and vanilla. I Add vugar gradually and cream un- d v' , til light and tlutly. (So quickly done J| J _ I with ainooth. creamier S|?ryO Add I I onn Tvif until \nm S l'KS"-or<"nl a ti,nr- batingt,ior- f ' dlIII ll V Willi OUry ougldy after each addition. Ma a a Qj(/ Sift flour and baking |>ow<ler to- I delicious, so digestible f Sirs: i I ; . l/\ natcly with milk, heating after each I creamiest shortening thev ever // I addition until nnooth. Pour batter 1 / time with Spry, yet they're lighter, j oven (J7S? F.) 25 minute*. Spread I r finer with a wonderfullv delicate I Chocolate Frortingbctween layers 1 r nner, witn a wonaenuuy aeucate | tnd on top and side* o( cake. flavor. Just try this recipe. See if | i. the most expentive shortening | CHOCOLATE FROSTING / ever gave you so delicious a cake. I J 1 6 Spry pastry is flakier and more 1 ' tender?Spry-fried foods crisper J milk h and tastier and so digestible a child Melt Spry, butter and chocolate e can eat them. Try Spry today. j to*T,hrr ovfr hot ??? p?ur hot J r ' J I milk over sugar and stir until sugar | I* dissolved. Add vanilla and salt. ft. I Add chocolate mixture and beat 1 m T, jJk a until smooth and thick enough to V I ne new, purer fa \??. '^1 Spread. Makes enough to cover J ALL-vegotable/JpPO^y top, and side, of two g-'nch lay** | 2 (Att mmrntwmtnlsinlius* M t . M shortening * tiv. ?-tb. en., a.*o m I the big 6-lb family sis*. I \ E A M EDI .{CUP ?' ??t* this spry nd^. ^ 1

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