New Battle Of Kinj Outfit Fights Ravaj V Scene of Revolutionary Struggle la Worksite of Co. 4479 at York. * I * r I The article reprinted below appear ed In a recent Issue of I Happy Days, The National Weekly Newspaper for the Civilian Conservation Corps, pub linked at Washington, I). C.-Ilev. P, i 1). Patrick who preached near the battleground secured a copy of the publication, tind the article is copied here, as it is of interest to Rugs Mountain readeis " The article fol-l < lows: 'Tgite in 1780 an important battle was fougbt on Die tight of King'' Mountain in South Carolina. The Unfile of Kings Mountain was the turning point of the ({evolutionary War as the' American forces under Clout Col. .littles (lawthorite turned buck tile Itrltlslt troops under MaJ. Ferguson, delating Cornwall!*' ttturch to the north and briugilig about I t tff'irt ' On this historic spot, another, great battle is being fought today l?y! t'CC men. It Is a bittle bet ween ^ men 1 and the elements of nature, with Co.' 4479. York,. 8. C.; doing the'work. The outfit, organised on July 25. 1930. IB ItlurgeU Willi the develop* ineni of a recreatlonal-demonstralion area. tneliiding three lakes and 1 thru group camps, on the cite of the Revolutionary War engagement The! Co. 4479 crews alao work on the! Kings Mountain National Military! Hark which Includes the area or thej battleground proper. The work is be-! Ing done oh land in excess of lO.OtlU j acres .... including recreation park i and military purk Education Is Popular. ! ( leading ull cuiii|> activities in the ? ; ; iJS Wl t 'it'V yf- j ? ^m mm jl I f ^^HaiTj T pj I | 9 LI L JI ff T I . i'. *. Iri^iMM^ 1 l>OVH pu k | pAY*t*lt \ it 1 l**1 \ P\ 1 ~?-nliQ 1 COME M! LISTEN TO THE M Uut m littl* currrnl?You cmn bmrd boar it rum! Meet the aimpleat refrigerating roec iam mr built! Save* up to 25% MOft electricity than even die currem-sa Meter-Miser of 1937. Completely ?ei Automericelly oiled end cooled. Co with 3-Year Protection Plan backet General Motor*. Only Frigidaire ha NEW "MUBlE-EASr QWCKHBE Tl 1. Beteaae cubea instantly?save 20% n ke! All-metal for fiaater, cheaper fi hag! No waatefol melting under feu 2. Traya oome free at finger-touch whheactueive Frigidaire Automatic 1 Release. Beery tray, in every mod* "Double-Ba?y" Quickube Tray! ( Frigidaire haa them) ??C out 4-WAY SAVINGS ? PAULINES MARGRA %.< . V- ; ; * ' .? " : js Mountain As jes Of Nature interest. In the educational progra Close co-operation of the Army an technical service personnels .... i the state depurtinent of educatic interested private citizens, hi brought out- a well-rounded " progrui generally recognized as the eijui of any In the state. The program Is Versatile and the otigh. AH tuen ar?* reuched by soni educational activity, tlie pea of the program being reached lai February when 4134 man-hours of I struction were given. This recOl bested llipse of alt en nips in t4out Carolina at tliut time. Till: men are afforded an excellei opportunity of learning a trade u tlie. projects also Tip- large part < tin- work involves carpentry. cot t retc construi*ton. soli coliservatiol landscaping. inechunlcs and ullk trade*. William A Htriiklen Ilia siaff it - i*titll.. .-T- i-? ??A?- ? ? 1III1K-H I.I. l? III IU 111 r.. I >U 11 H. ,*\U V 18* liamiie L. Stewart. J S. II. t'urKso In superintendent. wltli other men liem of the staff heitiK J. II. Croxto P. II. Glbnoii, \V, B. Hell. B. \. Illae well. V 11. W. Norwood. (' I. Goo< t'itiK and Thomas J Wood, all fori men." " ,* ' 1 i a . -i?- ' MORE COLOR All alfalfa and red clover s<-ed It ported into the United States .nnde green tailoring regulations are to b Colored 5 per cent green Instead o 1 per cent as formerly, the divislo nf Seed investigations of the P. f Department of Agriculture, has rulec HHk&s Saves more on Current. Food... Ice... Upkeep 2 SAVE ALL'4-WAYS ?or you may not Save at all See it starred in the motion picture cooking school', t . the new Frigidairc with new Silent Mctur-Miavr . . . the most beautiful, usable, and money-saving refrigerator in I'rigidaire history. Then see it at our show room and learn how Frigidairc saves amazingly more oa current, food, ice, and upkeep ...all 4 uayt a refrigerator can save! Take no chances with an ordinary refrigerator that may save pennies one, two or even three ways, yet waste dollars another. Buy the sale I way ... on Proof of 4-way I savings! Come in. See Proof i of Fngidaire savings before your eyes, before you buy I See, too, the New Silent Meter-Miser, New "DoubleEasy" Quickube Trays, New Moisture-Sesd Hydra tors, NewlyStyled 9-Wav Adjustable Interior, and alt tw other work- and monev-savina fntnrn only in Frigidtire! !W SILENT MCTER4USEK 1 by "V lATS^y MM S* *P ln\ ?MONS7fcA r/ON NOVW TORE CE STORE g|,|Airifca II iri THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD Church News J LUTHERAN CHURCH 1 L. Boyd Hamm. Pastor Bible school 10:t)V, \V. K. Mnuney.j | nJ (lenesal Superintendent. ! i 1 Services for the 14th Sunday after t ur Trinity. >n MornliiK: 11:00. serinon: TCie j ( 13 Ktenittl Triangle of Life.' . i Evening 7:'3?.' sermon: Man's Dlv \ a vine Katner. I Brotherhood meets Sunday ,l?ven-.t >r> lug at G: 15. . < ic Boy Scouts, Troop 2. meet Moo-! ik day Evening t'.OG! , ?t Citechlsin Classes Wednesday a* >u ternoon ut -4:0V. I" <1 SAINT I.TKKA. I h| Bible school at ln.iMi, jaines LackI ey. Superintendent. ' < |i it nj Presbyterian Church ;i j Be*. P D. Patrick. Pastor. i i-j H tS A. M Sunday School, P. n.1 Thoniasstn: Supt v id- 11 oty A M Mornina Worship ] 7 :.nw P. M. Pionc??is. ? --o (l K:'?H? |? M Evening Worship >t' 7:3? I* M. Molidut Troop On**' u ' Hoy Scouts. | Wednesday 7:30 I*. M. Prayer)" ? Mooting at the Mart rare t'ointnunM gjty House. boyce memorial j i church W. M. Hoyco. Pastor ltible School at 10:00 o'clock. Morning Worship at 11:00 o'clock The pastor will speak on: "A Chris- ] ! Man's Harden." I r Evening Service nt 7:30. The jnln-1 0 ister's message is on; '"'Pile Request t (.r.Devils." ]' n Junior Crrist.ian Pit Ion meets at " ' 2:30. . ' I 11 1 I Intermediates anil Young People 1 I meet in this respective places at; ^ 6: 45. " - . " ; ' 'Mid-Week Service each Wetllies-' ' day evening at 7:30. _ . . V'- * ? CENTRAL METHODIST * church ; Rev. E. W. Fox, Pastor ' 0:45 Sunday School, 1$. S. Peeler.;^ Superintendent. 11:00 The subject for the morning setiuon by the pastor will be "For What Ought we. to pray?" 7:30 The young people will lead < the song service and the pastor will O A . AA IV * - ? ??. i. r. o. o;uv .f* ->J Prayer meeting each Wednesday; evening 7:15. . . * * GRACE METHODIST Kev W. A. Persons. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a m. Preaching Services 11 a. m. snd ' 7:3" P. M. j j Kpyvorth League 6:30 p. m. u Prayer meeting Wednesday 7.;:> ' " ,n< ' : n \ cordial Invitation lo worahif .,.i f l uttoiidum, iv l.'.-j ited to participate.-!:: the, i'.v i ussiofi' C\ery person's 'views o.. tc;v f ion under discussion will by '!' u-ard Your presence puts you . In;, program- of the evening.. A scar j li will be made to flpd the TRUTH.; The Quest loll Sunday night will bej fan I Know Clod's Will For My .ife?" Scripture; Itomans 12:1-:!, The f*t)lowing angles of tie dls USsiOll will be presented: 1 "What grounds have > < it for tin-) s'llef tlint Clod lias a plan tnd a pur ipso for your life?'.' 2. "What provision* has Cl.od made. Ho r. b> wn.inay knnow Ills WIU?" j 'Fan mil suggest seine hinder- f pwrnrwi1.1! u.I..1 ... < r.J 4 "If we refuse Clod's best. does le offer its a around best?' r. . Name some signs. By which you rtav Know you are In Clod's will." U ynu accept any other plan for ! our life lint the IMvine plait. sug- ; at saute possible uolcouu-*. 7. "Are you making an effort to ive dally in Gods Will?" VII Counties Asked To Exhibit At Fair f'oitniy furiti ige.nts. hoards ol niniiiissimicrs. and superintendents i it education all over North Carolia liaVe la-en invited to pfpp'ar i unty progress ' exhibits for tlf ita'tir I-'ajr, October 11-15. acc-orcjin a an tuinouruement ft jiii PV M. Jc-! igricultuiaj editor at State f'olJie. . At lite fair, the counties will he iveti space to feature the achieveinits they have made, in education, tiral lite, and industry, said Mr. Jeer. who has been named siiperinteni-nt of tlie county progress departtent. lie stressed the desire of the man- ^ gemeiit to have the exhibits presm a true and well balanced picture if th<- work that is being done in hese three outstanding fields, andaid that the way an exhibit is pre>ared will count more than the qualty of invividtixl articles that may,be liowti. In tile field of education, lie sugues I id. may lie, shawn the new prbgres-j ive ideas and u? otiiplishments in j he imblie schools tltut- huvu been 1 ost vied by county or City depart , ileitis of - duration. in the field t'f rural life., improved j arm and home methods should bej i.'pluyvd to show definite sceom-j il'.saments on the. land by rural men} ma woiwn. boys and-k iris. alon^l kith sbino el thu major piogtrauia' hat ha\e' rt'i'tdvcd the support .of; II farm poop It-. Ill lliu fit-id of industrial dovolop- j iiotit-should bo exhibited tlio pro- j iroas n-ido in. th? major industries I. lid ( umini-i; ial development of tlio.j ' ountx. whether in mining. tiianufiictiring, lumbering. catena;: to toursts. or Other, permanent oit'.erpises. The winiiosr of the first four pries will probably receive $lJ5p in ash. You can get invisible shoe repairing in Kings Mountain. Shoes are repaired so neatly that you can't tell they are not new. FOSTERS SHOE SERVICE Phone 154 We Call For and Deliver "You'll be ha| us larks IAUc m i rti J. HB woii^u wmpiivu "She'* wonderful. Bob ? hot < inch her a thing or two ulx>o her to Ret Ltptvn i;" 2. Mb obfortod: "Colli, Mom, but I.ipton's Tea a fortune. And we're going to church mice!-" 2. IMOwr laojbid H off: "Why, ion, eyen a? choice a tea < coots less than any other hever water. And you really ought t< heat?when the best coat* *e> lit UPTON'S 1 "TKf WMtD? MOST 00.00 ' ' 1 ' > ' . v* ,u:n : twit Voht n ii m' I ii I r i V rf II . . V... iHr fcU i X - -. jlri^.01 ,1 "K . - > Beefsteak Pi( * delectable o Meat pies are in the British tradi tion and It is easy to understand why their savory goodness has alsc made them a national favorite here They-are hearty enough to be a meal in themselves and served onc? a week or so, they add pleasing variety to the menu. Of the different kinds of meat plei it the housewife's choice, beefsteak >ie must be given first place in popv, ar favor, perhaps because it so htppily combine:! the two virtues ol economy and dellciousness. Knriehed with a flaky pastry covering, it is extra tasty. . ' For your beefsteak pie >ou will need the following: 2 im.mkI* rt.ntvl steak 2 onions, sliced 4 taMoponns Spry. ihc n'-w ftllrVcgetnhlo ihortciuog 2 tens|swrre?f? r?tiirt> ?nuee it IbtikwpiraiiS |?irrl-v te-j.pcd 2 luis aw p-.taloes, diei-U 2 tat-!?'?p,*s:* flour MS?sJ'll ITii I I I s< oi-iiipuirving reel, <-) Cut steak In pieces and *aut? with onions in 2 tablespoons Spry until brown. Put In kettle and add salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and parsley. Add boiling water to Just cover; simmer SO minutes. Add potatoes and cook 43. minutes longer Blend 2 tablespoons Spry and flour; ftdd A littlft (if bit nitwfniws e? turn to kettle, i.i.d co?.k until thickened. Pour Jhto uuueialv gieapt-d with Spry. Roll pauitry U-ltich thick uii of Chariott Qrcensb< CENCTER SERVICE Phone 62 KwBHT I Attend The Hera NEXT THURSDAY, F At The Di A Pefr - -V p .a good Gastonia Coca-( mmm **mm ;7r v* s* fin i ^ mini rout Ik pool H^S ?( I/i|)lon'l a*c currpi l nerve (Ik ' lfcwll -^* iV ' ' ? . ' . ' .>' lir >?' . ," - " ... .. -V ,.>'<:?* -/ .. -? . < J... a thrifty 1 ne-dish meal I 1.1 . '' sire to rover casserole, allowing 1 inch ex'tra all around. Cut dough .1 Into 6 wedge* and Arrange on hot S j meat. Turn cdrcs under and pw?l on rim. >!;?ke Iti very hot oven M3o' F.) 20 minutes. Serves 6. A lender, flaky pastry covering is made with; i I '4 eii|?s sifted Hour | h teaipswi .*li . '' I 1V efiti Sprv 1 I Mi l ' I I.I I I , 1....U [ . Sift flour and salt together, add H-'' .. 1 of Spry, cutting In with pastry lilrnifi-r or two knives until mlxturt! looks like meal. Add remaining I : Spiy and continue cutting until particles al e size of a navy bean. Sprinkle water, 1 tolilceijoon at a time, over mixture With a fork. work, lightly together until all paitlclea ' I are moistened and in lumps. Add ]ust enough water to moisten. Press dampened particles together Into a hull. Do not handle dough any more ' s a. ? ? i man necessary. J ; . . 1 a tip?take ? trio?NOW ov C'cyhoundl o"<1! ye .to Sti?.Mur or a . r.i.-l-w . ?f? the " ?* ' ? -r; private car! , . .] ONE-WAY FATES e ' $1.10 Atlanta $3.40 e ' .60 Winstort-S. $1.95 jro $2.10 New York $8.70 EXTRA *.?.Vgt en Round Tt.p Tkkatt .m Id Cooking School TODAY & SATURDAY * * *' f 't3 xie Theatre | eshing 1 artner of tilings to eat I ^iflP^ilP "*3 mily is hungry, they are thirsty, too. Cola adds a taste thrill to food. Buy 9 y six-bottle carton from your dealer. tss.iso.os M j: . !:; Cola Bottling Co. j H^fPL "hp ^ DON'T MISS THE I j I FREE MOVIE / Jf 1 "Star In My Kitchen" I m