IgC*** "" : ^ r, ' - ' ' ' - " V _ Belk's I $ D i I ONE LOT BOYS' SWEA J He Values $ Dollar Days $ ... . ... ' ,v .'] CURTAIN SCRIM M Tr-nfl.iQnolrty in Eiwmi Cream, Tan, Blue, Mai/.c and Pink 25 yards I LADIES' DRESSES Jus! Arrived, regular $2.00 Dresses in beautiful styles I S Days?Each B BARGAIN OVERAL1 I Not the best quality but a re BOYS' SIZES I MEN'S SIZES I BED SHEETS Roman Emperor Sheets, Very Good Quality, Regular $1.25 value. $ Days only _ I Brooms wl \ 4 ?ne Big Group of new Fall Presses of the latest Styles and Colors. This is our regular $4.00 election. $ Dollar Days $ $2 each FALL COATS V'e have 19 Fall and Winter "oats carried over from last ear. Odd sizes and styles but very one a real value. Former-. y sold up to $14.95. $ Dollar Days $ $6.95 SILK HOSE Ladies' Full Fashioned hose Our regular 77c hose will be offered $ Dollar Days $ For only? 59cpr. z fairs f or $i.uu FALL APPAREL New Fall Dresses, Coats and Suits now on display. Make "^our selection early. We invite you to use our convenient lay-away plan. BELK'S LADIES' SHOPPE :'S DEI " .v : . & . . , . ~ ^ -K itai , --v a'ikArfr-'.w. JiiM.MWV IOUNTA1N HERALD "HURSDAY, 8EPT., 22, 19! I? T1 y ror It rs $ Thur ( .* v "T'- '. y rORK SHIRTS MEN'S DF Patterns\ AA Values to $2.00 I agy Here's A Big Val tEY and BLUE LADIES -?rnir-itete * "" $1.50 values, Doll KFX)RDS MEN'S with ^ mt 8 oz. Sanforized 1 bs I m| Zipper Pockets . Out Kmt/V Thurs. Fri. and S IILDREN'S NEW PRINT! DS ,. A11 colors, Good < jrice 1.00 Dollars Days?IS j>rrc LINEOL Assorted Pal ?Dol] 1 00 , ,W ? x NEW COATS Just arrived, in an assortment of colors for. dress wear. Here is your chance to buy a brand . new $6.00 Coat at a reduction. $ Dollar Days Only $4.98 UNDERWEAR Ladies* Undies, in a special assortment, mostly Munsing wear Regular values 68c each. $ Dollar Days $ 3 for $1 (pDAYT DOROTHY PERKINS ECONOMY SALE $1.50 to $2.00 Values f ?Special For? $1.00 >ARTME ' - V , * ... " 4.* ' * J 18 ?? jjj irifty Sh s. - Fri.-5 LESS SHIRTS MEN S an Ifwv With the ? .[)[) 59c EAC* * DRESSES MEN'S J patterns | (111 Elastic Ba lars Days W $ Days?4 OVERALLS with 4 a a One big sp III) ,New Fall 1 ?at. colors Dol k 5 and GINGHAMS a Quality -a AA SO Square, ! ""ds >EUM RUGS LA ;terns and Colors lar Days? Full Fashi $1.98 but a real $3.98 HOUSE COATS Ideal for this season of the year Silk Taffata in several colors. Regular $5.00 Garments. $ Dollar Days $ *2.5(M SILK SLIPS One special lot Ladies Silk Slips, all styles and colors. Regular $1.25 and $1.50 values. $ Dollar Days $ Only $1 each FOUNDATION GARMENTS Reduced for Dollar Days Values to $3.50 $2.00 Values to $2.00 $1.00 BARGAIN DRESSES V . , w.. I nJi^ ..J rtiij? m.- vi 14HUIV aim - Vllliurcil. Values to $1.00. Take your choice and buy as many as you want? j 25c each :nt st % . ' . . . i ~ i (\r i j ' t".i.'TfaiA fi oppers I >at 1 d BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS I )tand-up Collars 4 aa I?2'FOR l.UUfl MANHATTAN SHIRTS I V?rmrfit" cks, 35c values l#uU| MEN'S HATS I iecial Group Men's aa i dats. Various I fill H lar Days n n r*?iixT?ro l. n. t. rmi^i i a Fast Colors ? aa terns I 1)11 ays Only?-5 yards ,V lDIES' SILK HOSE I oned, seconds, 4 /v value?pair X 2/C I ft&ii&isl SHEETING I 36 Inches Wide " I $ Dollar Days $ I 5c yd. I * * Ve Invito You To Attend I The Herald's -FREECOOKING SCHOOL At The Dixie Theatre I Thurs. ? Fri. ? Sat Gifts From Belk's I ORE I