gr - ' ' w'' SZ?.s';P '. b^.?j*'- - * . ? - *. * : Mountaineers Bessemer In 2 NEISLER STARS FOR LOCAL |" GRIDDERS ?By Whit tiliKtou? The Mouiittjbieer football team de! feated Bessemer City 1.4-0 last Frt- j day lit the opening scrimmage for the local eleven. Noisier, K. St., yuat- iM-buck. curried the hall over for( both touchdowns and tllbson, hall'.;1 went over studding up for the extra ' points. Bessemer City ut no thtie s threatened1 to score t.n the locals. 1|b<> Mountaineer* were the un 1 questioned stipe.riots Irani Uhe firHt ? play, on Gibson carried tha ' bull for a first down. The locals roll ' ed up a total of 6 first downs as com pored with oin- for Bessemer Cltv. t Monism. who along with Gibson > and Kexxtali Had only 4 days prac- ? lice, played a fine lamp, carrying >< **" " wv.M I'M- ru<; 'ifi'yii>. iit."* ptomising end. completed to pusses 1 for tlire* chances to gain at least ten yards on each. One of these was a beautiful shoe' string string catch and proves Harpers ubiliii as an H end. - ? - ' I No game Is scheduled for this week, the first conference tilt being Krlday week. Sept. HO, at Newton. " This game is scheduled for night, *' winning at eight o'clock. The "Mountaineer^" Schedule: Sept. 30: Newton, there. 1 Oct, 7: Cltffslde. here, 8 Oct. 14: Shelby, here. 1 Oct. 31: Open. v Oct. 28: f'herryville, there. , 11 Nov. 4: Harding High (Charlotte) s here. Nov. 10: Forest City, there. Nov. 18.:, liiacksburg. here n ? v . Nov 23: Open . - . - j.. North Carolina's : prospective 1933 j grape crop is estimated at. 7.900 tons I ' and is 40 per cent greater than the'average erop produced. during the v 10 years from 1927 to 1936. reports. the State iMairitueiit of Agriculture.: "Shimmy" causes loss of \l eontrol at critical periods ? ! ? ?n</ the resulting wrecks, . ! K' .. injuries, etc. Have us check i and realign your car's u he- i els, frame. axles now. :f Modest charges. SHERER &FOGLE | 116 N. Morgan St. Shelby, N. C. T ?$ DAY SPECIALS i Thurs., Friday, Sat. Bring this Ad and get $1.00 DISCOUNT ON ANY PERMANENT WA' From *3.50 Up j phampoo, Wave, Manicure and Arch , Ruth's Beauty Shi Phone 73 ' . L. ?i ? .. . . I THURSDAY RACKET E Humphrey Be sail 5. SATURDAY ? C DR. KYTHM Bing Crosby Miiry Carlisle MONDAY A ALEXANDER'S R Tyrone ..Power WEDNE Double Feature GOLD DIGGERS IN PARTq Rudy Vallee Rosemary Une ?Next M THURSDAY. FRID SNOW WHITE AND Vi r- DU , ' "? - ?-'* ! 4^. .vV . - * ?" " \C. y. \' ' ' 'vim m up1 w1 i mi Thrash Scrimmage RAMBLIN' SPORTS With the weather at last begLniug o take a turn in favor of football, he Mountaineers are whipping into hap for. their tilt Friday week with S'ewion, their most foimldably foe. Mils week also finds a new recruit >ii the local gridiron who should) nip the team considerably, lie is ictte other .than Wesle.y Kilter who lasn't * worn the lilitck and Hold iiid regalia sitice "16. We ilnii'i iltow yet just what position Klser silt play. Iiut he has plenty of speed ui'l' should prove valuable io any WP.W W"P mm 'W ilacc him. Ptiuii'k tlnu lit Mi- I* It Tlwilit !ia. mi. who linn helped us ho much with Very thing connciicd with the footmil team. Mad K. SI., a few more ii< n who supported the team as huvtr as Mr. Thoinassou, t'would be grantl sports world we .live in. We cnn't-help saying .something aMjut the proposed Basket ball leame. It's atieh a swell idea. We have lot beard anything about it this ?eek; but we hope that Mr. Stowe nil tlie Others back of the move pre till, working for it. I.ast Wei k Lexington walloped few it**. Two weeks back. Bessemer "i:> held Lincoln-ton for forty miliums, \Ve beat IV C. last week. Llnelnlon rates licjyt to Lexington .... tin I nuts....? ....Nape....! Just vying ic' prove by averages that we till beat Newton Take It way. Bene....! 1AYOR OF'TCWN INVITED 0 FOOTBALL FESTIVAL .Mayer and- Mrs. J. E. Herndon of J Kings Mountain have been invll1 by Mayor Ben E. Douglas of hiirlotte to lie bis guests at Charjtie's first, annua! Football Festival canning the Duvldson-N. C.. State >otball game, Saturday, Sept. 24. They will be among mayors of 50 >wns Mini cities in North Carolina nd South Carolina who will review lie' big football parade at 5 o'clock i om in "{rent of Charlotte's city all. The mayors and their wives ill sit with other dignitaries in the pedal guest box in Charlotte's new taiiuni in Independence Park hioh holds nearly 16,000 persons. 0^ 0^ cures "UP MALARIA ' days snd I'VW COLDS Liquid Tab fjr,t day lets. Salve Headache. 30 Nose Drops minutes ry "Rub-My-Tism" ? World's Best Liniment t> ^ n o? T ?ppe ' =ll & FRIDAY iUSTERS ? George Brent louble Feature CUN LAW j George O'Brien TUE8DAY AGTLME BAND ?Alhce . SDAY ? 10 4l 15C ALWA\? CiOODIfY Herbert Marshall * . i ' * ' +M ' ' iturbaru Stanwyck feek? , AY, SATURDAY * .] IE SEVEN DWARF# :ie 1 ?- *-i " . < .B JI.K -4ki*?.4 ' . i : ' - j HK KINGS MOUNTAIN HBRAL. TJHUl >iWe About Red Cross g f (Cont'd from front page) loro the services of a physician can \ in- secured. The Chapter had three instructors to qualify this year. One|1 course has been completed by some! 1 of th?j employees of. the PhenlxJ Mills. under the instruction of Mr. . H. C. Wilson. I j(( tine course Is In progress now, be! .j 'tig attended by Scoutmasters and rire men. Mr.. Uettinar is to conduct j,-; a' course In Shelby beginning the 23 of September. This course is 'for y WPA foremen. j ? Life Saving v 1 cl J This Service is organized for the j vl j purpose of teaching swimming, life uj I having and water safety. A class was conducted at l.ake Moutonla by Mr. -jIthett Chalk. Eight 1-lfe Saving tier |,j tificates were issued; two 'aenlor ; Life Saving cettlficates. issued; ami ^ due Examiners Appointments Issued ^ j junior Red Cross?Miss Paulsila ,,, Adaid, Chairman (|| T.te junior ited Cross is a union (j( for service among the youth of this I count) \ and forty other nntlons of . "HTP"(lldfIirHfTTTffi!)j?f3mrTT^cuMnTr3ro!F"^ through the schools. In Kings Moun tain every white child lau our city " I scjlCol s> stem aid a large number ^ in the colore ! ache ?l twere enrolled I last year. This was not an enroll- I mi nt by the payment of dues, but I ay h participation In activities sug; nested by their motto. "I Serve." Jr. Red Cross members -sold T. B. Heal- ] tb Bangles and took in over 913. One teacher and two Junior Red Crofes members from the Oolofed! School I were sent to Ashevllle as delegates j:o,the First Southern .Ngro Rally jot' the Jutllor Red Cross. Civilian Relief Service This service deals with cases oth r than Home Service cases. Kings V mttajt) Chapter- gave direct rellefo 173 families this year. This inludes fQOd. fuel.; milk .shoes. new lathing. Prescriptions. doctors' " ialls an' office visits and mlacellariotis. _ Mrs Ruth Humble. Kxecutive Sec etaty.- planned the following orders! during the past year: 254 orders for food 9 495.74! .83 orders'for prescriptions \ 254.83 50 orders for fuel ........ 125.23! v.5 orb rs for shoes 127.27/ 12 orders for clothing 37.6T! DC;'tors 45.75, Milk 223.351 125 pounds yeast 30.38 j MHscellaneous 49.23 J Transients ' 7.181 Total - ?-. $1,396.63 The loan closet, consisting of bed ding, towel*, pewits and pajamas, ^ 'las been us?-d by 17 persons. -218 I tsed gapnents were dlstJ-VbiCetf '.ront the emergency closm. m i Washington snapshots (Cont'd from front pageij means that people have more money .tuy what the farmer has to aell. j i .At t why 1* business getting bet-! ter? There are doehs of answers of fered to the question. But the best answer is that nobody knows. The i?h.est nation in the world, popula- * ted hy the most industrious people I. *he world, is getting back to nor- j nalcy of Its own accord'. Even government economists admit that. except for Its psychological effect, the pump-priming billions have had nothing to do with business recovery. Six to eight months from now when the pump-pruning '< billions do get into circulation, econ ( omists worry over their effect on a' ecovering patient. Thus, it is not a case pt planned i recovery. All the control laws and all the. regulatory aws failed to prevent the business skid! in 1937. And f they are not responsible for the uptrend now. America is juitt coming i back regardless. **** j More will be heard of the Dies Ccmmittee investigating ua-Amerl-. can groups. The beat proof that the committee annoyed some of the ISM sympathizers was the way they soughat to ridicule testimony presented No witness before the committee in any way implied that little Shirley Ttemple was a communist or even a sympathizer. She was mentioned' as 7*77 7>r many good American citizens whcae spokesmen Inadvertently had permitted une of her name by a'tor-i > elgn paper of communistic faith. ' , But hardly had this story appear ^ ed in print before some of the IBMITES twistel the testimony. They tried u put the committee In a rlifcolous light by saying it hgd called the little, actress a Red. i ? : iiiis.itJ.iniLjii.iiiaj.irww ; jytt*' Wfcgvwm t nni^kjj'v . BACK LMmt* ^ I ?J ?? RATS tvn ? ir>,o?u*>ii? | Ml'Fvrr y Tim*, f r o a n?4> m j Sam JW S*?"i HlkSl MRMRtttSM *V U s D-r* A?r (Bui I Si W JS1?. IUa?y-MUM. SM . .? bann.3Van4IIM.Paa*. V ! C rJrr, Mr farm*. 15# AS I. Dni* an* See* S terra f tWMrr nth rat dorr M oama n ?UM a 3-7' jjjKMCa^ I ikQSShEbH ^ .\ Jyai-. ,i"-,-. .... ? avfli.'iias*'!' tSDAY, SEPT. 22. 1038 chool Children j< let Free Fair Pickets j SHELBY. Sept. 20.?1,461 free Hosts for the school children and 44 ckets for the teachers of Kings ountain for - the Cleveland County air of 1038 are being placed In the iiids of B. N. Barnes of Kings ountain. hhese tickets will admit the school' tildren and teachers of Kings! ountain free on the openiug day; 1 the Fair, September 27. which t is been designated as 'School Day'' he Fair will routiuue for four mors g days. through Saturday, Oct. 1. Close to 76.f?h) tree tickets will be ven the school children of the vaults. counties In this section of the i'o Carolinas. The Cleveland Fair is e larget event of the Piedmont sec an of the t?a Carolina* and at , acts both exhibitors and spectators mi iihiiimi*?***??uli Exhibitors this year will compete ' ... - .. , ' IMPERIAL mvvv^ A rrsfk inbAinfi FRIDAY * SATURDAY Double Feature Program Tim McCoy in PHANTOM RANGER Also Frauds X. Bushman In CARYL OF THE MOUNTAINS FLASH .GORDON' and Cartoon MONDAY A. TUESDAY BAREFOOT BOY Comedy and News Note: ail school children { under 12 5c Adults 15c WEDNESDAY A THURSDAY Bargain Days 10c TO ALL PORT OF MISSING GIRLS Secret Agent Serial ?News? 10c Join The 1 "MAKE MINE HOST I LONGER." ITse the THICK Sliced Loaf'for Brown, Crispy Toast. SERVE BOST BUTTERFLAKE BREAD To your family and your guests. It looks best, tastes best, toasts best. Also Complete a 5c Be sure and attend The H< Saturday at The Dixie u a ? *11 t i BOSr Con . Jtljr.1. .ksM**,., ?'.i_... 'j-. iw'. ' or more thiui $8,000 to premiums in he rarious departments, such M igricultural. livestock, swine, poulry, club work, hc:-*e making, sewng canning, etc. l-nat "year more than 160,000 perran iT0 I For ?' luxuricf turning , CENtTER SERVICE .. _ Grsenv I Phone 62 Charlott Qntsibi A VPUN> IAOV IK Will WMOtt SACS i? ALL COVtACO WITH SMILCS. ^ AND HU*7?Jj>n,g0 B *1 'rei When you're nervous they tell Easy, advice to (dve. but mighty h You will find it much easier to r< come Sleeplessness. Nerv ous Irri IsaaiA Nervous Headache alter |k I DR. MILES INervii DR. MILES NERVINE is a well sedative. Although the formula I was made has been in use for ne no better medicine for a tense, nervous condition has ever bee DR. MTT J!3 NERVINE Is as up-t< as this morning's paper. LIQUID NERVINE I^3YEEV&^NTStabi^TS254 jjjf-.T8*. Small pfcg. Me Thousands .. ' > W.* HJTTER-FLAKE BREAD j l ^Ov VH ? ? %L*.\ ^ ? ' " . - \* *'. '- : * '< ' *. ' ssortment of Delicious Cake ? each to 3? eraW Cooking School ? Th Theatre. We will have son . . . te *, . i' Urn - ^ > r BAK pletely New and Modern SHELBY, N. C. sons witnessed the Cleveland County Fair and officials, under the direction of J. 8. Dorton, secretary, are making preparations for even p. greater crowds this year. ' v BtE fflllPlB i . f U--?-?/JTirl ?uper-*ri;? (o by Supef-Coith?en toy exit* i. tee twice at much ?oing one way and reanother, save 2/3 oi the com ol driving) ONE-WAY FARES e $1.10 Atlanta $3.40 e ' ,?0 Wlnston-S. $1.9$ >ro $2.10 Naw York $$.70 EXTRA SavUgt m Rettad Tel# Tickets I IMITSMfll "t"" ' I t |_r^ULI ILL tm TOO* COOO MBBVINE MADS By MILS*. .AX! you to nhx.. ?td to follow. UblUt*0 R?S- jEjH over-wrought In a^proacxibed. |BB| Iwjy. IIIE Ill Saying , IT KEEPS FRESH OST er-Flake ku hamBHPK . ' ^ ' ' ac the THIN sliced loaf ?r tasty sandwiches. * M' s and Goodies. I >c iursday, Friday, and I tie Gifts fof you. : I ">? *1. ' i> I FRY Lill 1 I

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