THIS'N THA By Alice Burton I I . Patterson Grove Section 1 The Patterson Grove school closed 1 last Friday, So the hoys and girl will ' I not have to go to school any .more 1 until November. This school has a 1 summer session and then closes for 1 about six weeks to give the child- 1 mem an opportunity to help gather the farm crops. - I Both-Ware school closed too, so i the high school students from this i community will have a vacation (If 11 you can call it one) too. Dress Up From Our Large Am v4Dk - j NELLY DOK S All Sizes ?AllSty I; $1.95 tt | I BETTY ROSE a Lovely patterns and ma ?|IU1L Si; ICS. $10.951 $?DOLLAR DAY For Thursday, Frida Humming Bird Hose, 2 thread, 51 guage, best quality. Regular $1.00 values. $ Days Only ? 2 PAIRS $1.50 f 1 ' ' We have added to our si FURNITURE and ZE? sonable Prices. Phenix A! Friendly, Courtec . i * _ v: * ;; '' - ''/..i'.-i "' '.'C ' ' '" And speaking of school, Centra High School has one new etuden! from this (btrnimujunky who thlnki ins pretty grand, namely. Flay Oar rll. He aays In part, "1 like ft over there, we iiave a good time, an?! there's lota of books to read." T|ht ?lgth grade isn't ao bad either. W< don't have many books but we have two RngUtsh books. (Will Mfss Hallt man, please take notice!) Flay like! English Just about ns well as tnosl kids like splnlaeh! Vacatlou time is over for us farm ing folks, for Its cotton picking time in Dixie. All the folks In thu section have been busy for aboui two weeks. Those who haven't beer picking cotton have had hay to mow i for Fall d Beautiful Selection wMtiJfaiv / if M M [ DRESSES les ? All Colors ? $14.95 ?I t 1 1 M >ATS AND SUITS terials in both dress and n S?$- SPECIALS iy, and Saturday Only Towels, good quality Bath Towels, size 16 x 29, assortment of colors, $ Days Only? 12 FOR $1.00 tock a line of QUALIT^Y 1ITH RADIOS at Rea 5. ? . . I J- >, . _ | ? !jj ? fills Store ms Service Always THB KIN08 MOUNTAIN HSHALT. T and stack, peas to pick, etc. ? Krlenda of Mr*. Annie Martin who once lived in this community, will be glad to hear that she ia visiting ' iier daughter, Mi*. Howard Ooforth, uid Mr. Goforth, the week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Thornburg and family recently moved from this j echini unity. They are tx> be mlseea, a Several from this section are plan j, nlng to attend the Cooking School w "Star in My Kitchen" to be snown 0 it the Dixie Theatre this week. al > Church News LUTHERAN CHURCH L. Boyd Hamrn, Pastor W Bible school 10:00. W. K. Mauney, > General Superintendent. w Services for the 15th Sunday after Trinity U Morning 11:00, sermon: Our Ut- * most for Ithn and for Thein. a At Morning Service Bible School w work' i* aiid officers of auxiliary or- ' canl/.ic.ions will be industed intto .'ffice. , ^ ' Kveiiiug Service 7:3?. sermon: I>l swaisanjsNrvSMmwswewaieMaaaawnwmRBHea J die Kvetiing Service. , Pr< motion day in the Hit'le school will be obs>*rv< <1 this Sunday morn-1 dig. Tin- Pastor'* adult class In rellgt- 7 bus ii.struction meets at the muue .hour as Bible school. Catechism classes meet Wednesday afternoon nt 4:?0. SAINT LIKES ? The Service 9:00 A. M. Bible school 10:00. James Lackey, Superintendent. BOYCE MEMORIAL CHURCH 1 W. M. Hoyce, Pastor llihle Sfhool at 10:00 o'clock Morning Worship at 11:00. The pastor will speak on: "The Straight Cross or The Crooked." Eveniug Service at 7:30. The pastor's subject is :'The Sacrament of Scripture Study." Y. P. U meets at 6:45. Mid-Week meeting each. Wed needay evening at 7:30. ' CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Rev. E. W. Fox, Pastor 9:45 Sunday school, B. S. Peeler, Supt. 11:00 The morning hour will be *cbserve! . i t* . . . ' V., ' . -l*-' 1" r . .. .'h EWURBOAY, SEPT. 12, liSt mmmi^mmmmmm?mmmmmmmmmm?mmm a swell time despU rhe ROUND-UP I lie INV-/VJI NL/ ^Ir Boone's letters to ? By "Qeorce" All Gossip Col urn start a strike .... Nosing around the Herald Offlce not like publicity find that Julia and r have soma lay off Miss Coble ew competition. And. In our hum- , . ,, . . le estimation we really have some " ,,' -orthwhile competition The name >X>U w Sunday n f the new column 1. "ThisnThat,' ??me question to V nd Its written by a young lady from . ^ln ^ ,ed ut in the rural districts. This A?d dectare* 1 rings the total number of columns ,Wll8 i tue Herald to four?nice work! *n ^ie ''n^tortul But now getting down to the old "This Is .Too muct uff: Pat seems to be really serious at H ist .... or so L>add' would have us elleve .... And, strangely enough. __ _ ?e believe it....! 11/ _ I 'Fred Wright should bo glad - that WW ^ I till Davis Isn't around uny more .. le certainly Is profiting by Bill's| bsence ....! And1 BUI has the ans-j Wt* take t rer to that song he used to sing in " ? IBKC I lie Quartet ....! KinifS Moi Hud a card from Phyllis Tuee- ^ K ay. and she says that she's having ing OUT O] Sunday School 9: <5 a m. tain for? I), i, U. 6:45 p. di, . Evening Worship 7:00 p. m. Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7 PM. ;00 p. LI. THl Park-Grace M. E. Church C. P. Self, Pastor _ _ . _ Sunday School S-.4R A. M. MornltiK Worship 11:00 A. M. . 1V?\* TV 1 Kpworth League 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. No Pu Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 P. M. Everyone Welcome. 1 Cooking School Attend each session at the Dixie day morning 10 A. Mi We'll have some i * _ " " ft E?' M E 5 m\ E' ; Br / T*i . I guards iU purity and fine qual i ty against any* c ont a min a tion ^ti&Ss I te the tact that & ut u? R'-8?'6 S?"!?B?i? School Shoes Now Miss Norrls does Lat us put the children's shoes In ! And please f)rtt olaM ^pnio,, before ocld weather begins. , 11, who did 1 see > M*FOSTER'S SHOE W. is in love.. hat It's the real BfittVltfi We Call For and Deliver words of Gloria,! lie.????? . ? 1 ? ; : p " ' v 1 . rhankYou ... his means of thanking the citizens of intnin for their nntrnnaire irivpn us Hur N pening. We extend them a cordial inviiome to see us again. We are also coii . $?DOLLAR DAYS?$ IRSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY liirter's 5 & .10c Store rchase Too Small To Be Appreciated H * Begins Today Theatre Today, Tomorrow and Satur? Prizes For You. a CHOOSER INER MILK MILK is your child's most Important food. Only the best should satisfy you. And fortunately the best is just a* easy to buy. Choose the purer milk that comes in this finer bottle. The "Ducro Protected"emblem is a watchful guardian of your children's health, the symbol of highest purity and quulily. It means that our milk is completely protected by every scientific safeguard... on the farm, in the bottle. Safeguard your children's health, use "Dacro Protected" Milk every day, Thli Mark U jroor aMuranes of complete protection for parity and quality . . . en the farm, in the dairy plant, in the bottle. V" "*"v'" *' 1 ***** ' . ,'t esq tMtpUtl mm4 1aW*V*e . CUM, rlfh' Milk from torj tasted ?h?a raeaivad' kaaltky, tasted cow* ? our plani . I I i SB .'/ill . . . IHUJ Hlkla ky ??f jak?T???ry u aila am , . V fMtwHaaJ vMl ft. <,..Uty U )? ? atP?ir? lild* mndCmp mrm mpprtrtd by AIRY Gastonia, N. C.