< i i: social , jf Of INTE o \\ phones 10-r A ' ? ? MEETING OF ADELPHIAN CLUB Mrs. J. K. Davis was hoBtess to' members of tbe Adelphiau Club aud I Invited guests entertaining at tier home on last Thursday afternoon. The entire lower floor wan arranged witii dahlias and bowls of mixed \ flowers. ' L: ..v'. s.; J Mrs. D. C. Mauney was winner ofj high score and was presented a pottery bowl tilled with narcissus bulbs. ( The hostess assisted by Mrs. B. S, Peeler, Mrs. Bill Howard and Miss Fanny Carpenter served a tempting juiK attractive salad plate with tee thiests Included Mesdaines D. C. Mauney. O. W. -Myers. M A. Ware. I A. H Patterson, Joe Thomson. Troy Carpenter Harold Crawford, C W. I ' . I. Dollar Day SPECIALS . .$1.08 rA 29c : V I I $i.3o size I . $1.08 59c | HlMMHrflHHHMffijH E&iti ,,,c 9 39c ''' K9H9ffi3' 20c Mmi 25c , ? fefLUX SOAP 4_25c MlfFEBUOY is&feT 4-25c Kings Mountain Dhlfe Co. The Itcxall Store ^ _____ until. mill illi > ? ? ?. \ND PERSONAL HAPPEN REST to 1 lND 88 MRS. A. H, PATT] " +++-0.+++++ +++ >+++++++ >-( Harper, Arthur Hay, W. K. Mauney, Manly Morehend, A. L?. HUI, Grady Putlerson, Pride Hatterree, W. A. Rldenhour. J. K. Aderholdt, W. 1 Weir J 8. Norman. ,J. M. Patterson, K. L. Campbell, F. K. Finger, B. 8. Neill. Pat Tlgnor, O O. Jackson. Smyre Williams M. L Plonk, S. H. Ruber.' B. S. Peeler H. K. Partoti. Bill Howard and Miss Fanny .Carpenter. < MEETING OF SOCIAL CLUB Members of the Social Club and 1 Invited guests were most delightful ' lv entertain by Mrs. O. W. Myers at last Friday afternoon. Bowls of love- ' I) early full flwers were urratiged in the rooms where tables wete plar ed for rook. J Mrs. A. I?. Hill uiade high score , and was presented an attractive Dttxe. A tempting frozen fruit naiad whbj ; accessories and a sweet course was i ( sened1. Members and Invited guests ln luded Mesduines M. A. Ware, W. ' IC. Mutiiiey, U. S. NeiU. W A. Uiden- ' hour. Ladd Main rick, N V. McGUl, L. Boyd Hainin. P I). Patrick. M. L Plonk, I). C Muuney. Manly More 1 head. A L. Hill. K. A. llarrlll. It. L. Mauney. J. K. WIHIh, B S Peeler, W M-. Bovce. Carl. Davidson and J. M, Patterson HOSTESS TO STUDY CLUB MEMBERS AND GUESTS ., Mrs. Charles Thoiuasson was hos-l ' less, to lneinbers of the Study Club r and a number of Invited1 gitets entertaining at her homy on Kast King Street, on Tuesday afternoon. 1 The rooms were attractively ar-l ^ ranged with cut flowers." I " Mrs. Lester Hoke had charge of an1 interesting program, featuring talks; ^ on Historic Williamsburg, by Mrs.!' M. A Ware and Mrs. I^add Hamrlck.; " During the social hour a tempting salad course and sweets were served ?? . A CARROLL-HOWELL p Announcement has been made of p the marriage of Miss Mantle Lee Carroll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' \If, LI n?t - # ? ?-* - -- ? *- " ' v. ui run 01 \ ixiwuers Aiounuun j and Airs. James Howell, son of Mr. I p and Mrs. Will Howell of tile Bethle- i w hem section. Sept. ?. Mr. Howell \ had Just returned from a two year? stay in the Panama Canal Zone. ; . I .v BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS M Horn to Mr. and Mrs. William 0 Hern don Annus! o. daughter, at 'Vasti-nia Cits Hosnital. Horn to Mr. and Mrs Jesse Yar- it horo. August 30. a daughter, Judith, h Elaine. , $ Dollar Da 1?8x10 inch Picture $2.50 , our Studio over Ladies' i , i { on ail size Pictures Dollar Belk's ' " * RICHER MACAI A&u/ywti t r > Af*nck~<ookiMtmacaroni... pott* ttoeeae? in each Kraft Dinner package. Easy dirccI t ions on package tell you bass | to make fluffy-tender macaroni ft drenched with rich cheese goodE oeas... in minutes' I ^3* ^K^SSSm I x. a, {-, .... I ? : J I1|I|L L.I. Ill I 111.11 HII 111)11!. II . _ II I THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERA1 D. INGS J WOMEN j ERSON, Editor | Personals Miss Kulli Moore is spending the yeok* at her home in MurshVille. ?o? Rev. and Mrs. \V. M. lloyce were liarlotte' visitors Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. L. II. Huiuui were "hurlotte visitors Tuesduy. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cole had as! hell- guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Uj ( \. Kulton unci Mi-H. K. J Kfvcrliurt. ( ?o? W m n.Ji'. ... i i laughter. Shirley, of Dooiie. spent holiday -with Mr*. K J. E verba it. , "-O*. ? _ Mr*. Isaac McGlll, Mr. and Mr*. A | I. MoGill and Lelund McGlll visited datives In Itladen eounty this week Mrs. W. C. Caveny and daughter, ills* Ruth Caveny, were Charlotte Isltors \Vodnesduy Mrs. Pauline Weaver was the re rent guest of her sister. Mrs. Hunter ludson of Charlotte. ?*Mr. and Mrs, Freho Wn're of Golds , lord were guests of Mr. and Mrs. >V. A. Ware for the week-end. , .. ?o? V" Mr. and Mrs. Jv C. Sntathers and diss Fairy Grace Patterson of Oliar- , otte were visitors in Kings Mouh* , a til, during the week-end'. I ?o? - , Mrs. Annie Mae Howie has been t the bedside of her father who 4 seriously ill at his home in Mon- | oe. , Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Eidson of llckory Grove, S. C.. spent part of ( he week-end with their daughter. \ It-s. Frauk Crawford. Mrs. Thctnas Carter and mothrt Irs. Kirkpatrlek "of Cherryvlllc y re re guests Monday of Mrs. E. W. t teal. Mrs. David Gamble, ne<> .Mis* s lice Flam. who rewiitlv underwent n operation at Watt's Hospital In f uvhatn. X. O., 1b recuperatinj? niceir at her In Southern Pities. ? Mr. and Mrs. Will Falls and call- \ j reu. T^ubte and1 Paul, and Mr. Geo. \ 11 alack spent' the past week-end 1th Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Falls of ? lia Vista, Va. l, ?o? Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dav(s and Al-jh a .lean Davis, spent the week end ( 1th Mrs. Davis' father. Mr. J. t*. Tiller and other relatives in Martin, eorgia. Mr. William WhitesMV-s of Wash ljrt' n. D. ('.. spent last week with is sister. Mrs. Bryan Hord and is Isitins; relatives in York before- re' y Special value for $1.98. Visit Shoppe. Special prices Days. Studio tom-and-cheese \ / # ? ,t YOUR GROCER S jL - /-la- ^ :i'<i?'iiifti La?L -I,, ?x, THURSDAY, SEPT., 22, 193S turning home* Mr. Phillip Kium, Assistant Conn tv Agent of Madison county, Marthall. N. v!t W>- parents, Mr. I Mid Mid Ft. F. Hlam during the week' end. |]e .was aeeotr.panled by Mr. EJure. an : u< :'ne> of Marshall, oMi ->-1 Mrs. I>. F. Hord and Mr. 111 <1 Mt> t: ?e Moss antl Stlsarti' * Moss spent s?;:ii in> in Morgan'on. f guests of Mr aim M Yates >.paKe I slid were also visitors Clearwater | Bench where the Spake* li. . i a On age. Mrs A. 1., Hill and granddaughter los'i phine Carrlgun went to'Winston Salem Monday trt visit Mrs James C&rtfgan of Burlington and her Infant daughter. Mary Louise, who arlived last. Saturday. Mrs. Cariigan mil baliy are patients in the Baptist Hospital at Winston-Salem. -?o?Mrs Horace McOlwo and diltigh-' ;ef, Miss Mary' Blight M'tlius'. ' of Greeirvilie. were guests of Mis B C. I'oepcr dill tug the week-end. Mrs. ? iiumii uiiuirtiu *ji r\iui.'h .>l?ua i;ifn i'uiik' m> especially to attend the i -union of former Elizabeth College students at ChailotU lust Sat [inlay. ? * < ? + + >< ++? >+ +' ? NEWS AROUND NORTH PIEDMONT AVENUE ! Lois Beattie >+*4++**+<M*+++++*4-<?* * Prl-tids of Mr. Lw- FUnnreur are ula i to know tliut he {* able to be j 1 >1 > uauln? utter lui Vlng ixcn ill for | toinet ime. .V J. J. Patterson and children1 Gladys ami James. spent Sunday .vi.li" relatives In the .mountains. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). IIU1 lender and uitrzhier, I let ay. Mr. and .Mrs. Clyde lull-uder and Mr. and Mr*. Jake! Carl) visited Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Hul <uder of tlie Oak Urovt %-<tion. Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Campbell had is t in yuests -Sunday Mr. and Mrs. iuyniimd Brazvvel] of South Oas-i on la. and Mr. umj Mrs. Marvin Fen tingion and children of Gaatotiia. 1 Mr and Mrs. A. B. Prince had as j heir gut-sis for the week end Misses j { dadit and Muty Dunn of Charlotte, j t Mr. and Mrs. C. P. GofonJi return 'd home Monday after spending sev .ral days with the latterH daughter. Irs. \V. L. Coley and hu-sband of tumlUmaii, X. C. Mis'. Clyde tlullender and Mrs. a.:k Hullender and Mrs. Jake Early ? pent the past weekend in Gastonia. """? .Mr J. J. Patterson spent Saturday n North Wllkesboro. Miss Irene Gladden had as her u-evjs for the week-end Miss Pa ye; 4 Juffatctler of Puil-v* Chape] am. I .m diss Margaret Hulfsu tler of Lack j ,1 y Street. j \ Mrs. John Olaldon had as hei I .crsst Sunday Mrs. K:u>s Hutfsteter of the Pauline community. Mrs. J. K. Pennington who has. n-en visit Ian Mrs. H. Campbell Cont'd on back page this section> Digestible as I milk itself! 1 ?this cheese food . I that children love jM # Hidden in Velveeta's dc- ' liciously mild American cheese flavor are wonderful t food values, richly concern \} trated! Protein, to build .? sound muscles. The precious milk minerals, calcium and phosphorus* needed for soupd teeth and bones. Essential Vitamin A. And Velveeta is digestible a9 milk - itself. Serve it regularly >" i; sandwiches ... spread on . crackers... in cooked dishes rfld&S^ A 'J ^B I Uk ' . 4 ^1 sottr*. Get A New Wave For The Season ^ |)OLLAR DAYS?EXTJRA 3 SPECIAL PRICE ON . rj~* ALL PERMANENTS \ ' /f^^SLS Complete Beauty Service By Experts 1 SI'PER VALl'E: 2 Permanent foi ; $4.50 ' yj , 11^ ?? n i- ai - vera s oeauiy 5fioppe I Phone 88-R j Attend The Herald Cooking School 1 Cooking School Specials . . 1 \fl&LUXFLAKES LUX soap I iicuun uaci MBiv ACTIVE I CUTS DOWN _,A or. ! LATHER Of in STo^aooautM 10c 23c 3 f or 19c ELASTICITY ' ANDMlH . ggLIFEBUOY fajgRINSO I rcR B.o) 3 f"(,r 19c clothes 3 I* or 27c I PROTECTS rPARKLlNO li- oo health i white -arge Kiuso 23c CRAWFORD'S MARKET fl BUVLOCK GROCERY 1 BAKER GROCERY 'fl KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. 1 hAKKVS STORE, Crover, N. C. m r ?! I f JIM SIMPLY X I WON'T EAT MY ) ~~| I SsSALAOS '"J I * j m 3 h A^v/betterX A 9| 1 CHANGE \ I jpd??PUYOUR SAUDTZA^ f^S^iNDRgSSING I i know JxtvurL I jgggf ) miracle toe i # How 10 make your husband eat salads? The exciting flavor of Miracle Whip solves this problem! Miracle Whip is an entirely new kind of salad dressing? a skillful combination of finest mayonnaise and old-fashtoped, boiled dressing, Its unique goodness has made it the V world's largest-selling salad dressing. I The special Miracle Whip recipe calls for more ?far more I1 fl . ?of the costly ingredients ft I 1 \ ' that make the difference ft H between fine and ordinary I LaLlJL ' salad dressings. And Kraft I whips the* ingredients to M ^ a delicious new creaminess I m the exclusive Miracle I 1 i , , 'W Whip beater. Get ac- I quainted today with the I nih^lMU lw" ,\\ exciting new flavor ol Mir?cle Whip Salad Dressing? I FLAVOR I ALL OF ITS OWN I 1 K : ' . -? ; ' ' T? . ' . . . w; _: -"

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