""" ?? i: social | Of INTE I phones 10r i 1 y . ; ' '* - ; 1 i lliliAiiAlAAAAAAiiAAllAAAlAiJ ^TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTT^ BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Miss Phyllis Wave enter-1 tained around tweejyfhe young friends and u number of grown-ups on Tuesduy afternoon the occasion in celebrattou of her fourth birthday.! The play room at the rear of her parent's home was elaborately decorated with t(>y bullous In gay colors.' Out-door games were played and] during the afternoon punch, Ire cream and cuke was served. The favors were suckers and toy balloons. Idttle Miss Waco .^^L?Laai "^guests in an nroruble floor-length party dress of blue taffeta. Young people present' included | Nancy and Marjory Dickey. Jean and Betty Cash, Kathleen and Dick-J ev Proker !>? Pm??i?v r.->?-??. . ? ? Htowe. Mildred Mae Uoforth, Pete Herndon. Sara Kathryn and Jo Ann Falls, Giles Cornwell. Jr., Lina Bak'er, Susan Moss, Bobo WinJet, Jean , , MeCl^ln, (Sonny MoDaiile). Hugh Nelsler, Patricia Hayes. Zlpp Wray, Cornelia Ware. Dot Fiiltou and Jurty Jenkins. i . v . - * BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. anJ Mrs. Leo Mitchem of the Margvace announce the birth of a! non. Ronald Davlr. Sept. 17. Mrs. Mitchem was formerly Miss Pertanyel Moyris. IMPERIAL _ THEAmE TODAY ? THURSDAY Bargain Day . Harry Carey in "Port of Missing Girls" 8ECRET AGENT NO. 2 ?NEWS? ?Only a Dime to All? FRIDAY A SATURDAY ?Double Feature? ' Herman Brlr in "Flying Fists" Also Jack Randall % In. /r*x ee ? "Lianger valley" Flash Gordon and Cartoon 10c and 15c . ?Coming? v MONDAY A TUE8DAY Jackie Cooper in "Boy Of The Streets" Comedy and Nawa Children 5c ? Adults 15c iDorotJwj ___ t l? ? ?* *| To m I sou Siza. II Of ion Frep ? to of their ingly r > REGULAR FRICt f AFTER THIS SA Belk's Ladi v . . . v, V"' The Frietn ; 1 . . v * . ; r r ; " "1 ll'H'l'?ul'L",w^^liplppiF^ AND PERSONAL HAPPE1 REST to IND 88 MRS. A- H. PAT7 ? ? +? VISITOR HONORED liquoring Mrs. K. T. White of Hertford, house guest of her daughter, Mrs. George F. T-atllmore. Mrs. Lattimore uud Mrs. Ilayne Blackiner entertained at three tables of rook on Saturday afternoon at Mrs. l?attimoro'st home on West Mountain street. n l.ovely- asters, roses and mixed flower* were tnstefully arranged in decoration. ( Mrs. W. K Muuiicy received prlie for higli s'-ore and Mrs. H.'T fulton Mis. White and Mrs G. C- OFsr rell were euch presented attractive' gifts. Guests included Ms. R. T. White, of Hertford. Mesdamea O. C. Q'Karrell. U. C. Mmuiley, It I;.' Muuncy, W K. Mauney. VV. a Kideurour. C. K Nfliler, L. I* Laker, Arthur Hay, S. A. Lowry. Jl. T. Fulton. U. M. Or man J. J. M. Rhea and J. 0. Hord. ATEND FUNERAL SERVICES Ml sues Ruth Moore. Olllle Hart sell. Helen Btfewart and. Winiilfred Fulton attended the funeral services for G. Robert VV in cheater, at Pleasant Grove church, near Monroe Monday afternoon. Mr. Winchester was the father of Mrs. Annie Mae Howie of the Ausell Reality Simp Mr. Winchester was years of age and has l>eon seriously ill for; a long time. Mrs. Hcwle has been at his bedside for the past two weyks. ~ r BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Duttos announce the birth of a son, Marshall Wilson, on September 22. Mrs. Dutton and baby are at their home on Railroad Avenue. MEETING OF BOOK CLUB . Mrs. 8. A. L#owry was hostess to members of the Thursday Afternoon, Book Club and Invited guests last week entertaining at the Woman's Club. The club rooms were tastefully ar J l*L I ? I /..II ranged wnn cuiunui iu.ii uuttcm. Mrs. Lowry had charge of the following program: "What the South Means to a Southerner", Mrs. D. C. Mauney; Original of Song, "Old Ken tucky Home," Mrs. Arthur Hay; "Love Affair of John Howard Payne. Author of Home Sweet Home,' Mrs. P. D. Patrick;' a tnlk on a prominent North Carolina Winter. Mrs. Mack fc. Curry, whose pen nnme Is. Bertha B. Moore, Mrs. M. I. Harmon; a descriptive talk of a recent trip to New York City. Mrs. W. K. Mauney. An Interesting contest concluded the program, with Mrs. 11. C. Maun ey as winner of first prize and Mrs O. Plonk. Recond. A tempting salad and sweet course was served during the social hour. -' ^ VeMdsvu, SIZE 3NOMY SALE *1.5? c jm A $9.00 J Value* PECIAl FOR ok* new uteri for the Giant of Dorothy Perkins Beauty orations, we ore privileged Per them to you, regardless of regular prices, at the amazlow price of only $1.00 each! NOTE THESE W GIANT SAVINGS! Cream of Roses , $1.50 Sis?. Nou>$l Rose Lotion $1.75 Sis*. New $1 j Cream Delight S $2.00 She. Nhv $1 Skin Freshener $1.75 Size MN<yw $ 1 :S Will PREVAIL , LEI - i - m . ; ies Shoppe My Store v. *f?* '*. * ' ' .*_ v- 'Aft' . * iPRiiniiippiifiP'PP'M THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HBftAI - * < ^JINGS : WOMEN j II rERSON, Editor j 1 i . i i j JUNIOR CLUB TO MEET The meeting of the. Junior. Wt mans Club, will be held at the clul house next Monday evening. (Jcto t her 3, at 8:'K) o'olock. Hostesses are Mrs. Howard Jacl son. Mrs. \V. J. Kulkerson and Mrs : I). M Bridges. The Public Welfar< I Committee, with Mrs. Robert Millet chairman, will be - In charge of thi program and Mrs. K. W. Uriffin wil ; he the speaker of the evening. Members are urged to attend a !mattersofJ1ny?oM?neeij?rtlli<2i?_<J^ 'TuSSeT^um^tnatfstinraefor a bridg< party to be given soon. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Little Miss'. Barbara' Jean Mai thews Celebrated her seventh birth (lay anniversary Saturday afternooj by entertaining a number of he little friends at a party at the hpnv of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eugen' Matthews on West Mountain street Various games were enjoyed b: the little folks after which refresh inents were served by Mrs. Mat thews and Mrs. D. V. Moody, of Gas totiia. sister cvf the former. Guests Included the followln: Bel ty Cash. Jean Cash. Peggy Mauney Jean Webb. . Dickie Webb. E'ett; I Lynch. Jean Lynch. Lossie Lynch j Peggy Sue llankhead, Joyce Black welder. Patsy Jolly, Margaret . Ant Moody, cf Gastonla. Lenhra Plonk Dorcas Carpenter, Walter Griffin Paul Junior McGinnis. Petty Falls Sara Katheribe "Falls, Joan Falll Barbara Jean-Gaul t. MEETING CALLED FOR OFFICERS OF WOMAN'S CLUB A meeting of the executive com mlttee cf the Woman's Club is call od for Tuesday afternoon of nex week. The meeting will be held a 3:30 In. the home of the club presi dent and all officers are urged to at tend1. . ' , Personals Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Cooper ar moving to Raleigh today. 1 ?* ?o (Mr. and Mrs. Timmoss Hord or spending this week in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. George Segers c Troy are- visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jj cob Cooper for several days. o? . Miss Marion Klrkpatrick of Chai lolte will be a week-end guest c Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cooper. Mrs. J. M. Garrison spent part c this -week with Mr. and Mrs. Kin Carpenter of Hardin. . ??? Mrs. Allen Williams of Kannapoli Is it gueat ot Mrs. J. R. lKivis till week. Mlsa Mary Gulce of Hendersor vllle spent the week-end with Mist es Mary Ethel axul Irene Allen. Mrs. J. F. Evans and baby n Hoone; are guests of Mrs. Gra-d Klpgs this week. Mrs. R. T- White of Hertford 1 " , -f oTcALMTHOSeI rBY~USiMG~ MERVES, DOCTOR BE SWEET-U MILES' SEREMl/ BNERVINE I Can you afford to ba NERVOUS? I ** % - _ _.? ? ? rvrnan you coura mora those attacks of Nervee If you war* the only cm affected. Tenaa nerves make you a nuisance to everyone with whom you come in contact. No one likes you when you are Jumpy. Irritable and nervou*. NervinE DR. MILES NERVINE has been recognized as effective for than 60 years by sufferers fftebOtty, nSZJZ Nsrvsiii latigssffsu^ftasB LIQUID NERVINE Large ML |LR SasaE ML Mt _ EFFERVESCENT tablets Large gfcg. TM. BaasB pfcg. m At year drug stare l r >> ? ' . IHhtfiM-i -1 11 ^iurir D. THURSDAY, 8BPT. 29, 1938 , visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Lattf1 more, the latter her daughter. ' / Messrs Harold Plonk and Carl . Finger of,N. C. State spent the week ; eud with home- lolks. ?e [ Xli^s l r< nune of Charlotte spent the week-end In Kings Montitain with home folks. > Mrs. ploreiK-. Mints'arid M \ Veal - were recent visitors In Chor-i v lotte. , > -o_ Mrs. Walter Moss of Cirovor w;. ?-] recent guest of Iter aunt, Mrs. S. C. Hatterree. I , Miss .1 utile .laekson spent part of [. the week-end with relatives in Clo- | 1.1 ver S C 1 ?. -?', Mrs. Harry Krglns of black Moun 1 e tuin spent Tuesday night at the! 1 norm- of her nephew, Mr. Grady; I Kin* ?, ~o? ^ par-J -/ nts, Mr. and Mr* Wheeler of Sa-; luda. s. o. Rev. A. L. Connor is conducting a J revival at the Wesleyan Methodist , church, ill Clover, 8. C., for Rev. r Paul Whiteside*. ? ? 9 Miss Dorothy Patterson of tho , Norwood school faculty spent the v week-end at her home In Kings _ Mountain. y Mr- Claude Gtigg 3upt of the Aliieirturle schools, former Supt., of the i.l Kings Mountain Schools, was a vis, itor here Wednesday., v Mr. mi J Mrs. Jesse Kiscr and Miss Maxlue Watterbon of Charlotte' Ijipi-nt the week-end witli relatives ir.' . I Kings Mountain. U . ..... ?9^ ! i, Mr. Leslie Mc-Ginnis of Richmond I. Va,. and Mr. Charlie McGinnis ot^ Chesnee. 8. C... were visitors ir Kings Mountain, During the week-! end. , , i- Vr. and Mrs. Bill .Jlord. Jr.. of 1- Bridgeport, Conn., have returned t home afte a few days visit with the t fanner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I- M. Hord on Shelby road. ?O? Mrs. Malcolm Wallington of Yaneeyvllle. N. C. and Mrs. Jack Harrlliof Goldsboro, N. C., will arrive Prl-j day to spend several days with Missj Martha Prances McGill. They were' ? college-mates. ?o? ' 1 Postmaster \V. E. Blakely has ree turned from a trip to Washington, D. C. Postmaster Elakely was accom ponied on the trip by Congressman A. L. Bui winkle and his secretary, , Jolin Slear. ' > i- ^ Alyra Gallant, of the I7. S. Navy, who ras been visiting his parents, r' Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Gallant, at their. ,T home on East' King street, left Wednesday for "Norfolk and is ex-: posting to sail soon for Australia. ' if ?o? 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hord had as dinner guests on Tuesday night of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hord, jr., of Bridgeport, Conn., Mr. and h Mrs. James White, and Miss Fran* ccs Hol d, all of this place. Mrs. Robert l.ee Honour of Sum-' f : 1 A Real 'Belk 5 $10.95 Value Fluffy Dc COMFOR $7.95 With Lustrous Celanese You'll thrill to the luxury of these gorgeous com for of cedar, rose, brown, blu With pure white down fill Roman Emperor Sheets, i full sized. Cellophane wra $1.00 Each Pillow cases to match Belk'sD i i i " % " c. . .. ;i ', .. . V ?. i > LJa j? ? *i > ' mervllle, 8. C., who spent the past Kings Mountain last Sunday. Mrs*. 'j 'wo month at the Norris House left; Babef taught the Daughters or WY??Monday morning for Macon, (la., fori ley Bible class at Central Mcthodtofc. a short visit with her sister. Mrs.! Church and Mr. Huher sung a. joIsi 1 McOuire. before returning to her during the worship service. I tome in Summervllle. . ?o? Dr. .1 <J. Dale, and' his wife. Ht&. The Young Matrons Class of the Katlierinc 1>a,p- M D- un<1 th?V"* M 1 apt 1st church enjoved a'<'h''T ?*??.. ? Ttunina*unctalto .ve; party Saturday honoring Mrs. I Mux,.t0 ?^sjk odlng a few duy? to. Jam. s E. Bland of CuBtonia. The ,hf! ho,np of Hnt , - 5 . ee was presented many lovely ***?'" Dr' ",,<J *?. ^,0'8 m ,s The partv was given at the ,,,ov^ ,0 Kln*H Mountain f.ta Oto I me of Mr. and Mrs. George Moore. < ?"d ur" ??w ?*"* lu ?***?* ef Sheriff Raymond *?" Mosae o? ta|n sireet Dr. Wehols ts field re?*?-Mrs. Wilbur Baiter and son. John setitatlve of the Homo Mlnto Uab<?r. of SMby. were vIbHoih inifcourd of the A. U F. Churrti. V; 9 I Exclusive . . ' Bl T ^ I Belk's ladies' Shoppe, the 1 s3|^HBl only exclusive ladies' store I in Kings Mountain, is betI ter, prepared than ever beI fore to serve the ladies in this section. Our styles are | B I personally selected by out* resident buyer in New RJ York City, who scans the -jj I? market for the latest crea* tions. We feature individuI I al styles in our Exclusive J11 Ladies' Shoppe at popular. * a TO.M/ORROWS STYLES TODAYDRESSES ... j $3.00 to $17.95 COATS . $5.00 to $39.50 SUITS. $10.00 to $39.50 HATS $1.50 to $3.95 ' rm ' . ? ... . *> Belk's Ladies Shoppe The Friendly Store 1 -i? >.-? 1< WSj MM t Jr^jyJyT^sljir^a*^",TyHf ' ' *'' -* i I I . ipecial' BELK'S . . . fsn" "Top Hat" 1 I i Part Wool Double Blankets. BeautlI ful New Plaids. Weighs nearly five I I Covering pounds. Nice sateen bindings.?Only I and beauty QQ I a ts. In colors ?P^iti70 If I e and gold. ling! Other Blankets for $1.00 and $3.98" I S?od quality Chenille and Candlewick Bed Spreads. I , The most beautifl spreads of this type K pp <^ ever shown in Kings Mountain. See them in our window $3.98 each I I 25c each Others at $1.59 and $1.98 fl^B epartment Store I I The Home of Better Values "J ?*;' . ;'....,rCr"'. *. ...." .. A ir, ' f.i ' vgrW

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