Qafck BwH>?Low Cost? HERALD Classified Ads I* a w?rd for first Inoortlon; half pries for Subsequent InserMinimum charge 26c. Do not ask for Information pprding "keyed" ads, as they aro strictly confidential. If orror la made, The Herald | la responsible for only one irv oorroct Insertion. The customer la responsible for subsequent Insertions. The advertiser should notify Immediately of any correction# needed. Want ado aro always cash In advanoe except to business men or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. DMIftADLK BUILDING LOTS FOR Bale, Cheap. Must be sold. Terms' i If A i'iiI I 11 milium nhnnr 234-R 10-l?pd . | LOST ?- Indies' blue gloves, corner' Mountain and Gaston. Please return Mrs. Press McGllt. FOR 8ALE ? Variety of shrubbery | and narcissus bulbs. Mrs. E. L.' Campbell. oct 13 Herald $1.50 A Year KEYS MADE, LOCKS, VACUUM Cleaners, Small Electrical Appliances, and Speedometers repaired. C. L. Ramsey, Phone 126-M. Sept. 22tfc FOR SALE ? Recleaned Red Heart Wheat Seed. Bridges & Hamrick Hardware, Job Printing ? Phone 167 tANANA.SPLITS SPECIAL 10c ? Saturday only, If serred In store, but in dbntalner, 20c. Kings Moun tain Drus Co. KlYt MADE, LOCKS AND Speedosnetera repaired, Lawn mowers sharpened. Evenings after 6 P. M. Saturday* all P. M. C. L. Ramsey, 820 E. King St. Phone 12?M. aug 18-tfo. * ; ; -FOR SALE ? Recleaned Abbrutl Rye Seed. Bridges & Ham rick Hardware. RALPH ROBBINS - WELL DRILLER ' 'P. 0: Box 608 Telephone 1511J Gaetonia, N. C. 1 ' . - . . I (P/.nli mm/I Movl Wppkl yVViivinuvu ?? vv"/ p# pt\^ TOM AND GEORGE Qnrg?: "Tom, why do you suppose that Eve ate the apple In the Oarden of Ident" Tom: "Well, I don't know unleea It wee because ^here wesnt a 'hot dog' stand anywhere around." Well, if our first par ente fell for an apple, their descendants, or a lot of them have been fall Ing for 'apple sauce' ever since. We are not spreading appie sauce when we tell you that any merchandise is no bettor than the dealer you buy It from ? and furniture is no ex-! oeptlon to the rule. D. F. Hord Furniture Co. Buy lt^ For Let* At Hord'o THE CLAN J Ov)UA>WitCt VON TMMie^HON 1 1/ >^.| V Gel Materials To Build Up Soil North Carolina farmers. In carrying out soil-buildtng practices under the 1938 fariu program, have filed applications with the AAA for 1,020 tous of triple superphosphate, 8.399 tons of limestone, and 270.000 pound of winter legume seed, Under the conservation phase of the AAA progrum, the Secretary ot Agriculture la authorised to promote soil conservation h.v making' grants of aid to cooperating farmers. enplained H. A. Patten, acting. AAA executive officer at State College. The cost of the materials fuurnlshed wilt be deducted from payments which fanners would otherwise receive under the program. The first material furnished farmers by the Triple-A was superphosphate in 1937. This year, limestone and legume seed have been added to ibv available material*. The tral-j rn rf mmiThli TTnt mir f'ti nhfliii' ed by farmers In such cases Is lea* Mian that part of the maximum payment for the farm to be earned by carrying out oll-bullding practices. Three North Carolina counties, Haywood, Henderson, and Davidson have received the AAA limestone. Ground agricultural limestone or It's equivalent is applied as a neulralit er on acid soils In the Kast anil South to promote the growth of deairahle grasses and legumes. The only winter legume seed distributed In the nation were made available in four North Carolina counties, the project being expertmental In nature. Bertie received 60.000 pounds of hairy vetch and 50,000 pounds of; Austrian winter peas; Pender. 56..000 pounds of hairy vetch and 24,000 pounds of Austrian peas; Duplin, 28,000 pounds of the vetch and 12.000 pounds-of Austrfan peas; and Hertford 28,000 pounds of vetch and 40.000 pounds of winter peas. Octogenarian Outlines Happiness Prescription New York, Oct. 5?(IPS.)?Work Is the greatest Of man's pleasures. Dr. Thomas Darlington, former Heal th Commissioner of New York City said on his 80tr birthday here recently. Perturbed lest this country was turning too far toward the left, DrJ Darlington, still spry and alert, warn* ed that the United States was veer-! Ing from the safe "middle course"' lliwn orhlrtli I* waa 1 M !'*??? n M>\.u S V II MO IVUUVW, "We are swinging too far to the;! left," he said. 'We are getting a way J front the principles for which my ancestors fouht. "Every ono should work as long as he can," he went on. 'If a mtn retires. as a rule he goes to pieces right away. 1 don't believe anybody should ever give up work. To do so is a great mistake. Man should find his greatest happiness in work." Study Of Workers* Aj?es Shows Oldtimers Ahead Hartford. Conn.. Oct. 5.?(IPS).? Conclusive evidence of a preference by local industry for workers over! (he age of 40 years was disclosed in' a survey just completed here. A. check of those known to be fac-j tory wage earners brought out that 47 per cent of the male .workers In; the factories of Hartford County are' more than 40 years old. The ages of, 45,932 persons now employed were tabulated from the records of the Manufacturer's Association of Hartfod County. Of these 10,672 were female. No attempt was made to check office employees. investigation was made also of the ages of 13,831 factory workers now unemployed, rho were separated from their Jobs some time since August of 1937, the peak of employment Just previous to the present depression. Of these 3152 are oomen. It was also shown that 77 percent of the unemployed men separated Trom payroll in the last year afe tinHpp 4fV vpara nf ftco Of thnaa 1Q ni?r cent are between 21 and 30 years of-age. Only 23 per cent of those who lost their Jobs for one cause or another were over 40 years of ago. CY Kl5? chii I THH KINO8 MOUNTAIN HERALD THIS *N THAT . ; By Alice Burton Patterson Grove Section Well, the Fair -with Its thrill*, chills and good times Is over. 1 hope you all enjoyed it. Saturday night my neice was show lug us some of the prizes she had won at the Fair. I picked up a toy camel, and to the amusement of all the others present, remarked: ''This! Is a pretty elephant!" Aw! G'wan. ll thought Camels was Just a name fol cigarettes! Uh. hull. I thouylit so! Our history books say -that the World War1 was a "war to end wars," but there has been war after war and some' seem to think that another one Is just' around the corner. I^et's hope' that they're mistaken. If those fore-1 Ian countries do decide on war we' hope that the IV S. will not l?e in votvvd. This is supposed to he a civ-, Ill7.r0 country, so why act like sar-1 ages f i in i i ill) ' f i i I n | I lug his column. It was very enjoyable and the Herald Isn't going to bo,, . L. .. .. ...1* 1. 'iTl. ,, It ...... .1 fT.? '? j nit* nniiii: niiuum i u?r ifuuu-u %r I receive d a on id from Ucnora Goforth, of Bo-stlo, X. C., lam ??-ek. Remember h?r? She used to spend her summer vacations here ' with hor' grandparent*. the J, K Goforths. She asked itio to toll all her .friends "hello" for licr. 1' can't see them all go I-hope they road the paper. Frlenns ot tne Grauy. Uofprtns will lie sorry to Hear that most of; hor family Is ill with "flu." Happy Birthday to Kate (Mrs, E. P.) Greene Friday October 7th. Facts, Fun and Fancies This week a new column Is making its debut, and for the present, we're making our exit! We wMt you i new columnists all the luck In the' world, and hope you (if you ARE' new at it) enjoy gossip writing verymuch. Perhaps we'll resume tho work later, but for a wTllle at ieaat ?it's all yours! Here's to you "Kritleal Moments and Howlarious Scoops Au revolr! Word-of-mouth praise ts spreading the idea of sowing crimson clover on pasture for winter cover, grazing, and pasture improvement in Madison County, with the farm agent expecting a large acreage to be planted to this legume. / PHONE 167 FOR JOB PRINTING NOTICE OF BALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed ot trust given by Nannie Jackson and husband, R. F. Jackson, to Wiley H. McGInnls. trustee for . the Kings HERE'S OUR TIMELY YOU INCONVENIENC1 ^ ja Necessary Servi I 4 sure Carefree W ONE FLAT PHI $7 I?Battery condition test. Add disl minals, inspect and clean batter Test starting motor starter swi tions. 3?Clean generator armature; sani generator connections; adjust b 4?Check operation of all lights; * light ewltohes. 9?Inspect and tighten all electric fuse block, etc. 6?Tune engine, including cleaninj distributor. Inspect high tenaio drain carburetor, blow out Jets, tie for proper engine Idle and tar" position. Drain and check i 7?Tighten oylinder heads; Intake B?Completely lubricate chassis. 9?Change angina oil to winter gra 10?Drain and flush out transmisa with winter lubricants. II?Check cooling system for leal Drain out all water, flush to rt 12?Add Ford ahtl-freeze to coolin increase In cost. 13?Check windshield wiper opera corrections in vacuum line of i ;i?Majust ciutcn peaai. PLONK MOT! AUTHORIZED ppy Dcyd Calls Uu? CMIJj Up i.i(wW*!ii?rW| 'I HIPW-' THURSDAY, OCT 6. 193S ~mm' 1 Mountain Building and Loan Asaocl-. tion, on the 27th day ot April. 1937. and registered .in the Register ot Deeds Office for Cleveland (Joun'y. In Book 215 at page 236 to secure the indebtedness therein mentioned, and defaut having been made in the iwyinent of same and at the request it the Kings Mountain Building and [>ean Association I, as substitute trustee, will sell for cash at the Courthouse door in Shelby. Clevoand County, North Carolina, on VIonday. October 31, 1938. at 10:00 >'clock. A. M.. or within legal hours, he following described real estate: Situated in the Town ot Kings Motditain, Nctrth Carolina, and bang lots Nos. 38, 3'.?, and 40 as shown >y a map or plot made by A. P. Falls. Surveyor for II. T. Fulton, vhich map or plat is registered In he Register of Deeds OUUe fori 'levehuid County in Hook of Platsj Mo. 1 at page 9, and being the same nts conveyed by K K. Jackson and1 vlfe to Nannie Jackson. This the 23th day of September. 1931. J. <'. U(k?y. Substitute Trustee, j -4 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power! >1 nab- i untamed lu h deed of .trust J liven by John J. Kay, single to Wll?y H. Mrfitnnis, trustee for the \lng* Mountain Building anil Loan \8SOciatioii, on ,the 2nd day of July, U?34, an 1 registered in the Register if needs office for Cleveland Coun.y In Rook 197 at Page 67, to secure he Indi'hteduess therein uientioned, tnd default Iiaving been tnade In the [>ayiueiit of suttle and .at the request >f the Kings Mountain Building and lx>an Association. 1. as substitute ;rustee. will sell for cash at the Courthouse door in Shelby, Cleveland County. North Carolina. on Monday. October 31, 1938. art 10:0*> Xclock. A. M. or within legal hours he* following described real estate: Beginning at a rock os the Bast ilde of Ditling Street in the Town >f Kings Mountain. N. C.. at the old! Parker cornet1, and runs along said itreet North 1.35 chains to a rook; hence Bast 3.60 chains to a rock on] iudislll's line; thence along his line] ). 4 W 1.40 chains to a rock. Park-; tr's corner; thence along the old Parker line West 3.65 chains to the >eginning, containing one-halt acre, nore or less. This the 28th day of Septerber, 1938. ' ' . , J. C. Isvckey. Substitute Trustee. R. Davis. Atty. ?adv 10-18-D. 0^ 0^ 0% cures " MALARIA in days UvM COLDS i_iquia .? fir,t day lets, Salve Headache, 30 Nose Drops minutes Try "fiftb-My-Tism" ? World's 8?st Liniment OFFER TO SAVY. E, TIME and MONEY . jv'.S" . ce Operations To Ininter Driving at? CE .75 tilled water, clean battery and ter y cables. tab; tighten all starter connecJ-in armature brushes; tighten all elt tension. tighten connections; - check all al connections at ignition switch, - I. and adjusting spark plugs, and n wires; clean gasoline lines; check fuel level and adjust throb et aooelerator control rod to "win. fuel putnp. and exhaust manifolds, de. ion and rear axle and refill with (S, replace hose, etc., if required, imove all dirt and grease, g system, or Prestone at slightly tion and blade condition, includes required. JK COMPANY FORD DEALER on the Carpet. I WHEN.OUIJA? M\\ / . jpj m ? >m mii APPLICATION POR PARDON North Carolina. Cleveland Count)-. Notice is hereby given that applt- i cation tor pardon tor James Crawford. convicted at the July term of Cleveland County Superior Court has been made. I'd STILL True _ Greenv'le Charlotte Qreenabo CENTER SERVICE *0 1*1 Phone |m SUBSCRIBE W I UUK MKK ANI) BURG -offers complete safetj such as jewelry, stocks, l> etc. In addition to usual struction, our vault is lin< . es of heavy, hardened ste inch thick. LOCK BOXES ARE REASONABLE FIRST NATI Kings Mou Member Federal Dep< r MEN.. ^HERE'S YOU V CHANCE TO ( L REAL SHAVII ^ VALUE / Tu /V* TTM UCCI? Mww % /**!?. 1 111 j fl . ,. fin ' ii i >.'>h ^3 '