I ?U SOCIAL i I Of INTE PHONES 10-R A > > *wis and Krwln - Hughes, Krwln Wells. Calvin Karuey Gene Roberts. Kddie War hoto. Gordon Hughes. Jr.. J. Karl Stroupe Mary' Ruth Flemings, . Margaret Ware, Jimmy Rolan, Phyllis liugbe-s u nrl Qa m lltwuFti 1? "?*Vl ?# V"II ?l I | IMPERIAL THEATRE ?NOW SHOWING? The Marines Are Here' Secret Agent and Nev?s Only 10 Cents To All FRIDAY ? ONE DAY ONLY A Thrille^. Don't Ml., It 10 Cente and 15 Cents 8ATURDAY. ?Big Double Feature? . Duck Jones in "Boss Rider of Gun Creek" Also PILOT X Flash Gordon and Cartoon 10 Cents and 15 Cents MONDAY A TUESDAY Alice Faye iu "You Are A Sweetheart7 Special Midnight Show 8unday Nigrt at 12:01 Alice Paye in "YOU ARE A SWEETHEART" 10c and 15c "Clip Thia Coupon" . And 10 Cents Will will admit one Adult to aee Alice Faye in "YOU ARE A 8WEETHEART" Monday Only S^Ipprc W # GIFT - - My Hoi A careful selection c [""X best . . . choeen frc 1 packages. Truly ? tion to the world's fin 5 lb. sizes. ^ $1.50 *77 Kings Mount The Bexelf Store ' . >; , {.. . V. j? T1 . \ >a ' .'-1 \ND PERSONAL HAPPEN REST to | iND 88 MRS- A. H. PATT McSWAINHOUGH WEDDING The marriage of Miss Sue MeSwuln and Frank M. Hough was sol- i ( limited in a beautiful ceremony taking "place Saturday evening, Oct. 1, at S:00 o'clock at the home of the! bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. L.' MeSwain, in Italia*. N. C. j'I he ring ceremony was used by the bride's pastor. Uev. Hubert Him' gins, in the presence of immediate (utilities and close friends. The ex ' change of .tows was made in tile llvii n riirn i ir'irr- fi'i ilwr Irnrt 'ii-'i; itnprovised before the mantel. An etlective p> rant Id al urrat'gc mi ni of paints and ferns formed a background for tall baskets . of white chr>saiilhtHitiuis and white lilies. Lighted white cathedral taper* [ in candelabra softly illuminated the scene. The lighting of the candles! by Charles K. Smith, brother-in-law of the bride, and M. B. Hough, broth er of the groom. Indicated the approach of the bridal party. Miss Arltene Jenkins of Lowell lil'ua I ri <>sl of niowrx " *** )/ laiut u ui iur |iiaiivf niiu > ui'.t uiUU bers were given by Mrs. Grady Souther of Dallas. Miss Jenkins gave a program of nuptial music before tlie ceremony of "Lieberstnum" by Liisy.t,' land Schubert. Serenade", "Because" by D. Hardelot and "I Love You Truly" by Bond, were sung by Mrs. Mouther. The bridal party approached the altar to the .strains of 'Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin." by Wagner, and Schumann's "Tiammerel" was played softly during the Ceremonjv Miss Jenkins wore a gown of gold taffeta and a shoulder spray of yellow rosebuds. Mrs. Souther was gowned in a royal blue taffeta dress ; and a shoulder bouquet of pink rose buds. The bride was smartly attired in a costume of vintage wine with a lapln Jacket. wearing accessories of contrasting Bhades of brown. Her flowers were talisman roses and valley lilies in a shoulder bouquet. The bride is thb youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McSwain of Dallas. Mr. Hough Is the Bon of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Hough of Greenville, S. O., and Gastonla. N. C. He is the Manager of the Advance Store. In Gastonla. After a brtdht trip Mr. and Mrs. Hough will be at home at 911 East Seccud. Street. Gastonla, N. C. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS The Woman's Missionary Society ct the First Baptist church met ou Motili ty aftemoc^i for itlte .r.-gulpT monthly meeting with the president. Mrs. I). F. Hord. presiding. Mrs.- Joe Crawford had charge of the program, the topic for discussion being, "The Near East ? Sheaves with Rejoicing." Mrs. A. G. Sargednt and Mrs. E. C. MoClaiu took part on the program and Mrs. E. C. MCI.lain conducted tne devotional. The meeting of the various circles will be held next Monday afternoon and evening. mfTr|fc )by Box f jf the kinds you like Mb$3 >m 12 HoMngsworth /*j the South's contribu- ( m e things. 1, 2, 3 and M| CANDIES m P*w Pp. Kings MkmnUin, N. C. j - [IB K1N08 MOUNTAIN HERA! D. T INGS I WOMEN | ERSON, Editor | , o.?..??.??i?7T77r?Trr777.f MEETING OF HOME ARTS CLUB | Mrs. T. P. McGHt wus hostess ?o members of the Home Art* flub( tad invited guests oil last Wcduetcj j lay afternoon. j ( The rooms were arranged ' with iiowls of lovely fall flowera. j j , Mr*. W. K. Hlakely presided over , lie business session in the absence 3 if the president. Mrs. Kn-d Plonk had charge of a timely pi ok rani on Peace Mrs. B. !?'. < llatlcrrt-e gar? the "View Point of a ? mil IVi 1 II li nui " 1 Ml riillilit' 1 lllantbn lead a paper on "Womenj end Peart" and MiV W. M. Iloyce: Jiscussed the subject: "Wrat fan I < I Do Por World Peace." Mrs. Troy : Carpenter read "Hymns On Peace" ' ind the program was concluded with a song "Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Love,' by Mrs. John Gamble. I During the social hour the hostess < served a delicious salad course with i accessories and a sweet course. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB MEET8 1 The regular meeting of the Junior Woman's club was held at the club ' house Monday evening with the pres Ident, Mrs. Aubrey Mauney, presld-! 'ng. Mrs- Robert Miller, chairman of i Welfare Committee, had charge, of i the program. Mrs. E. W. Griffin,' l speaker of the evening had for her subject, "Safety ? In Kings Mountain." During the business session plans were made for giving a charity party in November. After a discussion, of other Impor of business, the meeting adjourned. , The hostesses, Mrs. W. J. Fulker- , sen, Mrs. D. M. Bridges and Mrs. i Howard Jackson, served delicious Hp. cream and cake during the social ] hour. Personals Mr. P. G. Ratterree was a business visitor hi Blacksburg Tuesday. Miss Douglas Plonk who is lenchH Mount Pleasant Is at home for NEW 1 From H Which Ladies' DRESS OXFORDS Pretty styles and mater1.94 & 2.95 Others to $4.95 r . WORK SHOES By ."Star Brand/* they are made to stand hardwear. Plain or cap toe, leather or composition sole*-? $1.94 HIJR8DAY, OCT ?. 1938 the fall vacation. . } Mr. and Mrs. William Mctiill, of llampton, S. C., were guests of relatives in this section last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blggerstaff of |>Uiling.on woe pi -is of Supt. and Mrs. It. .; 'Uu ins last Sunday. . ?0? Mi... v.\ M. Weir visited he:; > is .? Sirs. AIIri. W'hiaonprit ol It* 1". oogan last Friday. --o? . Missis Kllu Harmon aiid Pauleila Vdair were Fhurlotte visitors Saturlay. ' ' ^5[?? dr. and Mrs Martin I,. ltudisill ipeiit pari of the week-end in Kiugs deuiitaili with relatives. - ?o? M.ss Ikirothy Plonk, student at re- nsboro College for Women. I" in I lie w eek-end w ith -her pun nts 'I 11l il .M' i I'. -ll IMnfil ???Hev, and Mrs. K. A. Shenk of in usltoro. were recent guests of VIr and Mrs. Aubrey Mauiiey, the utiir. their daughter. Mia""Vied Haw lings. Miss Sara It aw lings and Mr. Jim Bawling of .iiMi nia, aucnflfd Ine r>ana HOES and OXFORDS ' 1 'or both dress and work Hack and brown. Good 1 Quality? 1.94 Hhers at $2.95 < DEPT. VALUE FOR VALUE Kings Ma i ..a .* h. Mountain for a short while Inst Frl! day. Mr* MuAtiater was en route to Spartanburg an4 I>ue West for a visit to her brothers. FARM QUESTIONS ANSWERED ! Q -What is the best age for iwtlinn heifers? A No arbitrary age cnn be ? us "t .ctlme should be det? rntirw v by SPECIA Of Dresses, Coats. Shoes j ing on at the French Sho H ' , , < I I I ,'r> K ' I I w .Hi ?One Lot Stylish FALI $3 values?Sale?$1.49 Other New Fall Styles . -. ? .*? ;. . -' ' '. ' " The Fren i Opposite Kress OOTW hoe Depa Store Within ;nt is now complete with men and Children. AH it arrived, in fact several i been unpacked as this is ors and sizes, and we inlewest styles here. If it'?> re them of all description * . '. s * GIRLS* OXFORDS Hie newest styles for the Little lady will be found in our big Shoe department Both exfords and straps, in calf and patent? jt 1.94 $j Others at *2.05 FER'S STORE NEVER UNDERSOLD ion tain, N. C. 1 the matuilnfe of ench individual. AS a general rule Jersey and Guemsy heif? rs should ?>* bi?d **i as to rrasbo? from 24 to 3d months of age. The j Tyrshire and tloislein animals, i should be bred to freshen at hwa J 27 to 32 months of ago. IfeftSr* , whj< h are fed a liberal grain rat km i j in addition to the roughage will tMj line more rapidly and ciin tbemforr i be bted earlier. 'I L SALE anil Millinery Now (ioppc. t are receiving daily the nn**t(t ,iet o Ladies' New Fall?I )K ESSES 1 QO 1 O OA b.JJ IU 1 Beautifully !>ty led * ? i v" " COATS ir-trimmcd and sport models. 9.99 to 39.50 NEW FAl.-L HATS 1 fetally priced for this week-end? 1.00 and up ] ^ SHOES To Close-Out^? $4 values?Sale?$1.89 $1.99, $2.99, $3.99 j *. ^ *4B ch Shoppe Gastonia, N. C. | EAR irtment 1 A Store 1 4 "' I LADIES' SHOES , 1 A. ' J In the new styles to match that Fall outfit. A variety of patterns? I 1.94 to 3.95 I .aF 3J DRESSOXFOIRDS Bfl Black and Brown in tht I new styles for Fall. Lea-1 ther Slid rubber heels. I They are good lookup! and well made. Big I 9 Others front . 1.98 to SJdl'fl ?_* ? > f ' * ? ' . * v? ill A