- . r , Church News BOYCE MEMORIAL CHURCH W. M. Boyce, Pastor lilble School ut 10:00 o'clock. Morning Worship ul 11:00. T1 pastor will answer the questloi "How Dt>. We Know When We At i Saved?" Junior Christian Union meets i 2:'30. Intermediates and Young Peop meet in their respective places i 6:45. Evening Service at 7:30. The pa tor will speak on: "The Churd Member's Chief Concern." Special Services each even in this week at 7:30. Presbyterian Church ' < Rav. P D. Patrick, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 A. M. Mr. ( K. TIumiuihsoii Supt. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Se irnn Text: II Chroii. 7:14. 6:45 Senior untl Pioneer , Vesper < 7:30 P. M. Kyetilng Set",Ice. Se nion topic:- "In Jerusalem." IMondav 7:15 P. M. Hov Scouti slstants, Mr. Jack Orinaad Mr. llai ry Page. Wednesday, Prayer Meetings: 7:0 at Church conducted t?y Pasto 7:30 P. M. Msireraee Communtf House conducted by Fellowshl Gtoup. Thursday: Cottage Prayer Mee ings?7:30 P. M. Walter Ormand'i conducted by Fellowship Groui 7:30 P. M. A. Y. Smiths, by Pastoi Friday: ' Cottage Prayer Meeting ?7:30 P. M. L. L. Davis by the Pa tor. 7:30 P. M. Mrs. George Ossborn by. Fellowship Group. CENTRAL METHODIS1 CHURCH Rev. E. W. Fox. Pastor ' 9:45 Sunday school. B. S. Peelei Superintendent. 11:00 "The supreme Claim t ljlfe," will" be the subject ot- th sermon by the pastor. ? , 7:30 With the young people leat ing the singing the pastor will hav tor his subject: "Two Builders." First Baptist Church Angus G. Sergeant. Pastor , Sunday {Morning Worship 11:0(1 Charter No. 5451 REPORT OF CO FIRST NATI oi rungs Mountain, is. t., in tne Sta business on ..September 28. 1938, pub Comptroller of the Currency, under : ASS Loans i?nd discount Overdrafts ..... U. S. Government obligations. direct Other bonds, sticks, and securities Banking house $14,941.00, Furniture Ileal estate owned other than bankir Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Cash, balances with other banks, ant cash Items in process of collection Cash Items not in process of collect it Other assets TOTAL A8SKTS :.... 1.1 All * Demand deposits of individuals; parti Time deposits.of individuals, partnet State,, countv, and municipal deposit; United1 States Government and postal Deposits of other banks, including certified and cashier's checks ou Deposits secured by pledge of ic and"?or investments Deposits not secured by pledge and?or ' investments TOTAL DEPOSITS Interest, taxes, and other expenses a Other, liabilities "Capital account: Common stock. 1000 shares, par $100.00 per share Surplus Undivided profits?net Reserves for contingencies TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT TOTAI LI API LIT1ES Memorandum: Loans and Investment U. 8. Governiment obligations. direct Other bonds. stocks, and securities TOTAL PLEDGED (excluding redlt Pledged: Against State, county, and tnunlt TOTAL PLEDGED STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Cot 1, B. S. Neill, cashier of the above .' the above statement is.true to the b< Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of Oct., 1938. L. G. Hord. Notary Public. - My Coin Ex. 710-40. Subscriti . ' - The H $I.S< ?_ The annual report of the church to the Association will be presented. Sujpday morning (with the appointment of delegates. Sunday School 9:40. C. 0. White, Superintendent. Open Korutu Discussion Sunday night 7:30. Subject, "The Christian 101 And His Place iu the World." i: ! T|here will be a Get-Together el Meeting at an informal oyster supper by the members of the Bereati St Bible class in the 'basement of the | church. Friday night, 7:30 o'clock, le All of the new and old members of it the class are urged to enjoy the evveiling of fellowship. s-| The regular teachers meeting will h- be held Wednesday night 7:30. ? i i h Park-Grace M. E. Church ,C. P. Self, Pastor Sunday School 9:43 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. , Epworth league 0:30 P. M. " Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. 1 Prayer Meeting Friday' 7:3d P. M. r" Everyone Welcome. * GRACE METHODIST ftet. W. A. .Parsons. Pastor preacnlng Service# 11 a. m. and r" 7:30 P. M. Epworth League 9:30 p m. " Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 * * A m w r ' A cordial Invitation to. worsblr a 1th ua. ? . I WESLEYAN r METHODIST CHIJRCH s A. F. Connor, Pastor s Sabbath School 9:45 A. M. e Preaching at 11:00 and 7:15 P. M. W. Y. P. S 6:00 P M. Prayer rrteetlng each Wednesday evening 7:15. r i? SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH . Rev. 'C. C. Parker. Paetor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a, n>. and 7:30 p. m. o . acti suuda . ? J i- Macedonia Baptist Church e J. V. Frederick, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a in. B. T. U. 5:45 p. m. Evening Worship 7:00 p. m. Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7 PM. I. 7-00 p. in. Reserve District No. 5 NDITION OF THE I0NAL BANK te of North Carolina, at the close ot llshed' In response to call made by Section 5211, U.S.- .Revised Statutes. iETS $258,236.01 6.8tl ' and fully guaranteed 60,485.95 133,21501 and fixtures, $4,446.00 19.387.00 ig house 4.500.00 i s....... ..... 41,124.60 i 154,220.83 >n ... 302.28 207.63 $671,686.01 1 LI TIES lersliips and corporations .. $254,217.85 ships and corporations .... 187.069.29 ?' 78,182.46 savings deposits 610.39 " 4 Islanding 7,705.17 >ans ........ $ 72.006.76 of loans 454,878.40 ..." $527,785.16 ecruedi and unpaid 2,705.12 . 1,800.00 $109.000.00 27,500.00 6.895.73 5,000.00 139,396.78 sV | $671,686.01 s Pledged to 'secure Liabilities and fully guaranteed 45,268.55 i ...,. 32,377.50 ' V R (counts) "??? Ipal deposits 77,646.06 $77,646.05 ,,,,, r.W*"u*>4 inly of Cleveland: -named bank, do solemnly swear that jst of any knowledge and belief. H. S. SKILL, Cashier. Correct ?Attest. D. M. Halter O. A. Bridges t M. A. Ware Directors. Frida'y nifht affair Aint love grand .'...! The girls who went to Hickory Sunday were disappointed . v. They djdn't get to see George Mauney ... Boo. Hoo....! . Mr. Ervln 'Red' Smart (Alonzo) is dcing right well. The other night'it was Douglas Plonk ...'. "Who'll bo next, we wonder....? "Small Change" (Helen Faye Cash to you) is that way about brown cur ly ha.ii\ , new What'll Jack Scott do .. ? ' COTTON GINNING REPORT Census report shows that 5.990 bales of cotton were ginned in Clove land County. N. C.. from the crop of 1938 prior to October 1, as compared with 20.396 bales for the crop of 1937. I I FREE! KINGS MOUN I North Carolii I DRINK 9 MORE MILK 9 FOR HEALTH! I SUNRISE DAIR Gastonia, N. C. ?Don't Forget I GASTON COUN I Oct. 17 to Oct See Strates Shows and I Every Day of Th Who Will Make A Sp< 50c Rldi Passenger "" s FIELD ' . !'" . ' ' ' ' * ... . ... r -V THUH0DAY. OCT. 13, 1938 Soy Beans Make Good Grazing For Cattle Soybeans will grow well in sand} soils and provide late summer graz ing for dairy cattle In Eastern Nor th Carolina, said A: O. Klmrey, ex tension dairy specialist at State Co lege in telling of a demonstration conducted in Dare County this sum mer. Mrs. R. Bruce Etherldge, of Man teo. and B. A. Williams, of Wanche se. conducted the experiment bj growing the soybeans In narrow rows, and having several fields toi the cows to graze In rotatlou. Williams planted two fields of a bout three acfea each, and let the cows graze in one and theft the oth er. He would leave them In out i field until they had most of the lea ves off, but not long enough toi them to graze too close to the stalks. Then while the cows were shifted to the other field, the first field would grow out another crop of foliage. By thus alternating the fields, i 11 * 1111 ? - ?* ? ?? miuiiiB kui inreti grazing* ?OH each i'.v.y.. svi V.'? tow# also Increased ihelr milk pro i duction. he told County Agent C. W. Overman. Mrs. Etherldge had several acres which were treated In the same man nr. and she too got an Increase In milk production while cutting her feed coats. She alad plans to provide plenty of grazing for her herd -? Gasto Oc i Don't IVCiss Seeing the ] Acts. See Tin i THE FJ FRI AIR S TAIN. na TY FAIR A- m 'arachute Jump 3J I '' IL w ie Fair PICTURED ABOVE ectacular Flour Delay. Also! Exhlbi " ? ts Sp< 8 Carried All D GOVERNMENT LICENSI me Early And ONE MILE FROM TOWN C . \ " ' ". * this fall and winter by seeding ap- j proximately 10 acres to vetch and 1 small grain. U Kirarey said he la especially pleas i t ed with the results of the expert. ment, for one* of the problems con- ( . fronting Eastern Carolina farmers ( . is providing adequate good grazing. , I i ' Fast Process Advance Predicted For Future i ??? t Washington. Oct. 12.?(IPS).?Al- 1 ' though industrial i research in the ' past 25 years has accelerated the advance of our standard of living beyond all other ..periods, an even faster rate of progress lies in the * future, according to M. H. Smith, e leotrlcal engineering specialist, in a ' recent speech here. *j Mr. Smith said that "probably one "fouith of our present production is 1 of products entirely unknown fifty I ?FOR S A. B. Falls property corn sacrifice for quick sale t Small cash payment. Bali years at 5 per cent inters . property as part paymen ition see Frank R. Angell Co., Roanoke; Va., or J. I , , -i i ' . * * '.t n Count * ' . . ' ...v. *7 *. tober 17" G ASTON IA, N. C. Exhibits This Year. A Bounty i Great 1 UVIOUS STRATES SHOWS HOW SUN. 0( ' ??Be Sui SH "TOO HOT K Clark Gable Thuisday and Hj^U PERMANENT ^^ 1 WAVES I Designed to suit dividuallv II Guaranteed! RUTH'S BE I Phone 73 1 IS JACK HUBER Serpentine Cutting And I tions ecial $1.0C 'ay Saturday and JD PLANE AND PILOT! . ' >. ,-t . ' " I ?- , y. .. \void The Rusl IN CHERRY VILLE HIGHWA \ * rears ago. Without the protection of Orded by the patent system, cspl* al could not afford to venture Intd iew fields." (Research, he said, was one of tho nost effective means of protecting capital Invested in Industry from the' 'decay of obsolencence." He cited t recent investigation by the Invest* nent divisions of several large insurance companies which showed that,-from an. actuarial standpoint, he companies which 'died" lnvarla>ly did little or nor research. CCC malaria In days UvU COLDS Liquid Tab f,r#t dl|y lets, Salvs, - Hssdachs, 30 Note Drops minutes Try "RJo-My-Tlam" ? World's B*st Liniment >ALE? er Sims and Mountain iWIM UliiU'HWlW.' Wlil o responsible purchaser, ince over period of 15 tsL Will consider other t. For further informa, Shenandoah Life Ins. L Davis. y Fair 22 of New Grand Stand iidway . * -REE! | :T. i61 re And See? TO HANDLE" I and Myrna Loy ., I Friday?Next Week THEATRE I sfaction ' 'I 1AUTY SHOPPE I Kings Mountain, N. C. B : I ^B1 Walloon Bursting i i Rides I I Sunday B Hi ,