Fygr? 11 Tgy;". V'' i t t . ' 1 ! i : 4i ; I SOCIAL Of INTB i: PHONES 10 R . BIRTHDAY PARTY Muster Don GlasH entertained a npinber of friends ut u birthday party Saturday, October "8, front 3:00 to 6:00 o'clock. Tiie children played lUngo for prizeB. Then they were taken to the dining room. The cuke with nine candles wan lit and Dan blew them out The children t-ai>4 "Happy Birthday." 'O'he childrc-u were served ice creaiu, sweet crack era and cake. After the children were served they w.?-re nit en balloons and candy. The Kuests included Peggy Par?g 'a a ty Poster,' Jlnimy Krvin, Paul llama Jr.. Harvey Uuinru-k. Virginia Mo Dnnhl. t'arlo Ilumgaruer, Mary Ida Joy. and Harold Cluss. 8. 8. CLA88 MEET8 The Willing Worker* Sunday School class of the Second Baptist Church met with Mr*. Juke England . Saturday night October 8. for the monthly meeting. After the business a social hour was enjoyed. Thons present were. Mr*. Jako England, Mrs. O Barker. Mrs. Hoyt Tate, Mrs. Jethro Ham. Mrs. Wesley Moore, Mrs. Bredeway, Mrs. 'Hlnson. Mrs. Howard Hulfstetler. Mrs. Enlos Huffstetler and Mrs. John Keller. BIRTHDAY DINNER The children and grandchildren ol Mr. W. (\ Bedford surprised him with a birthday dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. Bedford's daughter, In the Peihehem oommuuity. NEW FAJ.L Designed to suit you in< satisfaction. Ruth's Bee East Mountain Street ?-mm, If Foi \ -t } it. ' .* :v , , . f ' flL -t".. f >0^ \ /A\! m _ /^B V I \r I : - fl I VALUE TOR VALUE i, ' ' - ' ' 1 "> < AND PERSONAL HAPPEN :rest to 1 AND 88 MRS. A-H. PATH I MEETING OF O. A. R. CHAPTER 1 Tho Colonel Frederick Hambriglit hapter Daughters of American liovj' i > lutlon met oi> , Wednesday after' i jjnn at the home of Mrs. R. K Mau1 aey, tin I'ledmoni Avenue. The rooms were thrown en-suite and arranged with fjuantities of loveMy roses and mixed fall flowers. Mrs 12. Neislei. first Vlre Regi] eut presided, in the absence of the Regent. Airs. W. K. Mauney hud charge of the following program: Reading of President (ienerars letter, Mrs. W. ill. Mi MSI | llii.II I Ull ItllL.l .EUUII' " j tain, Mrs. Arthur Hay; Some Hap. la-nines Since the Rattle. Mrs. D. C. I .uuiiut ). iiK iuciiiH ueiuiivo to rer guaon's Grave. Mr*. E. L. Campbell; How the Battle Came To Be In South Carolina. Mrs. H. T Fulton* The program was concluded with tinmborn played by the High School Band, Htatloneid In front of the ho*ife\. these number*. Htlinglv. including. "Daughters of Ai metflran Revolution" tfnd *"8tar ] Spangled Banner." Invited guests Included- Mrs. Manj Iv Morehead and Mrs. W." H. Ma*' J well 'of R'oswell. On... house guest of j Miss Agnes Norris and Mrs. Fiorenlee Minttns. ' j The hostess served a tempting |salad course with accessories and a ] sweet course. . ' j MISSIONARY CIRCLES MEET Circle Number One of the Wo-, ; man's Missionary Society of Central Methodist Church met at the 'home of Mrs. Wray Williams on f PERMANENTS I dividually and guaranteed iuty Shoppe Phone 73 j * .. < THE I> ALWA rft . # E|9 Itt % / m I * R I / f / .eeter's ! NEVER UNDERSOLD A ... ?' HE KINGS MOUNTAIN HKRA1 P. INGS | I WOMEN i! i ERSON, Editor I T_|TT-rT-|7-_| Monday afternoon, with fou lie on membets and two visitors present.'. Mrs. lister Hoke the leader, pre Hided und the devotional service was conducted by, Mrs. B. M. Ormand. j The Bible Study wan presented by j Mrs. E. W. Clrltfln and proved most j Interesting Durint; , the social hour the hos-' tens served delicious Ice cream and' y.-ake. Circle MtMliitI Two with Mrs.) Lloyd* S. Shuford leader, met at tic* home of Mrs. Charles Cofortli, on, tlL.-i SI... i'.. nrm .viuuinuill Bllt'CU , tioiiul icrvitv 'kud Mr* 11. R Pari on had chaise of the Bible Stud> which proved interesting and in Tiring. "Rite ho*t?-ss serVed an attractive salad course with open-face sandwicbea, crystallized appleH. cheese crackers and ten with the Hallowe'en motif attractively observed. Circle Number Three met at the home of Mr*. J. K. Ware on Waco road. Sixteen members were present. 'Mrs. O. O. Jackson conducted the devotional service and Mrs. Sarah Fulton load an interesting discussion of the Bible lesson. Mrs. C. W. Harper. the leader, conducted the business session. : The hostess served a tempting salard course, -weets and fruits. All eireles reported pledges for the year met in full. ATptND GROUP CONFERENCE /Mrs. Paul Mauney, Presbyterial officer. Mrs. O. W. Myers. t>resident ef the loeal auxiliary, Mrs. Wallace Loftiu. Mrs. P. D. Patrick and Miss Sara Ramseur attended a group con fenenoe. of the Kings Mountain Presbyterial. .hel.i at Long Creek Presbyterian Church. Wednesday. Mrs. Mauney a? Presbyterial offi cer IK. alKfi atf pn/Hnor rvtK.x*. . - - - -?I.CI Biwu|? conferences . this week. OARPEhKTER-HORN Announcement has been made of he marriage of Miss Mary Frances Carpenter to Mr. Tom Horn, son, of Mrs. It. 1$. Loven. They are now mn king their home ffrt Wacfi road. IEWEST YS VISIT New We have a I lower for th pr*Jr you save on M than ever hi Rnth heauiii i ktvmu \ . are brand ,n lady or miss Three piece, B We have a h In all the w W colors? $ // We have a f f i clear out, so foj half price. $ s Dep. . T THURSDAY. OCT. 13. 1S38 " Personals John Lewis Head of Cramerton spent the week-end with his grandmother, Mrs.' Lulu Woodward. i Mr. K. :( Whit'- has returned, to' Kuloigh a,.''-i; ...-Iilng his sister, Mrs. George l.attimore. . ; ?>o? * I Mrs. Atliui I'.eult! and Mis* Ollle Hansel I spent m, .week-end at tin tr respective homes in M unoe. o - Mrs. I.ula Woodward had at- ler *ue?i lust week. Mrs. J I*. Geo it, ct Grover. ' 1 ? * I Mr atid Mrs. Hill Draco yf Greer. S. (' and Mrs. H. S Heeler. s|i?-nt Tuesday lit Charlotte. [.' ' Mr and Mrs ; frank Crawford' spent the wee-end with relatives at Hit Lory (Sieve S. C. i. ~ Mis W- lloyc-e Weir spent 'the. weekend in lilai ksbu'rg. S ('., with |y r Y' ' ? 'd'): ".L Mis' W II. MaxWell of Koswell.i Ga is a finest of Miss Agnes Norrl.tj and Mrs Florence Mints. Ifill Davis. student ai Oak Ridge; Military School Ik expecting to{ npi-.il'] the wwk-t'iMl at hl? hoiuc in Kings Mountain. The many friends of Mr. George Lattinmre will be glad lo leant that he is mu<-h improved after a severe bean attack suffered last week. . ?O?T U? v. and Mrs. P: D. Patrick have as their fittest. Mrs. S. D. Patrick, mot In i of the former, of Greenville s. c. v' ' ' : ,, ?O? Miss Elizahe-111* Ware had 'as lo r gu< sis for the- past week-end. ' Miss i Hazel McCoy cf f'harlotte. and MissMary Grh-r Leslie- or Hock Hill. S. C . - ; ' ?o? . Mrs. Paul Mc-Ginnis and children returned -home Prida.v afternoon after spending several days with her mother. . , . ?o? Miss Marian Murphey; Director of Religious Education of the local Presbyterian Church has returned to Kings Mountain after a week's stay In Richmond. Va. ?o? ,Mr O. W. Myers, manager of Balk's Department Store, and Mrs D. Go forth, of the Toadies Shoppe spent Tuesday in Charlotte, selecting goods for the store. v Mrs. W. M. Craft of Gaffnev. S C. nei ^Iks Ruth Hord of Kings MounINT I A nil 11V L.nL/11 KEETER'5 ' Dresses . large and varied assortment le identical styles in the larg the same garment when you efore. See our dresses before $1.94, $2.9! - Coats . . fully fur .trimmed and sport ew styles, colors and materia . Select your coat early, and f $5.95, $9.95 Three Piece Su .suits are all the style this s* teautiful trrmin nt,? ~ WT ?' w. $39 W HATS b anted styles and In the m lection? 5 to $2.95 GROUP OF COATS ew of last year's coats that ^ here they go in one big grou 10.00 coats now? $5.00 each irtmen / i ' ' v' ' . *'*'. * " ' " ' x ?'v #',V* ' ' ' ' * . ' ; tain, is recovering from an opera tion for appendicitis, aim underweui In the Ga.fTney Hospital last week. ?o? Mr. W. K. Crook has been spending several days in Greenville, S. C,, when- hq was called on account of the Critical illness and subseqip lit death of his mother. ?o? >l\ and Mrs. W., C. Putnam attiiti d the funeral services and bur in! of Mr.' I'm nam's sister. Mrs. Ho sella Roberts at Pleasant llill Pap t cliutyh Monday afternoon. ?o? ' Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kes'.r and Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Kester of Colutiibia. S. C.. who were hern and iiiised in this section, visited rela ivis 'upd friends here last Friday. ?o? Mi - If*. T \Vh it.e. mot let Mrs. r " viba^1^ i ft My -Hobby J@ox be Idea' "a.It Package ccri'o.n.r , .ect.c;'.r frcrr Hglrtr.gswopn f Pc'.k % ? 1 1, '2 cnc 1. b f.ifet. ... the lb itv ~Tke Montteat Mtrethan/JSIsmds o.' delightful centers dipped .tyfiolltng&worth s subtly blended Qpjiroiate en unusual vulue et $ S'.OO ... the lb. ( IM SUAl/ CAN DIES r^J *7#t ~Tk o it U'ko 7V*#" 7kinds' KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG COMPANY I Phones 41?81 ? 1 ? :q appa 5 "FIRST in eve ry price range. Our c er eiti ?s. Overhead is low< buy at home. 1 he styles are s you make your selection.? 5, $4.85 to i styles coats will be found in Is, which have just arrived, fet the benefit of the entire | $16.50 to 3 iits ... eason. T.iev are a rnmnlpfp >.50 each JEW SKIRTS >w plaids. Large se- Will and $1.94 Each ' * ve must Good Qual p at one- like at this 'I it Sto: ? Jfr ' . " '**. Kev) \v. M. Hoyco and Mr W, At j 'jVVaiv attondod the mooting of h?|. ij bytery. of tho A It. P. Church at J Mills Springs. N. (*., Tuosidajr *a# 3 ! VVednt sioy. i'M ~c"l Dr. and Mrs. Kitner t'aveny at I Philadelphia were recent gu<*ats <4 '3 Mr. and Mrs. W. t\ t'uvotiy at I tain View Hotoi. lit', and Mrs. Q*t> j env wore eu-ronte to Atlanta on A ' ; , ?1? M -- Olivor Ituinseur of FullertMh ! I'-'ini-x underwent all emergency ?m- a fetation for appendicitis Inst sMk. i'Woid nwlvi'il b\ relatives h?ro s**4 1 Mrs. liamsetir is getting along '.IK tlll li.k . [ IMPFRIfll I THEATRE Phone No. 134 NOW SHOWING ? THURSOA* j . Judith Alien, Alice White Grant Withers "TELEPHONE OPERATOR" Secret Agent and News Only A Dime To AB FRIDAY & SATURDAY Big Double. Feature Program A.r V '/II/ /\ll ll/V A l\l%T/3 LLLI\ I/IV KIMK1IXU CAMP" Alto Bob Baker in ? cot RACE OF THE WEST" * Fia-ih Gordon and Cartoon 10c and 15c Sl-.ow Opens at 11 o'clock S?t. ?COMINGMONDAY & TUESDAY ?Big Special? Deanna Durbin in "MAD ABOUT MUSIC" Comedy and New* No Advance in Prices 10c and 15c CLIP THIS COUPON And 10c Will Admit One AMI to tee Deanna Durbin in "MAD ABOUT MUSIC" ?Monday Only? EEL y/y3j < >' iresses are priced much ?r in smaller towns, hence more beautiful this year (9.95 I H our large selection. TXiey We have a coat for every season? ?.* 129.50 I outfit, with fur collartk P ] BLOUSES ft H i the new collars. Plain fancy styles-? $1.00 and $1.94 , . SHEETING ft ? ity. Buy as much as you bargain price? 5c yd. I ll ' ^9 [NGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. I I 9 I 3 Jfl vjl