r { THIS 'N THAT { By Alice Burton . , * Patterson Grove Section tAi? | a. w. a. _n_ .a a a. . ?_ a When a number of farmers get together it Isn'f long until they gel to talking about this farm program business. I wouldn't dare try to tell tny opinion.?Who care what a girl thinks? I may be blonde, folks, but I'm not dumb! Well, not quite, and J will have my say, if the iidltoi prints this! (If 1 say things that I shouldn't please omit, Mr. Kditor). Hero goes: - 'Tls a sorrowful situation, indeeh. when, a farmer goes to the trouble, time, and expense of planting and working a cotton cn?p, only to be ' told when fall comes that lie MUST destroy -some of it or oUe. he' can't sell his oottin without pa>ing tax! "Unit's exactly what happi-ticf fp the majority of the fanners'around here} 1 suppose most of iItem tried to! J plant i lie right amount .Of acres, hut. I * the trouble is. lie* . .ki'ms seem 'o/j ". * have in.ii ? <1" Kiuitor lias it thatii vM' "H ' iiftlVV III" Lli ttfillli. Il-iv.. .1 111' I *1:?I*! . 1 tion Ih'Toji | j Wli.it \vi- w< nti Miitit'.Tt.:-'^. lii'foi! ilit* cot | I mi :ih lull ui ?v* ii. tho: tl'"> hail | lilaii'i it iiv r I :< it ailiij nil at! Then | it wiiijI In i haVe looked >o .bad ('1 ? i? iliiiih" i', i'*i'i linn' 1 think i f how litiintr it si- 'ins. I see rod! Wlii it I hoard soiiionh say thai it was n - hIii to itoHlfoy .thai which we wi re allow- i in laise. 1 foil like Haying "Anion!" There now, am I right or wrong? Special to .folia, wrttor of Pacts. Pun and ' Fancies: Hurry hack. Wo aro gcing to miss your column. Among those w;u? visited the .1. W. Carroll's last week-end were: James and Delia Carroll of Llack3huri^, S. C.. and Taylor and Made Hopkins. Louise, Anjbroy. Narvin Lee and Mrs. Francis Johnson of Uelmont. Edgar, they must have know that it was your .birthday and c&me to help you eat your birthday cake! Messrs R. O: Cantt and Price Har^ men, spent .Sunday afternoon visiting neighbors. Forest Sipe was a guest of friends In this section Friday. iwjr jpniison una Airerti Rayfteld I of Belmont and Maggie IftnMr \I V\*it4<> 'vtt/ti* Ar /S II'1 Wj^m A ' -i . 1*HTC KINGS MOUN _____________ ' / ^ ... "V * - . '1 . V ' ' ' * . >' . " i * . L SMOOTH PREF I |^ > * ^ T !m m I V ' K. B I A ^^Hk' BMBfltefc .'i"j^fc'' GINNED IN Dl . GOOD CON MR. COT1 | DOLLARS PE GREEN OR DAMF \ POOR CLEANING. <^ririPk orrn yvvu JLLlJ caref' ; h x. ' i. ' . . prove your g ' ** Sell your - GET MC Bring VICTO Kings Mountain, 1 t ^ . Where they have the receive the highest m . WE OP us? ~ i--o* 'V, ''"'y Visitors Welcome ? V ; > * ' ; ; f : /< --'.*! " - ... : ' ' ' ' . V. V. ' ; -K ' ; g; ' ii i - - ^ * - " -* ? * *' - grfj* i..% ~^\ , 'i , ' *- -_ ' -, TAIN HBRALli THURSDAY. OCT. 13, 193S ?.v- V; .;-*. . ' '.;i; ^ "..>' V. ' ' ". Vv* - ' ' v.1 ' ' h ' - . ?;?;r v - "" * -." V- ' . ' -.; - o ; " *.' * '.. ' ." * '. . % . . .'!/ ; L 0 0 I ' ' '' ' '' "!? **' ' ' V" ?St ' .% ... - ; ; ; ' " ??????????? INT SAMPLES S , . ' i . . . : . \' >A RATI ON AN D I I *s 1 1 WL ' - W r ' *&-' ? *'; .%& dMH RY AND DITION 'ON GROWER YO L ' 71'r > ",^K? R BALE IF YOU HAV : ,* '". V',:' >. ' ". .% :. '1 ' '.' \',r./." > THE RESULT IS ? * - " ? WILL IMPROVE YOl V i - , ARVESTING AND GO( RADES. COTTON ON GRAD * 1- . : . . . DRE DOLLARS 4 North Carolina Statr Collcok or Aoriculturk and Cnoii or tmi Univkrr.itv or North Carolina ANO U. 9. DKPARTMINT OF AORICULTURK. CO OPII N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SEI I. O. SChaub. DinccTOft Statc Collioi Station RALKIOH Your Cott RY Gil ?.C. ' \ equipment to give your cotton the arket value for all grades and sta] ERATE OUR GIN FROM 5:00 A. ie Invite you to visit our Gin whel ,* ' . .? ' . * , j pUPPQpr" -u- i.u nvifUWl ? . * - r-.:. *; X. >K HOWING ROUGH BRER 7 - l"'-/ L- V ^ *-?.r V? r > rf ^ V .' ' fe ' 4 ' '.jr.: N; .?= V V , , *i. Sftr - V L. U ' a. '. i^ . jHbr/ | GINNED IN GRE DAMP COND mi . UR LOSS IS SE E COTTON GINNE ROUGH PREPARA" JR - STAPLE LEN DD GINNING Wll E AND STAPLE. rOR YOUR B iccniNa AGRICULTUF hale tVICE """"" oistrirutco in rurtmcranck or mav ano jun on To N CO. P. D. Hernd proper preparation, and wh pie lengths of cotton. M. TO MIDNIGHT ther you have cotton to gin o - : * :i-. ; . f * ' ' * V i' ' -"'v. _ ivy?^ . > . ' ,* ;/ :' ' . ". I 8 I m >^!L. jj^H i^tiUI k. . P ./ B ITION COURTESY U.SHA. VERAL M ;. ? j ?4 :d while riON AND 'V ? . I GTH. I f I M ? -.ta ? ?TI (ALEIAL EXT. SERVICE IGH, N. C. I SO. 1914 '** , : ^; ? "V ' " The Iffef* ' on, Manager ... iere you will ' ' ....! ' r not . i . >- ' -'A. '< ' \Y-' . t -v* T-'-s ^