MHMfc ' BUY ' AT HOME VOL. 34 NO. 45 I State And N I Condensed Ii ?National News? Washington. Oct. 19.?-The Treas nry reported today a deficit of $908.980.284 for the first three and a half I months of tho fiscal year. This was more than twice The $4U..r,tS0.27n | "" shortage for the similar period of the previous year..' . liuiapost, ftct. l'J.?Barou liotbmor of the foreign office declared u? day that Czechoslovakia must make a now proposul before liungary tusHungarian populated regions of Czechoslovakia. Ixmdon. Oct. 19.?The enraged fee, logs against Prime Minister' Chan, bcrlaln's accord appealed today l> subsiding in favor_of a new note o. national imlly to back a <iuk-kene 1 nmrmtiment pace. Newspaper kept up a steady campaign for the rapid integration of all civil and military defense measures:. New York. Oct. 19.?Three hundred towboats Idled at their piers, totoday, hampering shipping iu the world's busiest port as a strike of 2,000 tugboat workers:'entered its third day. Washington, Oct. 19.?Tho Social Security Board reported today the number of persons receiving general relief from public funds in 115 cities declined two per cent duriug September. In addition, the Board said, obligations created by the $822,941 cases listed in September decreased 2 per. cent to $23,054,318 compared with expenditures in August. I Washington, Oct. 19.?Almost a third of tne workers employed lit Ntorth Carolina industry and coin_ meroe are women, the. Social Security Board revealed) today, reporting on the number of bolders of social security account number in the state. PLONK CHILD CRITICALLY ILL Master Fred Plonk, Jr., three-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plonk, continues critically ill iu a Kaleigii Hospital. The child suffers with, 'a growth between the ' kidney / and liver. . . / Th? fhild u'ilh fjirripH to mnlBipli lor examination and treatment by Dr. John Rhodes who is a brother of Mm. Plonk. Dr. Rhodes is a kloney specialist and surgeon. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Plonk wish for them a speedy and complete recovery of their only child. ATTEND DISTRICT MEETING The following ladies represented the Senior and Junior Women'! Clube of Kings Mountain at the Dis trlct meeting held in Oaatonia Tuee day: Mesdamea Aubrey Mauney ant C. C. Oatea of the Junior Club; Mes damea Orady Patterson, E. W. Grit fin,- B. D. Ratterree, B. M. Ormant and O. O. Jackson of the Senior club Mrs. B. D. Ratterree and "Mrs Aubrey Mauney gave the report from their respective clubs. Mrs. B W. Griffin, State Safet: Chairman, and District Chairman o the American Home Department gave reports of work of the depart inents. J Laughing Aroi | With IRV Why They Call* BrUtvi , *TtHE CHIEF physician came uj ' asylum, slapped him on the be "Well, old men, you're all ri| mt all the deherleea which afflicted word to yew people that yootl 1 pa new." The patient departed gaily It and aoeled it, bat aa he was lie fingers to the floor.and feU oa the arid stuck there. The patient ha< ^ pee was his escaped postage stai baseboard, and following a erool ceiling overhead. la depressed sfl written and dropped the eteese ti "Two weekslHelir he said. I'm worse eft than I was when < i , " Kings lational News n Brief Form . r ?State News? Henderson. Oct. 19.?Thr"c men planned to leave here today lor ilagemqwn.' Md., In an effort to determine if a body found there a few days iiK<> in thut of, 11. S. McColn. mysteriously missing from, hi* home, httrv since Christinas, 1932. f jcinpleto descriptions of MK.'olnV dental work and X-ltay pictures, were taken along. The nam making the ttip are Al M. Wepter, M<-Coiti'?| . business associate, Thomas 0. IlatMSI, Hi ..111. I. JJIIUliUlU cut of the Kast Carolina Training School at Rocky Mount. i Charleston. S." t\, Oct. lit.- An of1 flcial investigation ?un underway to; day into a train-automobile collls ion ncrc iiihi uigni t nut kill, a two j and seriously injured two others. Frederick W. Ji-Ifcoat, l.r, high school, 'student, and Miss Ma tie Brown, 18. who were graduated last year from Murray Vovational school were injured fatally when a Port Utilities Commission train rammed t/ieir automobile Into a brick wall on Kast Bay Street crossing, causing the wall to collupse on the car. Urecnsboro, Oct.' 19.?The grand jury met in special session today to receive bills of indictment charging James F. Godwin, 19. of High Point and Bill Wilson 21, of Hckory, with the slaying of Douald Moss, High Point textile worker, In High Point two weeks ago. .Moss was shot after Godwin and Wilson escaped from' the Davidson County Jail with the aid of the Jailer's daughter, Hula Belle Kimbel, So licltor H. H. Koontz indicated he would not ask a first degree bill agalnst Wilson, whom he termed a "dupe" of Godwin. Ml. Holly, Oct. 19.?Ground was broken here recently for the new vocational building, one of the first projects to be started In Gaston County as a result of the $300,000 school bond election which was carried last Spring. Greet New Pastor The members/Qj/Grace Methodist .Church greeted their new pastor, Rev. S. W. Johnson with an old-fash., ioned "pounding" last Wednesday evening. The new pastor who coiues to Kings Mountain from Statesville, ex ( h'intritfl nhn rirtiu witli iJoe W \ , v? li^.Ai *.? "? ? ??M AVV. ? . ?? . it Parsons, who for the past five yeais has served liiuce Church so acceptably. Many expressions of regret ' wero heard throughout the church , membership over te removal of this splendid pastor and his wife both of whom have given so unstiotingly of their time aid talents to their church aod community. They were each presented a fitted traveling 1 bag as love gifts from the oongrega 1 lion, before their departure. 1 Mrs. Sallie Mahue Dies 1 Mrs. Sallie Mahue, 67, died Bun day morn In f at the home of her dau ' ghter, Mrs. Mac Arrowood near Wa a oo. Surviving her are one daughter, Mrs. Mao Arrowood of Waco, two sta f ters, Mrs. O. R. Gladden of Klngi f Mountain and Mrs. J. M. Hoyle ol U Mount Holly, two brothers, Mr. R. F > Jackson of Kings Mountain and Mr Veeter Jackson of Gaston la. r Lind the World in s. cobb 5d It a Bug-House N S. COBB > to an inmate in a private Insane ck. and said in comforting accents, (hi. P? just pronounced you cured pml Tea can run along now ami write be bade hoaw ia two weeks as good to write his letter. Bo had finished king the stamp it slipped through his I back of a cockroach teat was passing; in't seen the cockroach?what be did mp gig-sagging over the floor to the red trade up tee wall and along the ence he tore up the letter he had juat i the floor. *1 wont ever get out of this place, hey brought mo here." ^"^" TfiiiVisaii r ni mi Moun ' . _i " KINQ8 MOUNTAIN, N. C.. He v. K. Homer Anderson r I m I I l^jp f* . 1 ' ;'"J I i i - -j CONSTRUCTION OF OVERHEAD BRIDGE STARTED Actual conatruction of the much diacuaaed overhead bridge at the comer of Railroad Avertue and King Street haa begun. Carpenter* were buay Wedneaday morning building the office and warehouse on Railroad Avenue across from the Plonk Motor Co. Work- on the bridge will begin immediately. The contract was awarded to the L. Riddle Co., of Asheville, for $27,387, .with the understanding that the bridge would be completed in 80 working days. The contract for the fills and paving project leading to the bridge was let to Ballanger Paving Co., of Greenville for $79,896.10. The total cost will ble over $100,000. Receive Bids For Mail Truck Postmaster W. K. Blakely will re ceive bids until October 31st for th? hire of a vehicle without the drlvet for use in collecting, delivering, ant relaying mail. Bids will be consider ed for either a truck or cosed typi automobile. Special blanbs for filin; bids may be obtained from the Post master. Estimated hours the truck will b< In use? la 8 per day except Suuda: and holidays. The estimated numbe of hours to Dec. 31st Is .312. The owner will be required t< keep vehicle in satisfactory conitl tion and bear all expenses. The new service will include tin delivery of Parcel Post to the home now receiving nouse deliveries fieri toforo packages had to he called to by the Individual at the Post Office. When this new service Is Installed It will mark the second major fan provement fat imall service reeentlj House-to-house delivery service wa . recently enlarged rendering a bette service to patrons of the King Mountain Post Office. Attend Funeral In Nashville Mr. and Mrs. Hayne Blackmer c Kings Mountain, acocjmpanied b Mrs. Harry Woodson ot Salisbury left late Tuesday afternoon for NaS ' vllle, Tenn., where they were calle ( on account of tb sudden death c t Richard Pearson Blackmer, age 61 , brother of Mr. Hayne Blackmer an Mrs. Woodson. Death was attributed to heart tro bie. > Funeral services and lntermei took place in Nashville Wednesds afternoon. Mr. Blackmer Is survived by h widow and sons. R. P. Jr., and Jot Bladyner, and' the aboveymentiom brother and sister. The many friends here Mr. Blae mer sympathise with him In his si bereavement.! Fire Damages House Sunday Morning Fire that started in the kttch flue caused several hundred dolls damage to a dwelling on Mounts street here about ten o'clock Bund morning before local firemen bit ght the blaze under control. L. O. Welch and family oocupt the house, which was owned by Hi ry Jones. The three rooms at t rear of the dwelling were the mi heavily damaged as the blase' w confined to that section. The fur ture throughout the house was bat damaged badly by smoke and wat Neighbors noticed the blase the rear of the house and sound the alarm, the family being in I most distant part of the ili-m house when the fire was discover Pert of the damage was covered Insurance. ? ? ','rm ?- "P"1- " ^"w*. itain I THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1938 Preaches Here Next Week alv . : I I K -' I V;. I ! ' 1 I ft' I. | . If ! i IjV; 1 i ; I fit * r I r ' i - ; [. * \ . j w * L Q\ 1: i | ? r j ' - . ? . i BE:. i c-* I * : ' ' - * fr >Preaching Mission At Lutheran Church St. Matthews will conduct u preacl log mission this coming week be ginning Sunday Evening at 7:00 The Service will be held each even ing at 7:15 through Friday evening The Rev. R. Homer Anderson, E D? Superintendent of the Lutherai Synod of Virginia will be the speak er. Dr. Anderson for many years hai been the leader of the missionary e forts of bis Synod and In all phase of the work of the Laitherun Churcli Hits messages will be Instructive helpful and Inspiring. Pastor Hamr extends a cordial invitation to al of Kings Mountain to attend. The membership of the Churcl will hold group prayer meetings thi week In order to stimulate hitoref in the mission. Thursday Evening a 7:15 there will be two group mee .Ings, one at the home of Mr. Arthu Bennett, W>.? Road, and at th ' heme of Mr. Ray Cline near the Boi " nit Mill Store. Friday evening a : 7:15 there will be one group at th 5 Club House at the Mauney Mill, an * one at the home of Mr. Earl Bun gardner on the York Road. Menibei . and friends are Invited to all of Iheu ~. groups. r > Lions Club First Annual . Charity Show Nov. 11 ^ Thn lv intra Afmmtnin V .irvtia . flu " has sot November 11th as the oftlc 8 al date for its first Annual Charit r Show. The show this year Is to t la the form of an amateur hour wit * prizes to be awarded to the wlnnia l* contestants. These prizes are to t '* in cash and! will total $20.00 so thi 8 anyone wishing to enter will be a r sured of a nice award if he wins. 8 is hoped that contestants will g< their entries is as soon as posstb so that they, will be sure of a plat on the program, as the Club is e pectin# a hie I tot of entries, and will be necessary to have the nami of the contenders as soon, as post y ble in order that the program ? be completed To place your enti h see Hward Jackson, Joe L?ee Woo ^ ward, Jacob Cooper, or any memb of the Ldon's Club. 0. , d ' Will Rogers' Humorous Story is I , . . . .1 in By WILL ROGERS Hl f~\NE school teacher was pretty ^ hard-boiled with the kids. k" That*s the reason wh> I think may?d be this story ain't true. Teachers ain't hard-boiled any more, are they T But when Henry was late for school the third time, and he hadn't any excnae, the teacher sent him home. J?! ease. *iEed dent target to tell ha " that it nmetnt happen again. Bh m If- 1% H MU kma go Heary^eaase hack hi a eeopl| he "I has* a new pair ed twins. I oin went kasMi aaala awd I hoo ed. ycgffl W? fairy bw? a rhc t hi n - -1 i tr i sihm ihi r ^iuakB?. Ierald * . | Health Clinic To i Be Conducted jEvery Friday| IJhW nwly urbanized Clvvviuud I County Health Department will con j duct clinics in KitiKs Mountain ei I ery Friday afternoon from l::td, to j 5:00 P. M. The oliuica wili la- held ! in tile Crawford ltnlldln*f on Mountain street, the building formerly <? cupied t>) The KIhk* Mountain fiorald | Tiie clinic is for those Who ?rtj uti j able ,to pay a physician, and will he TBl^lHllMMPnTil Shelby. j Veneral disease's Will h? treated , and examination made o," alt hand I lers of (card. as well as servants ill ] homes. Ilousewiycs are ritiiiestisl. to . see thai their servants are exumlnI cd. as the state law reijuires a | health certificate for everyservnnt. Children whose parents lire unable j to pay a physician will he .vaccinal ' ed free for smallpox, diphtheria, uyd ' typhoid. F.lood tests will lie made for any one who desires -to have one made. i n? venerai worn is Doing carrteui I on with funds from botlt State and j Federal funds. ( Citizens of Kinks Mountain should ? cooperate with Dr.- Mitchell and the County Health Department in these clinics which will mean a great deal toward the health and bappinees of i the community. 1 ; Annual Floral " Fair Soon; The Kloral Fair sponsored, annually by the Woman's Club will. be held 1 Friday. November 4. at the h Club -llicuae. (Attractive and; useful s prizes have been donated by the it various business houses and everyit bpdy In the community, regardless t- of whether members of the club, is ir asked to compete. Those iu charge e are hoping that a keen interest will t- he shown and that a large and beauit tiful array of flowers, fancy work, e oakee. pies and candles, will be on d display. Tq make the show a suei cess, will take cooperation. "8 Dinner and supper will be served iii the dining room as usual and the various displays will be ill the louti-i ' ge and auditorium bf the club. A cordial Invitation is extended to .all. Frizes will lie. on. display in the show window of the Baker Grocer} Company. d) The prize list will lie published in d- next week's issue. y , h Ralph Gardner To Speak ? To Lions >e 11 3. The regular meeting of the Kings jt Mountain Lions Club will be held at el the Mountain View House tonight at ,c 7:00 P. M. Full attendance of all the memx. bers Is urged as plans will be comjt pleted for the Charity Srow to be held November 11th. ,j. The Club was fortunate In being in able to secure Ralph Gardner. of py Shelby, Democratic nominee, for the ,j. North Carolina State Senate, as the &r principal speaker. At the last meeting of the Lions Club la was announuced that In the future the regular meeting will be held on the first and tbird Thursdays of each month. This change was made In cooperation with the Business Men's Club. The meeting tonight will be at the . Mountain View .Hotel at 7 o'clock. 1 !.tnn? Wtlllnm Thomson and Proctor Thompson are In charge of the program. Special Services In Progress At A. R. P. ; There is public preaching each evening this week at Boyoe Metnor , lal Church. Dr. \V. W. Boyce of First Church. Charlotte, will ^preach to night (Thursday) and Dr. J. I?. Grlet of Chester, 8. C.* will preach Friday evening. The hour is 7:30. Interest ed and appreciative audiences hav< been enjoying these service. Th? public is cordially invited. "ANDY QUMP" POTATO GROWN r ' ? Sidney Smith may draw And; Gump In the comic paper but M. B Prultt, of the Dilllng Mill vlllag grows him in bis garden. The freai v sweet potato grew through a roum I steak bone and haa an almost exac t likeness to Andy Gump. The nose 1 | well formed wKh almost no chin a a, just like Andy. ? The Ireak potato is on display a The Herald Office, .and those Intel ested are Invited to see it. ' r ? : " - ' 1 " ' *' ' ' ""*] READ THE . HERALD ? FIVE CENTS PER COPV ' * ' Presbyterian Speaker f ' "?' Hv :|g B . B -. I K^:I A 1 I K:^V% -HUH1 REV. J. L. FOWLE Series Of Services At Presbyterian Church Dr. J. L. Kowle, D. D.. pastor of the First Presbyterian ciiureh of Chattanooga. Teun., -will open a series of Bvangellstlc services at the First Presbyterian Church, on Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock. Dr. Kowle is a native North Carolinian. As a minister he is outstanding both as a pastor and ,a preacher. Bach mornng, beginning with Monday and continuing through Friday Dr. Fowle will speak on "The Favorite Chapters of the Gospel of Satnt John." Monday the topic will be from Chapter. 1; Tuesday from Chapter 3: Wednesday from Chapter 14; Thursday from Chapter 1". and Friday from Chapter 21.* all of Saint John's Gospel. The evening services will begin each night at 7:30 o'clock. Subjects for the evening addresses are: Monday, "This Ailing World"; Tuesday, | "Have Faith in God"; Wednesday. "Consider Christ"; Thursday, ' The Seven Words From The Cross,' and Friday,. "The Gospel of Christ." Sunday ntornlug at 11:00 o'clock, i the sermon will be on the subject, I "It a Man Die." and Sunday evening j at 7:30 o'clock, tile text subject will | be "The Wages cf Sin". The public is cordially invited to J hear this splendid speaker. iPASTORS EXCHANGE i CHURCHES PnaJni'tt ^ W Tnhiic/tn nf ihn I Boulevard Methodist tnurch of I Statesvtlle and IV. A. Parsons of ! the Grace Methodist church have ex changed churches. Mr. Parsons moved to StatesviUe last week and Rev. Johnson moved to KlngB Mountain. Announcements of the changes were made at the closing session of the 61at meeting of the Blue RidgeAtlantic Conference of the Methodist Kplacopal Church held at PfeHfer Junior College. ATTEND DISTRICT BUILDING A LOAN MECTINQ J. B. Thomassou. J. R. Davis, A. H. Patterson, J. C. law-key and T. N. Harmon attended the District Build lng & Loan League meeting In Hickory Monday. (0asJiuiqtan MnapIhcU !*y James Preston^ (Opinions Expressed In This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) The government, being the printing and publishing business, ten liaa tnef qnrvhVfwV If a hrtnlf shslf IUV, IIUC J U"l f | to determine Its "test seller." Wb&t the count revealed brought expressions of surprise to the faces of scfme government "brain busters." Instead of finding that the reeding public is clamoring for a hew education from theorist authors on planned economy and such, they found a simply written little book about American industries leading the field, "the expressions of pained surprise were caused by the fact that V the book praises rather than coni. damns the American business man. <> We quote one paragraph from the * book: '? d "Alexander the Great, so it has t been recorded, wept when he found s there were no more worlds to ooat quer. But modern man knows no such limitations. The attitude today t Is that there is no limit to tha r- worlds which remain to be conquer(Cont'd on Editorial page) ? ? fnrristilttiSM , 11 a iflr'S - -f

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