PR * v ( Kritical Moments . and Howlarious Scoops i (By The Tattlers) t Woo woo again, we're buck again, ; with Bome nfore of that dry stug, which everyone liked so much last week. (Aw loo). And We wonder; what Julia will do now. What hap-j pened to the column, Julia? Or must ' you give it up new. that yo've gone domestic on us? Jly the way, just how ate you and Souee'uiid Gin d>' lug? Or ha? Gin ceded the match to vou? 'l ite, li ve mult -it. we And now for the touoUos. they told us tltat they wore coming back to K M with Mr Initio's fuiller las: ( . .Thursday nfgltt. And poor Dr. I,it t ie he must still be waiting on liis "Hud dy" to tiring him borne. Miss Morris are >ou still there? And what is Itsy Hitsy hears about this? Jo K.oeter and Hetty I', are'doing right well And laidd Is getting a laugli a minute. The J'Twtns" called I ?>n Ja., Krnest got Hetty, and tliey took Uuld a long as J >Mis r,.?e, . '.in J Itaehel has fallen And It dldu I ' take Parisian music and lights to ' get the desired1 effects. It's that new1 1 lad. Jlmmie Durrueott liy name, and ' he's from South t'uh-linuh. ' And now we tnm Voice of Kxperlence and hand out a few tips: k Ho'snl alwl hwtflu' V Oil fllkP t lUOVf wiixwi' . " " , that trip to Tonh'essee,. don't full Tor 1 any qt the Mountaineers UP thar.i 1 Hazel- Remember that you have a 1 blonde right" here In K. M. who has 1 practically applied for a license. JU-tl Harper: IRm't quit Just be cause you lost 'Homer." There are lots of girls In town who just love .. V ..... | ] ' '-v." :'l v' X': ' l: THE COTTON ASSOCIATION is netting its members lot' and bet ter for Farm Relief "4" and "IOC." Deliver o Planters and Merchants. Gastonia Bonded. Lincolnton. Newton. Hickory Warehouse. You get full settlement as soon as. you sell No extra expense for getting Govern ment Loan. ? i . IVEY WILLIS, Lattimore, N. C. Him 71 V/Ul i ?, r:',j OPI r. . K'v' * NOVEM ?t! ' E?' ' " ' . ' START a Program of Rc ing as Many Shares as Yo I- '" ' ';- / ' ' |v : : : V, THERE IS NO Bl C A T7C TU A AT TU OAVL inAll Ifl Kings Moun Assoc A. E. Cline J. C. Lackey T ootball heroes. Margaret Ratterree: Give us Coljmnists a break. You tgiuld if you X'ould, We're sure. James D.: L?ook out felia, or you wont be footloose and fancy fre* long. Dean Tate: You're too anibitlouB, freshman'. One gal . is enough lor you. Betty Patrick: Pick on somebody your own size. Mr. Moffat is two whole inches taller than you. And to the team: HEAT CHERRY HL.L.E'. THIS 'N THAT By Alice Burton Patterson Grove Section Here it is Monday nigbt. time to write this chatter and I have nothing unusual or interesting to write ibout. .. MoAt of the folks jn this .section tie ubout through picking cottlu. law their potatoes taken up,, ami "oiii" have their corn pulled ami LilV..V'fVtlJ i Mi JiMt gossip: 1 heard a girl say hat she once said that she would never marry hut had found out that it was uwlully easy to change one's mind. Could that mean that she has hanged her mind and is thlnklnf of rmyittg. "I do" soou. Il-in-m, I won:ler!! Heard a hoy say that he Wad going to "sweet-talk" < that's his word not mine) his Uud into buying a new car this fall. E? I don't believe you Dad ran be influenced by sweet-talk, but gootMuck. anyway. .Miss Opal. Freeman has returned to her home in Marion, N. C., aftot spending two weeks here with her coti-hi. Mildred Dedford. .i'lit l' Is of Mr. J. K. Goforth will he so.*i y to hear that he has been very sick with flu foi* several days. 'lie Intermediate boys and girls . litssen > f the Patterson Grove Sun-. y School enjoyed a soelhl given Vt the home of VVlllodene Thornburg .Si.tuiday night, Oct. 15. Mr. and .Mrs.' La-Bon Thornburg and son. Danny of Shelby, were visitors of the L,ee Tliornburg's Sunday. William Ware of Oak Grove section spent the week-end in this community. LOCAL GIRL HONORED AT COLLEGE tit rS ? . ? *-*? i. .1? t.. _ m MISS UUIUiliy l lljll K? UilUKlllt'l (Jl Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Plonk, of Kings Mountain, has been named in. a recent election held at Greensboro College, secretary of the Math Club Miss Plonk is also vice-president of the junior class and the (iertnaii club, hast year she held the eflici of secretary of the sophomore class. Miss Plonk is a member of ilv Jim' lor .lienor Sdciety and the Irving Literary Society. , st Series SNS BER 1st . v.' * , . . . i - ? igular Savings by Buyu Can Carry. ETTER WAY TO IE B. & L. WAY tain B. & L. V . . .. , iation ?............. President ? % Secretary-Treasurer -i "ttii' innrtiii trtiiiiriii r i HE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD UH Church News f LUTHERAN CHURCH L. Boyd Hamm, Pastor* Bible school 10:00, L. Arnold Ki ser, General Superintendent. Services for the 2.0th Sunday after Trinity: " Morning 11:00. sermon; "Christ's s' Command To Invite.': " " t* There will be no Evening Service that the members may attend the (j Jo'iat Referiuation Service In Chao ryvllle High School at 7:30. Luther Leagues meet at six o% clock. I' Boy Scouts, Trccp 2, meet Monday Evening 7:00. ? Classes in Catechism meet Wed- ^ neaday afternoon at 4:00. SAINT LUKES : ? Uible^ school 10:00, James Lackey, ' Superintendent. BOYCE MEMORIAL .1 CHURCH W. M. Uoyce, Pastor it 1'ible School each Sabbath morn- a ing at 10:00: o'clock. - h Morn tin- W.wshj.. 11 V-- ti tiion by l)r. L. I. Echols. . u ^vening Service at . 7:30. Dr. b Echols will preach. Y. P, C. U. meets at 6:45. Mid-Week Service each Wednes- I day evening at 7:30. 'n t * I rresoyierian ^nurcn Rev. P D. Putrlc*. Pastor 9:45 A. M. Sunday School. C F. Thomasaon, Su-pt. 10:00 A: M. Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "Two Open Gates." 6:45 P. M. Ploner Vespers ami Senior Vespers. 7:30 Evening Worship. Evening topic? ."My i.ord and Mv God". . , Monday . 7:15 P. M. Koy Scouts, ^I'roop I, Call Davidson. Scopliiiaser; Harry Page and Jack Orntand, Assistant Scoutmasters. Monday 4:00 P. M. Woman's Auxiliary. Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting, Murgrace Community House. ? First Baptist Church Angus O. Sargeant. Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 11:00. Subject: "The Desire For Good." Sunday school 9:40 o'clock. C. G White, Superintendent. Sunday night: Open Forum Discussion. Subject: "The Christian and His Place in the World." Scripture: Luke 14:25-35. Teachers Meeting Wednesday 7:30 P. M. * ? " CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Rev. E. W. Fox. Pastor 9:45 Sunday schooi, B. S. Peeler. Superintendent. 11:00 The Stewards of tlie Chur ch for the new year will be installed and the pastor will preach his firs' serntcn fcr the new ccnferuue year 7:30 The Young people will sing, and there will be : eporta of the best adiiresses at the. recent Charlotte Conference.. Park-Grace M. E. Church C.P. Self, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. t Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Epworth League 0:30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 P. M. Everyone Welcome. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH A. F. Connor, Pastor Sabbath School 9:45 A. M. Preaching at 11:00 and 7:15 P. M. W. Y. P. S. 6-: 00 P M. Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening 7:15. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. C. C. Parker, Pastor Sunday 8chool 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. no. and 7:30 p. m. ach Sunda > Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick, Pastor a?v,?/vi a m Oil ii uujr oiiiuwi ".lU a- ?m, B. T. U. 6:46 p. m. Evening Worship 7:00 p. m Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7 PM. :(IB p. U. The Herald Publishing House ?PRINTING OF ALL KIND8? ' ?INCLUDING? ?Letter Heads ?Shipping Tags ?8pecial Rule Forms ' ?Circulars and Placards ?Statements and Bill Forms ? Booklets and Pamphlets .?Wedding Invitations ?Visiting Cards ?Announcements ?Envelopes ?Mall Orders Given Prompt? ' ?Attention? ?Phone 167? UR8DA.Y, OCT. tT, IMS f 1 ir?, 1 cihed from nov November Vital ^ ^ breaks of rest 'or Poultry Poultrymen should be happy dur . /hOU# tg November. Karly-hatched pullets f ^.pC At :iould be In full production as that me aud old hens carried over eHhr for breeding purposes or for egg 7 reduction should be coming out oi V to summer molt and adding their ,_.j apply to the market eggs. But poultrymen should think aend of November profits, warns M 'rof! Roy S. Deanstyue. head of the oultry department of State College. Vinter is approaching and it brings V important problems. The mild- win r of last year is no guarantee of nother mild winter this year. ho agel.v points out. Tliose are sugges Ions ho makes. Sufficient litter should bo on hand; lie' windows of the poultry house . j hould be Intact and in good work, ig order; drcp curtains should Ik vuilable where the op *.' ' Here They Are? Gorgeous Tripl-Mirror Vanity! ? Gri er Bed!?Handsome Chest! ? Two Airy Bedpillows! ? Vanity Bench! 5-Piece Boudoir Lamp Ensemble! ? ( Coil Spring! ? * ? STB : ' 0 . . "* v SHE V ' : ' ' .. : .. A ,, ^x:^sA^^ujT^k^ii-4hAt, njirn aav 1111' iiiiriifriiirtiiitoh f on. The nights will ln? rains Miter the house, wet litter cold and direct draftb should be replaced as soon as practf ?lra.tory diseases, such cal, Prof. Dearstyne advisee, and brontihltts. If ririv on the birds may lead to serious out ? A " j ^k\T\ .^rohi^jEy -jf C * ''^ ? , STt^^T I ' ' * . " ' i .*,' * * **'v *^<;''<&*<& '' ''.' . -RIBE TO THE HERALD, $1.50 A YEAR SPECIAL! iday-Saturday Pieces ' J ' ' . T ;;'*:'!II:LJ II I ML UJJ W1 ju f . ?. ' ' * *' '" J; ' ",> ? QC ires; Lamp EASY TERMS room Group rltr\ i ?~ tCQQC "sss $39.90 Comfortable . EASY TERMS ? ?? ' RCH'S LBY, N. C. :. , ... , .. .: . .. , ' . ' J. :.. :