? ? > - - -V " , , ?. ?? SOCIAL < Of INTE PHONES 10 R A KINO-DAVIS MARRIAGE SOLEMNIZED The marriage of Mlita Sadie Mabel Davie of Wadfesboro and Walter Coyte Kin*a of Laneaater. S. t'., was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Davis, in Wadesboro, at four o'clock. Sunday afternoon, October 30. The vown were spoken, before Reverend I'aul Hardin, Jr., pastor of the Methodist Church.Only the immediate families and u few dose friends of the couple witnessedl the ceremony. An Improvised altar of trailing evergreens and white chr>?>autiie. j tapers, was arranged lu the liviu* room. A program of miptial uiusic wm rendered by Mrs. W. II. UuUedge, piAniit Ifrm Paul llarilin Jr un?< vi? FV>m Little, vocalists. all of Wade* bora Prior to the ceremony us Mr*. Outledge played Traumeret by Hchu tnan. Mr. Plnee Davis, brother of the bride, and Mr. William Hownun or Jersey City. N. J.. lighted the tapers and took their places beside tb<> altar. "The Sweetest Story Ever . Told." was ennk as u duet by Mrs. Hardin and Mr. Little. , the strains of the UrliLiJ t'horits from Lohengrin, tie bride and bridegroom entered together utiet stood! .beneath a bridal areh of white twined with Ivy and flanked with floor baskets of snowy chtrysuuthcjnutns. bride was becomingly attired in a dress ot teal blue with coat and accessories of burgundy wine. Her corsage was gardenias and valley lUlea. As the vows were being spoken, "I Love Yotr Truly", by Carrie Jacobs Bond, was played softly. At the 0000108100, the couple knelt, while Mr. Little san "The Prayer Perfect" by Ermine J. Stenson, as a benediction. >. (Mr. and Mrs. King left immediately after the ceremony for a motor trip through Virginia. Upon their return. they will make their home in deduced Long Distance dcUe>.dThanksgiving Day n Long distance rates for telephone calls made between points within the United States will be reduced on Thanksgiving day. ^ The low night rates that are now in effect every night after seven and on Sundays will apply on both Person-to-Person and Station-to-Station calls made Thanksgiving day. If you can't be with outof-town relatives and friends for Thanksgiving you can "voice visit" with . them by long distance tele phone at little cost. Take advantage of this opportunity to make Thanksgiving this year a day of greater happiness for your loved ones and friends as well as yourself. With these special Idw rates in effect you can talk a distance of 100 miles for 35c; 200 miles for 65c; 1,000 miles $1.85, and greater distances at a correspondingly low cost . when using Station-to-Station service, on Thanksgiving day. Person-to-Person service is somewhat higher. SMTKMI BELL TELEPHONE MB TELEGRAPH COMPANY IMCOISOSATS9 ifrjlto-, , I t -i .yw AND PERSONAL HAPPE^ REST to 1 lND 88 MRS. A. H. PATfl Lancaster, g. C. Mrs. King, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mis. J. J. Davis of Wade* bono, is u young woman of charm aud plcuslug personality. . Mr. King, the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. King of Lancaster. S C.. lias many frieuds In Kings Mountain, where he spent his childhood and early, boyhood days. (visitor honored at BRIDGE PARTY Minn Helen lli-bae.. .....I Ml ? - - ? - ?' < uiiu .?? ion | Myrtle Tit men. of ib?- High Point school faculty. who were house! i guests of Mr*. K W. Griffin during MU'yWhl HU'IHI "IfUJU ttUUUJUii I -II a most delightful ridge party given by Mrs. M A. Ware, ou Saurday afternoon. .The room* were attractively arranged With decoratious in keeping j With the Hallowe'en season. The Halloween motif was also cleverly observed in the delicious and attrac1 tlve refreshments served ut the conclusion of the game. L Mrs. Hazel Crenshaw of Helmon* received high score prize. Miss Doro thy Patterson prize for second high and Mrs. Paul Mauuey, consolation. Miss Dickson and Miss Tittnan were presented lovely gifts. Guest* iucldded Miss Helen Dick son. Miss Myrtle Tittnan. of High Point. Mrs. i. R floforth end house guest. Mrs. ilkzel Cretishaw. of Belmont, Mesdbme* Manly Morehead, Hayne Blackitier, Joe Nelsler, C. W. Harper. Carl Maune-y, J. 11. Davis. R W. Griffin. Joe Thomson. Grady King. Arnold Riser. Stnyre Williams N. F. McGUl, Ladd Iiamrlck. Haywood K. Lynch, It. S. Nelll. Charles Williams; Misses Dorothy Patterson Fanny Carpenter and Sara Allison. MEETING OF HOME ARTS CLUB Mrs. Bright Katterree was hostess to members of the Home'Arts Clua and invited guests, entertaining at her home on West Mountain street on last Wednesday afternoon. The rooms were arranged with col j 01 ful autumn flowers. Mrs. Aubrey Mauuey had charge of the program te&turlsf, an Instructive lecture by Dr. Rvans of the Knglish Department of LimeBtone College. Following the lecture a bus iiipHR meetim? un4 with iltn president presiding *I|he. hostess served a salad course with accessories and a sweet course. ATTENTION LADIES! Added to the list of the usual turn her of useful and attractive prizes for the Flora 1 Fair, will he a first and second prize for salads.' To compete let the?? prizes it will he necessary to enter salad sufficient" tor three serving. Tlie entry ran he of one kind of salad cr <" three individual salads of dilf? rent varieties. -The salad committee sire' expertI ing a fipe array of tasty and attractive salads. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Benton Putnam an nounee the marriage of their daughter. Miss Alma Jane Putnam to Mr. Wray Augustus lloctk, cn May 8. 1938. .. PFTTHE?antVMC 1^' ririUll an Be i St SB* Ready For 4ERGENCIES an outing la spoiled by lng, aggravating - headHere is a suggestion. s'Xftl'rSE.'SnSS ns a pocket size caaa that six nills. Carry this, and the large package In your tne cabinet mJSS ANTI-PAIN PILLS commended for pain rei iache. Neuralgia. If us- r and Periodic Pains, taste good, act quickly, it upset the stomach, druggist sails them, ir pa drags 2S for Be. my ptfkagf 125 fry |1J|, V / A . ^ . iff 'riftffi.fr rfrirtiifrrf rtfifo rf ? T rHn KINGS MOUNTAIN HBRAI D, < i iings i: WOMEN < ? 'ERSON, Editor . * < i *? CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Charles Campbell, Jr., was host to a number of his friends ut a well appointed three-course dinner oh. Sun day evening at the home of his parents, Mr., and Mrs. Charles Campbell Sr.-, on West Mountain street, the occasion being in celcbrution of his birthday anniversary. Tfta Hallowe'en motif was suggested in the decorations and refreshments. Covers were laid for Charles Camp bell, Jr., Coach A. K. Smart, John Kissiah, Kevitt Hughes. Clarence I'lcnk Iiob Hughes, Jim Durracott, and Charles Campbell, Sr. Personals iMr. Haywood E. I.ynch Ik confined to hia home by sickness. Mr*. Otta Palls and son. Otis. Jr.. spent last Saturday In Uastonia. Master Rtbhard \Vblto celebrated bis eighth birthday Tuesday. Mr*. E. W. Neal visited her sister Mrs. H. D. Klrkpntrick of Charlotte during the week end. Mrs. S. C. Ratterreo Js In Charlotte visiting Mr. Jap Rat m*k, tn?4i for lUt&U Goor e aKil Product!. At no Hm ?^MrfirAiiMnli?A4iMitmk Aft < r.ck Won oca Mktt, " UatilitaCMtr.NMrt^i^iKMiMi Ii XI/ M*tfc?r MO ?two list MfMi k*f? I 11 I M*X?/wyi?nM.i.ifliMislt.r. ' cakt Softer^^^^^T I BUTTERMILK SOAP J II'a beneficial! popnlirl^^^^^H WHOT WATER BOTTU I Ta Sturdy conatroctka Pni 1u loot ^50^ ,. ^Adhesive TapcJ pHSl lamft . > : ' '' T/. " '/ "'" ' '" "'j ' . ' . < ' " ' THURflDAY, NOV. 3. 1338 at the marriage of her brother, Miss Dorothy Patterson of Norwood spent the week-end in Kings Mountain. ?o Mr. und Mm. ti.ady King went to Wade-slm day 'to be-present at the marriage of Mr. King's brrt' Mr Wu'.-?r King to Miss. Sudlc ?o? MisB Helen 1.. U on and M a tie Titinau of High Point wore guests of Mrs. K. W. I 1 flww * 50V pint 5/MJJlttr,J^ lfe^ fi r" *>"?? < > >Ui> / leum ?*r M M AI will* Jontrel m jMI ^| _ f V uvfer Puff ??r W*f% int mm furriMl f gf >A ^ | m ffc o/ Magnesia for 9 118 * Jontrrt 3 A \ Yim o/ Almonds far tlfl \ M*a park C?nkki7 wm t0 2f&-\o*.tat Art&rf F*Hpound c* -*? ^ Indine ^HiiikBor,* If T?BCi? , is, baby TOi W ' 2^26< 2^3< On ? ? Mb kratka w CwMk . So.Tkk*. I ??* lBl?CN>Bl *"_,r H Light I ah*1 ill? I I cr< ' " ' ? * where they all spent the week-end as guests of MIm Peele'a mother, Mr. arid Mrs. Curtis trails and children. Miss Hazel and t&ugen?. and Miss Jackie Kawles spent th* week end with relatives In Krwln. Tenn. Mr. and Mrs^ Charles Troublefleld of lilackstourg, s. C., are announcing the lilrth of a daughter, iasl Friday. M.-s. Trouhlefield was before niuvri(Cont'd ou back page) IMPERIAL THEATRE PHONE 134 TODAY ? THURSDAY ? Double Feature? We dare you to see them together "DRACUIJV and FRANKENSTEIN" ^dstjHMKj)l(uusc Only 10c FRIDAY A SATURDAY -Double Feature? Ruck Jones tn "LEFT HANDED LAW also t. ' ? Noah Berry, Jr., in FX)RBIDDEN VALLEY Flash Gordon and Mickey Mouse 10c and 15c j ' , COMING MONDAY Big Special Cli.as- Boyer In "AtfclERS" Clip Coupon and 15c will admit 2 People Monday or Tuesday. IMPERIAL THEATRE , t- - . ' v&V'?rVr* *: .**'. ' *\ 2$31a'a'-i.'v SBB31ZBB2 NTA1N DRUG | If ANY I /ERTISE^BYBEt^ERNIMfc V 49f pinf size Mi31 l*9^IO^ WmtSI&hfTM rl 2 .$,50' 2/^50 m^^p^SDfsue ffa/r/e/r/0s JrjFace Cream i ? 2for5l< Jg Keep poor coenplexiow lore I jr. f -*vlr^4 Pk^B^ Enjoy at troooaiul price* this *{( ?1 popolar hifh quality cream. ^>*?*5? EN BERN IE iAtSfa*>A> \ Gather raiad, all ye jood friends . .'. ^ Jf W and listen to the (lad news from the IT _ m. I'Maestrol My! Myl What we found Yl nj a penny can do hi jeer Resell Draw Y . ./i ,// V And, lor your ro.eruinment bateo V how Mack Hear radio showl \ Aak your Resell Dnif|itt lor ^^^^ey^Stotiea foilt tieednwe No I o Complexion Soap tor 3 1 IV poind ?io fwrtwl ^ w* l?OL I EPtom So'1 *~r 1 ??2V mm ^ W Mercurochrttme tor 3 I f* W Iir?k-H?W???H a gm % f?^?7 Atpirin TabUu u*^ / .'Vpi rr Ptft^A oiyrrrim Smfj?ifrim tor 2 w/fLjJ) **???CT M. rfw Wk? ?"?? *W? t 4 Jll I PUH l*f' ICS} I baolMIMI a 4 ^ I Mmgmmlm T?It Pmwdtr tor J oum% Q ArbbM fuib n J ArrtHlartdfal Itreff leaa L) AutugmMla Mesh?b 3Nimn? Keu?etM? ( 1 f.esUM u II 3 Coatractw Mhi MuJiter L! Air Cawtlieulv -LBu.jii'jaiau,1 . 111 ? 3 Miruteal r eg III at (J Mean. Kliilrli Mmttmmm 3 kieaw vr Makl** (I Meiaa t.^aeai 3 WeMMg/^^ IMirAtuSSSSm MmOm aa4 (Am (I llkheag Mign S Raadlag rtk?g> MurpretoI J bridge Kjali in W lahgravk hngieeer Q ?nd? aWMMUf ^ tRiiikiai.Wut __ 3 Kedfe H furrryui Maifbt MuAaaM KsfMu (Hi H I Morkaelaal Lraltaibaa IJ Ak Brakee Msrktabt. 1 es t mate- l N. K ?miH VMM Nlinwhf null. Ap^M* 3fr?adry 1'tirwr* 1 j < heuiktry QIImmV Hbeet Metal Worker I ? < ?el Mir Jog HiAifkw O Nailpllia Heat Tut?A L)1 vUaa Maaafarterhg of Metale / U Wenlag M Ii M il^ ' O Ma?rnet mi f 13 Agrteeiliar* loveetw.be '? I) FniH UioeW k O Diesel haruwe O IWWy FermUg if UtINtM TRAINING COURSE* 3 Buelneee Maaagemeni O lettering Hbo* QmAb 3 I aduetrial Maaagr-iowat (J H tonography aad Tjalag 3 Iratbr Management Q ? 'ivd hervke QApfl DC F Arruuuiaecy CJ Mail (Carrier 3 Hoohkreping # ^ f) Kail way Mafl fTSark V J nuri I ; '?nw? )>?? ? nuwanil CJ<'a*l Accountant M IJ llt*fc NrtiwJ Huhyf i CJ tfolaamaaahip tJ ( . J|m? I'rtyarklMy J U AdverUatnc lj I irMlan ? nllip L) 8?rvko Htation Huiiifru K?l?at?u(,ip r) Illustrating O HpaaaA D Bmiii? ( "onr.imnd^iir*' J ( "wtuuntac ( ) Prawfc J DOMESTIC SCIENCE COURSES D PrnfMMMinal Draw "f. WlliMqr making au# /, 'tCNZO iCocoanut Oil jfampooil Claaaaaa tkc.;u?hlr. a^5 w v ^B^^id. aparkla t? hafc^^ (6*1 HH t?Eiaenzo/?a\| Dental \^KSf, rA. i Creme y^r; *> j 3 for36* J with coupon . m m II /938 ra// It Sm/m IA II MM OUMNG THIS SALE | I. Of Mi Riull ??> ? u4 kfla? hAI II to Mr Ruull Drvi 9tor? djriaf I Ha to* Om Cm! sr'.i u>4 [ft Otr*e | Mk tobri U Et rw Omtal Crtiw | for Mc. A torta, of Mo. | et*K fame y 1] AMw j ^|^|^rr' * J 'f J j