A UY AT v # HOME - i . VOL. 34 NO. 48 State And N Condensed Ii ?National News? Oakland, Calif, Nov. 8.?District Attorney Karl Warren declared to day tlwait <a1l hRenxiee invest lgtVng ,t!ae explosion aboard the German shtj> Vancouver Thursday were definitely agreed "the blast came from without the vessel." Canton, China. Nov. 8.?Uoot mar kets are doing a flourishing business here with Chinese ornaments, silks and other valuables' selling for next ' to nothing. One foreigner purchased for less than <1 a camera oi a type sold in; the United States for $350. ijmii i 'i>"ort^''l)LVXill Ausirolla, Nov. 8.? I Nine young Finish airmen captured the world's non-stop distance record for the Royal Air Force tonay. after a flight across Indian jungles and Southern seas front Ismatla, Egypt. I*)s Angeles. Nov. 8.?Wind, whip ; ping the Southern California ecast-j line at velocities up to 70 mifee an ] hour, left daoaged orchard crops, wrecked small boats and battered communication lines In Its wake today. Denver, Nov. 8.?A wintrn arsenal of low temperatures, snow, sleet and cold weather was turned today on a region extending from Missouriaand Kansas south wee t to New Mexico and the Oklahoma Panhandle, with the brunt of the attack at the Rocky Mountain region. Washington, Nov. 8.?A, spirit of compromise brought railroad management and labor together today to fashion a legislative program for helping the carriers overcome sharp declines in business and revenue. Meeting Of Little Theatre Group A meeting of the group interested in tbe work of the Little Theatre In Kings Mountain, is called for Thure day evening. ,The meeting will bo held at the Woman's Club at eight o'clock. An organization will be perfected and all' interested in the Btudy of Drama. Reading of Plays and Play Production are invited to attend. No fee will be dharged. The committee in charee solicit , the interest and cooperation of the citteena of Kings Mountain in thej promotion of this worthwhile pro-! iect. Myers Dept. Store To Open Soon ? ' Kings Mountain's Newest Department Store will open soon with a ocmplete line of quality merchan. dlse for every member of the family. The new business will be located in the Pulton Building at the corner of Cherokee Street and Mountain Street. Mr. O. W. Myers, former manager of Belk's Department Store is owner of the new establishment for Kings Mountain. Carpenters and painters have been busy remodeling the building for the opening. Mr.' Myhrs said, "I hope to be ready zy next week". Complete details of the opening will be announced next week. \ / Laughing Arou With IRVI .., ^ . ,. ., . Both Sided of f By IRVIN TV5WN the Black Patch along th West Tennessee where the h x prominent planter grew dissatisfied It seemed to him :.e was not^ getting European borers and from the Ax middlemen. He decided to make a p For his emissary In this matl manager. Upon his arrival in New York 1 larrger docks on the North River wh with tha product of the Black Pa vitfted a warehouse where tobacco f and. immediately sent his principal Y* Better sell this yearn crop fo earn more tobaeeo already than th twefre months." Vfter this he took a stroll uptoi Fortsth Jircet he hunted up anott his employer as follows: . "Msreeard first message. Hoi enougMfrfas^hn^tibds town, alone, t itii^iiri liiTfi i . it- -- . .-.a,'- . npop Kings ational News i Brief Form -7&tate News? Southern Pluea, Nov. 8.?The annual two-day meeting of the North Carolina Independent Telephone As:oclation opened here today. Forrest rt. Shuford. state commissioner of labor, will make the principal address. ? ' Southern Pines. . Nov 8.?A lire damaged the employees' quarters and the storage room of the threestory Park View Motel here yesterday. The damage was est mated at several thousand dollrs. ry,rnnu">", 8<\. s?y -tj^rre \!hU'9. /o year old negro, was dock ted' today ft r trial during a terht of general sessions court \shlch open ed today on. a charge of criminally uttncking a sixteen' year old white waitress at liartsville Oct. 1. Schools Observe American Education Week The Schools of Kings Mountain arc observing American Education week with appropriate chapel exeri lues according to an announcement from Supt. B. N. Barnes. This week has l>een set aside as a nation-wide increment when educators, parent! and citizens join In a study of the schools. Patrons of the schools are not only invited to visit the schools of Kings Mountain this week, but any week says Supt. Barnes. At Central School there is always a program at 10:30 which is usually presented by one of the classes and the public is always Invited. RED CROSS WORKERS NOTICE 1 | An important meeting of all Red Cross workers who will take part in the Annual Roll Call Driva are requested to meet In the Court Room of the Town Hall next Monaay 6:00 P. M. Supplies and matarials will be distributed. Rev. L. B. Hamm Roll Call Chairman, urges all workers to bo present. Carpenter House Advertised The Carpenter house at the corner .if Mountain street and Piedmont avenue is now advertised for sale. Tile house will have to be moved to make room for the Post Office Building to be constructed on the property. A. H. Patterson at the Home Building & Loan Office will receive bid? for the house until Monday November 21st. TO OBSERVE ARMI8TICE The First National Bank will be clcsed all' day Friday, November 11, in observance of Armistice Day, which is a Natonal holiday. The Post Ofllce *111 observe Sun day hours Friday, Nov. 11th, bul will be open all day Saturday. - \ PLAY AT BETH-WARE Tihe students of Beth-Ware School will present the play, "A Wood Vio let." Saturday evening at 7:46. The public Is cordially invited to attend A small admission will be made. nd the World N S.COBB :he Proposition S. COBB ' e line between West Kentucky and eavy dark tobaccos are grown, a i th the marketing arrangements. ; a fair deal from some of the large nerlraft iMnmn who acted as the irivate inquiry as to conditions. *r he chose his overseer or ero lithe visitor went direct to one of the ere. several ships were being loaded tch for shipment abroad. Next he or domestic consumption was stored tMs telegram: r any price you can get. I've done e whole world can use in the next an. When he reached Broadway and Mr Western Ualoa office and wired d the tobacco you've got. There's o chew it all up inside of the aext t * ' 'j " v.1 ' - "in rsl ' f n- 1 if-rili **** ' < - Mow - v . v A #7 KINQ8 MOUNTAIN, N. C. Local Floral Fair Last Week Is Big Success 4|oe Floral Fair sponsored by th< Woman's Club and held at the clul bouse last Friday was a big succeai . .?, > sianupciut. An increasini interest in the artistic arrangeiuen nu -u.Apiuy ot tlowers. especially pompons, etc., was manifested. The club voices its appreciation t< hi , ulte.m i* 111 ins U1IU CllUinj to. ! the dtnations and help rendered. Judges for the occasion were Mrs Joe lluuson and Miss Ktta Maker o l.owell and Mrs. Colt llhyne of Uas ton la. i..^i of prise winners follows: : Flower Dept.?Chrysanthemums ? im r . ml iiliinr II-. U III i???? It. Sulier, $2.50, First National ltank Second beat collection (us aliove) Casket cf Groceries. A & l' Store Mrs. S. It. Subcr. Ik'st vase 8 blooms, Mrs. Suber Until act. Heeler's Dept. Store. Second boat vuse 8 blooca, Mrs Suber, Wash and urease Job, Cleve land Motor Co. . Beat single bloom. Mi's. Subei Silk Hose. Mauney Mill Store. Pompon-Daisies Beat collection pompons, Mrs. J. I . Herndon, Bed Spread. Nelsler Mill Stiles room. Seiymd best collection pompons Mrs. Sutler. 24 lbs. Iled Band flour Blalock Grocery. Best collection daisies/Mrs. W. K Mnuney, Lubrication service, Mc Gill's Esso Station. Second beat collection daisies, Mr J. K. Herndon. 24 lbs. Mothers Bes Flour,- Margrace Store. Best arrangement of pompons o daisies In pink. Mrs. J. E". He: nth... Shampoo and wave, Ansell Beaut. Shoppe. I'est arrangement of daisy or pon pon In yellow, Mrs. C: A. Oates, A1 uinlnunt Tea Kettle, Eagle 5 and 1' ' Stcre. ; Best arrangement of daisy or pon ] pon In white, Mrs. C. E. NeiBlei j veek's pass to Dfale Theatre. I Dahlias Best oollecekm mixed 8 biooeni | VIre, J. El Hesndcn, 92.00, Elme Lumer Company. Second beat collection mixed, Mm S. A. Mauney, Wash and grease car Center Service Station. Best single bloom, Mrs. Camplie! Phlfer, Shampoo and Finger wav? Vera'8 Beauty Shoppe. Roses Best pink 6 or more, Mrs. 8. A i Ma,uney, uauies or uems suit ciear ed, Logan Dry Cleaners. Second beat pink. 6 or more, Mrt Bollinger, 2 pounds coffee, Yarbor , I & Womack Grocery, , I Beat single rose, Mrs. O. W. Mj ! era. week's pass to Imperial Theatre Best mixed roees, Mrs. Campbe Phlher, Hot plates, Pliifer Hardwar Best single pink, Mrs. Hunte Neisler, Half soles; Foster's 8ho Service.' >! ? 1 Miscellaneous Garden Flower* Best mixed bowl, Mrs. Charlie Fu ton, Two sizzling T-bono steaks. Ca ollna Cafe. (Cont'd oh back page) r ' " Flower Show At ! Mauney Mill The Flower Show and Bajaar s the Mauney Mill Club was put ove in a big way Saturday evening. Caa prizes totaling 925.00, given by M W. K. Mauney, for rost Improved an best kept yards and a number < (merchandise prizes given by but ness houses, were awarded andthei have done murh to stimulate an ii terest In making the homes an gt ouikIb of the village attraltlve an livable. ''A large crowd, taxing the capactl of the club rooms, attended the Fa which marked the closing of tt year's contest. The judges awarded cash prlz< on yards as follows: First prlz 910.00. Mrs. Robert Murray; secon $7.90. Mrs. June Mitchem; third, $ Mrs. Florence Mulltnax; fourt 92.60. Mrs. John Foster. Prizes on exhibits at the Fa were awarded as follows: best fer handbag, Keeter's Dept. Store, Mr Florence Mullinax; second best fer fancy dish, Qiiflln Drug Co., Mr Minnie Whltesidee; best begant poutid box candy. Oriffln Drug C< Mrs. Charles Randle; best geraniu pair hose. Eagle Store, Mrs. L. 1 Cpndry; beet rosea, pound Eight < clock Coffee, A * P Store. Mr Ethel. Mitchem; beat misoeUzneoi petted plant, percolator, Hord Fur ltore Co., Mrs. Chaa. Randle; be mixed flowers, 2 towels. Plonk Bro Mn. Ethel Mitchem; best bowl ga den flowers. Whistling kettle, Brld es St Hsmrick, Mrs. Noah Mulllna: best collection chrysanthemums, ' (Cont'd on Society page) * - - ^ c SHHV . THURSDAY, NOV. 10, 193S " " s ' ** ~* ' ' BAN ftT*WHI'''a?"- --'' ' ' ' ,, i >- * > ! 1 ] r, "''' ? ' I We?" i j BuAa - a i V Above is pictured the Hinge Moun i the helve* at the, Cherryville-Kings 1 NYA Project lApprovedFor j Kings Mountain \ The National Youth Adminiatra- j | 'Ion has approved a 13,000 recreation * and beautfficatlon project for Kings Mountain according to an announces ment received from Mrs. Pansy Kett zer, supervisor of the work in Cleve land County. t In the project some 30 young men > will be employed to construct a band t stand for the school's 70-piece band, an amphitheatre for all outdoor oci c as long, wading pool, tennis courts, I' soft- ball fields, plant shrubbery and H flowers and beautify the twelve acres of town property on the York ? Road and the corner of King street. The town school .board and the jtty are co-operating and will contrll( bute about fl.000 to the project. r Aubrey Mauney aa one of the local parks and playgrounds commit '* doners worked the details out on '* the, project and: pushed the NYA tx> j ipprove the project. i, .Work under the olrection of the 'ocat commission is already underway in a small way. About ten work.. >rs have been assigned to the prot Jcct and put in approximately 70 lours each during the month. ReI. jently these workers liave cleaned o off the property, improved the .tenMs courts und the entrance drive r* to the courts. ?. i| All ycung men who are not now e employed are urged to make appllcar '.ion. They must register t\ith the ^ State Employment Office here on Tuesday or Thursday morning at he Town Court Room and plaoe j. their application with Mrs. Mull, tibe r case investigator, in the Red Crosa. Rooms at the Town Hall on Thursday afternoon. The pay is 20 cents >er hour for 70 hours per month while the young man la employed and given vocational training. (Work will bo started on the pro'ect in earnest as soon ah sufficient workers are available. it r h Will Rogers' ? Humorous Story ,i. i i ? By WILL ROGERS n. l^IDS are better about thinking up^jBxplanations than married men. mere was a kid that went * skating a whole lot later in the y season than he had any business to, '? |W ?^525 I sE&SJ h. and he came beck home all soaked with Icy water. His mother bawled Ir him oat. and he says, "Well, I couldn't nelp it, could IT I saved two other kids from drowning." "What kids?" n, - "The Jones twins." ?. 8e his proud th* went srotmd B , telling about it ^rat day, and that night she come had; ana called ' Willie in. m "You said yon saved the Jones 4 twins from drowning, and they aa f >' you didn't do anything of the kind. a Mrs. Jones says they causa home ? with dry clothes on. What do you u mean by telling m* tales Like n- that?" ?t . "Well, that's what I get fer savin' a.- 'em. They waa Just going out on r. ' the lea when I skated oat there end ' fefl' through. That saved them from *' falling In and getting drowned, did'! nt ItT I wont dis anything for ? them kkb again." t A?mtan MMW IhBSMn XM.1 lyw1"'i ; " lerald ^ ? D IN THEIR NEW UNIFX ?? I * ****** * 1 . ? . ~t< '.%, | ? w* . iln School Band in their handsome ni fountain Football game. Courtesy of G Red Cross F November 15 ? SMALL VOTE HERE GIVES DEMOCRATS BIG MAJORITY (The quietest election in years was tl\ way most observers^ of the polla described the voting Tuesday.'N Out of the total registration of 2,134\only 911 marched to the polls to least their votes for their candidates at the two precincts here. 512 votid at the Cleveland Motor Co. phfccinct and 399 voted at the Towiy Hall. 1,004 were registered at ttyr Town Hall and 1,130 were regtrtered at the Cleveland Motor Co. {Democrats carried the two boxes in Kings Mountain by a ratio varying from 3 to 1 to 5.to 1 for the different offices. / Grady Cole Speaker At Men's Club Tonight Program Chairman J. R. Davis announces that the speaker secured for the Armistice Program of the Business Men's Club is Grady Cole of Charlotte. Grday Cole is fatuous as -t VV'BT radio speaker and entertain. r.' The opportunity of seeing and loartng Mr. Cole in person is looked forward to by the then with a great deal of interest. Dinner will be served at the Woman's Club bulling at 6-.Hi). Immediately after the adjournment of the Business Men's Club W. K. Mauney. Chairman of the local Committee "of the Ifoy Scouts, tas called a meeting of all Boy Scout leaders. Members of the club who are Srouters, members of, the various committees or troop organizations are Inviting others who are not to be their guests at the meeting of the club. All Scouters and leaders who are not present at the meeting of the Business Men's Club are urged to be, present for thts meeting at 7:30 this evening. Miss Dulin Speaks To Little Theatre Group iMiss Martha Dulin. radio and stage artist of Charlotte, was the speaker for a large group of Kings Mountain people at the Woman's Club building here last Friday night After her address plans were thade for the organization of a Little Theatre In Kings Mountain. A committee composed of Mrs. M. A. Ware, chairman, and Mrs. E. W. Griffin and Mrs. W. M. Boyce was named. Miss Sara Mnmbrlght who has been a leader in dramatics and public speaking for several years In Kings Mountain has been chosen to direct some of the first plays. She la a graduate of Bremtu and has bad much experience in the Southern Workshop in Asheville. , r . Attack Fatal To Miw Mull 9 ??? Miss ffetle Mull, 40 year old1 case worker for the Cleveland county wel fare department, died unexpectedly of a heart attack at 9:80 p. in. Tueaday at the home of her mother In J Shelby., Miaa Mull'a death came ae a shock to oonnhy officials, members of her family and a wide circle of friends. Funeral services for Miaa Mall sTlll be' held some time Thursday. Da tails were Incomplete, pending the 'antral of several members of the family. Moat of llisa MfciVa work was la and around Kings Mountain. mux,,,,,,,,..,. . , .. L*.l; READ* * " HERALD -, ^' . , *aH RIVE CENTS PER COPT >RM6 . ^h| . * t ?, ? "VB . I fc,, ->s .1 J? ? , -J vJK?l , >:> mJ ?W>. "'H >v'tt * PI ?l,u .vB gjgSHbpl] tw uniform* parading between , .] laetonia Oaiette. Loll Call ith - 16th V | i Every citizen of Kings Mountain will be given the , opportunity next week to have a part hi the work or ' helping our fellowinan who cant help himself. The workers begin the actual canvass on Tuesoay morning November 16th. There is a large number who have volunteered in a wonderful spirit to help In this work. There is complete agreement a mong us that the Red Cross Is the gieateet agency in this country toi relieving physical suffering through misfortune or catastrophe. Iain agency stands ready and is always prepared for any emergency that we have. In Kings Mountain the Red Cross Roll Call is for more than Just 3lmply membership In this great inBtitution. It taken ntilv hn? ris\ii?n become a member. We want every man, woman, young, old, white, colored who poeslbly can to become a member. This, is doing something for some one else than self. It la thia part of our lives that makes living worthwhile for us and for others too. When the Caller comes to your door wont ycu please greet them cheerfully and let them know that' you appreciate their unselfish efforts for others and quickly tell them what you will do? This should be a happy experience for all of us. You may think well It would If there were not so many calls. But suppose you were on the other aide having to make many calls for your own needs which you could not meet. We are asking you to do all you can and do It cheerfully. If ycu can do nothing just do that cheerfully and what an Inspiration to those of us who have accepted the responsibility to lead this important work. You are earnestly requested to remember that we are having mora than a Roll Call for members, In our town Red Cross Is the agency through which we do our Family Service >nd Relief work. Regardless of the sfee of your gift ONLY FIFTY CENTS goes to national headquarters. Out of any single gift of $100.00. $99.50 remain here fcr our local work. Citizens are requested to do the charity work they are doing at, their door through Red Cross. Then you can know that proper investigations are being made and those who I really need help will get it. We earnestly request that every citizen do their very beat to cut our door to (Cont'd on back page) (Opinion* Expressed In This Column Are Not Naeesaarlly th# Views of This Newspaper.) Nominated for whatever niche there la for professional Warriors, la the little group of government official* whose job It Is to Und office apace for Federal departments, sgesi cles, commissions, boards, committees and divisions. The worries of the space finder* were negligible in day* of old when farmers could plant what they pleas ed. when John Doe could sit down and have a heart to heart talk with his boss without the latter being hauled up before a board on charge# of coercion, and when leaning on a shovel or raking leaves wss a personal exercise done In one's own yard or garden. But not so today, for new thousands of clerks, stenographer*, theorists and economists have acme to (Cont'd on Bdltorlsl page) |

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