THIS 'N THAT By Alice Burton r Patterson Grove Section What a situation! Some folks got inad if you mention their names in the paper and others pout if you don't, so I ask you ? (Who- unyone who can auswcr) what can outdo about it? People usually Ignore a tattler's -words, but I don't know of anyone around here who doesii't read tlie Tattler's gossip column. (Regular news. Miss Ruby Burton spent Saturday night -with Ruby, Ruth and Inez Ware. (Miss Pauline Carroll visited relatives in Cherryville Suturdu) night. (Mrs. Howard Uoforth aud sod. Quick Result*?-Low Cast? HERALD Classified Ads I* ward for flrot Insertion; ball pries for subsequent loserU?M. Minimum charge 2hc. ,-4" ' ** ' Bo" not "ask" for Information ' gegardlng "keyed" ads, as thoy aro strictly confidential. Iff armr Is ma do, Tho Herald la raaponslblo for only ono Inoorroct Inoortlon. Tho customer la responsible for subsequent Insertions. Tho advertiser should notify Immediately of any corrections needed. Want, ado aro alwayo cash In advance except to business men or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. ? 1-earii how to design tools for the manufacture of such specialties ae automobile, airplanes, refrigerators, through I. C. 8. home study. Free booklet. W. F. Bckard, Representative, International Correspondence Schools, Box 194, Charlotte, N. C. FOUND ? Car Key. Owner may obtain same at Herald Office. It ALtdMAN WANTED ? . Rajrietgh Route, now open." Real opportunity (jo M'. tor man 'who wanta permanent, profitable work. Start promptly. iWrlte Rawlelgh's, Dept. NCR-lOdK, Richmond, Va.- . : I RKMKMBKR ? On Saturday you get one of our delicious Banana SplltJ Cor only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. uiillTSn r/\rraannnfipnt? nnitl# Tvnn a??r one to write the news at the Margnce Village and Pauline Village. The Herald. KEYS MADE, LOCKS, VACUUM Cleanera, Small Electrical Appli anoes, and Speedometers repaired C. V. Ramsey. Phone 126-M. , Sept. 22(fc (Continued Next Week) I fl 1 TOM AND GEORGE Tom: "George, do you really be* lleve that hietory repeate ' I tSe If?" "Vpe.". said George; but If It hap* pone to be a man's family history, his wife usually does the repeating." Lot uo repeat this: that we're In the furniture business to make bread and butter, and the best way we know of to get a little bigger leaf and a little more butter to put on It is to have our customers boosting for ue. * ' D. F. Hord Furniture Co. ' Buy It for L?n At Hord*? THE CLAN! ,> -*sr~ /Tfcei?( ?JR? J I wmit S?5|^ _ * . tt ' l\ / I I f Howard Jr., spent Monday afternoon with the H. M. Burton'a. Mr. and Mr*. Robert Neeely and son, Lee. and Mr. und Mrs. Kay Neeley and daughter. Pearl of Fort Mill, 8. C..* were vUitora of relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Demps Fulls were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mi's. Frank Ware. ; Mr. James Carroll .of Blaeksburft spent the week end with' ills parents Mr. and Mrs. O. \V. Carroll. . i Mr. Hord Burton had as his dinner guest Sunday. Messrs Belvln and Paul Ware and Buster Phillips. The Jesse l^edford moved from this commuutty Monday. We'll miss them but hope that they will like their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben so Sellers and daughter, Doris, spent Sunday with Mrs. Sellers' parents. Mr. and' Mrs. Andrew Burton N*E WS* +AROIJ N+I)+ N ORTH PIEDMONT AVENUE > IajIs Seattle Mid. J J Patterson had aa her guests Friday evening, Mr. and Mra it.y.n Hiiii sihi'?W?'ti silniW Oak drove community. Mtaa Bertha Oettmar spent the past week etid with Mrs. Vera BriJ Res of the Dixon community. ,. Mr. and Mra. L. W. Weedon had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs j. J. Dertnid and children of Hender aonville. N. C. Mr. and Mrs A. U llufTstickler had as their rucsis Tuesday, Mrs W. II. Phompery of this city. . !Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Huffstickler and children returned to their home in Fort Belvalr, Va., after spending several weeks with Mr. Huffsticklers parents. Mr. and Mrs..A. U Huffstlck ler and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. H .tender had as their guests Sunday their son, Mr. Paul Hulfender and wife of Chester, S. C., and Mr. and Mis. Page Lowens of Onstonia. The sidew alks that- are being built and that have been built are improv Ing the looks of this section of town. Mr. Robert Styers returned to his home in Washlngtmi after spending a week with his parents. Mr. and pixm. W. F." Styers. Mr. '?d Mra. R H. Hord had as heir fewest for the past week-end their daughter. Mrs Bill Hughes of Mooresville. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dettmar and daughter. Mrs. Floyd Bridges, and Mr. Otis Davis, and Misses Barbara ana Niiarea iwiiuuu, vjiqui iuc week-en| wlttu Mrs.Ola Davis of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Styers had aa their guests for the week-end Mrs. Carl Lewis and. daughter, Rebecca, of Gastonia. Mra. Drucllla Wilson had aa her guests Friday night, Mrs. A. R. Tuck| er and Miss Geraldlne Bailey of Colfax. Little Miss Betty Weaver spent I the past week-end with her grandmother. Mrs. Vera Huffstetler. Mrs. Paul Putnam returned to her home Friday after an apneiidlritia. op erntion in the Gastonia Hospital. Mrs. rrooks Tate spent Saturday afternoon In Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. L L. Barkley .of the Park Yarn apent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. J A Walker had as their guests Sunday afternoon Mr. .Tune White and M> Oscar White of Charlotte. Mr. Lloyd O'Danlel of Belmont spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. Bert Hartsoe was given a surprise birthday dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Bumgarner. ... North Carolinians plan to plant 7K.0O0 black walnut tree* to Increase the state's supply of fine cabinet wood. , relieves "IT WUKS 000 Headaches Liquid Tab and Fever lata. Salve Sua to Colde in Noaa Drop* 30 minutes Try MRub-My*Tiem, ? a .Wonderful Liniment ZY KIDS wvrn*e A eiTC \ Q [^ABOUT 1*7 PIC,FAT. (?J V* 5nCL wygCUff M ! 1 YA wm THE NEW HOME OF Ol Surplus agricultural products cost ing about 15.105,000 wwife iltouglu by the Federal Surplus ('oiimtoJltivh Corporation In 24 stutes duf-tng tin five weeks ending Nov. 2. These pro ducts will be diverted Into relie! channels. The V. S. Mureau of Agricultural Kkjonomtes expects poultry marketings during 1939 to exceed those el 1938, in the first half of (he year be ause of the heovy 1938 hatch, and in the last half berause of the expect eh further increases In the 1939 hatch. > NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AN i"EM?>IFIISW State of North Carolina, County of Cleveland. In The Suoerior Court. Phifer Hardware Company, Plaintiff, Vs. D. L Stewart, Defendant. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Cleveland County In the above entitled action, 1 wlil. on Monday, November. 28, 1938 at ten o'clock A. M? or within legal hours, at the Courthouse door In Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina, sell for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title interest, which the said D. L.. has tin the Col lowing described real estate: Situated on the West side of York -Road in the Town of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, and beginning at a stake in the edge of the old York Road, which stake is 76 feet South 14% East from the intersection of Gold Street and the old York Road, and runs thenoe with said Road South 14% East 200 feet to a stake; thence North 89 West 680 feet to a stake; thence 'North 28 Blast 120 feet to a stake; thenoe South 83% East 40 feet to a stake; thenoe North 28 1-2 East 78 1-2 feet to a stake on the South side of Gold Street; thenoe with said Street South. 89 East 289.4 feet to a stake; thence South 14% Blast 76 feet to a take; thence South 89 East 159 feet to the beginning, containing 2.34 acres, more or less. This the 26th day of October, 1938. J. R. CUNE, Sheriff of Cleveland County. ?adv?oct 27?nov 17 " QUEST* ( What's the Answer? By EDWARD HMCH P?ssssf^MJ| iv pL, e K*i . Asiow/ CAN WE. BENEFIT J dv A TOOTHACHE T THE toothache la beneficial that it warns the system of condition that will wreak havoc not corrected. A tooth aching is tooth going bad and bad teeth a the cause of severe ailments su as stomach trouble and blood p sonlng. They serve also as a bre< ing place for germs which, wh once given the opportunity, c cause grave illness and even dea TJmmio's on iho dfob. M-CTHC TIM?S ITdtO S m CKTW'sruff uicermr/ oorr. if iowhj ^ i MILES LABORATORIES ^ |P^"AF* ; <.ONE OF OUR 8TEAY ADVERTISERS MOVES INTO NEW LABORATORIES 1 The picture shov^above we-* sent to uh a few days ago and Interested us so much that we are passing It cn to our readers who have seen ad vertiscinents of Dr. Miles Products I In our paper for many years. This new building Is the last word In modern construction. It Is three stories high, of reinforced' concrete, ; pressed brick and glass brick construction. Each floor contains neari ly loO.tHM) square feet of space. ' Weekly Newspapers Have Veen An Important Factor in our Growth. A letter received from thu AdverVrmr nf M'litj 'rrwntTlrj ea. Inc., says, In part? "Your paper and a thousand more weekly newspapers have been an important factor In the growth of our Company. Weekly newspapers were one of the first mediums we used to tell the public about Miles Remedies We have been using them consistent ly for more than fifty years." . When our readers see Alka-Seltser Nedvlne, or Anti-Pain Pllla advertised in these columns, we are sure they will be glad to know that these products are made in such a modern laboratory and under such rigid sanitary conditions. Noifth Carolina, Cleveland County. In The Superior Court Before the Clerk Miles P. Withers, Plaintiff, Vs. Susie Withers. Defendant The defendant, above named, will take notice an action titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Cleveland County, N. C., to obtain an absolute divorce upon satutory grounds and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the clerk of superior court in said county where a copy of the com plaint In this cause awaits her and she is required to answer or demur to the said complaint within 30 days after November 1, 1938, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In aahl complaint. Thte the 29th day of October, 1938 A. M. HAM HICK, Clerk of Superior Court of Cleveland County. ?ariv?nov24 ? McB. ON BOX ]The new V-8 are here and they are prettier than ever .before. And they have Hydrau lie Brakes. We Invite you to Drive one and see for your^ self the advancements that have been made. ? . | 1 Plonk Motor i Co. ot!d Authorized Ford J e.j jjj Dealer i (> JUSTTfiYIN ^ HOW FAT Yfc I * ' , ; * - . rr YOU CANT QUIT ADVERTISING I 1 YOU'RE TALKING TO A PARADE I NOT A MASS MEETING J STUDENT PIANO $67.40 We have a small Student Piano for only $67.40 in perfect condition. Terms $4.00 per month. If you want a bargain write Credit Manager P. O. Bo* 1245 Charlotte, N. C., and we will arrange to show you piano without obligations or expense to yuu. ~ ' * ? 1 -d . -fl flgggHB s , a-^B IN PRIZES For A Slogan i ' B FIRST PRIZE?$100.00 . TWENTY PRIZES?$5.00 EACH All You Have To Do j Call at the Offices of the Local Building and Loan Associations for blanks and information. HOME BUILDING and LOAN ASSOCIATION ' * I A. H. Patterson, Secretary-Treasurer KINGS MOUNTAIN BUILDING and LOAN I ASSOCIATION J. C. Lackey, Secretary-Treasurer Hie Contest Ends Nov. 30th %mm mmmmm rn^mmi " 1 iky scad-ache's hmost be your 0 0 hgonc! my jaika-selt^rjp > . * There U a modern pleasant way to get relief from Headache, Gaa on Stomach, CoMa, Heart* bum, "Hotnlai After" and Muscular Pains. 0 Just drop one or two ALKA-SELTZER tablets in0 to a glass of water. Watch it bubble?listen to it fia. 0 As soon as tablet is dissolved, drink the tangy solution. Alka- Seltzer (Analgesic AlhaMag Effervescent Tablets) Yon will really enjoy the taste mors like spring water than like medicine. . M - ajljka-SELTZER. whn dissolved to water, eon- 1 tains an analgesic, (Sodium Acetyl-Salicylate), whick relieves pain, while its alludistog agmts help to ?* net everyday ailments associated with hyperacidity*' j I Your druggist has ALKA-SELTZER. Get a 30c or COc package on our "satisiactloo-or-money-beckr guarantee. I I By PERCY L. CROSBY 1 >' '" ?noiwiEiWii I II 3 PjJiojujtukc r ? ' 1 rocMtusoMtorj JL J ^Hesegovy U)HQ^R _y^ x* 1 f Cerrifi^AWAY C/^C *) 8j? jif*1 1 X K'THTHfH<;j r4>^ \ y 2? Xkt

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