.,1 . . l|Pi Ladies' Felt Bed-Room j| All Colors . 25c pr. I] Men's fl Work Shirts |1 I Cavort and Chambray with I double back and ventilated. I Extra good quality. Har- I vest Festival? 1| TWO FOR $1.00 | I | Boys' OVERALLS I Sizes 4 to 18. Two Bib and B Hip Pockets? I 48c Pair I I ENAMEL Pots & I Pans |i 39c values S lOCeachl With A Dollar Purchase I ^ I Men's Winter UNION SUITS I Good Quality Mr'- j 68c Pair I" Boys' Size 48c Pair | e* v Haynes Winter UNION SUITS I" For Men B N 87c Pair I Boy8' Size- 68c Pair B I Mjen's Blue Buckle I OVERALLS I. Sanforized. A new pair B E GV... :c .LJ.I, U/UU . rice 11. iuc/ allium. tt ^mi m jy Zipper pockets? H 9x12, new pattern. Heavy I ^BT- ? . T . ?i,i. i n'P.ii ni, MI.'in i', I I... . ..H I II. H .?""jppjjppipipii -. *- r* . ' v* / THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALDTHUH HARVK I1, * T^j 1 Sport and Dress models. |j All new Sew and Save Fr SHEETING lood quality. Heavy .Weight. Buy your supply ow at this big: saving? ? 5c yard PRINTS it solid colors and fancy patterns. All vat dyed, rood quality? 10c yard COLUMBIA BEST GRADE OIL CLOTH few patterns just received. Designs & Solids? * V 25c yard Bargains For . .MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Values to $1.00. To Close Out? 48c each MEN'S PANTS [igh Waist, Wide Bottoms. Just arrived. Newit styles? $1.94 pr. MEN'S HATS hew shipment just received, all colors and styles $1.94 & $2.95 OTHERS 97c to $3.00 SHOE VAL1 "STAR BRAND" WORK SHOES 'or men and boys. All Leather. Guaranteed ? IOYS' $1.45 Pair BEN'S , , $1.69 Pair LADIES' OXFORDS lew styles in fall colors. Suede and leather, ieather and crepe soles? $1.94 Pair Keeter's D rALUE FOR VALUE NEVER UNDERSOLD , J "> "-* ,' . 1 L !'.if- , / i - tSDAT. NOV. 17. 1?M ing Values T FES \/ O II ipc Gorgeous QIUCO beautiful. BOATS We bought these Coats ??? TTiese are and dress eacn ND SUITS g group. Tailored and To harmo styles in I 95 om Our Piece * I New Fa .VI If we d< order it Our reg b ? ' * Si'.'. ; " .. ' K^t' mmm Men Are H< Men's Suits Single and double breasted modelfancy Backs. In brown, green, blu< Harvest Festival Special $14.95 c BOYS' BETTER SUD In good quality and the new styles, worsteds? $4.85 eac UES mm ai at a low ?-**$ *\ .. v'Vv v . *, . " epartmei In Our ffigV TIVALl BETTER DRESSES styles that have just arrived. They aire 1 Extra good quality? $4.85 .! OTHERS IIP TO $9.95 BETTER COATS lavishly fur trimmed for both sport ] wear?priced toyou money? OTH ERS AT $29.50 and $39.50 NEW HATS nize with your new Fall Outfit. All 1 >ig selection? M $1.45 each OTHERS FROM 97c to *2.95 1 I Good Dept. 80 SQUARE PRINTS ill Patterns. Vat dyed. Harvest Festival } 19c yard ALL McCALL PATTERNS ; From now until further notice? One-Half Price on't have the pattern you want, we will j I ONE TABLE OF WOOLENS ular $1.00 a yard material to close out : 48c yard Beautiful Patterns u sre Now! Plain and i and ox-grey. I m|| IN and BOYS' HIGH TOP BOOTS titer is coming. Get ready now^? I $2.95 Pair OTHERS FROM $1.94 to $7.95 MEN'S WORK SHOES nd browns. Leather soles. A good shoe | price? I Kings Mountain, N. (9 I