uv ",i ' ' V . . * V' v V * AT jr HOME VOL. M NO. 49 State And N Condensed Ii ?National News? Batlln. Nov. 22.?British Prlnte Minister Chamberlain's disclosure tlinL Tanganyika. Germany's- former Kasi African colony, might he used for settling Jews fell like a bombshell here today The Na*l press for days has been warning that "any such attentat would meet with the sharpest protest " L-orSln. Ohio. Nov. 22. Police ef <u-1?n.v I. ""t-..- ... >?., atini. on the seat of an officer's blue eet*e trousers. That d?-slr?ble shine comes from adding In and out of squad cars, so the best shine becomes a symbol of most activity. As a result, police * witched from double -soled shoes to reinforced trousers Only two members of Lorain's de then died of a heart attack Foreman Thomas Grady found his body with ohe hand gripped tightly on the receiver. Martina Ferry, Ohio. Nov. 22.? <Two traction cars crashed head-on and burned In a fog north of here today. Injuring 17 persons, two perhaps fatally. , New York, Nov. 22.?The bodies of Mrs. Lott'le Gardner. 43. of WUmlnpton, N. C. and her brother, Rob ert L. Turner 42. of Staten Island who drowned Saturday night in Hud son River, were prepared today for tfblpment to "Wilmington. Laughing Arou WhhlRVl -? mt m n m m w ? m* m m And It Wasn't M By IRVns TN KENTUCKY in the old days, highest court a gallant old Con After his retirement from the , of the world. He got on the train a the next morning he set out for a on Broadway.' After a while he e one of the busiest cross-town arter river street in lower Manhattan. H on the edge of the curbing watehir traffic that passed him east and w< direction there was no end to the ii and wagons and vans and delivery At length he made his way 1 middle of the cross way directing tr "Excuse me, suh,' inquired the "but air you connected with the city I "I'm a policeman, if that's whs ' ' "So I Judged from your oostui able Kentuddan. "Anything I can do for you?" i affability by the courteous manners "No, son, I reckin' not." said V not too much trouble I would like k * ? "G4 ahead with the question." "Well, suh," prefaced the jud lovely city here?111 aay that muet . powfujly behind with your hauling, (tmrtin Msu tl'^lliiriid iii'il -'II itii^MfiffTiii-in - Isea.. ^' . Kings lational News i> r n Yvinment cling to the extra-thick . sole? and the single-seat breeches. Pittsburgh, Nov. 22.?The new Irvln Works of the Cameglo^lltnois Steel Corp. will be opened formally Pec. 16 with an inspection trip by corporation officials and Industrie! leaders. .Construction work on the plant be Ran May 22; 1937. at Us 653 acre site in nearby Clalrton and the tin division started operations early this yeax. Fin:porta, Va.. Nor. 22.?An Oil truck and1 a freight train crashed near here yesterday and the two ococupants of the former were cremated. Police raid the men (were Identified as Ernest Keene of Pair Oaks N. <?.. and' Arthur M. Browp of Winntxm-SaJem, N. 'C. Two cars of the train were derailed. London. Nov. '32.?Norway and 3 KrHala today mosraed the passing of Norway's English-horn Queen Maud, who died In a London nursing home early Sunday of a heart attack four day* after an abdominal operation. The Queen wha 68 yearn old. Alt. Pocono, Pa., Nov. 22.?Richard Tie Santo, 45 year old l^ackawanna Railroad watchman saw 200 tons of rock crash down on tracks at a tunnel entrance yesterday. He sprinted several hundred yards to a telephone, warned a dispatcher, n Brief form I ?State Newg? Marion. Nov 22.--The mystery o he disappearance ol Mrs. KssI Leonard, 46. of Clinchfleld, ten duyi ?KO was cleared up yesterday whet a searcher found her body floailut I on Lake James near here/- An 18 lb rock waa found tied to the wonian'i apron. An inquest, was nor deentct nucessury. ^ Itali Igh. Nov. 22.- Officers discloc ed today they uere continuing ni investigation into the death of t ' I i-miJi l. ...I, 1,1 .UUI'I'UUIIe. ,i Mo'v ' *' '?* Acting Coroner Roy M. Banks salt he we* holding a man lie named ai II. It. Weaver, Durham autumobih salesman, until the Investigation |i completed. Cooper's bodv was found on a rut toad track and ft was believed a first he had been killed by a train Hanks said; hut later, he added. I wa? learned. Cooper was Injured It a "free (Or all" tight. The acting coroner said the figh occurred at Weaver's house, (lank quoted Weaver as saying he hat been in a "tussel" with Hooper, bu that Cooper left his home and hi | knew nothing of how he was killed Columbia. S. C.. Nov. 22.?Thi Highway Department announced t day thai 14,926 new passenger mo tor vehicles had been registered It South Carolina for the year ended Oct. 1, compared with 29.627 the pri ceding year. iNew truck registrations totaled 4 | 138 compared with 7,532 the preced log year. A statement by Ben M. Sawyer thief highway commissioner. alt the busness recession evidently cam ! er the sharp reduction. Spartanburg, S. C.. Nov. 22.?Noti death yesterday with his chest lai< open by a knife wound so that tb< heart.beat could be observed, a coui ty Negro hoepita! patient today wai complaining of the hospital servlo and waking to go home. Wilson. Nov. 22.?The State High way Patrolman J. K. Banner man stationed at Nshviile, suffered a se rlous back in injury- yesterday whei his motorcycle overturned. Physl , clans feared he would not recover. Chapel Hill. N'ov. 22.?The quest Ion as to whether the United State should establish an alliance witl great Britain will be discussed b; hundreds of North Carolina hlgl school debators In their spring dt bates of the present scholastic yeai Newton, Nov. 22.?The defeuse cor tinned to build tip its case today h the trial of three men and one wo man In connection with the slaylni of R. O. Hawn. beaten to death th< night of Feb. 17, 1936. at Rocg Hous a Ink Hickory resort. Raleigh. Nov. 22.?Recommends tion that stands of timber be at sessed for taxation at half their tru value has been made by the classlfl cation amendment commission in i report on the state's tax structure. Aid the World 1 n s. COBB t 4 loving Day Either I S. COBB we had for the chief-justict of on.federate Cavalryman, bench he decided to see something nd came to New York. Arising early Tr"V JL - "V," * ? _ II.. I ?, walk in the rent city, going south ame to Canal Street, then, as ojw, iee and likewise the widest river-toere, for a space, the old Judge stood ig the quadrupled lines of vehicular wt. As far as he could see in either iterweaving tangles of loaded trucks ears. to where a policeman* stood oi. the aveL visitor, in his rich Southern accent, government fere?" t you mean," answered the bluecoat. no and depo'tment," said the venernquired the officer, stirred to special of the stranger. the Judge benignsntly, "but if it's ? ask yon a question." go, "you boys snttlnly have got a ?. Bat tell mo, son, haven't you got fCtfwew^ImJ * " ' Moui KING8 MOUNTAIN. N. C. 1 | THANH i l-'or the hay and the corn and w + i'jr ili?> lalKir vu'll done, and fl ' ! or ihe'ftun ar.rt '.he dew and t 9 J tor the ph<* and ihe sotia. and 1 > TiianU'-rlv Iiik' Tliank.suiviiv! ? T l or the trade and the akill and 1 4 For 'h<? running and strenmh c i-'or the good that, our urtljla a ^ J I i<r the frl*-unship that I'.opo at: : 1 * Another WP Is Approved t FIREMEN TO DISTRIBUTE l TOYS CHRISTMAS ?! J ' The Volunteer Fire Deportment it keeping with their poliey for th? ?' poet eeveral years will again collect >; toys and diatribute them to th( K needy children at Christmas. At .! persons who have toys regardless ?( | condition are asked to give them u a, the Firemen so they can repair then i and then meke some child happy #* . Christmas morning. | Toys may be brought to the Tow? | Hall or given to any member of Ihi ! Fire Department. I . 1 MEN'S CLUB ENTERTAINS LIONS ri j Th?* Men's Club entertained mem n. i?T8 of the Kln*pg Mountain Lion , t'.'lub at a turkey tup per Tuesdej a night at the Club House. About see c i nty were present for the occasion. Clarence Kueester, Executive Vic President of Die Charlotte Chaptbei of Coromeroe of Charlotte gave i u wry insph-ing address on the King: Mour. tain Battleground in referenci a of Kings Mountain. He also stresses [. the importance of Kings Mountaii citizens waking up to the fact tha a valuable asset is to be found ii . the Battleground. He said, "King g Mountain has been asleep at th< j! switch." He also brought out tha ^ Kings Mountain should aid in rout 4 lng traffic through here. " that i j. would mean cash dollars in the poc . [ kets of local bustness. A local colored quartet sang dut lng the serving of the supper. 11 Rev. W. M. Boyee intrduoed Mi w Hues tor. 5 e> The Men's Club defeated the I.loiv e in a question and answer contest ti the tune of 8 to 11. Haywood E Lynch, assisted by Harold Hunnl outt, had charge of the contest, v I* 9 Former Resident of Kingi Mountain Dies In Alabama Funeral services were held Sur day at fcrent, Ala., for Rev. Rlchan G. Ramsey. 72. MethodSati minis* e formerly of Kings Mountain. Surviving are two brothers Jame Ramsey of Gray mill community o Gaston county, and Pierce Ratnsc of Alabama, where he was visitlm when be died last Friday. He formerly served a church li Kings Mountain and other charge elsewhere in this section. He hai been active In the Methodist minis try for 32 year*. Rev. Mr. Ramsey wns a native o York, S. C.. Interment was In Ad Chapel cemetery near Brent. Mr. J. L. Ramsey of Kings Motui 'ain and Messrs Brnesw Rantsej Clyde Ramsey and J. J. Ramsey <1 Oastonia. Were among thoste attenc ing the funeral. PHENIX MARKET GRADE A The Pheuix Mill Store Market 1 the first market in Cleveland Coui ty to be given the best rating posts bio which is Grade A. Manage Prank Glass Is very proud of the rs ttng his market made. Other markets will be graded Is ter end the complete Bet sill be put Iished in The Herald. The marke inspector with the County Healtl Department stated that when h made his tour of Kings Mouniali list week, the Phsulx w?^ the oul; one that had made the fteceesar changes, but the other | market would be graded to a few days am the grades announced. itain h HUR8DAY, NOV. 24. 1938 3E i . . lSGIVING ! | .. ? J 'beat that is reaped. " < j * l-t ?<?..barns <bu! are heaped. * ! I he swmh hiioeycoinU. - > j . ?h?? harvest brought ho:ii? ' * i 'he wealth in m:r land I the -workitue-tnan'a hand + Jtd poet* have taUKht. 41 , id tiBecti?.?? have brough'.- , J;' Anonym''-> X a n. . a rroject ' '"V . ? i 2 t ' Ar: ">rtlMLK to an Ogrial an no unit- j ment front Con press mail A. L. Buiwikle anotiter \VPA project has f been approved for Kings Mountain. It is understood that the actual work'. will begin right away. The project' t Includes water and sewer Hues on g he new street opened up from the^ corner of the I tall road Avenue and , King Street, the aite of the overuead bridge now under construction 12 I to where the new street enters the' Shelby highway near the western city limits. The project calls for an expenditure of $24,460 with the biggest part!1 of this being a grant from WPA. ? The official notice follows: r Cleveland County, Kings Moun-; j *i tain, frown-wide. Extend and im?i g j prove the sewerage and water sys-' > f j terns throughout the town of Kings j T Mountain. Cleveland County. Includ-, ( 1 ing constructing sewer outfall, main' ( 9 and branch lines, with necessary't r manholes and, pumping stations; ln-> I ! stalling; water mains, with necessary f II hydrants and valves; and perform- v ?: lng appurtenant and incidental work. 1 Tiown and privately owned property. 1 Proper rights-of-way have been ob- | !;tained for all work on private prop!, 1 erty, and no improvements will be' ' s mad* thereto. In addition to pro-! } Jects specifically-approved. No taxes; t ur assessments will be levied to eov- i ' er the amount of'Federal funds ex- 1 t pended on this proje<*t. Sponsor: : : Town of Kings Mountain-. I ' . ' -I ! I ;New Jefferson Nickel Is Received Here The new Jefferson tckel is avail- ' ' able hene now at the IIrat National 1 5 >snk. The new coin made tts first j i ! appearance throughout the nation: ' I- .ast week and bears che likeness of i Jefferson on one side and his Vlr- I | pin la home, Montloello on the other. 1 5 The coin Is to replace the Buffalo j Indian head, design, used for the past i j 25 years and soon this coin may be ] as uncommon in the exchange clr- , sles as the cild IJberty head five* i.'cent now- is. ^ 1 ' , ;r??i I Will Rogers' .1 Humorous Story I t r] ' By WILL ROGER8 '*i X know whether brides can ' cook nowadays or not. Probably i f they can. They got so much eooking in the schools now that you'd think a gfr! couldn't hardly get through the a he's without knowI ing how to make a pie. But they till tell the stories about the bryie's I grub. TP' <, One guy come home without buy. ! ing himself any fortifications at the , lunch counter down town, he was in H audi a hurry to see how his new rj. wife was jretting along with Her i- cooking. Well, ne was sorry hs corns so soon or so late when he , tasted the pork chops. They were burnt h "I doUt' quite understand these * pork ebons,'' he says. Ii "Well, she says, "neither Jo I. . they taste mighty funny. 1 burned , tbeas a tiny bit, nut then I rubbed some of mat ointment on them ' that's guaranteed to curs bums if f you put it on right away. It only took rap a minute to do it, but may1 be it wasat soon enough." UssdmMmhWmtol LJ Ill I IfII i,"l. I- ! [erald ; * Scouts Attend I Court Of Honor <- ' f "l'y atUiidanre at Coutr of Honor he Ooj.s c. tills fltv keep out of the ourt of tlishcuor" dnlartd Boy; U-out Km ci. lye It. M. Schicle us it* opined the regular monthly meetiik of the liry stmit t'ourt of Honor li the t'ourt Koum of the City Hall hsi Voursilaj iiUlit . , The. meeting was attended by a urge number of men and boys. Kxecutlye Si hu It- led in the Smut tatii In conducting the court he yes a<4dMedt by J It lJuvis, *ho act-; d a-v Clt simian The awardtt ahd recognitions of I mmmmmm, r?nd?rfoot Rank TJios Dee llark-r. Cjrl FirrilX I I* Hawkins. ? i rst Class Rank Cnyt Pajseur, ft; Doris Ir?-nnt'tt.2. .lent Badges?Bugling Miles Mauney. 2. .ife Saving Herbert Piminh re\ l l-* t-???t. no re. jr. 1.* Pioneering Ml! s Muuney. 2; Krneit Mauney, 'lumbing David M< Daniel. A. ? M . 4: Thus, tarrett, 4. Photography Ia*ori Wolfe.. .3. 'oultry Keeping David McDantel. a a M . 4. leading .Robert I>*ttmar. 2. iafety Ruddy Walker. 2. icbolarship . , Methert Punrphrey, 2. : oology Jades Amos. G. .ife Scout Rank Cecrge U^ttlmore. Jr. 3. After awards were made the meet ng closed with the repeating of the tcout t'enedirtlon. Troop 10. Kings Mountain, is tltoj legro Troop. They "have just re-reg-' atered all but two, of their former icoirta, but there were replaced by) ive new Scouts, three of which ap/' >eared before the Court of Honor! or She Tenderfoot Rank, they ar4^ Jrady Rrown. Melvln Jackson, and yank Mltchem. Troop lf? promises to be s rery ;ood troop and do some outstanding tor It this year. [jOCAL HUNTERS KILL FOUR DEER Kings Mountain hunters hi two ire-ThanksgHing deer hunts, one oil lie eastern. and one In the western mrt of the state killed four fine ttucks. Tlie supply of venison for Kings Mountain residents for rhankagivitiK dinner will be very! jlentlful. Pi D. Herndon and Dr. W. L. Ram?ur killed deer at the N'eialet* pre>erve at l/ake Waceamaw in the easern part of the State, and Mike Miain and 0. O. Jack-sen bagged deer n Pisgah National Forest in thej IVostern part of the State. Others making the ? hunt were: | l^ake Waceamaw: Joe Neisler, Jim Page. Joe Lee Woodward. Hunter! Keisler. Fred Finger, George Maun-1 W. E. Blakely. W. A. Rldenhour loe Thomson and Howard Jackson;! Pisgah Forest: Byron Koeter, t Elmo bridges. Jack Keller and Red Ware. Another party will leave Thursday 'or Waceamaw for another hunt this week. Dixie Theatre To Celebrate Anniversary .Manager D. E. Cash, of the Dixie Thitatre is going to celebrate the third anniversary of The Dixie Theatre. by giving away absolutely free rive turkeys and a big assortment of groceries The celebration will be ield this evening. Thanksgiving light, at 0:0(1 p. M. Manager fash has been well pleased with the way theatre-goers of Kings Mountlan have patronized the Dixie. and In this way he '"sires to ihdw his appreciation. CHURCH FELLOWSHIP REVIVAL Rev. Perry Crouch of Raleigh, N will be the special speaker at a 'ellowshlp Revival fo be hold at the Mrst Baptist Church, beginning Mon fay night, 7;30 o'clock, ^ohtinuln* >aeh evening through Sunday momng, Dec- 4. This meeting Is especially designed to reach every memtor of the church. f HANK SGI VI NO 8ERVICE8 AT rHE LUTHERAN CHURCH Thanksgiving Morning at 10:00 here will be a Service of Thanks riving at the Lutheran Church. The pastor will give a Mvort meditation impropriate tor the day. Friends and rfsttorr are Invited. "H ?????^? I READ HERALD FIVE CENTS PER COPV 9 STATE PRESIDENT fl I -f ' ' I H/B rl I ^A;l Aubrey Mauney, newly . elected Preeident of the Lutheran Brotherhood of North Carolina. Mr. Mauney was already serving as district pre*- jl ident of the Brotherhood when eleoted to the State Presidency. Mr. Mauney is very active irt the civic life of Kings Mountain. Mr. W. K. I Mauney is a past president of the State Lutheran Brothel-hood. Aubrey Mauney J Elected President 1 State Brotherhood 1 Brotherhood of Luthern Synod of N. I . C. Holds Convention at Mt. Plea* ant near Concord ? Gastonia Get* Next Meeting. /' Aubrey Mauney was elected prea/ident of the Brotherhood U the I'nited Bvangellcal L/utberan 8ynod | of- North Carolina, at the sixteenth I annual convention of the brotherhood. which was held last week at !the Holy Trinity Hutherfen church. uoju- Concord./ It was decided, that the convention next year will be held in Gastonia at the .Holy Trinity ohurch. J. L,. Fieber of Salisbury, retiring president of the brotherhood. Dresided at the see sfciis.. Rev. John \V,' Link Is pastor of the host church. Other officers elected are Fred Fomkett. of Salisbury, vice president Luther Bnllo of Hickory, secretary; i\ K. Gwyn of Hickory, assistant seo vfrr.v: W. K Mauney of Kings Moiitisiain. treasurer; Dr. S. J, Ma- ] rion of Hickory, statistical secretary " -I Grady J. shepherd of (Ireensboro, extension secetary; J I*. Fisher of Se'.isbury. retiring president, member of the executive board for three year term. Would Buy Tract Considerable portion, of the aftemnoon session was devoted to the pro posal that Lake Tahoma, near Marion. be purchased as an assembly ground A committee was finally named and It will report its finding to the executive board of the N. C. Synod. ? | Unusual Interest was centered in I t he report by W. K. Mauney, Treasurer of the loan and gift committee which has a 1100.000 fund as its goal It* was reported that approximately $27,000 has been collected to date of which $21,000 has been loaned to young congregations and missions for church structures. J|J by JameS Preston ' (Opinions Expressed In This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) Washington has an ample slipply of food for thought this week. Aii though analyzing election re- J. suits was not sufficient exercise tor the menUU giants of the capital, the results of a public poll on questions dealing with business reform has cropped up for them to think about. The poll, conducted by Fortune Magazine evidences a public attitude on the reform question that ha* both surprised and alarmed some of those In the Brain Busting war coua ell chambers. And It comes just aa the Brain Busters are ready to descend in flying squadrons on the monopoly investigating committee with requests for more reforms and . government control of business. First and most Important among the attitudes revealed by the poll | was this: The Nation believes over- . I wftelmlngty that profit la the mala .spring of recovery. In other words, the public believes recovery can bo (Cont'd on Hditortal page)

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