Church News LUTHERAN CHURCH . . L. Boyd Hamm, Paator Bible school 10:00. L. Arnold Kl Her. General Superintendent. Services for the 2nd Sunday in A?l vein. r ' The Amurrl Memorial Service fo members who died during the yea will be held sit the .Morning Servta at 11:00. Latyman's I Hi y will be observed a the Evening Service at 7:00. T? ljjynun front other Uutheran Choi will speak. Every members an friend are Invited to attend.^ Sunday afternoon the men of tit Church will conduct a visitation it to the homes of the congivgutiou i: the Interest of Church work. Luther l-caguee meet Sunday eve lng at 6: OOv Boy Scouts'! Troop 2. meet Monda Evening at 7:00. SAINT LUKES. Bible school 10:00. Jaines lau-kej Superintendent. BOYCE MEMORIAL CHURCH , . W. M. iloyce. Pastor " ? Morning Worship at IT00. Thi pastor will preach. Evening Worship at 7:30 with i message by the pastor. Junior Christian Union meets a 2:30. lUermediatos and Young Peopli meet alt 6:30. Mid-Week Set-vise Wednesday Evening ai 7:30. CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Rev. E. W- Fox, Pastor 9:45 Sunday school, B. S. Peeler Superintendent. 11:00 Morning worship and ser moo hy the pastor. 7:00 The pastor will preach nn< the young people will have charge o the music. The t'oard1 of Stewards will mee at 7:00 on Tuesday night. The prayer meeting will be heh hi 7:00 Wednesday night. Circle No. 3 will meet at.the hom? of Mrs. O. W. Haj-per ou Cold streel at 3:30 on Thursday. Park-Grace M. E. Church C. P. Self, Pastor DUUUSJ SCUUOI 9:? A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Epworth League 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 P. M Everyone Welcome. ' ' 't ? ' WESLEYAN METHODIST CHI TRCH A. F. Connor. Pastor Sabbath school 9:46. Preaching service 11:00 A. M. 8pecial service at 7:15 by W. Y. P. 8. Regular mid-week prayer service Wednesday at 7:15 P. M. There will be a special Illustrated sermon at 2:30 P. M., by Rev. M. R. Harvey. Evangelist, of Central. S. P.. EVERYONE Wears Them, What? Shoes, of course. It is ous business to keep .your shoes in first class condition. Call us. '/ , r'v - ? FOSTER'S SHOE SERVICE , Phone 154 ECONOMIC x 0 On? Waj Coach Ti a Round T: l~gtgj CT| On* W?] P*]fl . Om4 < SUn at wreper ck?r aia.conditio] Dinlnjr Can ?jhi coo< JL^Be Comfortable TRAIN ' f?r larlhmr Information, com ? ' R. H. Graham, Dlvlti? Charlott southehm rai - - I This fn'iuion will be helpful to all churches who have financial problems. l^et us h-ave a full bouse. GRACE METHODIST S. WJohnson, Pastor Sunday School it:45. Preaching 11:00. ' | Brotherhood 1:30, Epworth league 6:15. ' I Preaching 7:00. I Wednesday, 7:00. Prayer meeting. , First Baptist Church uj Angils (5. Sargeant," Pastor !*.J Sllridljy Morning Worship 11:00. tj: Rev. Perry Crouch, who has inspited his hearers each evening of this week will bring the message of ,. the morning "A More Vital Chrtstln tMilty." This will close the Fellowship Revival that has been in pron gress not only in this chitrch but in twenty-three other churches in the k Kings Mountain Association. Minister from ull over the State have tvuie into .onr midst giving -J their time as a" love offering to deepen the spiritual lifo of the churches and to encourage worshipful giving. Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock . at the First Ikiptlst Church, Shelby, j there will be a mass meeting to cllI max the week's work, to which rep e cites of the Kings Mountain Association. are invited. It is hoped that a i large delegation from our church will join the others at the Sunday t afternoon meeting. Sunday School 9:45 A. M. J C. O. White. Superintendent. Sunday night 7:00. Open Forum Discussion. All officers and teachers of the Sun day School are invited to come to the mid-week teachers meeting. At this time the departments will meet separately to discuss their own prob lems. Plana for Christmas w|l be made at this meeting, SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Kev. u. C. Parker, Paster , Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. f Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. pi. each Sunda . i Macedonia Baptist Church l J. V. Frederick, Pastor Sunday School 9:46 a. ?n. ? B. T. U. 6:46 p. m. t Evening Worship 7:00 p. m Preaching 11:00 A M. and 7P k r-.OO p. ai. Presbyterian Church Rev. P D. Patrick. Plhttor Sunday: 9:46 A. M. Sunday school. Mr. C. F. Thonrassoo, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. Mr. J. M. Allardyce of TVxaa will bring the message of the hour. 6:46 P. M. Vesper a. Pioneers, Seniors. 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship. Mr. J. M. Allurdyce will bring the message, also a.u Monday, Tueadty and Wednesday evening at this Bame hour. Monday: 3:30 Circles 2 and 3 meeting in ap pointed' p'.acct. 7:00 Boy Scouts. Troop 1. Car) | Davidson. Scoutmaster. Harry Page i nd Jack Onnand. Assistants. I The Prayer Meeting at the Mar grace Community House will be called off so that all niave hear Mr. Allardyce'8 closing message at tho I Church. The United States tins more miles of raili-oad than all European countries combined. ^R^R WANT ADS J :al fares {ay~fawe?.. f and Round Trip ickets BQWilfBL - m* t ' : :,.. . '. 1 rip Ticket* .. -?i rei*4 . .. rill Urn* mmA* ] t?4 ytiWOtww yyiil d 7 Ticket? lino ?mA PirU* ?1?m am wiwi ?M lot apoo* occupied. MED S/eepJD0 Cart. :A?* in Through Train*. i in the Safety of jMtn rRAVEL ruIt your /oca/ agent, or writo ' n Passenger Agent s, N. C. ] ilwat System ? - - T THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HSRALJ) Notice Of Sali For 1937 County As required by law, I, as Sb will sell at the Court House I Monday, December 5th, s {for unpaid 1937 taxes due th< following desciibed real estat er, description of land and an paid and the township in whi< scribed in each case is the lar taxpayer as shown on the ta: be added in each case the am interest to the taxes. This sal day to day, or to such time as the event said sale is not had date specified. ? , No. 4 Township Corporations Southern Railway Co 1322.84 1 "it - ' V mi ' i n in 11' i r 140 Canton street 12.32 McCoy. K. R. ? Killing Station ! No. 4 Township ....... .-v... 3.27 N. C.-Mining Co. ? Mineral interest . in 35 aereo 3.3't , ! No. 4 Township, Colorsd Aekerson. Carrie ? 2 acres neat Park tarn Mill .36 ' Adams. June ? 1 Jot 55x100 Wilson Street 3.68 \ Adams. Nancy ?1 lot 110x150 Kidge It Dilling . .90 \ Allison. Watteraofi - 1 lot 50x180 T Kidge street $2.73 1 Belf. 1/ev! ? 21 acres No. 4 Township .......... ....... 5.74 , Bell." Mary ? 26 acres No. 4 , Township 62.69 , Benick. Sara ? 1 lot 50x125 Parker j street 2.31 Blalock. Walter ? 1 lot 30x125 W. S f Watteraou at: 4.85 Blalock. Wash ? 1 lot 25x125 .42 * Blanton John L. ? 1 lot 174x250 N. E. corner DilHng; 1 lot 75x300 N. j E. corner Oil ling . 3.56 Borders. Corlne ? 1 lot 50x100 W. 8. Waterson street 81.68 1 Boyd. Miles ? 1 lot 50x125 W. S. Tracy ' 2.34 t Brevard, Maggie ? 3 1-2 acres No. 4 Township ...'. v" .96 , Brown, Hazel ? 1 lot 50x150 W. 8. Cansler street ....5.15 Brown. Mary Prances ? 1 lot 90x200 I E. 8. Carpenter 4.87 Brown. Sam ? 4 acres 6.88 { Brown. William ? 1 lot 50x150 E. S. Waterson st 4.18 { Bryant. Orler ? J lot 50x200 E. 8. Cansler J 3.07 Burrus, Sam ? 1 lot 50>:100 ... 3.87 Byers, Forest ? * lot 6(1x100 . 3.68 ! Caldwell, John. Est. ? 1 let 60x180 K S. S. King street 5.11 Carroll, James ? 1 lot 120x110; 1 lot 50x110; 1 lot 120x200 ...... 7.56 B Cash. Tom ? 1 lot 37x150 Ridge Street 1.48 ^ Censer. Earnest ? 1 lot 50x150 W. S. Watterson; 1 lot 50x156 Watterson Street 2.31 B Crawford. Ijouir.a. ?2 acres .. .42 Currie. Spencer, Est ? 3 lots .SO Davis. Nalo ? 1-4 acre NVaterson Street 2.52 Ellis. Carrie. Est' ? 1 lot 115x150 N. n E. comer King st. ., 3.74 Fulls. Phillip ? 1 lot 60x75 Ridge'. 1 lot 60*175 W. 8. R R 6.11 B Calloway. John ? 1-2 acre W. 8. Waterscn st. *. 5.17 ? Gist. John ? 1 lot 60x31 8. S. Ridge; 1 lot 19x80 repr 4.45 Greenlee, johhs Est '? 1 lot 50x150 R E. 8. Catialer ?t:........2.73 pink.. Henry. Est., v 2 acres .... .24 B Jackson, Tom ? 4 room house and barn value 2.25 5.48 C Kibbler* Charh* ? 1 lot 8. S. RatiTPadc | *.?,.. 4. ? /?.'?' -*. 2.62 Kibbler. Luther ? 1 lot 2.16 c Lewis. Gertrude ? 1-4 acre W. 8. Cherokee ..: ...... .36 Lewis. Roger ? X-Jt acre W. S. Cher- C1 okee at.;, 1-2 acre W S Wilson street .... c, 2 . ,2.88 r Meams, W. F'.' & J. W?1 lot 143x 142 8. S. Ridge 8.24 Meeks, Tom ? 1 lot 50x150 8. W. I* Waterson st 5.78 Miller. Sam ? 1 acre 1.51 Mltchem. Lawrence ? 1 lot 50x50 1)1 R. R ' 32 Mltchem, N. W.-~ 3 1-2 acres . 3.08 Mitdhem, Woodrow ? 1 lot 50x120 ** 8. W. corner King st 4.97 McClaln, Alex ? 5 room house, value 500 6.27 E? MoCleary. Elliott - - 4 room house, value 400 6.40 MoCluney, Paul, c-o County Home ? 1 acre .21 McCullouah. Willie ? 1 lot 50*100 K 8. Cansler at .80 PI McDaniet. Earnest ? 3 acres . 2.84 Oats. James ? 21 acres, N. 4 Township V. 8.82 PI Oats, Jerome ? 7 acres ....... 8.18 Perkins, Leroy ? 1 lof, off Water-, """ son .. 1.80 W Phifer, Ophelia ? 2 1-2 acres .88 Fi Pressley, David ? 1 lot 40x126 2.00 F1 Ramsear, Annie ? 1 lot 60x200 Waterson St .88 Pi Rhodes. Margaret, Est ? 1 lot 7#x 100 N 8. Ridge 8.27 P? aborts, Grady ? 1 lot 76x160 King' - . .. , ....... . THURSDAY, DHC. !, 1938 e Real Estate Unpaid Taxes eriff of Cleveland County, )oor in Shelbv. N. C.. on it 12:00 O'Clock, Noon e county of Cleveland the ;e, shown by name of ownlount of taxes due and un;h it is located. The land deid owned by the delinquent <. return or list. Ttiere will ount of cost, penalty, and e may be continued from may be provided by law, in or completed on the above sireft 4.63 Hi.lwrtK. Maggie ? 21 3-4 acres 6.03 tohtofcu'ii iiiioiw iiiiV"i 100 99 leu wriaht. Will ? 1 lot 50* 164 1.05 Taylor. Mattle ? 1 1-2 acre* .. 2.42 Thompson. David ? 1 lot 25*125. alley of Walter son - 3.26 Thompson, Harvey ? 1 lot 50x150 E 8. Waterson at 3.44 Toms, L. 'J. ? 1 lot 90x100 Ridge at 3.70 IVarren. Herbert ? 6 room house, value 600 6.09 waters. uooelk. H. Y.?3V4? acres W. of Sou. R. R 4.11 tell. M. J.?2 acres No. 4 Township .. 7.77 lennett, Clyde ? 1 lot 75x150 W. 8. cf Highway No. 20; 1 lot 60x?? N. 8. of E. Gold; 1 lot 60x150 B. of Oriental Ave.; 1 lot 75x150 E. S. of Highway No. 20 33.80 ienn^tt, W. Arthur ? 1 lot 70x 210 10.24 i tlaloek. Andrew ? 1 lot \V. S. Watterson St. .42 tlanton. J. 1.. ? 4 lots 25x173 Mc- 1 Ginnis Survey 2.2." Ian ton. .William II. ? 1 lot 2.5x225 ! 1 lot SOxO'a. 1-2 of I.lttlejohn lot 4.5C | ohcler. Will ? 2 lots 23x175 .3< ookomi. I). j. ? 1 lot 100x175 k. o 1 R. R. 3.81 ruce. J. B., Est.?6 lots 23x130 Falrvlew at. ............... .54 umgardner, Charles ? 1 lot 75x160 McGlnnls st.; 1 lot 75x130 7.86 ? umgnrdner, J. O.?1 acre, York , Road. ." 10.97 ttrton. R. L. ? 1 lot 125x150. corner Fulton and Alexander ... 5,94 ; anby, Lon ?Hot 40x60, No. 4 Township 3.22 3 ox. James ? 1 lot 60x220 near Mrs. A. P. Falls 3.46 j rawford Minnie H. ? 1 lot 104x170 S. 8. KlDg 18 59 -tap, 8. A.?llot No. 4 Township 12.81 edition, R. Y.?16 acres No. 4 \ Township ; 3.49 ills. A. J.?3 acres No. 4 (Township 2.10 " irly, A. U ? 1 lot 130x160 Cher- R okee . . .... 8.19 imey, ?- ' k,. Gold & Bridge??No 4. Towne.iip 7.11 ilia. Oliver. ? 1 lot 80x213. 8. 8. of \ Gold at. 3.08 etcher, R. B.?1 lot 75x200 c Grace at .... 5.29 1 owera, F. H.?1 lot 85x36; 1 lot 26 rl2? 5.80 im?i mm i- p >x, Henry ? 1 lot 40x200 No. 4 Townflliip .......... ...... ' 8.22 ady. C. H.?1 lot 75x10. Cherokee p and Grove 8.67 .... 8.44 ilton, M. J.?ltt acrea No. 4 Townahlp J. k ' ? ? ' . * *" ' v" 1 - i; *' ' Gaaitt. Max ? 1 lol 75x230 No. 4 Township ...... 3.15 tiault. C. J.?1 lot 106x218 Parker street ......... 21.65 Gororth. A. B.?1 lot 50x150 Lackey st . .. 7.02 Goforth. Beu 11.?3 lots 75x150 No. 4 Towuship ...... 11.85 Goforth. Mrs. L. L.?1 lot 75x210 W. No. 20 Highway .......... .50 Green, Oscar ? 44 acres No. 4 Township 11.43 Grigg, S. L.?37 acres No. 4 Township .... 9.71 Grimes, Joe ? House No. 4 Township 90 Guyton. L. U?1 lot 75x150 North No. 20 Highway 6.25 Ouyton. b. L. & A. H. Patterson ? 1 lot 75x150. Grover; 1 lot 25x 150 ... 4.93 Harlowe, Mrs. Wash ? 27 acres No. 4 Township 2.90 Harrtlson. Boyd ? 66 acres No. 4 Township . 36.85 ilurrilsou. Ella Mae ? 6.85 acres No. 4 Township .......... .... 2.28 ilerndon. Fred ? acre* near Kings Mtu. ....... 2 99 lit rudon. Hudson ? 1 lot Nu. 4 tiliiaon, D. W ?2 lout 50xli(? Battle Ground Road; 4 lota 100x150 Battle Ground Koad 66 Hord. K W. ? 1 lot 142x150 King; 1 lot 20x100; 1 lot 143x211 8 8. of K. Mtit. 30.6S Hord. Mrs. G. \V.?1 lot 80x73 E. 8 of R. R. St. 7.29 Hord. J. R?1 lot 100x150 McGtniila 8.38 Hord. R. H.?1 lot 135x230 S. S. of Fulton st. 10.76 Howell, Miss Elixahct.h ?1 52 acres No. 4 Township 11.34 Howell. P. C. Jr.?10 acres No. 4 . Township 7.77 Huffstetler. Mrs. J. F.?21? acres No 4 Township 3.31 Huffstetler. Sam H.?3 acres No. 4 Township 7.12 Hullender, James W.?2.8 acres No. 4 Township 3.61 Hulleuder, Lula Mae ? 2 1-16 acres 1 No. 4 Township 4.93 fackson. Ephriam ? 96 acres Nol 4 Township 17.43 lackscn. W. H.?1 lot 60^x124 E. 8 Cansler 3.29 lenktas, A. C.?6 room house. No. 4 Township 12.21 lolly, J. C. ? 1 lot 131x175 8. E. cor ner Walker & Cam 14.84 Julian. Mrs. Lucy ? 1 lot 375x1000 S. 8. of King St.; 1 lot 65x150 King street 10.95 Kluer. H. L.?3 lots 25x150 North No. 20 Highway 91 Klser, Mrs. Willie W.?4 lots 25x150 . Church street .'.? 1.10 Klutx, Mrs. L. F.?1 lot 50x100 No. 1 | Township; 1 lot No. 4 Township 2.64 l-ewis. Dr. O. P.?2 room cottage No. ^ 4 Township 8.03 .ong, Mrs. Fannie ? 1 lot 25x125 1 No. 4 Township 46 jOve, E. W. & Eva?61 aci^s No. 4 1 Township ........ 4.81 L.ynn. II. S.?1 lot 100x150 White- i sides property 6.25 tfartln. E. C.?1 lot 150x233 Well 1 street 4.88 tlathis, Mrs. Mary Kiser ? 1 lot ' 18x187V4 E. S. Waterson 17.01 Vfauney, Mrs. C. J.?23 acres No. 4 Township 10.49 ^ rlelton, George ? 1 lot 88x160 W. 8. of Cansler 4.79 \ rtyers. Earle ? Filling Station No. 4 Township 5.40 V .lUchem, James ? 1-2 acre 35x210 N. 8. of Gold; 1 lot 36 210 Park v Grace road . 2.91 loss, Mrs. Buia ? 1 lot 100x300 Vance; 1 lot 100x200 Washington 24.81 loss. Mrs. Bula ? 1 lot 100x300 Vance; 1 lot 100x200 Washington 38.52 IcOlnnls. H. K.--61 acres No. 4 Township 12.99 1 *' \ r/vHinnln WUIIA I* _1 1e* OO-OAA VVKIIMX*, ?? /??v lli A ?H 7QA6VV cor. King A Dlllng; 1 lot 110x160 Ridge ' Dllllng: 1 lot 68x150, No. 4 Township 1 lot 75x239 MrOiniHa street .... 26.15 IcLaugheA. J. E.?1 lot 56x200 King street 11.18 _ irmand W. L..-1 lot 175x375 16.81 t * ' . wens. D. H? 1 lot 100x120 No. 4 Township; 1 lot 90x181 oft rear of hta lot .7.13 arten, Ethel ? 1 lot 100x325 8. 8 of Klng;vl lot 45x195 rear 29.87 ayne D. F.?1 5-16 acres 150x475 Piedmont ........ ........ 10.30 eacock, Raa ? 2 actes No. 4 Township 3.30 hlfer, Ben D.?44 acres No. 4 Township 10.94 O. Plonk * J. H. Hord Est.?1 k>tj| "> ... ' A i ir. immfn ?niifi-11 M IU M 1000x76 W. S. of R. R. 3.0*' Putnam A. B.?1 lot 76x217 Church 4.38 Putnam. K. \V.?1 lot 76x310 Church: 1 lot No. 4 TowKshlp ...... 10.07 Rumse.. K. .M.?2 lots 25x160 Hord Survey .......... 51 Randall, W. T.?3 lots 20x160 No. 4 ? . Townfthin 48 Reynolds. I