w Ws* (jvick Result*?Low Cssf? HEkALD f Classified Ads Mm m ??rd for first Insertion; 1 keif price for subsequent Ineer- I p Mielmi'm charge 25c. De not ask for information fsnparding "keyed" ads, as they re strictly confidential. If error ia made, The Herald 1 Is responsible for only one In II -W^ % III90I vivila I nt vviavvuis la reeponalble for aubaequent Inaorttona. The ad vert iter ahould notify Immediately of any cormotlona needed. Want ade are alwaya caah In advance except to buaineea men c concerna having accounta With thle newapaper. TOUR OPPORTUNITY ? Drafltnq In the unlvetunl buiRii:iK? of th?i aneh&nk.nj worVI Ijoarn to apeak it dbe I. a. *My wnd R?-t aome r?f I Men rich rewards It tuta to offer.' fine book?*t W. Krkard. Iteprv pawhativf International Corrv*paaahwi'f Si-hool*. ttox 1W. Char AT ONCE ninrhy IU*j hbji Motile. <: with car. Trade Weill wrahlwhi f. Kbutn oxportenoe hbtp-| IM but not nwniwrjr. Write at L ?nr Kawlfigh'ff. l?cpt N('U106m. Richmond. V-.a. KAYER PIANOSARQAIN! Instead ?C rcsbippins to factory, 9700.00 Player Piano, like now can be bad' tor unpaid balance of 948.65 regaining on contract. Write at once to Rd?,-ar O. Netsow. (Department mf AoconntH). 4743 North Sheffield ' Avenue, .Milwaukee. Wisconsin, brho will advice where piano can * Re acen Kibdly furnltrtv rbfereiice3. 191p fOR SERVICE ? Due registered Berkshire Roar, (or one pig Also Belgian Stallion. IVe 910.00. C. T. Letffrml, ltoule 2, Kings Mountain. 1MH REMEMBER ? (hi Saturday you get j eae of our delicious Banana Splital tor >od ly 10c, Kings Mountain Drug Ooapsny. j KEYS MADE, LOCKS, VACUUM i 4Ctann v*+*4+4++++++++++-M-+++4 Mm. H. P. Thomas and childr?i spent the week-end! in Gaifney. Sorry that Mr. C. G. Lynn and fan ily h '1 the misfortune of his horn* being destroyed by fire Tuesdaj morning. He was completely bume* cut. Anyone that would be intereste( in helping them, please see Mrs. C L. Jolly. (Mr. George Barber. Mr. II. A. Go forth. Mr. Jesse Jenkins, Mr. Wood row Jackson and Mr. C. L. Jollj spent Thanksgiving "holidays dee' hunting In the Eastern part of tth< Statu. Mr. W. B. Bhackctt spent the woel end In Cflnrord. Miss Igniise Braekett spen Tluuiksgiving with her parents. Mku Mo ry McCasltn was their giM.-?t. ,MIm Hew Black welder of Con itird Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. \V. E Blaekwelder. The Trl L. Clwh will have theli regular meeting Thursday night, ai 7:.to. EveryImkIv is urged to be pre? ent. liEWC ABQV>1D HT0I1TI1 PIEDMONT AVENUE Lois Buttls >MI?s Lucille Gladden spent Satur day night with Miss Faye HucsU-tlc Mrs. Ellen White and Mrs. Mag gle i'rlue of Gastonia visited Mr. an< Mrs. \V. II. Bliinton and Mrs. Bertl Murphy Sunday afternoon. Sirs. Oran Vernon of Ml.- Holl: and Mrs. Rd Petty of Bowling Or eon a. C:, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. L Hucstetler last: week. Misses Mary Sue Brtdges and Hel en Holland spent Thanksgiving wltl Mrs. U I.. Alexander. Miss Margie. Gladden spent tih< pa-,t week-end In Augusta. Ga. Mr. Harv.ey Gladden ?nd Master Stokes and Oscar Gladden spent th' week-end with friends In Augusta. Friends of M'ts Madge Mltcher are g?N!> to know that she has 1m proved after several days of sicknes My. and .Mrs. Lawrence Green, Mi and Ms. W. T. Dixon and Mrs. Dm ell la Wilson spent Sunday at Bat'i Cave. Miss Virginia Green spent Sur day In Gaffney. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Early had a their guests Sunday, Mr. Joe Col of the Pauline community. A party w j's given at the home o Miss Martha Sue Murphy Saturda: night for Evely Owens, who has rt cently moved to Gastonla. * ! N. C. Leads In Syphilis Reported In September KALKKIH. Nov. .23.?North Caro iina U-vii all I he States in the Cnioi ;u the .number of syphilis cases re pet :c?l lit September,' with 5.743. i was announced here by t)r. Carl V Reynolds, State Health Ofhcer. Dr. Reynolds and Dr. J. C. Kuox Dii trior of the Division of Kpide.ni ,elegy and Venereal Disease Control State Hoard of' (Health, expresset .hemselves as being highly pleases with the showing, declaring that 1 clearly indicated cooperation amoiv live doctors and cinik'ians in maklni reports. "It also indicates an increased in tcrest on the part of our citizen* Sjoce the launching of the ota??? intensive drive against syphilis which has found expression not only in more thorough reports of cases hut >also an interest on the part ot industrializes and (those employing household servants in seeing that these undergo examinations." New York, with a population 0*1 approximately 13,00,000,000 people Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Knox pointed out in their joint comment, reported only 5.283 cases In September, while Ppipixtvlvntiiu U'ltK nrl v 1A AAA V ?? U? Ml ' J ? Vl WW) Ofto. r??ivortwtl only* 1.25? thses. and Ohio, with nearly- 7.000.000 omy 1,417. The an.K oiula. larqeat of Amert ran snakes, rea'ches a length of 30 feet. Is aquatio. nonvenamous, and lives mainly on small animals. CY KIDS ^ r-JwHAT WOVLO YOU ? ^ ? nice -ro ee whcn / Yfco <5*owupMYr^ ML [Lrrrcc MAN?;?' ZZ IA en i^CAYeK/ ' -. .- v., .' ; ' . :' \ * ;* ; v ' - " ' J?' ' ? ? ? mi i mimm - *-* - ? - attiiiii>,^?ui'.. v..<& ? . 1 11 imwmn HE KINO3 FOUNTAIN HERAM) T1 Farmer, Editor And Businessman To Talk Farm, Industry Relation NEW YORK. NOV. 29?(IPS).? i This year, tor the tii-ftt time In near$-a half century of Ite extetenoe, the i Cohjtrr-sn of American Industry will ) hear from a real "dirt" fanner his I 'hAitirkfn ?a?I f ,???i0i(in \/? ?l?c ||l VUICIIIO Ul Ulir A". j mertcan. farm anidl factory, j Lewis Morris of Glimes. Iowa, is the tartner who will bring to Amer- j lea n Industry the farmer's viewpointj >f the relationship Itetween agricul-' ture and ndustry. - The Congress of f American Industry meets annually f 'under the auspices of the National , Association of Manufacturers. ThlaJ year's isesslons will be held b?re De-! j sftlbcr 7 to 9. | Hl? entire life spent on an Iowa t 'arm. Mr. Grimes his never been en , gaged in any occupation other than farming. , Indicative'of the Increasingly imporfacnt part which the farm probTwm Is playing In induatrfctl thinking. P 'te invitation to Mr. Oritnee to t ?peak was extended early this month | by -Charles K. Hoot], President of the American Rolling MHl Co., and Pre a'dent of the Association. The thoughts of industry on farm '"2-industry relationships will be Ur'-rmMn ^nWrm Y ^'rrnhrr, of Chicago. Vloe-pivsldcmt of Ar-! >nour and Co. md Chairman of the Association's Committee on Agricultural Cooperation " v SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION r NORTH CAROLINA. ! Cleveland County. 1 la The Superior Court. a c. R. He'iter. Pluintiff vs. v file* _M.i rt In Hester. (WnndiUiI The above named defendant will i. take notice that an action tor dtvorce on the grounds of two >'eaT| [ separation has been commenced In 1 the superior court for Cleveland! County. N. C. That the aald defend? ant will further take notice that ?ne| is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court e of satd County, at the Courthouse in Shelby, N. C., on the 21st day of it i>ecember, 1938, or within the time i<" prescribed by law, and answer or s demur to the said coanplaint in maid \ complaint In said action, or the plain l* tiff w-.il apply to the court for the s relief demanded in the complaint. This the 21st day of Nov., 1938. i- Wm. Osborne, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court 9 of Cleveland County, N. C. s ?adv?dec 16 v YOUR "SHIP WILL COME IN" Sooner , By the Aid of Newspaper | ADVERTISING mA ?r I- QUESTK I What's the Answer? I By EDWARD FINCH TREMBUNG when frightened is caused by the spasmodic work' ing of the nerve force which flows between brain and muscle. There is ' a series of repeated tiny spasms throughout the nerves of the body Causing an attendant reaction in the muscles which results in what we call trembling. Intense anger, joy i and certain nerve illnesses will hava I ti?-ah. <1< ah). Fred and Bobby took. Uadd along for an excuse and NOTICE OF BALE OF VALUABLE BUSINESS REALTY IN THE CITY OF KINGS MOUNTAIN jNORTH CAROLINA',' ; Cleveland Count}-. j Under and by virtue of the power j of nale"given in an order of Superior ' Court in :thia aause titled: "Rey| nolds Vs Reynolds" the undesigned I commissioner will sell at the court| house door in Shelby. North Caroil na. on Saturday. December 17. 193# at 10:00 o'clocic A? M.. or within legal hours, the following described real estatO: Lots Numbers 1, 2, 3. . 5 and H as shown on a plat or map made by ! E. L. Campbell, surveyor. of the l>evy Reynolds' Estate, which map will appear on record in the Register of Deeds office for Cleveland Cour. ty, N. C., the said lots being bounded on the north by J. O. Plonk and M. L. Harmon: on the east by J. S. Allen and on the South by J. E. Herndon. and on the West by Railroad .Street. The above described lots are loca te.d on the east side of Railroad Av! onue and are of choice location, being splendid lots for business purposes and investment. The lots will be sold first singly and Immediately thereafter as a whole. The terms of sale: One-halt cash and the remaining half within six months from date of sale with the privilege of paying all cash upon the confirmation of sale. ThH the i 4 4.1- J. _ ? ?? '? 4 inn nay 01 novemDer, .; ?adv?dec 5. C. B. McBrayer. CrimnUslonpr. }N BOX GET READY FOR WINTER DRIVING Our Service Department is ready to put your car in first class shape for the cold wea ther. Our mechanics are factory trained to render Better Service. Bring Your Car In Now | Plonk Motor Co. K - / . Authorized Ford ... ' * Dealer J1 me Reason. ' "I TfcAT^ A COMMGWAfttt OCCUPATION-WHY 010 YOU PlCITTBATOUT. '? J 4 . . '' ' I, . ? , ' * ". * - ^' '' "< '? m " ' ' ' . : J ' " -*r gg, V. v ' {>. .-AVrJ''^ i; -L. ".*'* * H iMHillHIIittiliMHlMil >n- a long bet we'd say that Fred know who Bobby went to see. but was interested In 8ue and Junior went to see "Homer." The ladies also Invited eight of the boy? out Saturday night. Afterthought: Are Fred and Sue really serlOuaT Of all the folks who came home for the holiday, IU1I Davis probably enjoyed hla most. He wae with Helen Qarrieon most of the time. ' End Runs: (We hope we malt? It) Patsy to back .... prepare for an Invasion from 8helby .-...! Some of lha vnnntyor i rva isHam im Poj?a1 .--W , ?- ?? o ? ? \ ? ?? ?*"? v ?/ / ? ? set enjoyed 3 skating party .... The Prince girls were In on It.... ? week end ..;.' Rachel Smith gave everyone a break by getting so hoarse that se could hardly talk for ? couple days .... Hazel Is so grateful to Mr. Summerow for something ot other ....! Mr. Hamrick was home for Thanksgiving so Dot had company .... Deity bbu isn't smiling at a certain brunette because the said brunette stole her man !r Platinum was known to the ancients but its high melting point pre vented their working it. ADVANCEMENT ..AfliWinrfrtirifMiCti tinini h. These sad 440 ether ceerset te select treat: e Diesel Engines *Rlr Conditioning > I _ A ..I m . cnginei Shop Practice Start toder? ctaad Itatrriwl INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS W. F. Eckard, Representative P. O. Boy 194 Charlotte. N. C. With Greyhound (ana much taaa than H t travaUnf la a tmaU car. too can ride in an aoaatoct for laaa than oar mould per to do tk SAMPLE OW-WdY FANS* / - , Greenville $1.15 Atlanta Charlotte .CO Miami Greenaboro $2.10. New York Cif EXTRA Sm|. an Raaad Trip* KBffiBBKS m n J Millions of usm feel that tl I ant, more effective relief from i old-fashioned unpalatable p AT JCA^illdLTZfih la more in other single Item in the a vet We reoomtnend ALKA-SE3 Got on Stomach, Sour Sto "Morning After," Mnecnlai in Minor Throat Irritation Use ALMA-SELTZER for i Sorts. Your money back U it In addition^to an contaJ A correc Ml -k due t drug i J 6 m& ^ i| , " . . . . 1 * .1 .1 1 1 . .. '** ^nRk.;'] K MmIHIMUPPM : 4 Money Savers > Oranges lc each 1 24 lbs Methers Best Flour 63c 5 lbs Sugar 25c Santos Coffee, lb 15c For Country Sausage and liver Mush Call Us. GROCERY AND MARKET Phone 58-R We Deliver Free Candy Fri. 6 P. M. Santa Claus Is Coining Hc? $9.55 - MM CENTER SERVICE Phone mk' IYONE SEEM^^^^^^B BE USING A-SELTZER \k>' ESE DAYS VuftH ley get quicker, more pleas- I ALKA-SELTZER then fioui I reparations, llafi ' why I demand than almost any I age drug store. LTZESR for the relief of mock, Htedocks, Colds, I r Pains, and as a GargU any or all of these discomfails to relieve. nalgesie (Acetyl-Salicylate H 1 glass of ALJKA-8ELTZER I ns alkalizers which help to ;t those everyday ailments I 0 Hyper-Acidity. 0/ and 60/ packages at your I (tore. ? PERCY U CROSBY | . U56 TH^Rrir J5T7_ NY OAYX WH6N 71 fCKtAYGW CAnY UOAKm1"1 " ' tit* \ tm i ^5^ / M ^f I /VI - MmM vfv -^SSL -v?' ' * K'?Sv'-' * . ' ' . -,,... ir >iirtikiirrtfi^iiiii h k" ri-f- - a. -