jTV *" * 7" 4 Washington Sn i (Cont'd from front page) (be cause of all our economic ills was the lack of cooperation by businessmen; that 4f the business man Just had it in him to _ " -vv " sr* iROCERY : W. D. Baker I - ? I t , lV$ iARAGE Makes of Gars . King M I: RI f*l i mi More lass, Manager ? ++*++<*++++*++4+++al, it is fouund that the ji est tru'hs come, from the most odd t> hi .1..hhh. rrvU _ ifrl.l. IIU UHCAIWL'ICU BUUI\TB. & UC >\ BBU* || iigton correspondent for f.he Manheater Guardian (famous British aperl quoted a Washington pea- t! ut vender on the crisis rather than p ne of the statesmen. " b Steve Vasilakos peanut and pop- a orn man who for many years has i eddied his wares from a pusli cart' it froist of the White House. was p he quoted one. The story appearing* n the Guardian read, iu part: !c "American views of Burope today y lave certain advantages. They have t tie di achmeiit that oOmes ot satety j (_ nd show fewer signs of wishful* t hinking. The proprietor of the pea-' u mt stand outside the White House f, ;rounds suuuned up his country's! tackgrouud pretty faithfully when e declared to a group of customers' I * "Look, all the world is yelling and, c tusking at each other except here, c 1 ' I ? - . ^ . I _ _ uete. tfttre art- guns. Here there p in't no guns. lit re there's squirrels 11 the lawn.' I < ?. .oca I Man Makes Jolo Flight Mr. Harold Hunnicutt, local avialon enthusiast, is. after eight hours md fort.v minutes of instructions, a tal dyed-in-the-wool aviator. Mr. iua'nicutt took his solo flight Tueslay afternoon at 4.30. staying up for ive minutes and feacblug an altlude of 600 feet. He now is content latlng the day when he will get his irivate pilot's license, for which he nust have 35 hours of solo ilying. 'ommentlng on the flight, Mr. Huh ilcutt said that he "made a perfect ake-off and a fair landing.' He also onfided that he has been looking orward to this for ten years. Sir. Hunnicutt took his eight toui'i of oaal instructions under levls Nelson, of Charlotte Municltal Airport, where he took his solo t lop. He recently flew to Alliance, r )hio, to the Taylor-Young plane fac- r ory with Nelson, who brought back ? wo ships which were sold in Nortn a Carolina. They were accompanied by Mil Tenner and W. H. Lee. Jr. Tenor flew one plane back to Charlotte nd Nelson the other. The flying ime for this trip was eight houra. rith stops in Springfield. Dayton 'attersonfield, Lexington, Ky.. John on City Tenn., and from there intt Charlotte. The jump from Johnson Ity to Charlotte was accomplished n one hour and forty four minutes. 3eth-Ware Presents Christmas Program The Beth-Ware 4-H Club and Draiv'tic Club presenting a Christinas TAi/vnm T'MirRfinv Dec. 22. at 7;30 V. In tne high school auditorium. This prert.in consists of a one act .j lav "1 .:e Stranger of Bethlehem' by < leorge. n::d a pageant, 'The Adora- j .on,' t.v Wilnot. . The cast of characters for the play 1 re: Adam Thomas, achronlc Invalid ) VUUs Harmon; Patience Thomas. ^ Is wife, Mary Prances Ware; Jack j fiomas, his son, Wayne L. Ware Jr; j iracle Barry, who lives next door, j .ucille Ware; The Stranger, Clyde H Tnette; Jane Thomas, Virginia 1 iandle. [ This play has just been printed Ills year. The scene (takes place In ! lie front room of the Thomas home j 1 Bethlehem on Christmas Eve. The cast of the main characters J 1 the pageant consists of Angels, tngs, Joseph, Mary and Shepherds. ) "here are approximately 26 charao- < ars in the pageant. Beautiful seen- ' ry, all of wihlch Is keeping until < lie season. Is shown throughout the lie pageant that will help make It ? ery Interesting and entertaining. J ' 1N0 admission Is charged and all 4 rlends and patrons of the school ? re cordially invited. 1 j MAKE THIS A ] JEWELRY ] CHRISTMAS Save up to 50 per cent on ? ^ ' * i ? i DIAMOND8 ; WATCHES < AND JEWELRY { v . *' V \ f Come to the Gem Jewelry Co. In Gaatonia, and aee for youraalf. ' < GEM JEWELRY CO. 1*3 Main 8treet Commercial Bank Building lil ? . . THURSDAY, DEC. 22. 1938 Sag^CUSBFTBOT I LNNIVERSARY BALL S Crowning a year of civic and soSal activity, the Slag Club will preewt its first anniversary ball here 11 'ueaday night at the Woman's Club j1 ouse, presenting tor dancing the ot and sweet swing of the Tar Heel- * ins. The dance, which Is informal, **! egina at 9:30, and the script la $1, 1 tcluding tax. The Tar, Heel funs are well known I i this section of 'the state, having I laved for many dances in both Nor- I l and South Carolina, the irohestra | emg recognised1 by dance-goers as "well-balanced swing band." The tar Heellans feature soloists, specil arrdngentents, and a number o^ opular skits. Eofore the dance, ineinbeis of the i conization will celebrxte the annlersary at a fonnal banquet, also at he Woman's Club house. President >:io WitHams will act as toastmaser and. at the end of the program .ill announce the officers of the club ar 1939. I Organized a year ago, December 7, 19:17, the Stag Club endeavors to . ;lve to the city and vicinity well- ^ irdered social entertainment. an J iub officials believe au after-Christ J) i ii -.grain. . . I f School Board Approves basketball In New Gym _____ < The school board met in special j ' lession at the High School Luildingj] . iday at 1:00 p. M. and after a very j ihort conference decided unanimous ] y to let the comiuunity use the new j ilgh school Gym two nights a week i or basket ball, provided that the |j pain nLnvlnir wmiM falro ; j r^ -?n ? wm>u iua?v " vuiu c I C" ^ iponaiblllty for any damage to the J niildtng or fixtures. And also that jj he team playing would pay at least h he actual cost of the gym. J The board alter some deliberation i lecided that the actual cost of oper- " iting the building for four hours ] tou 1(1 be $10.85. 2 i CARD OF THANK '< We wish to thank everyone for *' heir kindness to us during the illless and death of our loved one, nother and wife. We are especially grateful to those who sent flowers rnd cars. M. A. Moss and Family. A FINE GIFT FOR WF2? SOME ONE V ". A SUBSCRIPTION J xToTIIlS NEWSPAPER L CHENEY TIES Q7^ I _ d I MAYER 48c ; Mj|^ ? L -V ? 1 11 * land Plavfi At recently. TJie entire proceed* of the )hrine (tMltlr name were given to aid crippled ctoll . The band a* u*ual did themselves We inadvertently omitted recog- t)roud tnd -j^g. Mountain people ?n ot th? f?"* that Uhe school ahoul<1 uke prlde |n the fact that and which han filled a number of lhejr were repreBented by tbla fine rnportant engagements Out-of-town crowd of voung people ,n tholr ^ien lnoe the opening of school in Sep- dld progrsm 0f music on ench an oosraber, bad the houor of playing at CBB|OI, he Shrine benefit game In Charlotte Christmas * Comes but once a year, so why not enjoy it with a boutiful supply of everything good to eat. We have ever(ything to make your Christmas Feast* complete, nuts, raisins, candies, fruits, cakes etc. Call us now?phone 58-R. BLALOCK GROCERY AND MARKET Phone 58-R E. Mountain St. Kings Mountain Tin Shop i| [ Many Thanks for your past year's patronage. I I hope for its continuance. | W. A. Childers, Prop. > Kin as Mountain Dru a f!n The Rexall Store Don Blanton Johnnie MbGill _ ?. NEW FASHIONS IN WHITE SHIRTS The Perfect Gift For Tic or Suit ? ARROW SHIRTS $1.94 .. . ?^? J REGAL SHIRTS ATLAS SHIRTS \\ $1.50 $1.00 I ? CANDLEWICK BED SPREADS Just arrived a new shipment of lovely spreaids in| ; wanted colors? ^ ; $3.95 u Belk's Dept. Store jj The Home Of Better |ahiM