I i ! SOCIAL i Of INTE I | PHONES 10-R J ^ ^ A. A - A- A- A ^ ^ _>_? V .?-.* A A A A A A. F . wwwwwwwwwwwwwwi / ALLEN-HAM RICK WtUUINU A marriage of interest to the num erous friends of the couple was thai of Mlsu Adelaide Marlon Alien and Mr. Samuel Elphus ilamrlck which was solemnized at the home of the v bridle's parents on the afternoon of Christmas day at 4 o'clock, llev. J. \V. SuUle, pastor of the bride ofllclated using the ring ceremony. A ? musical program was rendered by Mrs. W. K. Crook, platret, and Mr. Smyre Williams, vocalist. Th?$ piano usedl for. the musical numbers was the same used at the wedding of ithe bride's parents. ' The living room was decorated with evergreens and red candles with an aroh arranged of cedar and redi candles beneath which the couple stood for the vows. Haywood Allen, brPt^er of tiho brUe lighted the candles. Miss Mary Bthel Allen, cousin of the bride, wearing a dress of dubonnet crepe with matching accessories, served _ . . . \-uwi\x .... . _ ? fT~nn~in ,, . < j IIMPERIAI 1 * /THEATRE JF'' PHONE '184 Mk : Kings Mountain's . p Popular Play House . .J.NOWSHOWINQ - THUR8DAY Double Feature Program "PRISON NURSE" Marlon Marsh Henry Wilcoxson Bob Steele "LIGHTNIN \ GRAND ALL' Only A Dime * FRIDAY AND 8ATURDAY Tdx fritter in"UTAH TRAIL" FronkJe Darrb In "WANTED BY THE POLICE" Flaming Frontier No. 1 MICKEY MOUSE 10c and 15c ? I _______ OOMINO' MONDAY and TUESDAY "ARMY GIRL" Madge Erana Preston Boater And A Caat oC 1.000 W :> ; - 1 Coming Soon "The Young In Heart" IMPERIAL THEATRE j BT .^fl a ^ j.;: -f: -' ?T J}V ' -^3^S" ; yV - ' *.<$? > *>- ^ \ ~~ ----- - - -- --I * ?. I*.- ' * ' - " ' * - '^?T " - .J -1 d ' ~ USD PERSONAL HAPPE ;rest to" IMn Aft MRS. A. n PAT HAMRICKCLINE MARRIAGE SOLEMNIZED . In an impressive. and beautifu ceremony, 'the marriage of Miss Uoli Hamrick and Mr. Lamar (.'Hue, wa solemnized ui the home of tb br.'de's parents in Dec. 26 at #i o'clock. Rev. H> E. Euldrow, ofllei? ted. using tilie 1 ing cbremony, Imtnt ...ate members ot the two fumilie witnessed the ceremony. A program of nuptial music wc rendered by Mrs. J. L. liord, Jr., an. M\s. Guy Delllnger ot" Kallstpn. Mn Iloril played "Flower, Song by Gu tave Lattge and Mrs. Delllnger salt "1 Love You Truly" by Carrie . Jt coiis Hond. Mrs. Hord played Brldn Chorus "front Lonhengrin, by Wat tier as a processional and Liebet trauni by I.tstz during the ceremon A background of slivered eve: greens interspersed with white ? i tehdral tapers formed a beautlft setting for the ceremony. Little Janice Hord and Patricl Ann Cllne, served as Tlbbon bearen I making an aisle of white satin rll Lboos through which members. Qt ft bridal party approached the alta The candles were lighted by Tot ( Hamrtck. brother of the bride. Mlt , 'Velina Hnmrlck. cousin or the'brld was maid of honor and Edwin Cllm , brother of the bridegroom was be? j man. The bride, and bridegroom e>i tered together. 1 The bride, a striking brunetb wore u Vogne model, of Oubonne ' trimmed, hi brown beaver 'WlUi shot J dler bouquet. of rosebuds and valle lilies. Her oriinment wns a canu necklace. The maid of honor was attractlvel i gowned in a costume or royal bli i chiffon velvet with corsage of y? low rosebuds. The bride, n, daughter of Mr. an Mrs. Albert Hamrlck received hi edeflation at W&ngate ^Junior Cc , lege and Lenolr.Rhyhe College. 91 , Is a member of the Fallston echo faculty. I The bridegroom, a son of Mr. ar Mrs. Zeb V. Cllne, received; his ed catfon at Waco High School. Following the ceremony an lnf< oal reception was given after wWi the young couple left on a wedidh trip. They will reside at Stony Polnl MEETING OF AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY '"1.110 January meeting 01 me en C. Green .Post, American Legi< Auxiliary w'as held at at the home Mrs. Paul Mauuey. on Tuesday ait noon with fourteen members preae The home was arrrnged with dex rations In keeping with the seasc Mrs. J ant eis Ware, the preside presided and the Preamble wne re; in unison. Mrs. J. N. Gamble gave a talk ; "Right I.'.vlng." Rep arts from the various comm tees were given. Mrs. J. N. 'Gamble' was appoint chairman of Child Welfare and M Kugene Mathir?. Chrirman of Publ ty for the coming year. Mis. Pride Ra'.terree presented interesting program on Rehabfll lion. Fruit cake and hot tea was serv by the hostess during the soc hour. CLASS REUNION ' jThe Class of 'S3 of Kings Moi tain High School held a reunion-b quet at Mountain View Hotel F day night. Silver bel's and. the glow of o die light with an added touch of hi and reh suggested the Chrlstn ana New Year season. "Hail. Hail. The Gang's All He and ?The More We Get ;Toge*h were sung by the class. This was 1 lowrd by a toast by Mr. O. T. Hay Jr. Mm. Floyd Jenkins called I 11 roll with twenty two of the thir II eiftu members present. After the first coarse the A 11 eatfoyed s talk by Oarradine M t Mm m mm m 1 ' I I . - > *wb# n ?u|lttl okai o NINGS WOMEN TTERSON, Editor HHinimiiMMonmitJ ("Wallet winciieir), and ufter th< I second course "Prof. Qulzz." ll ! Hilba tit.i.lo l\' ? ?iu|?i u vtuno ncic iiiuuc u, i* the following members of the clas a from out-of-town: J. L. Settlemyrc o Jr., of Washington, D. C., Rober * Raker of Baltimore, Md.. Miss Rutl t- HeiuMcks of KVn-eet City and Htokef s* dale and Mrs. Lackey (Miss Mar. s Jane l.*>gan) of Oherryville. A delicious chicken dinner wlti ? accessories was served, d The class voted to retain the sain ? committee t?o have charge of "! BUI Fortune with Miss Coble; Mti 'fofrrtt*-, iHriwJESacls-te: r-l kins; Miss Ethel Hord. Wlnnlgre n Fulton, Nina Jackson and Leone Ps * terson; J. L. Settlemyre. Jr., Jame ?|Everhart, Raymond McQill and M e- and Mrs. Lackey. ?t i ? .. v. . Personals p\ t. Friends of Mrs. Wlnnio Parr|s il are sorry -to learn of her illness. *> Mr. and Mrs. Dee Harmon ?r Patsy Jenn spent the week-end wit ly Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Harmon, ic ?o? Miss Thelma Yel(on spent Sntu day with her grandmother, Mrs. id Yelton of Shelby. il Mrs. R. T. WMte of Hertford je visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geor) ol Lattlmore andi family. Mrs. John Davis and Mrs. J.,] u" Roberts spent Tuesday ofternot with Mrs, W. K. White. ?i -o"J, Mr. Jack Parsons has returned 1S' New York City where he is a medic , vstudent at N. Y. U. 1 James Ratterree has returned j Ohr(pel 'HUi t|fter spcind'nc Chit: , ' mas holidays, with his parents. o l>,|- Mr. Thornton Harrill left Mondi / for Raleigh to resume his studies . State College. lit: jjy ' O ! Miss Ruby F.tlls of Gastonla, w III# ' a v'sitor in Kings Mountain duri: ' the week-end. au I MEew Mikie Barber of Atlanta. G 011 was a guest of relatives In Kin ,, Mountain recently. 0 . Mtes Fi-nny Carpenter was / guest of her sister, Mrs. O. R. Lor lcJ In Council, during the holidays. Frlendls of Mr. Evans' Green a an sorry to hear aibout Mm being in t a" City Hospital for appendicitlsi. ef Knnnupolis and M". h and Mrs. Pink Henidon of Kings , Mountain. Mr. and Mrs, O. T. King. Mr. and Mrs. Walter'King and Mr. Orover Xf ififlg 9 oil new ivors u?;. Mm. J. II.- Davis, Mrs. J. H. Davis. < Jr.. and two children. , of Harlorwe ? were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grady King and other relatives during the holidays. Mrs. Eugene Mathls and Eugene. . Jr.. spent the holidays- with Mr. ' Mathls who-is a patient at the Gov 1 eminent Hospital In Columbia. Mr. Mathls' many friends will he glau to know that he Is much better. L. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Benson of Kanno polls were guests of Mr. and Mrs\ W. P. Herndon during the week-end. Is i Mts. Benson was before, prarrlage. z/ Miss Alioe Herndon of Kings Mountain. Mrs. W. T. Weir, her mother, Mrs. ^ Ellerbe and sister, Mise W"lle Eller )n be. spent the holidays in Plon'dn. Mrs. Ellerbe will remain In Florida until pr!ng. Miss Willie Ellerbe re*? turned to Albemarle Sunday where al she Is a member of the school facul-j ty. ?o? *? Mrs. John Mafek98 fend children. Il" Mn-ry and Pat, of Morgariton, spent a part of the holidays In Kfng9 Mountain, truest a of Mrs. Lee liara>" mon and Miss Virgie Harmon. Mr. at Mnrkae, who had been on a visit to relatives In Georgia, joined' his family in Kings Mountain, Thursday, re fl K I iii-ii (it nr lltltlv tllOlM t/\ 1(/M>imutnn nn *? | i inning ? mi u i*.m i \t iui/i^iiiuuil VJII n? Friday. t??? Tiffed states itsed sixteen a., times more coffee than tea. gs lizr?fv ? l // f The Move Folk* Yov Tell *" The More GoodeYooSeB Awefmstttwe. pen . . BUSINESS 3ash Grocery d Office Bail ling lete line of up-to-date Grocj patronage. We will deliver . r . V TO SEE US Cash Grocery Old Herald Office BuildingI iHTMgffi 11*11 i?i11 Til I I - V 4^.. V. < (Critical Moments and Howlarious Scoops (By The Tattlers) T.'ug-a-llqg, here we come! With iOt~ol open again, ii seems a lot sasier to gather gossip and stuff. io .ills week we bring you the ,oc as. " Among the questionable. Btuff, we 'iiid' ourselves wondering why Dot iucked ut the drug tho other night. \n anonymous note asks is how a jertaln young fellow named. . Earl ell. We don't know, but we have a alht idea! The Prltice%glrls had a party the other night, and news flew thick ukI fast concerning it. It all grinds iown to this, however: Vivian atnl a certain fellow with a Jr. 011 his mine like to play'a game called "ice 2feum!J'. What, wo wonder, would happen 0 many of the guys unci gals if it ,v In Kings Mountain Wed > Office In Profe f I Annoui THE OPEN 64th ?o Sat. J: Another Opportunity Regutai Join the large number o Cleveland County Citize nanciallv Indenendent h incomes Each Week or HERE'S WHAT SYS1 WILL DO 25c a week for 6^? yea 50c a week for 6'/? yeai $1.25 a week for 6'/? ye: $2.50 a week for 6,/f yei See Us Satu Somi Ill II ??? Home Biiili Ass* - J. E. Anthony, Pre*. A. H. Pattei -? ' ? - . *' ? ' Yi I % ? * i . *v jV*iVa ' f ^ i* ^ .V>. 1 **: ,f. f t ^ ^ MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. \ % Phones 41-81 *3 COD LrVER OIL TABLETS (*&) 9 U bright yellow full cf ma ' 35afl| K*V a Mn?hiM Viuiam DM wtU /Q(U ~ I B) V A- \ I R * * * *' ?ffj. T^J k I BIG SIZE Ilasol Pi SKIN LOTION HP ''*?'// fmSoften* and Bf//>'A l%# W smooth* I j /jfc, chapped ,rou(h t, D* ?' !!! ^ akin. KLENZO de Luxe M/ TOOTH BRUSH p4 klBP Y CMectfrc "Rexell |g| N0S6 DROPS Bm*+*++*++*+^++^+***++*++4 foasrlYIS I ! -_ Jn pr apr J ^LR C 2B IER&WIKE I netrists X on, Charlotte ; Inesdays 2:30-6:00 P. M. ? ssional Building . | icing ING OF OUR Series >N? in. 7 th ? ' ' to Start a Program of * Savings f Kings Mountain and ns Who are Becoming FIy Saving a Part of Their Month. V . , . . v . - \ EMATIC SAVINGS rs will amount to $ 100.001 rs will Amount to 200.00 in will amount to 500jOO in will MHmnt in 1 AAA AA rday And Start I : Shares I din^ & Loan I H oqation I J. B. Thornas8?n, I rcon, SWy-Tm I I