PMJM .UJl* IP Local Cagers Lose ' Two Each The Mountaineers C&gorn dropped two can>o? each, KVtday night to CNflstde, and Tuesday night at Shot by. to continue lit the lose column IMPERIAL THEATRE j PHONE 134 t| Kings Mountain's Popular I lay House & NOW SHOWING?THURSDAY (!wm" !*.? < ;> ?? It I "FRONTIER SCOUTS ' Kdtnifrv l.yw l!i>len Mack. In 4SECRETS of a NURSE' Serial and News 10c ' PI'IDAY ANO SATURDAY Two Big Western Features "SONG OF THE BUCAR0" m+- mm. m amV* 1 '* iiiVi?i iwumi wnini ?GALIX>PING ROMEO' Serial ? Mickey Mouse 10c and 15c 1 i ? | MONDAY AND TUESDAY 'SWING THAT CHEER' COMING 8O0N "TRADE WINDS" " Cowboy and the Lady" IMPERIAL THEATRE j SCREENATTRAC I Thursday i "IF I WERI Ronald Colemai Saturday?H< HEART OF Willian "FLIGHT 1 Charles. Farrell? Special Mid-Nile Shir Monday an "ANGELS WITH James Cagne> also Walt "FERlHNANl ' . Wednesday'?I)oubla "BROADWAY Margaret Lindsa "TH ANKS FOR T ' Bob Hope?5 P13 IBBHIi IWI* [ ^ You can ftzavi day... on th SOUTHER in coaches al Round Tr Good 'in S Mj ch*::,:." PER MILE rOR EACI M. ?eo One Wd5 Oood in Jufl Cars on ] chatgti PER MILE TOR EACh 4 i All-Conditioned Coach ENJOY THE SAFETY R. H. Q v Division Pai Chariot* _________ MHfPPHVVi Efc::-; ' ''' } ' ' ' > ",' Eg^fr . . . * '" *.. .. -; 4. *\. ;*: ' TH1 Or (BOthvr ?Mk. The girts dropped to CUffeftde 14 o 11, u4 nwW * poor showing p galaet the LJonei Buck Archer ant tUchboufgh, along with aerreral otht rs who suffered) defeat oo the Grid iron ta the Daet sea eon, decided to rcfinIn some of the glory which they lost then, and upset the Mounta-ni eera 23 to 11. Pi May night, this week. Coach Llttle'a proteReea tangle with the Mario coached by Don Robinson, to.:ner room-mato of Little, while at ("aroll'ia. 'Uhe MwintahiPer boys have showed some Improvement s'nt-e they onetted njrainst Cherry* vUlcf, and will be out to put tholr V'time in 'he \v i column, Little 's known of either the boys' or ulrls' 'Tins of Marlon, but rumor Is that Kohlnaoii can be expected to t irn! out a fast team. "I'hi M r.n ' to'"a' schedule for the sec,-on Is as-follows: .tail. 2'V-Marlon, "hr<\ ,l: n. 2" NewtonI Thorp. Jan. :'l 'r-ho'wyvillo. Hero. Peb'. 7 Marlon. There. Pi p. "in Forest v''lty. llnre. Pol). 14 ?CUffs'liV*' There. Pol> 21? NV.vtoii. Mere. Phi). 24 Shelby. Hera: . Pol) 2H?Forest CUy. There. Wake Fores! Alumni Dinner Tllorc v Ml I?o n \V:'!?p Fhrf??' CnV a*, mi in -impMlw "> ???' !t - <-lri-rh. Shfthv, \ rut FrWay i .' unary SOth.. 19TW n? C:20 P M [ .T i tii Weaver. athleMc dlrwtoi. | fcvh . Poith"nd Walker aud one or two tlve 'Jests ed out on horse car tracks lp Wales in 1802, was not a commercial sue cess. and Friday 3 A KING " i?Frances Dee [>uble Feature ARIZONA" rl BoyJ ? PO FAME" |! Jacqueline Wells rV Sunday 12:01 and d Tuesday - . j DIRTY FACES" ?Pat O'Brien Disney's I) THE BULL" p! Frail're?10 and 15c MUSKATEERS y _ Ann Sheridan L BE EMORIES" Shirley Ro?3 r w y:? K A W* J j y I. ymiM ie m Wfcjum n F TMm t . ip Tickets Sleeping end Parlor payment of proper or apace occupied. 1 MlLC TRAVELED r Tickets , Sleeping and Parlor payment ol proper or apace occupied. I MILE TRAVELED i as on through Trains . ' OF TRAIN TRAVEL iRAHAM, oenger Agent to, N. C. . . ' wnwmvwppi i? H >10 MMlHMfiiUM *nw jtetHTAiw aihkLP (iMtl Scouts Awarded iagto Rank At Gaatonia Banquet Scouts Mil? and Ernest liauney and Bobby Dettmar were awarded their badges of Eagle Scouts at the Annual Meeting and Banquet of the Piedmont Oounoil Iheld Tuesday evening in the dtntng room of the Main SI i eel Mt/'.ihodlst Church, of Gastonia. AH three of these Scouts come from Troop 2 of vfliich Liane'y C. Uettmnr Is Scoutmaster. rnu !? ? Lout 350 Scoutcrs and Haglo Scouts from the eleven counties whkh make up the r.rea of the council. The address of the occasion wis | delivered by Kev. John W. Inzer, i). i I).. Pastor of l"!rpt liaptlsl (IbiircH o" i .Vfhcvi'le.."I)r. Inter spoke out of th ' rk'lt experiences of his life about | ttitd rkta.: ding "Tl-i.oy." The ad : tiver.* w \s oowi r'i " . delivered and 'ins piring.' He closed thanking God iter the men ol 'hts atea who wer* ih-Jrg what th v v.- < for the l?o> s !V referred' t > 'lie Scouting program tjt- the sa ing Influence for all tint was fine in our country. * * - " ? More than twenty Scoutera .and M Si OF THANKS \y v'-jH to . thank the- m^my f; w"ao wr>ro so k'nd to us durii .illness and .death of our dear w'-fe red mother. We atso thank Dr. \V. L. Rtimsetrr for his fliithful ser .vice. May Ood's richest blessings rc*t upon each and everyone. Plato Stepp and daughter.. Nellie Stepp. * * ; ..'"> > * IN OUR 6 ' Have the cash ready w old age security, a. hom< purpose. You'll be Nrprhrd how i tnouula up. The table at HOW SAVINGS ti ' MOUNT UP St u l'F 01 li 32 1 ? liQlttH ~4 1I.M (M.H nr t.M H 14* MHJt jgj *' 7M ?.* ?:*? " * - - }" " ' -r < r- > ^'.vr-s THUB8DAY, JAM. it. IMt pro re. that your* truly iaa't a philo wot)her. We've heard all kinds ot things about it, andudinf one Ma.teriug remark, but Mr. D. M. 1 .(know hint?) say. he believes we've Ceen re-ding thle book "lOO.OOo Whys?''. We hadn't heaid ot the book until Monday ot thh week, but try tl prove thai! The book waji rather enlightening on the subject, however. We saw some ot Kipling's philosophy On th us. we'd *>*j' approximately 16J 'rt n vi'ii ftmr.i Thai. toy fraud, .is basketball :n any , conference! Tlvat book we wrote about a con pie weeks back is sttll too idle to ' . 'lit ci Ode person d'.tl renal it lie 1: cause of thfa column, but' more pe*> ' el" should. It really is Rood, and w< wqnt to see it read more. In fact; ' .tits Is a, crttwde to Ret people to I wtrntmmWWtllll HI!. UUII. 1 'H ' all at once bur do read ft! I : ? ' r ') It's funny, but I can't write oil an empty stomach, J Socrotary-Troaauror MPHB ' ' f.,.. Aa.'a.A. V t . .;: &+' . '..>' - -71? ~ 8Ut**tot of Qondttlon of ' _ Home BaUding & Loan Association > .J of Kings Mountain, t; as o< 4>ecenri>ef 31st, iMb. f '* * fa> miunnea CommiMontr As ' Ifvpy Wi vavrn vw Miiiviak " Wqutfd by L?w.) ASSETS The Association Owns: Cash on Hand and in Banks $ 15,742.51 State ot Nortli Garoima and, U. S. Government Bonds?None Stock in Federal nouie Goan Game?None Mortgage Loans ... 312,953.45 Stock Loans i 3,096.00 Accounts Receivable 823.03 Office Furniture and Fixtures 391.00 Office Building ' * 6,600.00 Real Estate Owned , $2,868.17 Real Estate Soid Under Contract : $ 2,868.17 Other Assets (interest due and uncollected 733.88 TOTAL ' ?: $313,258.04 . LIABILITIES The Association Owes: . To Shareholders Funds entrusted to our care in the form of payments on stock as follows: .Installment-Stock SI-*6.365.50 Loo,000.00 prepaid-Stock 31.537.50 Running Stock 5,676:74 Other Stock?None 319,479.74 * Notes Payable, Federal Home Loan Bank?None Notes Payable, Other?None Accounts Payable?None Undivided Profits 18,481.15 Reserve for Contingencies 5,000.00 Other Liabilities (Interest collected in advance) 297.15 TOTAL v $343,258.04 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 COUNTY OF CLEVELAND, ss: A. H. Patterson, Secretary-Treasurer of the above named Association personalty appeared before nqe this day, and being duly sworn, savs that the foregoing report is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. A. H. Patterson, ? Secretary-Treasurer. O X- 1 1 *1 1 l j l i A owurn to ana suoscriDea Deiore me, cms itscfl day oi January, 1939. J. R, Davis, Notary Public. My Commission Expires March 14, 1939. V NEW SPRING STYLES in Toppers and Suits Just Arrived. You arc invited to See Them Now Toppers $1.94, $5.95, $7.95 Suits $5.95, $7.95, $9.95 Newest Hats $1.00, $2.00 ETCHISON HATS FOR MEN Early Spring Styles. Natural and Bound Edge. The New Greys and Greens? $2.95 1 Inquire about our profit-sharing Etchjson I Hat Club. v; I Week-End Specials One lot Ladies' and ; Men's $3.00 Wool Children's f MELTON JACKETS SWEATERS $148 Vdues to $1. To clam TOWELS 4^ 4e to 25c Each One lot 448c Curtains) RUGS, Size 18x38 * "v NOW 39c 13c EACH w? ? BLANKETS Just A Few Mjore Left $2.00 BLANKEt^/'^- - NOW $1.45 $3.00 BLANKETS ' >?- . NOW $1.94 MYERS DEPT. STORE * Your Friendly Merchant