#vv s | HOME VOL. tS HO. 11 State And N; Condensed In ?National News? San Juau, Puerto R&co. Feb. 21 ? A Pan-Anterlicau passenger plane en < route from Mlaml'to Buenos Aires 1 upset while landing in San Juan har bor during a. rainstorm Sunday, but . the 23 passengers and crew of sis were removed quickly to safety. i The craft kent Dartiallv afloat ?? hour alter the mishap. c Washington, Feb. 21.?The Federal Monopoly Committee In its insurance study all but buried a 24 billion dollar Investment problem under odds and ends of other testimony. What It adds up to la this: The insurance companies of the na tlon have about 24 blUltn dollars, representing premiums paid by policy 1 holders. The companies have tokeep 1 converting this money into.aafe Investments. < I sa.. of real estate mortgages, huge batch " es of bonds of various descriptions. Federal, state, municipal, utility, ru-lroad and other corporations. Washington,. Feb. 21.?Several buu > died delegates to one of the largest 11 aviation conferences lu tho history | of American flying were told today thai feverish research wnrlr nt? war. I plane* Ma Barape tea tailed to rob the United States of technical lead v Whip. Oui Roto Wilson Of Trenton N. J., var-tlme flier and chairman of the Joint Aviation Council, said In a prepared address that the United States has the finest airplanes in the world. ^ 7- * Hollywood, Feb. 21.?Her facial beauty apparently unmarred, 22 year old Ueraldine Spreckies, sugar fortune heiress, was / ill In a serious condition today frosn burns on her arms1 and body. She waa burned Saturday when a cigarette set -litre to her negligee. A housekeeper answered her screams and smothered the flames. Minneapolis, Feb. 21.?Northern Minnesota ttday. tag the third ttas* in two weeks eras digging itself eat of snow drft whipped up by a storm that brought at least one death and two serious Injuries and disrupted highway traffic. 4 Waldo, Fla? Feb. 21.?An army air plane pilot died when his ship crash ed Into Santa Fe Hake here and another flier wrecked hie craft as he landed In en effort to give aid. , Chicago, Feb. 21.;?An. investigation complex on the part of the conn try's state legislatures waa Indicated today as their calendars showed Inquiries were being made on a wide i variety of subjects ranging from tax structures to complimentary state fair tickets. li .? Newv BtoomfteM, T?.natr Peb. 21.?A mother making her firat visit to the elementary school to check, on her , child in the tint grade wu undecided as to which room to enter. She ! pressed a batton.._ ? Presto! Belle Clanged, pop Ha end teachers tiled out iinertly to an unecheduled fire ?rt?. . y, Harlan, Iowa, Feb. 21.?A threeway investigation is under way here today in/to the bisarre crash of runaway freight engine and a pa?en ger train which resulted tn the loes of two Uvea and Injuries to 23 per? "p - | I - [ || _, Laughing Arou WhhlRVD . ~ ~ i The Dog Ou * * By1RV1N * >(dVTE ffAVB! lAUta ?alt -in W ?*w KWj IJS n'f' commonlty frienda. Wkat kM of people are they? V' .'v * . ' *./* ? - - , :v - . . ... . f "What aukee 70* ae aanf ^ WO, pgr dog ton anethere a * y ?> asy.*v*i , y. jfe . t:' - . i-. ' ' V lflfTC jYings r r . :. '' * ; rt (l am m 1 Mm?im nuuiiai news i Brief Form ?State News? Burgaw. Feb. 21.?John Thomas C'olwell, 51. died last night at the home of his brother-in-law, J. II. Bordeaux, after slaahtng hie throat w ith a safety razor blade as he stood In front of a bed room mirror, Corotied M. |6. Pope said today. Kinston, Feb. 21.?The local unit of the National Farm Loan Association will hold its annual meeting Wednesday. The organisation, which Has in force loans of $367,300, serves Duplin, Lenoir, Craven and Pamlico counties and is heaided by U O. Moseley of Lenoir county. Asheboro, Feb. 21.?The explosion Df a gasoline heater in a tourist ramp oaMn near here yesterday kill ed Connie Jenkins, 24, of Pageland, fat. C? and resulted In serious bums j to Mlndle Threatt, 23, also of Page-'j vCWt-Vt-SV^SX/^-wrcv^Mt^ The youths spent Saturday night at the tourist camp, situated about six miles north of here on the Ore ens boro highway, and when they arose yesterday morning and lighted the Btove, it exploded. Jenkins died a few hours later in an Asheboro hospital. The attendianta said Threatt was In a critical' condition and it was doubtful if he would recover. J Breenyllle, N. C? Feb. 21.?Johnnie Harrison. 17, wan killed early yester day when an automobile hit his motorcycle op the Tar River bridge j Highway Patrolman C. R. Williams raid he booked Arthur Marring ton. 19, of Bethel, as the driver of the car, and be was released under 9000 bond pending so inquest. Raleigh, Feb. 21.?Low-lying areas around IQnston. were inundated today by the overflowing Neuse River and the Weather Bureau warned res idtnts to move lire*took to Mgher ground. ? *4 Durham, Feb. 21.?Paul Green, PutlUer-PiJLze winner dramatist and fmveiwlty of North Catufina profee sot , urged the school teacher* today not to anbmit longer to low aalarlee even If <H meant declaring a "school holiday." ATTENDS FUNERAL Mr. Kdlgore Stjalltags, manager of Belk'a Department Store, went to Voodruff, S. C., Wednesday to attend funeral service* for hie uncle, J. Belton Kllgare, prominent man of that section, who died following & ten days Illness. [Mr. K Jig ore hjajd long bean identified with the nodal, civic and religious life of Woodruff. Hie was one of the organiser* of the .Woodruff Cotton Mills, the first Industrial plant of that Iocs Mgr. lie also served SS president of tin bank of Woodruff, for a number of years. He waa a-dhsrSer- member of,the Woodruff Presbyterian church and an elder at the than of his death. Singotig Convention At Oak Grovo Sunday The Kings (MotsrtfcJn 8inglng Convention which ia held the fourth Son day 'in each month will meet this Sunday afternoon at Oak Grove,' at 2:00 p. m. All atoms lncludlar duets, qtfartets, are (nrtted to crane and Join la the singing. The pnbUc la also condBally requested to come 'Art and enjoy the music by Charlie Spearman. tid the World ^ s. COBB ght to Know . S. COBB ghbort," said a suburbanite to cm natty high hat bach, tf yn want hey wiQ fit into tho atharaa of our ^moderate dr. nsntsaiis who frra em, for his baaa." fesissM. ba? ? c ?d*?'- . ' jr. ' ? '' V'-' 'jjfflK^aSSr": Mf XTJ& TfH J&Jft I III! *?l i isuaaKJ .. BBBF ** KINQ8 MOUNTAIN* N. C. 1 Boy Scout ' |i Court Of I * * 9 W _? _ _ ' _ Honor Held The Boy Scout Court of Honor ^ leld Immediately following the Bandi C'ncert Thurtda.v nlglil. opened with! prayer followed with the repeating I of the Scout Girth. Scouts advanced In rank are; Tonaertoii: George Wotnack 2; Oa car Gladden 6; Clarence JiUy 7;. Arthur Leo Jackson 7; Lester Roork ! 1, G royer; Warren Goforth 1. G rover. Stxromdl Ctess: James Hardin X, Grover; Win. Hardin. L Gtover; J. B. Hawkins 4; Coy Conner 4; Chaw Wilson 4; Hartison Hfcll 4; JlmntS' Krwin 4; Gene McGinnls 2; Hollo Lee Whites Ides 2; Billy Gene Nets ler, 1; First Class; James Ch'aney 2; Arnold Falls 2; Buddy Walker 2; Jatnes Waters l; Jolin Fulton 1; Thos. Barnett 4. Animal Industry: Janice Ed Amns 5: Lawrence Patrick 1; Woodle Raw *ir.' .1 .. .1 'l.Wfltr. Clj? Farm Layout. James Ed Amoa f; r Cool i due Flnley 3. -ft Automoblllng: James Ed. Amos B. r Firemnnship: Rayi Bridges 4; Robt h Dettmar 2; Wilecn Ledford t; Ttooe. '' Burnett 4; Harold Falls 4: Dajrt Red 1 numd 4; Chas. LitUtjohu 5; Wa. I Price 5. o ii First Aid to Animsls: , . BlotvewpJI n Walker 5; Grady Buxngnrdner 6; Wm. Metdlm 2; H. C. Wilson. 3. 3C. 4. Handicraft: James Cheney 2; KkV 11 die Smith l; Glee Bridges g; Chas. *) Wilson 6; Dougfes Hollender B; V Coyt Fsyaeor 5; CooJtdge Flotey 3. u Pathftatdtag: J. C. Bridges 6. Rending: Thou. Burnett 4. ' Safety: Eugene MathU 9. Scholarship: Eugene Gault 9; How I ard Edens 9. ' 8 tor Rank: Woodle Raw las. Bronve Eagle Scout Palm: James , Tdw. Amoa. 5. After awards of previous Courts ' were malde. Mr. W. A_ IXibson. the _ Regional Executive front' Atlanta.. i made a short talk to the boys. Mr. Dobson also. presented . Ilia I Fagle Scout badge to Chaa. Gantt. The meeting closed with the .re I-eatlng of the Soout Geaedlotlon. 1 ORPHANAGE 8UPT. . J TO SPEAK HERE i* Monday evening. Feb. 27. at 7:30 * Mr. J. B. Johnseon, Supt. of Barium a Springs Orphanage will make an aa- a dmta at the First Preabvt^rian Chur 1 ch. b Mr. Johnston is well known ana e ir.ucli beloved. He in recognizee! as b one of the beet informed men on Or- n phantages n the United States. d The public is cordially Invited to h<aar this clnsecrated man. that the ^ Lord has blessed and us**! so richly R hi aiding and carrying for fatherless and motherless children. LOCAL GIRL ON I PROGRAM IN RALEIGH * i to Meredith College, Raleigh, Feb. 21. * ?The Meredith College Glee Cloh ' under the direction of Miss Ethel Rowland, apt) awed as guest artists 1 on Thursday afternoon at the tea ?] MVS. -Clyde R. Hoey gave at the Governor's mansion honoring the members of the Sir Whiter Cabinet, rial- ( tons to. $e city, and ladles of Rah ( etgh. Among members of the dub ^ who were tanrited\to stag In the ball e room dkutag the hours of the ten e from 4 to *</doek, was-Mies Sarah- Falls of KJugs Mountain. Chief Wants Bicycles Registered Chief of Poltce Jimmy Burns Issues a request to all MflJWH <7wr*Ts to come to the City Hail Friday evening and have the numbers of the bicycles recorded. Chief Burns desires to lhuve this done so in ease any of the bicycles are stolen he may locate the owner. Btoycle owners are iiTTKtMi 10 ia*e nonce 01 uiif requwv and ooopai^te with Chief Bums. a Horn* B. And L. Stockholders Mtyeet Tonight (The 16th ***** BMtt* of tt? bMshoidm ot ifce F*?* BslMfel end Loe* AeeocteUoo wttl be MA title erecting et 7:6* p. t?. In the Cert Room of the City Hell AR etockholdete ere tartted to he pree ent by A. H. Mttreoa, Secretaryend Tfteeueei. ' ' ConUnooue heery prodeetloe el ofcge daring JOnuery end heery celllug of floehe, leering nembere of layers on February 1 end ebtee I percent In nine of teet yeer. ere ehttm In the Pehraery report of *nt pie term fk>?he. <f: V- -'' . . - tftr -T- < y i:'; Nf tain H HURSOAY, FSB. 23, IMt iPECULIISTSTO PRODUCE 50th ' J ANNIVERSARY J ?? i Mewtpaper And Promotion Specialist* To Have Charp* Assembling Data and Publishing Edition. DON ABERNKTHY ASSOCIATES. . 1 sew; paper feature and promotiou J pecijllsts. have been secured by hie kinds mountain herald o assist 'n the nrodoptt n of the i cinc.s mountain herald and cings mountain proortss ".D1TI0N. The management of TJIE HER- (_ tLD feels Indeed fortunate In secur v ng. the aerbkee of DON ABERNE- v PHY. Mr. Abernethy has served on ^ he staffs of several leadinK news- . lapers and has. served several In .. he same capallty that he comes to ., is. He has recently completed the r NAUGCRAX. SDITION for The Co- h imibia State Newspaper, celebrating c he inauguration of South Carolina's ' lew Governor, Burnet. It Maybank. d Mr. Abernethy was educated at h Vake Forest College and Kmory I Jniverfity and is a member of Aliff^^au'GtnegtPnationaf hdCidr:tVsr ~ rrnity. is ai Methodist and a staunch ( xponent of civic upbuilding.' He d as worked in cooperation with sevral Chambers of Commerce in pub- ^ Icity and has served as Publicity ilrector and Advertising Manages t one of the South's largest and tl nost prominent mercantile estab- c ehments. v Mr. Abernethy stated this morn- c ug, over long distance, that ha was ?w preparing news features and v vblicity for the edition and that he h sd his assistants will be here with- * (Cont'd on bach page) hi Herald To Publ Anniversary Ed , "ootball Squad To ; c ie Honored The Kings Mountain High School 938 Football Squad will be honored t a banquet March. 14. at 7:30 P. M. "he banquet will be held at the Woiun's Ch* VpOdtng. J Advance ticket sales to .date ah- I ure the success of the movement, nd tickets have been put on eale ) t the Kings Mountain Drug Store, t he price of the tickets Is $1.26. The b auquct Is made possible by interest c d sports enthusiasts. As tickets will b o sold only at the Drug Store, and c ct at the Club Building, anyone p eefring one should get It there. r <j Pictures of the Duke^Southern Cnl ^ fornia Rose Bawl game will he { bows. These pictures aTe the afflcl- t 1 movies of the game, and are war hwhUe to amy football fan hi Kings (< fountain or anywhere else Interest f' d in the Duke team. Another fea- Q ure of the event will be the ayrard- c og of totters to members of the t earn. Some twenty boys will be ararded letters. P i den's Club Meets ' rhis Evening The second' regular meeting for 8 he month of February of the Men's t Tub will be hekt thte evening In the 1 Roman's Cfab Buildtng at 6:30. An ? ntereetfng program has bean Strang fi d and tail member are invited to be 1 ifesent. I t I Will Rogers' Humorous Story ! I -4 Br WILL ROGERS , ^OBODT likes to go to the dent- < 1st, and if yon mention "drill" I to the average dentist'* patient, he ( can imagine himself in pain al- | ready. Some ef the "molar-herders" ( nee gas he make their sensitive patient forget the pair, end I gueaa some ef them mould like to use a bet Bet toe latent wrinkle that f hear of is a Middle West practitioner soke is trrtag psychology. Be was about to start drilling, sad with his best professional umll* aid to his patient "Now, think of swnsthlng pleasant and you wont feel any pain at all" Be want on with Ms work and through It nO thoro Was net n peep oat of the patient Tine," said the doej-What were yon thinking of ?" "Well," says the patient ?t was thinking that my mother-in-law was hate to my place." * 4 ^ - ' " ' . r% ' % Law Passed 1 Town In Five Day Of Prayer ? \t Presbyterian The World' Day of Prayer la a srcst titorduivomi.. 1 itxinal observance by u 'hrtstUui women throughout the w rorld. It has grown out of a need ?. rhkh wome.u have felt for a fellowhip of intercession. The date this ,, ear February' 24 and the theme la (( Let Ua Put Our Love Into Deeds? w nd Make It Real." Women speaking R) tiany different languages leathering ^ t heat and iu cold, in tiny country w omnitunUles and in great cilits. in mall oWnpela and in tmmeine calh? a( Irals, will..on this nfiay. tuin their w carta to God In humble intercessory j irayer. v', JSL-Ull i-as obsevrwd in 1921. Since that i(J tine the custom fyae Brown tremen-1 ously. so that in more than fifty ountrlfts there ?re Christians keep- (0 ng the day together. tr Only once since its beginning has lie day failed to be observed in our 'o on inunity. This \-ear owr meettng ill be iat the , Ftest Presbyterian ' htirch at four o'clock. Of The ffrst tan minutes of the osrice will, be given to Miss Roberta (a of China. She is a consecrated ^ orker amd i? known far antl wide R r a most gifted weaker. ^ ish 50th lition . T olorful Edition To Give Give Complete History of Thie Famous <h Town and Surroundings. 'Will Be A Condensed History of Kings P' Mountain. tn Ci A few years after the Civil W!ar ermlnated a small weekly newB- *1 wiper made its rfppearauoe ' ? Kings fountain, N. C. ci Eaxfh week for fifty years THK * iERALJ> has chronicled to hctivi- bj les of this thriving community. It fi as told of births, Weddings, deaths of hunch and civic activities. It has! ti cen the news life of the community si f which it te a part. It has lived and In irogreased with the ever-eh an Kins; M rlcture of things since those days ( te >f Reconstruction THE HERAl.D as seen the change from oil lamps fo o electricity, it has seen the evolu- >i ten of the spring; houae and well 0 a modern and efficient water sys- hi em and from horse and buggy to w he modem streamlined automobiles ?' t today. Tfte change in Industry has cm* under hs ever watchful eye, ^ be mfils of the past wlflh h&nd-oper ted looms to the present highspeed production looms that are dally turn |? ng out beautiful fabrics that supply tt be maris of the world. dc THE KINOS MOUNTAIN HER ^ tLD has itself progressed from a mall paper that was laboriously set 81 1 y hand ami printed an a primitive Yashin gton Taad Press to an erfflcf- ^ ?nt plant where news matter and idvertlslng is handled in practical- " y the same way as It is on any of * he large dallies, not as elaborate. * >ut with the same efficiency and ex todiency. Today THE K1N08 MOUN TAIN HERALD maintains a qually Job printing department that ihartetus the operation from the givm order to the finished product by ours and even days and at the ?me time gives a higher quality in he finished product. The time ha* come that. we. the Hibllafhera and staff of thJa, your Io- ( al paper. feel that the world at sTwe should know of the T"RO:HESS AND DEVELOPMENT OP K1NOS MOUNTAIN AND THE C OUNTy OP WHICH IT IS A b ART AND WE THERTFORE fi ro THIS BEL.I BP THE PIPTTETH h DEDICATE AND CONTRIBUTE ft ANNIVERSARY HWTION OP b THE KINGS HOUNiyUN HERAUD Waft tea already tam an thU t< rniTlON utf w* hare bwa aery tor t< uotte to Moartog Uk miSm of tl rtoa Abnraetfcy, kmc to the OAwapa- p o*T end toatare promottoa ftoM to li In I tin eiembl ytoc of data, tar rl nrl?whn prominent todlrdaUa rod to ?w?r?l fuperrtolaff tka too*- p of tlii* edition. tl It to bpmanW Imooaotblo wlta tfca |) regular work of pubUnblnc the nfv- ? lor toeoo weekly and handling oar a l.trce velum* of Job work ?o handle ihto a? efficiently ?n can Mr. Abw- a netby. Ho to a native of th* otato a! *nd to thoroughly cnua,ry?it vlt?? ? tkto porttaalar aactloa aai It* v * to. i ' ... / \ '' * - ' ' ' V'*-; ' ' . READ THE HERALD ' * * ' " "5] 1 FIVE CENTS PER COPY , v# siviuiug Wards The bill introduced in the present ;ssiou of the Slat*v Legislature to liide Kings Moirntain into live ards hiw now pass ad bitti bouses ml h law. The bill as originally rawn including Uic same set-up for lc Kings Mountain School Ooverai?nt. tlals P'aUrno wu? taken out af>r I' paaaiMil Uie lower bouse, but as reinstated before it passed the enatn. Influential oltizens of Kings Moun lin have shown <* great deal of inTest in the passing of tbe bill. Sevral referred to It as the ?sai?s* up in the advancement of Kings [ountaln since the oiigiujal charter an wriuon. The bill wan drawn bjr the three rtorneyn of Kin Re Mountain. and a* Introduced at a meeting of the Ion's Club about the first of the ?ar. on Piedmont Avenue whew It osses the Southern Railroad track. Boundaries of Ward One are; Has , in Stnvt, . Ohy limits. Rail read neks. iiwiudhix Bonnie Mill. Bound)?rion of Ward Two are: Gasin Strewn. CKy limit*.. Parker Braai. including Sadie Mill.' Roundariea of Ward Threw are: irker Branch. City Nutta Soutbn Railrtiad track*. hrhilHaf Phe> and DHUng MM la Boundaries ot Wand Phar are: ill road tracks. CHy IMa. Wane did and PiesknonS Avsook MdK Cora. fAuillne and OM jftUs. toundarfea of Ward Fkve are: Pled ' ont Avenue and Waoo road. CHy lilts. P1>l?roeud Uwcfes, in eluding aurtey MIH Members if the school hoard will > elected, one from each ward lor 'rinds of two. four, sad six' years, lie oneeent board will expire on oesdhy, Mny 2nd 11W. Voting preoinohs will he set op ia Ich of the five wards. A new Registration wlM he Hekf lor to the election fa Stay. A lidlui' uat have been a cttknen of North ' J i roll tea for one year sad reside at the Ward for fiur months to bo igiWo to voteu Tkcr polls wilt open put 7 A II aiwT < ose it fi I*. W f j One commissioner shall b? el?ete:f , plurality from ewek ward Thorn co;vjmiB-iioners in torn elect one 1 their. number ae Mayor who will paid $25.00 .per month. Oommlsoners will bo paid $5.00 per meetg |3dl ended. Co mm is ?ion ere and nyor shall bo elected for two year PI18. Candidates must file five days b<v >re election day and pay n. fee of i.00. The Herald published rtve complete 11 last mouth, and & few cop lee ere saved, an von e deeirtag a copy ' the entire bill may aetrure same. [eeting- of Ministers There will be a meeting of the mfn tent of our town and toowdmlty at u? Fhret Presbyterian Church PWiy. 24th, bt 2:30 V- m. This Bwieflmt called at tlhla time to beer T>r. >hn L Hunter of Bhakhie College id Mvse Roberta Ma, of China. Dr. Hunter te the heedt of the ee inUatlon in the Carottaae for CMna elfef hliaa Ma, brtnga a message df ct from China while bete. Dr. IPont anW Mine Ma. will rieit and bring message to our boys nod girls at e High School. J 'ty James Pre$ton_ Opinions Kxpreaaed Hi This Column Aro Not Necesaarllv th? Views of Thla Newspaper.) Demande upom*"the six weeks oM ouktmm for legialaCbre eapertaeenbig. torvlaUon and plauk? ojr aewtag led thaoriea bare been at a nha num. A. lot of talk la beard, there.re, that the "I* pro bah?y aoat work, ut we'll try It a ay way' era to past. Hut there to talk te Ike eawtrary, >u. Thoae who aay obherwtoe am toM-prettog the ?mi?1 hsB aa >at lat ? a brewttotog spatt hebsieep ea to predicted, vtt ftft ad SUM' IffctP. In towort of to to iwtotoi, too radio tor a point to aoooaol unto noflttan m4 ?TMto too* got |pto pto - I Ottf. to?i stoto tomti nratofe antlono obawrto toto? top Ml tto I arVoppIf. Tito Itooo to motto pototo by ono atontotoiriuton agalaan 1 inn oto pointed oto ao onaoaptoai of trued Stntm' rtotow. oto too npncfr r, after toyto* too total gereon< **? to <>?!.>o> met)' > -i>" " M -'l. ..;<:s4..

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