' ' '* ;! ' . \r * ]k I I I th*t ?i w?? m to. ??u ; uttry of Rtngs Mountain hM bo- , come oporto oonoetouo. It otorted { with the football twun loot season and baa continued through the baa- . ketball gsason. Hbe High School baa . ketball teams haven't set the world j on ftre, but you can't expect too much from the material at baud. The Lines hare aroused the spirit a lot with the swell team they have. Wo i (haven't had ouch la team In the past, < hut with things going as they now are, we should be able to keep one. Aoid to prove that spirit is still alive, comes the announcement of h banquet for the 1938 football team. The people or toue town have made Quick Results?Low Cost? HERALD Classified Ads 2e a word for firot Insertion; half |irle? for subsequent tnsertia* Minimum charge 25c. Do not aak for information qagardlng "keyed" ada, aa they are atrlctly confidential. If error la made, The Herald ,la responsible for only on# Incorrect insertion. The customer ^ raapoh'dible for eu'Ailquent Tm" T aertlona. The advertiser should notify Immediately of any cor* rectiona needed. Want ada are always caah in advance except to business man or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. ncmcmDcn ? wii oanuiusy jruu an one of our delicious Banana Spliu for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. GIRL8! ? Own your own business. Earn |75 to 8100 per week. Have others earning for you. Yes, it is the beauty business. EVERY WOMAN YOUR CUSTOMER Today, while you think of it, write and firm out how you can acquire the , 'profession. Open your own shop. We train you ? furnish your own shop with a small payment. We help you succeed.. Nev; classes forming now. Continental College of Beauty Culture, High., Point, N. C. 2-23-mar 16 ? . WANTED ? to buy or rent a small farm within twelve miles of Kings iMoidtaln. Jack Sherer. KEYS. MADE, LOCKS, VACUUM Cleaners, Small Electrical Appll anoee, and Speedometers repaired C. L. Ramsey, Phone 126-M. Sept. 22tfc WHEN YOUR TIRES NEED retread ki or reoapped, give us a trial. We guarantee our work. Shelby Vulcanizing Co.. Shelby, N. C. A. V. Dedmon, Owner. feb 23. I OUT OF TOWN I PRINTERS PAY flf NO TAXES HERE \fl LET US DO YOUR Ifft PRINTING IHI (Continued Next Week) ' ^ TOM AND GEORGE George: "Tom, how many kinds oI mule* are thereV Tom: 'The kind you wear on your feet, the old gray, the wdilte and the kind your wife married." Wont you drop In and let va ehow you our new dining room eete?you'll be delighted. D. F. Hord Furniture Co. Buy It For Less At Hord's THE CLAN' !HAVIW? 0ten APfOMTBI JTIMMlC FfCT TMAT fT V? j DOTV^TO t?lP* ATA P< TM? MSOrSCHTS WITH i ??a h stteorm* in oh ' TO MAINTAIN Ttfe'Oi 4 or Hts.orrK**ahoa L V^ ? 1 TH It possible with thrir support. Quit* b tow ticket* have b*en sold to data, MXiglk to unn Om *uco*a* of It, inyway. and ticket* up* now on Ml* kt the Kings Mountain Drag. You'd jetter got them in n hurry, becsun* they are going fast The price is only 1 buck and a quarter, and we assure you that its worth that much, at lanak I We've been trying all afternoon to Ret Into contact with someone who could euro our curiosity concerning the bandstand or whatever it is thai Is being erected down at the cornet of King street and York road, but so far we haven't been able to ftnd the right person. Maybe we'll get a story abcut it later and it'll be In the paper elsewhere. Whatever It is, it seems that its a move in the right d! rection for something or someone. After the hustle of last week, It seems ttoit things are sorta tame for jours truly. But that's only natural, since I don't have quite so much to' do, which suits me alright. By the way, you needn't be afraid to read the paper this week. Haywood's back Goodbye. CLCVTHAND C'Ol?NTY. Ill The Superior Court. Harriet K Martin, Plaintiff, vs. . J. W. Martin, Defendant. ?ii take uotlce that an action entitled uh a novo nas oeen commenced In the Superior Court of Cleveland i County. North Carolina. In whh-h; ihe plaintiff. Harriet E. Martin, la bslfing the Court for a divorce abao-i lute from the defendant on thej ground of two yeara separation, and for the custody of her child; and, the said J. W. Martin will ' further take notice that he Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County ad Shelby, North Carolina, within tl-'rty days after the 23th of Februery. 1939. and answer or demur te the Complaint lu said action, or tflie plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded. This the 30th day of January, 1939. E. A. Houaer. Jr. Clerk of the Superior Court. Pen-ton McSwain, Attorney For Plaintiff. ??dv feb 23. NOTicfT~OF_8ALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a deed of trust givem by Hattie Adams, widow, to the undersigned, as trustee for B. D. Ratterree, et al, on the 5th day of May, 1937 and registered in the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County in Book 213 at page 313,- to secure the indebtedness therein men Coned and default having been made itv the payment of same, at the ' request of the holders of the note secured by eaid deed of trust. I will sell for cash at the Courthouse doot n Shelby on Monday. March 20, 1939 at ten o'clock, A. M., or within legal hours, tire following decribed real estate: ' Situated on the South side of Cans lei street In the Town of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, and he ginning at a. stake, W. A. Morris'| ctrner and running thence with his line West 100 feet to a stake, hts corner; thence with another line of W. A. Morris' North 60 feet to a stake, hits corner; thence with another line of W. A. Morris' Kant 100 feet to a stake in the edge of Cansler Street; thenoe with said Street South 60 feet to the beginning, containing 6.000 square feet, more of less, and being the game land conveyed. by J. O. Plonk et al, to Hattie Adams by deed dated the fifth of May, 1987, as will appear on record. This 16th day of February. 1039. A. H. Patterson, Trustee. . J. R. Davis, Atty. ?sdv?mar 9-D ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator for the estate of W. A. Morris, deceased, all persona having * claims against the estate will please tile same properly verifted with the under signed on or before February 2, 1940, or this notice will be pleedel in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted, to sold estate will please make immediate payment. This the 1st dftv of February. 1939. Albert Morris, Administrator J. R. Davis. Atty. ?adv?mar 9 CY KIPS > hmwtmJ wm Er wirr^ y . iMka Jv, .- ? V" . * < ' t'yV^' * ' " '/^j~ri. r \>"':. .. ,;?<>; ft i4 ?;* ( m KIMCM MOUNTAIN HOULD ' NOTICK OP SALS Under and by virtue at the powef of sale contained in a deed of truet given b Harvey Roberta and wife to Wiley H. MoOtnnia, trustee for the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Aaeociation on the 12th day o! February, 1932. and registered in the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County, In Book 160 at page 161 n an/men lit A IriilaKi Afkutae thoro4n iw WVUID IOUV WVUBIV. DO WW mentioned, oiid default having been made lu the payment of tame, I, substitute trustee, will sell for cash at the Courthouse door in Shelby. Cle% eland County, North Carolina, on Monday, March 20. 1039 at ten o'clock A. M. or within legal hours the following described real estate: Situated In the Town of King? Mountain. N. C., and' on tre South side of Fulton Street, and beginning at" a stake In the middle of said street. Huffstetler's corner and runt thence Rast 134 feet to a stake It! the nit Idle of said street. Weather'! Corner; thcnee Sidith 140 reet to s stake- thence West 134 feet to t stake. Huffstetler's corner; thenc? aiouc his line North 140 feet to thf beginning, containing one-half acre more or less. This the 18th?day of Feb.. 10*9. C Kackev. Substitute Trustee. .1. R. Davis, Atty. ?adv^-mar 0. l*i?der and by virtue of the powei of sale as administrator for the ea tate of W. A Morris, deceased. I srfll sell for cash at th?- r<-sidence of th' late W. A Morri* in Kings Mountain North Carolina, on Saturday. Febro ary 25. 1939, at ten o'clock A. M.. ot within legal hours, the following per scnal property; 1. One Oliver Hart Par Tractor wheat drill, subeoli plow, one #lv? disc plow and one disc harrow. 2. Eight mules. 3. Nine shogla and one calf. 4. One wagon. 5. One 1936 Ford Sedan. . 6. One large truck 1937 model. 7. All fanning tools. 8. Corn, lespedeza seed, oats,, fodder and other feed stuff. 9. Five shares of Kings Mountain Potato Stock. 10. One share of Cleveland Coun ty Fair Stock. 11. All other articles of personal property belonging to W. A. Morris deceased. This 3rd day of February. 1939. Albert Morris, Administrator. J R. Davis Atty. ?adv?fob 23. NORT.H CAROLINA. CLEVELAND COUNTY. In The Superior Court William Ruaaell Owen Vs. Mra. Marjorie Harris Owen. NOTICE TJie defendant Marjorie Harrif Owen will take notice that an action entitled as above lias been commen ced In the superior court of Cleve land County, North Carolina, for th? purpose of obtaining an absolute ai vorcc: and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear at the office of tht clerk of the superior court of saii oounly in the courthouse in Shelby N. C. on ihe 23rd day of March 1939, and answer or demur to th< complaint in said action, or tlu plaintiff will apply to the court foi the relief demanded in said com plaint. Thle the 13tb day of Feb., 1939. E. A. Houser, Jr., Clark Superior Court ?adr?mar 9. . . BLALOCK AND M Phone 58-R I MM it had the class: written all < THURSDAY, |?. 23. MM i . COMMIMIOfllR't SALK By virtu* of an order of Ml* .mad* by th* Clerk of Superior Court on i Feb. IS. 1939. In Special Proceeding an ' entitled "Reynolds vs. Reynolds."I ia I suine being No. 2312, the undersign-1 L. ' ed Commissioner of Court will sell pa to the highest bidder at the Court (J. House <0 feet to the Begin, : building, and two dwellings. same I ti.er.g adjoining the lands of Plonk ,j a?.d other* on the North L Terms of sale; One half cash on ,jdt> of sale; balance six months, .iwith privilege of pa>in?r all cash up-; on confirmation. Deferred payment# a bear 6 percent Interest. Title r< nerved until all purchase money j I* paid. This. 15th day of February. 1939. C. B. McBrayer. Commissioner. ?adv?mar 9. _?u_ : i NORTH CAROLINA, i LKVHLAND COUNTY. la The Superior Court > Mrs Esther Mae Starues * v?. i f.olund Dozier Starnee NOTICE The defendant Roland Dozier Starnea will take notice that an ac I t'on entitled as above has been com, I nvenced in the superior court of Cleveland County, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior oourt of said oounty in the courthouse in Shel by. N. C. on the 23rd day of March. 1939. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or tiiq, " plaintiff will apply to the oourt .for the relef demanded in said complaint I This the 13th day of Feb!. 1939. t E. A. Houser, Jr.. Clerk Superior Court. . ?adv?mar 9 i j Cash At Once For ' YOUR OLD GOLD Rings, Watches, Pins ? Teeth and Trinkets GEM JEWELRY CO. 193 Main St. GASTONIA, N. C. ftrltetl GROCERY ARRET E. Mountain St. aver him rJOA.n?nrr?*J ^ ^ J CANwe AAvel L-l-^...,.^ -,?.- -. 1 NOTIC1 FOR SALK FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice U hereby given that purau- * t tt the power and authority con- ( lued in a certain note executed by : A. McOIll dated January 5. 1?37. \ yable twelve month* thereafter u ? \V. Whltesldes. or order, and on I count of default In the payment ofi< id note when the same felt due 1 e undersigned, Pledgee of the i jck hereinafter mentioned, will, on ll.? dlk Am... 10 *f- l February, 193J1. G \V. Whitesides. Pledgee adv?mar 2?H. WE INVITE YOU lo visit us in our new location over the Western ,\uto Store. We are now l>etter equipped than ever lief ore to give you the ,J best in fine portraits. r i Quick Service in Kodak 1 Finishing ?:? . t Hord's Studio i Over Western Auto Store FOSTER'S SH( The only shop in Clevela Invisible She Repairing. the shoe hace even been i tee it to hold and give ex We dye Shoes any color. anywhere in the city. Jus most modern Shoe Repai FOST ER'S SHC Millions of users feel that 1 ant, more effective relief from old-fashioned unpalatable | ALKA-SELTZER is more li other tingle item in the ave We recommend ALKA-SE Gas on Stomach, Sour St "Morning After," Musculo to Minor Throat Irritation We really mean it Use ALKA-SELTZER for I forts. Your money beck if it an i I - ; ' ' ' " ' *- *? By T^Pi v> P. rW ^HHV ' CVH > .? ,>' J^'' vL^v Trig^ 18 ;t.l "-^?. ! j;*' . -- V .ftf '* *i- -"* * - - " Ar-w^iL-vi," k\>-? , ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE ituviox qualified M AdmluntraulK A the estate of William E. Own, 4w eased, late of Cleveland County. s'orth Carolina, thite is to notify all >er?on? hiving claims against a aid mtale to exhibit the aam? to me. the undersigned Administratrix, (on >r before the 12th. day of January. 1940, or .this notice will be friMdetf v. bar of any recovery thereon. All pernoud kulebted to said en* ale are hereby notified to tualce lmnediate payment to me. Th'a the 12th day of Jan . 1939. Mrs. W E. "Owen. A'lministrtrfcK. -adv?feb lti WSALB U ran a 10* mckaoc . CONCINTRATCDi WTI4, , SUPER SUDS MEM TM MTT A UUtfif fVSTR 7 wqm *t mm. met | ron V PALMOLIVC, 3 for 20c 8VALL SUPER SUOS (Red Box) 3 fOr 27c SMALL SUPER SUDS tB'ue Bex) 3 for '27o Laf.GE SUPER SUOS (Slue. Box 2 for . ?... t. ...... . 47c OCTAGON SCAP (G'arti 4 for 19c OCTAGON SOAP . JMJ ' OCTAGON POWDER (Large') 4 for , ttc OCTAGON POWDER (Small) 10 for .. . . 24c OCTAGON TOILET, 4 for- po CCTAGON ' Cleanser, 2 for ......to Octagon Granulated, 2 for ... 18c Crystal White SOAP. S tor .... 14o HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY SOAP. 3 for 14o W. J. Crawford & Sons 3E SERVICE nd County equipped for " _ You practically can't tell repaired and we guarancellent service. We call for and Deliver t nhnnp 1 Si Wo (isva Am - ? f? V ??T V WW ring in Cleveland county E SERVICE RYONE SEEMS ) BE USING CA-SELTZER f3B IESE DAYS Vy^r--! ^H'NK' hey get quicker, more pleasALKA?SELTZER thtn from preparations. Hut's why a demand tnan almost any rage drug store. X.TZER for the relief of omach, Headache, Colds, I ir PainM, and as a Gerpie any or all of these diecomfaUs to relieve. tnalgesic (Acetyl-Salicylate I h gl*? of ALKA-SELTZER tins alkalize ra which help to ?t those everyday ailments to Hyper-Acidity. 30/ and 60/ packages at your B store. a B PERCY L. CROSBY N m 3 * I ? J