| i ?-^ I Of INTE I . i: PHONES 10-R i ; :: ^ BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Huff Metier a daughter, Gloria Nancy, on February ll. Horn to Mr. and Mi's. Howard ReyR nolds a son, on February 20. Fkvil COW mm4 MAONOUA Milk. MUAKD't OMUSK Floor and HBALTH CUM ftakii*? Powd.r may also be used to get these. gjjr wonderful premiums D. F. Hord Furniture Co. j I Home )-w\- " Mountain Street X Fat 7 J? I | Back Pound [ . . . :r 1 Corn, Tomatoes I & String Beans I Vegetable "1 | '4 Chow,qtiar * ? I Kerosi I I Delmar OLE! I BOLOGNA Jewel or Vegetole I Shorteni] f flour H ^ Fresh Countr EGGS, Pinto 0!5s17# * ^eam ' * > " . -'.V'. ..m -. V'.?'. | T AND PERSONAL HAPPE REST to IND 88 MRS. A- H. PAT V ARBOROUGH-ESKEW Mr. and Mrs. A. J- Kskew of Kingi Mounts iu have uunounced the murri age of their daughter, Lillian, to Ro; % arhorough, of Whitiniie, S. C. Tui marriage look place Saturday Feb 11. at the liaptud parsonage in Whit iuire with Rev, Mr. McKittrlok otll elating. The bride- ?ofo a wine travel in i suit with black acr.essoi-'es and < iiioutc/er cortage ofHalientkii iosh , and fern. Mix- Varborou.zh tins been inuklni her home in Whltniire for llie las li ve year*. Mr. Fa Thorough is the soi of Mr. and Aire. Will Farhomugh o Whltniire and Is employed by tin A. R. ('. Manufacturing Co. HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Miss Mary Sue MeUlnnls was hos n-ss at a dinner given at Pine Knoi on last Wednesday evening honorlnf J C, Cnanford on hla birthday an.nl vihujjt. . 1 " The table was spread with an an tique table cloth In red and white lied <v?ndies In rrystol holders, papei huts, place cards and favors empha sizing the George Washington coloi no?o were effectively arranged. The birthday cake. Iced In wblti and decorated with red rosettes an<! lighted red eandles wa, "placed In tbt center of the table. A three course dinner was served Covers were laid for J. C, Cran ford. Misses Mary Sue McGlnnis Kva Mn?* Suber. Elizabeth Cooksey I Elisabeth' Oranford; Mr. end Mrs Jim White Bruce McDanlol, Ear I Mc-Oill and Otto Wllliamn. Stores * Piedmont Avenue "pork 19c ChOpS Pound M No. 2 Cans ?*Z5C 5c|KRAUT CC ILg. Can 5 ene lOf 3 12 l-2c lb 12 l-2c lb 4lbCarton ag 35c Si 57c y 20c Dozen jNavy S^Ac *1 Beans Ibs^U * /' 'v ' ~"? \ HI HMOS m^NTA? HBULD. NINGS . j WOMEN 1 s fTERSON, Editor I + PARTY FOR BRIDE-ELECT s Grady Aldl'urtgi ciiiertuincd |. at u lovel> shower at lier iiome msi f \\'?'diic-suiiy cMiiing, Fob. Stli, gufc.i e j tit hciii/r of bur tsiaiei, M'.-s Mary My Cu.sliii, Lrldo-olcet of the mould. / The wort <JtU? r'.i.iioti b.< playing ttiilgo. Prise's gc.iiL to ,\b. i Mci.'axl ri, Miss L::tlll< McfJ, 5 -Mrs. James CJoiiUm.i' i.u.I Alt. o tiara i Alice Orniund. i Af:or tin n itctt the t;v< -i* were m rttd HUiidM ttlitis, t oftee and <?. l -iwev. course. altor v^ hft i M'.ss M> t f'usliii was prt l it Si many lo i I. gifts. f The ituestit wore: Misses McCas? lin, Adeline Witillek, Alone Pluck. l.vcIHe MtOinnls, Irene and Mary Ktliel Alfen. Ittiby Ware, Lcufso Crockett. I^ouiso (ioftgth, Claudia Ware, Klizabctb Harbor.- and Misses t Sat ih Alice Orinnnd of Hossemor 5 ( Ity. Mrs. JumoH (Tooinger. Hat rauriauii, tmnic im Jn'tr, fit: itf.wtfw. iMiirimii fiVnlhTn i tiU HuUf?T. Elmer Rh?s>. Jim lx>?ton, (Jordan Hughes. flew Ware. Floyd JcnklM p Wallace I-oftln and Mrs. George Wo. mack. r S SUNDAY SCHOOL | CLASS MEETS >' Tho Gleaners class of . the First Baptist Sunday School held Its r.-gu. lar meeting Saturday. Feb. Is. at the. honte of Airs. Harold Crawford will? . Mrs: E. O. McClain as assistant . hcslrss. : .Mrs. C. C. Dates, president of tlie I cl?ss. had charge of the program which was InwpHreu by the approaching birthday of George Washington | Mrs.. MoClain gave an interesting reading on the life of Washington. TM* was followed by ai number of Washington contests. Winners were Mrs. C. O. White. Mrs. W. M- Morehead. and Mrs E. D Tate. After the program delicious refreshments were served. During this time the guests were entertained toy Miss Rsehel MCClain at the piano. Those present " were Mesdames David Hamrick and Bain, visitors and the following members: Mesde.m es Arthur Allen. Oletus Black well, Charlie Blalock. D. M. Bridges, Troy Campbell. T^ee TYxon. Frank Karp Clyde LAndsay, Gilbert Hord, Elmer Logan. Isaac MeGill. \\. M. Morehead C: C. Oates. Eugene Itoberts. E. D. Tate, C. G. White. I SHOWER FOR BRIDE Mrs. iHilllaird Black, recent br'do was honored at a lovelv shower and party at the home of Mr'*, Frit Tjgnor on King street w'th Mrs. Ticx.or and Mrs. James Clonlger as hostesses. -Tlte house was arraner ! with early, snrlng flowers i-'nd pat plants. Bingo and an adrertis'ng Quiz pro vfded entertainment for the evening, Mrs. Black was presented a miscellaneous shower of useful and atIV? I m\ Quality ? Quantity Service OUR ORDERS HAVE AN ECHO When we sell a man one time we are satisfied, .for t- - - - ne comes DacK just like an echo, only he comes back with more volume to his order. I Kings Monntain( Ice & Coal Co. Tour Warmest Friends' Phone 124 . 4 *" ;' . ' . ; ' THURSDAY. FEB. ?. ll!l inctivc gift*. A us valad and ?rwv/2t cour- M km served. n 't'v.ve vitww;n< lnelrr*l>d Mt-sdame* f liilUard Bfeck, Martin Frederick, \ liHl Bar tar.. George Wontack Frank e Cofor'h, T.loyd IvMnraotj, . Charles Oofoi "'. i. ft Linrk. Self. Gru'I/ a MfttV-Ttec. Gordon HiirJi s, Ft: v'?t jti 7IH-" fv; m v.- ? 1 ?e Ootorvh, Ruby Ware, Ruth Lvr.n, r j:i . ' Wanton-. i. t lrarbcr Adeline \"! r!Vk. Allien liiaek, Lcri'TO IHi 'M-'i.y; Ware nud Margaret Cornu. ' o* \ Kine.<s Mo'rti.tnin end Mies Mao- ' det?oh, of Kingston. Term,, a niece 1: 101 Mr. Tiir>nr. and house sir si . at | the Tii'iior home. , meeting of home arts club ! jM ' ' ' ?*f the tlwniC Arts Clitb And invited guests were eilu rtntned , (tit t' lipiai pi Mr-;. \V. M. linj ee oil Tti'.i-i'.. y afternoon. T bit tlain v anniversaries; of l?!n '' lire t Wasblii'rt on were fit finely jolin-rved in (locoi'itions and the pa- 1' tiloti. pro'-rant.' . - . ' 11 itill?pJit.,"rs. home- was por ' C jtrsyed in th? miniature log cabin i bull' by the Hoyce boys anil the pro- (. ve-rhinl " Wicnrv "tree and ill oli'"" graced th< enter of the table in tiie 'tor room, Lighted red. liit?- nud blue randies complete*! an eff'-etivs diironitloa: American fin cm wer3 properly displayed in the living .uuu .. Mrs Prieht Ratterree was' in | charge of the following program:) Storis from Life Of Washington, i Mrs. \V T. lUakoly; Stories lYdln ; Life of Lincoln. In .the- form of u , poem. Mrs. John Gamble; Last Birth day of W><sh'ff"t?lpn. Mrs fit) Car- j pepti'-r; Washington's -Prayer, a rvt . inv by Mrs. Bright RtsiterreC. - Iftmptint; reflpesftmeitts . w>-re ser-' 'mi at the conclusion of the pro-; eta.a. L'. D. C. MEETING POSTPONED The mooting'of' the United EhitRhters of the Confft jc racy will hheld on Friday afternoon, March '4th Instead of the regular date, next Fri-. day. This change whs made to avoid a conflict with the cgservatlon of the World Day of Prayer. The hostesses will be Mrs. Paul Nelsler and Mrs. O. C. O'Farrell rnd the meeting will, be held at the home of Mrs. Nelsler. "Cities of the South" furnish an in teresting study for the year and Mrs Manly Morehead will be In charge of a program on "New Orleans' at the next meeting. b ? Golden MARG idiu.A,jtr>*iix *, ~OSTE8S TO BRIDGE CLUB 4 Mrs. K. il. Webb was hostess to terabers of the Contract bridge 'lub entertuteitng at her home on Vest Mountain sir** t Tuesday afc moon. Qti, ntVtics of jonquils, js> ponton ltd folden boll were iih'1 in decot u ong. A tempting tea and saitdwtr' < "?e tollowed by sweets was ?erv .rafter the game. 7ii.)Ke present included Mrs (Vines hnrles Williams. Ltdd ti.unrck 'red Plonk, K. A. Smith, Jr. Charles .ling, Paul Verier and I lay in .lltckmer. J'," , ITTLE THEATRE SCTR TONIGHT M'.'P'ti re cf I ho Little Tll/otto aiv t.uhld'-d of Ijvrir li?e?l!r.;; 'It j evettn*r > \Vo'ti: V <7 IH ikv < n t C:;o. " V" ' ; 1EETING OF D. A. R. Mm. W...A. U'(!'. til < ur \?y hostr.f> members of th? t'nlnn I ! *<?;> el [ tnibrivh' chffiteit. !>. A. W. . lining-at her home on Ttlteday- af; moon riODinint pot plants. joii'tutl*- av>l tlnr etrlv spring flotvels ? re 0 (Cont'd on bin k page) CYTDA I U*nin L SPECIAL E j Free Globe and 2 Goldfish with a purchase of Briten Toothpaste ONLY 25c Offer Limited KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. The Rexail Store 'OilC v/.c^'y, ifl, . '1 ,'AH:it H*{f(;yT[f^ 14 M H P pP^*k i Guernsey RAGE D ' ' * Kings Mountain, N. C. v-s-iajBrBi^. : . ;:.-S X<luviv..y prtttnts ~^~ ipjfi u*"L~k* ^ ^ \ U .'XaC-'v; %j, /CL .Xj .o 0. } 0 A\v*v ", $ S vyv W - v, H ' ?/'*-? i #V, y>) % - ^iu ..-. '. i ? '. J W ' V-. :, ' '"E^X* . - ..: "J ' *? ; V.- / V' v ^ ' V . ' vV->=-^- s . '-,v - :\ ' . / -..V ,' s*m ' . ? :'* ". -ft*. " < . >y5r" .y. ?'< ,.* ? , ' SS& ' ii ?, i <. j ' ?. A Vr && V-- '<> " ..V,i I"he Loma Leads label brings Pans.and New York to vou. See our "Good Housekeeping" featured dress . . . and out other Loma Leads originals. $7.95 Others at $9.95 Dress pictured?in Eli Crepe by Yale Fabrics in North American Rayon. Sues u to 18. In colorful spring prints. Keeter's Dept. Store. ?i???aJMaMIBM IllHliiri \ A-, j j/r 1 Hlr * pr Sfel AIXH UY I ' Milk I v ^ - a AIRY I , fjfl .. / y,,. ^ V *- ' .-'" 'fj? .. .. . . .. c?

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