SPORTS MMTAMEMI DROP TO NCWTTON IN EKTRA PERIOD Mountaineers boys team fin ?iRl sura out of thettr slump 1>iefl dbv *40*. tieh^t Use Sough Newton Shut Devils la the regular game, but hMhMr 17 to 111 kn ,t.h? t.Kraa mlnntJ Otn period lYeoewaltlatqci by the tie. game, the hottest the home 4mm h?H played Oris season, was a MM surprise to hams, who bad a MM Ami up hope for tflnem. Jioo.-ie. Newton star broke lip the fM after a minute and a half ol tts proposed tiu<ee minute period 1<n) nlnset, wVh a beautiful long pit Olive came within inches of pro. an id wt'nining the game for tha loial* only eooonds before, me und Finger wore outstanding Mr Ma two temms. eiris lost to the visitors 25 M 1*- The scores of the games IndliMa lbjit Friday eight's Bntne with IMIlu ghould be a dllfarent story feme what K was when the two Ma last mat The Newton team - has hasten Shelby once by a targe UON5 PLAY LENCMR-RHYNE MtUCI MmbjlU Feltruary 23, the Kings Mnmin Lions Club plays LenoirMtae College hi the High School Mm at l:W o'dock |Mta? profits from this game go to M' 'iv.h school Athletic fund for flb - ef buying <nnlforms tor ^ tnetr griha uroiWug the local sport tss rcli> an opportunity So see Hie taaketball teami available tuc MM i* jtettfag the Col I eg bins to Monday and Tuesday rn?p?al?il iv?nl of all and I ? rnrnom dramatic. A Mm I ttml cvrry mother's can I mad daughter should too." ?Frank S Nugent, .4M> NEW YORK TIMES IfkmsnlsE with peotfc tenI dHMW and awosani# force. I Woedhilloradolescent should J SOW YORK &AHY MIRROR IMPERIAL I SHOWING AT Tl flhuraday ai I "KTMT . l\lJl 1 Jl "Loretta Young ? Saturday?D I ~"ihe Strange Case of Dr. Meade B.. Holt II Sunday Mid-Nite 12 K] II "HONC Eleanor Powell Wednesday?B I 10c a I T^tfnig Thoroughbred i di: iBm 1? T1 ? t PORTS OBSERVATIONS By M. A R. To time of you who missed the .High School game TuesiiLy night, >oii iveiiy mttuwU the. opportunity of seeing our toun show the moot fight twin i eeuuroetuinees shown at u high i school game this year. The Lions Club team is really step wi. IU WUl|HUi7 Don't mias this one! These Collegians are really /hot. - As the weeks hurry by the time ' for basketball grows shorter and ' shorter bringing the big touirniaanenL ' to us gome this week, others next week. It's almost impossible! One should never do It! So I am told to try to predict the winner of a basket ball tournament, but heme goes! To win. the Junior College basketball tourney being held tu Oostonta, starting today, Belmont Abbey, Jr. College. As to our selection for the Southern dafaWOBk prbbabiy by next week we will have made us our mtndm Kritical Moments Howla^usScoops (By The Tattlers) Hello. Itink you, 1 behove I will ^ sit down. (Mi, 1 Juat came by to goosip a title. Yeah, an old maid complex Its just aosndalouu (he way some of these young people are do Ing r?owaM*yp. June (think, CbEfeen dated Buddy Huffman Saturday aha Sunday might* both. But we hetor that dhe duwed him off at tea In favor of Bpph Local boy makes good. eh.. And what about Dot Harmon writing Phyllis a tetter to ask. her If itn alright for Cfamonaee to date a oortsfei popular young lady. She says that Fhyllle said ttturt it was alright with her, and Its alright with Dot, so now She gal in question says she will go with Boone to the dance It Its alright wtth blm. Doris Wlhfte is wearing a Shelby ring. Kow that's scandalous. She can't do it Its not patriotic. Charles Campbell and Gofv both dated Doris Huffman while she was In town." The (Huffmans ?eem to be prputar folk. Lawrence Rpitifck finally broke flown and) flatted Frances Grouse the other night. A new romance? This guy Moose not only breaks up a ball game for Coach Little, but he breaks in oji Coach's dlincee with Olorla. But th?n, how can he resist Gloria? Come up close, we'll have to wtris pec this. Someone made the statement that Wrlfjht lh(a<d it bad. meaning the Gaston Fever. But it wasn't an hour later that we heard someone else say that they believed he ?i* beginning to favor Cyclon* Smith again. Goodness no, I can't stay any long er' 1 simply must go. Don't tell anyone who told' you this stuff. Goodbye. Specialist To Put On 50th Anniversary Edition (CotrtM from front page! i:i a few days. He also requested that any one having historical date about the county and community to please call him at 167 and make an appointment to go -over the possibility of the publication of such article IE DIXIE . . I !vd Friday I i xrirvw uyn 1 - Richard Greene ouble feature "Rio Grande' I II and Mbn. and Tues. ILULU" I - Robert Young kmhie Feature nd 16c I "Gate Way KIE I Pi -A^Umii ."iaAiLj. y ,\ as mm "Moomtais houlb Society Newt (Cont'd from 80clotjr pace) in decorations. Mm. J. B. Herndon ted chari* of h program an National Defense. Mrs. W. T. Weir read a paper on Ramparts We Watch, and Mrs. P. R. Sum ; mere described National Delenaei and Peace. The hostess served a delicious sal ad ami aweetcourse with the Washington Birthday motif observed. Antenica was sung l?y the chapter at tfae conclusion of the program \ Personals Herbert Plonk of Raleigh spent1 the week-end In Kings Mountain. Mr. Tom Fulton left this morning; on a business itrip to Raleigh. Mr. and Mr*. Thomas Garter were dinner guests of Mrs. E. W. Neat ou last Saturday. Miss Mabel Ander fyn of Kings ston,. Tenn.. is a guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Pat Tignor. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Williams are spending some time at their winter home in Palin Harbor. Florida. . ?o ? . * __Mr? Charlotte Arnold of Newton. v^sav!sBSrf"W W Humnuibj Tuesday. MIm Ruby Burrnge has been spend tng severs! dsys with her parents fat Charlottes rifle, Vs. Mrs. J. E. Mauney left Smutty afternoon for a two-weeks star at the home of her parents In Florida. Troy Carpenter, Jr., student . at ClemeOn College was a recent visitor at his home here. Miss Mary Tllsabetfa. Simpson of Hickory was a guest of Miss Sal ins Partem (During Use past week-end. Tommy frott, student ait LenoirRhyne College, }Oakery, spent the week-end with HUly Manner., Miss Elizabeth Plonk who is in school at Bristol, Via., wan a recent week-end guest with home folks In Kings Mountain. Mrs. Lawrence Burrage of WUor articles. Mr. Abernethy also stated that he wanted' pictures of an ilqulty and Interesting photographs that would be of use fat-this lsamr We have promised Mr. Abernethy our cooperation and the cooperation of u r people in Kings Mountain and we can assure yon that he will wory with you one hundred percent in making THIS FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY AND PROGRESS EDITlON a paper that will long be cher 'shed In your home a si a simplified Vstory of this particular and his tor ica i owiiuu. Mr. Abernethy will open his office In the Herald's. Front Oflloe Wedneua day. March 1, 1939. mm*?? Vegetabl { ither fresh or canned) ?win JT~1 have a new 0f| richness and flavor if you cream them in PET MILK^ CARNATION LlBBYS SILVER COW COMPOUND LAKE JEWEL, VEGETOLE S 4 LBS 36 8 LB FLOUR w ' . 98 POUNDS 24 LBS. FAT BACK. LB. SODA CRACKERS One Ponnd Bod Two Pound Box Corn Beano and Tootstoe, Onogw o? GrapfraK la k* >*; 221 1L R. Aml LB ** A " :Li* v d*' *i|?|J , . * \*-v 5 r< itVS'W-v..*' rtttmntY. i? at, tm ILanubof* Wk. itemoi Itete* Mc'j toy After vtelt of eerenU toy* , with relatives te Kfafa Mountain. Judw RaMAlte etantont of the LntvereMgr to Chapel Hill to?m tb* weokand with hie parent*. Mr. end Mrs. Bright Ratter re* MLh Narwcy Ktrkpatrtcfc of Char- ^! vcm n- ?m i ifou ui ivufi nuuuuwi rrt* day afternoon l?iad spent the weekend with Mr. and M Jacob M. Cooper. \ Meadames Qrler Plonk and Charles Campbell were ^ln Gastoula Monti ip afttv >ioon. They1 carried little Miss Lenora Plonk over to see a specialist. The many friends of Mrs. J. M. Williams will be glad-to lcl:<rn that she Is mucli Improved after suffering with severe pains hi her side as the result of a fall at her home about two weeks hgo. ?o?Mr. and Mrs. Haywood E Lynch and family have, returned from a trip to Palm Harbor. Florida, where they visited Mr. and Mr*. E. L. Camp ball. Mrs. J. M. Rhea and daughters, IMPFBIAI * THEATRE ** PHONE 1M Kings Mountain's ru)iuiv rwj uww: NOW PLAYING THURSDAY Double Feature Program "Youth On Parade" "Trigger Pals" Last Chapter Radio Patrol Latest News 10c FRIDAY and SATURDAY Teat Rioter ti "Sundaw On Prairie" abb "Arson Basket Squad" Flaming Frontier No. 10. Cartoon . 10c and 15c ' ?COMING MONDAY "The Birth of A Baby" Before Your Very Eyes Admission 15 & 25c "8pecial Mld-Nite 8how Sunday Nita" COMING Son Of Frankoinstein Cowboy in? Lady I 4 Large or 8 Small Cans > " AT OUR MAI ^wyj Western Brahic T-)Bone Steaks IS 70c Best RRound Steak Best Rib NATIVE BEEF $2.25 T-Bone Steak ? Best Round Steak Tft a OIL CU. 1 DWI mu oicaN ? V * 8? NATIVE PORK CHOPS .... ^ Sawage, Pure Port Mixed Sauaage ... 15c ______ 4 No2 Com toe 47-aw** ean JOIN THE ARMY NU-\ mmttts W > \'rJ' ""' ''' ? "' ' i?T ^, si h* ?lwtB? to Mm oomln* , vttk KVaa Marjorle Rkw itudent 1 Meredith College, R?lM*h ' Mrs. Delia NoUn Orter of Char> Fresh At Your . Favorite Grocers ^ GROCERS BAK1MU ? I MYl voraini TOPPERS "MSss America" Felts, to suns ONE LOT SWEATERS MYERS'DE Save Your Sales Re< j?> Creamed Carro 1 tablespoon butte 1 tablespoon flour K & Vz teaspoon salt Few grains paprik fi | j&Jjkjni) Few grains peppei -B^H V 101(3 Melt buttef.add ? |w f^iy and onion Juice Hat ' bined milk and w ' *h* pfllnt, : r ' the carrots and p 25c" 55 ttKBT eBsS S led Beef gk|jggifafl ? 29c L^jgyj g 25c Pint Mflk _ $1.00 Bottl "* $1jP0 Bat VAT SHOPPERS NU-W ' J. v- S '? ? V,' > ^ ^ 1 * ' t- .... mmmrnrnrnrnm? ?0mm? <***, mm Xjrtto Kotm Oftfcg at D?toM Mi Mafe- nM. Mn. Kwr tone LorxUa oC HMtna?Ul?. H, C.. iMtai fbt. B. K. OrmNDd aoi Mh. H. N. Man but rrtMjr. m With a Flavor You :: Just Cannot Forget "0M Gastonia, N. C. ERS' -I l: < PPERS AND SUIT S .: P""" * * < > ' ^ < > < i lines in dressy type ! I wide at the shoulder line ;; i * 11 at the hem-line to accea ; smaller waistlines, Sport -. is more boxy. All-Wool ! I tede fhuinei. Colons; :: Strawberry, Aqua Tea, ;; i Gold, Dawn, Blue. Sizes <> !?. j: $2.00 to 7.95 j; match all suits $1 jOO < $5.95 to $9.95 ON E-HALiF-FKIUE ;? PT. STOREl ? :eipts. Ask Us Why. Is and Peas r 1 teaspoon onion Jtrioe l/l cup Pet Milk 73 cap water a 1 cap cooked carrots, r cut in cubes 1 peas tour, salt, paprika, pepper 1 mix well. Add the coroater slowly and bring to stirring constantly* f\aa ess and beat thoroughly. JG DEPARTMENT 19c 35c Size ?29c % i. I n. < ess <Ai Med ||| Une- P| Magneaoa 25c e Cardui 7#c Wampole Prep 89c |Y' - g

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