THE POCi of KNOW1 B^jQ^BL^r- y% V) 7*r l, .: " v.- L-y tn? cost or maintaining MOfRAL. AMP LOCAL GOVeRHMlHTS in tht o. th? fiscal ybar bnoih? jon* 30 ii at ? or tms to* r woman and child m THt coontay. / all th? toons t? j a^rvm^ i tv an aibpvahb ?.~ws? mas battn as \ a cuts to? \ ajtuf^ #p?T- y/M THOSt \J^g(jgfl MrTaAD*"o*mnt? ? j'. f amutj JCF ^ F Quick Results Low Cost HERALD Classified Ads 2e m word for first Insertion; half price for subsequent Ineer- < tlsas. Minimum charge 26c. i Do not ask for Information H?; regarding "keyed" ads, as they are strictly confidential. A If error Is made, The Herald Je peaQpdnt')6 - ? ? "o"' uiuum to mar the clear blue sky, the sun^hiue ,1s warm 'and everything seems fiuk-t aMil peaceful. Spring is here' or Is i!t? Funny (strange to you) weather we have been having lately.' One day (like tod'i;.v) we'd think that Spring was here and the next day s been sick for several days is much better at this time. Mr. and Mrs. J, E. CbMdeVs and family of Smyrna. S. C.. were visitors several d|:ys last week in this community. Mr. H. ,K. Stewart who hns been Bick for several dare its much better at this writing. . >" ' Mrs, J. F. Owens of Kings Mountain was visiting in, this community Sunday. Mies MJ try Hualhes who lias been vletting her grandmother for several weekB who lives in Reck Hill, returned home last week. There will be prayer meeting at Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Green's next Saturday night. Mr Carlson Stewart who has been sick with cold Is much better at tilts time. a . raises go to -trained men fir8t thst la why many man get I. C. 8. training. They are the flrat to be hired and the laat to be fired. ' Drafting Plumbing Mechanical Engineering INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE 8CHOOLS Scranton, Pa. ' r" P. L. PERCY, Repreaentative Dox 2433 Qaatonia, N. C. iie Know '..v..,. . ?;? i * % t. . ... rHUIUtyfrAY. MARCH 1?, 1?S? NOTICC OF SALS Under and by virtue of the power f enig contained, in a deed of trust jlven by Wiley H. McGluuie. and wife, Minnie E. McGlnnls, to the undcrsigned ss trustee for the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association on the 9th day of August, 1925. and registered In the Uegistor of Deeds Office for Cleveland County iii Book 197 at page 232 to secure the indebtedness therein mentioned, end default having been made In the payment of same and the requestor *tve Kings Mountain Building and I-oau Association, I will sell for cash at the, Courthouse dcor In Shelby, Cleveland County, Korth Carolina, on Monday, April 10, 1929, at ten o'tlock. A. M., or within legal hours, the following described real estate: Situated on the Kast side of Cansler Street in the Town of Kings Mountain, N. C.. 'and beginning at an Iron stake In the edge of said street Monroe Reed's Corner, and runs thence with Reed's line Kast 107 feet to a stake, his corner; thence North 50 feel to*an Iron stake; thence West 107 feet -to 'in iron stake In edge of Cansler Street; thenc? with Cansler Street South 50 feet to the beginning. containing 5250 square feet, more or less, and being a part or the lot conveyed by \V. A Morris and wife to J. R Davis by deed, dated 18tli December, 1925 as will appear on record in Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County Ir Rook NNN at page 658. . CstSV-UlNW I HAVU; Sltliaifo oil t West side of Cansler Street In tlio Town'of Kings Mountain. N. C., an?l 'At *a' pid street 150 feet North from corn r o^Hazel Brown's lot. and rur.s lenee West 200 feet' to a stake; lence North 75 feet to a stake; lence East 200 feet to a sl3ko In le edge of Cansler Street; thence long Cansler Street South 75 feet o the beginning, containing 15,000 square feet, more or leas. This the 6th day of March. 1939. J. R. Davis, Trustee. adv march 30 NOTICE OF A NEW REGISTRATION, THE ESTABLISHMENT OF VOTING PLACES AND THE CALL FOR TOWN ELECTION ON TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1939 The M?y?r and Board of Commissioners for the Town pf Kings Moun tain at their regular meeting on March 6. 1939,' established the voting places for the Town Election to !;o held on Tuesday, May 2. 1939, as follows;'" The voting place for ?trrirWb.-i shall be in- the City Hall. The voting place for Ward No. 2 Mtall be In the City Hall. . Tlie voting piece for Ward No. 3 shall he in the Phenix Mill Store. , The voting place for Ward No. 4 shall be in the Kings Mountain Manufacturing Company's Store. The voting place for. Ward No. 5 rhall be at the Cleveland Motor Company. In compliance with the new amendmcnt to the Charter, the Board ordered that a now registration be held in each ward and only those vho register shall be permitted to veto in the coming elections, the registration books for the new registration shall be open at the afore / Hd voting pluces on Saturday, April 1, 1030, and) for three successlye'Sat r.rdays thereafter, closing on Saturday April 22, 1939.. The Board appointed as registrar for Ward No. 1, D. H. Houser, and Judges, \V. A. Rtdenhour and Ed Pat tcrscn; for Ward No. 2, Registrar, S. A. Cro ise, judges L. Arnold Kisor and T. N Harmon; for Ward No. 3. registrar, Boyd Putnam, judges J} C: Paysour and Haakel Wilson; for Ward No. 4, registrar, W. P. England, judges, Ross Roberts and W K. White; for Ward No. 5, registrar, Pride Ratterree, judges, I. B. Goforith and George Mauney. The polls will be opened from sey cn A. M. until six P. M. on Tuesday Primitive Methods Need Not VW ^ dvertising Be Modem ADVERTISE HERE!! s His Mama. (kowdova ?-7in > KN0u?tT(MMie. I jy I 1 j^yJ May 2, 1939 at the places designated , ?t we for the election of one Com- | ndssioner for the Town of Kings Mountain In each of said five wards ( and for the election of one trustee Ir. each of said wards for the Kings | Mountain Graded School Districts. The trustee for Ward No. 1 shall be ( elected for a period of two years, tho | trustee for Ward No. 2 shall be elec; j ted. for a period of four years, * tho , ttustee fpr Ward No.. 3 shall be e- ^ lpftpfl for n nnvinH of fnnr v????'? ?lw? [trustee for Ward No. 4 shall be cloc- j | tr-d for a period of six years and the ( J trustee for Ward No. 5 shall be c-leeit'ustce for Ward No. 5 shall he elcc- t jted for a period of six years. That t part of the territory of the Kings s Mountain Graded School District ^ outside of the ooporate limits and on , the Kast side of the Southern Rail- ^ : \\ iy shall vote in Ward No. 3 /or ala 'school trustee and that part of th?-1 j I territory hi the Kings Mountain j Graded School District and outside of the coporate limits op the West j side of, the Southern Railway shall vote for a school trustee in Ward s No. 4. .. ? Notice la further given that any person desiring to run as Town Com inissloner or Schocl Trustee shall at h-ast five days before the election j, file his or her announcement In | writing with the City Clerk. It Is furthey ordered that this no- s tier, it" run in the Kings Mountain , I fferald for four weeks lieelnning on t the full of March. 1939. and a cip> | shall he posted in each of the Five ' ttt-Vk" - "r adv* niar 30. >, NORTH f AltOt IV A CLKVELAND COUNTY. In The Superior Court. Mrs. Alice Virginia Ford Vs. Harold Carlyle Fool. NOTICE The defendant Harold ' Carlyle Ford will take notice that an action f ptitled as above has been commenced In the superior court of Cleveland County. North Carolina, for the ! nttTpo8e of obtaining on alraolutc divorce; and the said i&efendant will further take notice that he is re- ' quired to appear St. the office of Che clerk of the superior court of *al(T \ county In the courthouse In Shelby. V. C.. on the 23rd day of March. 193k and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the pla!ntift will apply to the ccujt for the relief demanded In said complaint. - ^f.hls the 2-1 day of February, 1939 ' " jr.. Clerk of SuperHSi?QQ!i][^ I Pidv tnar 23 '*"4. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE7^"SALE" Default having been made In the payment ot the 'Indebtedness secured hv that certain deed of trust' to mo as Trustee for Pilot Life Insurance Company by Dr. C. W. Harper and wife, Lena C. Harper, on the 22nd cloy of July, 1936. and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Cleveland County, North Carolina. In Book 217, at ppge 43, 1 will under ar.ri by virtue of the power of sale i contained In said deed of trust, and j at the request of the cestui que I trust, audi for the purpose of disobar cing the debt secured by as Id deed of trust, proceed to sell to tile highSALVE AAA ^ bub price Liquid Tab I lets. Salve IOC & 25c Nose Drops I T ITT ruiPi IP nn TT> JL 17V/ J. I ~ ' # Yes, let Charlie send yoi That's his business and h lie today, he's always rei BLALOCK AND Mil Phone 58-R By F rr~ 1 L CAvie/lOc [MANA C/M . / -... ^w| Mt Udder for oA at ta? M house front door In Shelby, Ofl land County, North OaroHna, at a j'clock, M., .on Friday, March I 1039. the following described pnojH v, 10-wit: SI'ualed on ,South tfjin of fain, N. C.. and H KG INNING at iron stake. O. O. Jackson's tordfl md runs thence with his line Stafl 150 feat ltd a stake. O. O. JaokMfl orner; thence a new line West a Vet to a stake. R. C. Gold's contflH hence ft new line North 150 feet^J i stake in the edge of Gold Street* hence with said stivet Kowt 7R j|H I o the llcKinninff. containing U.lll qnaro feet, more or less, and betMH H he same lot conveyed by It. C. GoM ltd wife to Dr. C. AV. Ifupcr. byl H teed dated November 5, 19:15, as w<|M ppear on record in the Register ofl I lecds Office for Cleveland OonvjH h Hook 4-K At page 596. I This the 17th day , of Febraa^| 939. Julius C. Smith,. Trustee. . imtth, Wharton and Hudgins, AttyjB Ireensboro. N. C. 3-2-4t COMMISSIONER'S SALE I": virtue of uu order of sale mad* >y the Clbrk of Superior Court Clfl "ch. 15, lotu Mary Cornwell et al. May ll 1! 00. md recorded In Rook PP. P? .'41; and from J. H. Qutnn, romafl doner S.-i.f. -'jr.. lfton. and r?vorded^B H I'ttok on. Page 180. which deed afl in ns two lots, nnd ftonj^'. E. Colfl ivpjl et al dated Nov. 2^^*907, (ll recorded In Rook Ull. Page 3WydJ !.-ser:i. <1 hy a line by a recent an H ,ey as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the BlJ side of Railroad Avenne 200 fefl N'f rtlt from the intersection of Itkfl road Avenue and Mountain stftifl| H and runs thence with the old Iiao,^| East 245 feet to a stake in the West I edge of Cherokeen Avenue, the oiigt- I corner of th?sW. J. Cornwell lot; I tlienoe with West edge of Cherokee ? Avenue North 100 feet to a stake, 1 thence West with the old line 24S I fct to a stake In Ka&t edge of Rail-1 H ro;nl Avenue; thence with the edge I of said avenne 100 feet to the Begin- I upon which is situated a briclt I building and two dwellings. same I beng adjoining the lands of Plonk ?j H j^-^jjtherS on the North. Term?"~o^ One-half cash on 1 day ct sale; bahince * with privilege of paying all cash upon confirmation. Referred payments to bear 6 percent interest. Title reserved until nil purchase money is pa'd. This 15th day of February, 1939. C. ,R. MeRraver. Cointnissioner. adv mar 16. Cash At Once For YOUR OLD GOLD Rings, Watches, Pins Teeth and Trinkets (JEM JEWELRY CO. 193 Main St. GASTONIA, N. C. V * i the best things to eat. e knows it. So Call Charady to serve. GROCERY ; IRKET J E. Mountain St. / 'ERCY L. CROSBY , ~lr ^ *? ft* HfinK ... >*T HCARO / 9 .CPapa 7) JN