I' I I MMIMMIiMMMMMMIIMi | M . i. ,1 .. .1 : SOCIAL A F Of INTE W PHONES 10 R A F RADIO SPEAKER I fin. E. W. Urlffm, District Safety I CMrauB, had Um honor of lniroduc in* Mrs. Moore, of J&'aml, Fla., N'jr I ttonal Chairman of Safety who maxto 1 . an address over ttoe l'^dlo from As be- I vllle last week. Mrs Griffin aecora- t pari'ed by Meurdamea Wray Williams C. W. Harper and O. O. Jackson j [ were In Ashevtllo last week attenrfc luc the Council meeting of the Wo < mens Missionary Societies of the i i Southern Methodist Church which ( was in session at the First Mctho- . dist Church. I k HOSTESS AT BRIDOE Mtas Btlxabe.h He. -rls war hostess at two tables of bridge entertain ( in* at her home in the Mauney A, partmenu on Monday evening. High score prise, an attractive vase was presented Mian Eva. Mae Sutxr ar d pr2ze for low accre. an ash tray, was presented Miss Mary , 1 " Those playing Included Misses i EvU Mae Suber, Mary Sue MuQInnis, l;uby Wwr?, Madge MoDarlel, Nina Jackson; Mesdames Kugene Mt<^ ter, Jim White and Jllea Com well. A tempting aalwl course ait J a went course waa served. IMPERIAL THEATRE PHONE 184 Kings Mountain's Popular Play House . NOW PLAYING THURSDAY .Herman BtCx In " Million Dollar Racket" Bob Steele " Bread of Border" N.t.VS SERRIAL L ioc jgf . a-..- -:. ^ j.? ., r 11 FRIDAY ANO SATURDAY Buck Jowes In 'Sudden Bill Dorn" Robert Kent. Anne Kegel, In "*GANG BULLETS" Serial Micky Mouse 10c and 15c MONDAY and TUESDAY Ken Murray, Tod We* nil and bin O reheat ra, in , "Swing Sister Swing" News COMEDY Coming 8oon "Made For Each Other" jl S^phony* 4 I ?* o 1 ii * 1 is Jll ^ K'' K' P 11^ 1 K> ' . You'll lore the smooth c on shoe, end you'll gasf makes your foot lookfi K scalloped, and intriguta yon. from shop to shop your gayest parties in 1 Japonica or white, and i P Myers' ? * l WW-"' "" ND PERSONAL HAPPENI REST to } ND 88 MRS. A- H. PAT7T ? ? ? ? < COSINESS WOMEN'S |! CIRCLE MEETS - I Tit?- rt ^ukur onontbiy meetin* of I jtu Bual luces Women's Circle of the Kirst Baptle.t church wae held at the . lome of Moa. J. M. Rhea on. Monday ' sv#" H ix wVh 18 member* present. 1 Mnl Bryan Hard, circle leader, 1 prerUliede. Mrs. A. O. Sergeant had charge i A the program on the Teaching Part i A the Great Commission. Mrs. Eu- I Ktri*. Mrihis toW of the two Bible ' Schools ? (rtptore seieotflOns I from Second Kings end Acts. Mo*. Sergeant discussed tho aub- < |ect, Obeying the Teaching Commlar!on at Homo, our Denominational Seminaries hpd College. Mir? Annie Roberts saive a resume \ of the work of these tnstOtutlons a- ' broad. Jirs. Sargent stressed1 the Imprtrnee of the Home Missionary offering which is made to March. fSCsa Vfcforpj) Mushes dQjcueoed a ' v-.p'Mr of the Mfhston Study. Pol lowing In His Train. tIre*XSclk*h??ius?y served tempting refreshments. MONTHLY MEETING JUD80N CIRCLE The Judeon circle of the First Bap *iat Missionary Society held a regu plar monthly meetftttg Mur. 13th at the home of Mra. D. F. Hord with Mrs A. G Sargeaul as Joint hostess. Mra. B. T "Wright httJ chare of the following program co Service: Devotional. Mra B. T. Wright; I.ffe pf Miss Annie W. Armstrong, Mrs E. C. McClaht. An Example of Faith, Mrs |D. F Hord; Tihey Also Serve. Mrs A B Falls; prayer, Mrs. I.ula Woodwaa+i Mrs. Lula Wood watt J, leader, lwd charge of the business session. 13 numbers aosiwered roll call. At the close of the program, the btostessesi assisted by Mrs. Gortrge Moss served a salad course with Russian ten. ' , gifil PALMOLIVE, S for 20c ! SMALL 8UPER SUDS I (Rod Bex) ; S for 25c LARGE!SUPER SUDS (R???ox) 3 for 25c 8MJCLL SUPER SUD8 (Blue Box- 3 for 25c LARGE SUPER SUD8 (Blue Box) .... 2 for 43e Octagon 8oap, (Giant 6 for 25Gctagon Soap (spiatl) 10 for .. 23i CCtagon Powder, (large) 6 for 25 Octagon Powder (email 10 for 23 Octagcn Toilet 4 for .. 19 Octaggon Cleanser, 2 for 9 Octagon CHipe, 2 for 18c Octagon granulated 2 for .... 18c CRYSTAY White Soap So for 13c ROBERT'S GROCREY ! PHONE 145, IN SHOES j I ill :: omfort of this dainty ?Hp> at the miraculous way it " _? n., ? /-co swauci j uiiuraiiuiiKi; cif cnt oat, it will carry daring the morning to the afternoon! In Mack or at a ridiculously low price! >ept. Store mm y ^ mamm Mf t I . < > [NGS :: 1 JVOMEN f: ' :: > ERSON, Editor =r.Z^.Y\ -MITHALLEN WEDDING SOLEMNIZED .The ma'fi'j.tso cf Miss Mary Ethel Mltit aiil Mr. Spurgeon L. Smith, lr ?u? solemnized at the home of the br.de oai Wednesday afternoon, r a ceremony chunuatMigiedl by beau y and charming e&uplcity. - An Improvised altar was arranged ti the l'ielug ream with a back(round of ferns and floor baskets .'died with tiuit flowers. Whtte cand?is were arranged In floor candelabra (about the altar an?l on the stalroiu *u :h the bridal party jutered. The wedding muaic wae furnished by Mrs. Gerald Lackey of Cherryville. pi iliei and Mm Harold Craw'oid i" Kings Mcrip'aln. sollst. During 1 f retvdttlcn of Melody of Love, George AUt-n. Jr.. hi other of the bride, lighted the candles. Mi's. Crawford . nv ' * O so Me" and I Lore You Truly. rpka( O.U.I ztkaa... # V i w ui >u(ki ^uumo nuiu iA;ucu?nu wA^plyea'Ifor' M>e fr'ft&e*rftiTllij 'iLUU, NVendelatohria "Wt :"ding March for | iho recessional. Mnr. Lackey- was gownc-d In royal blue chllfTon velvet | und Mrs. Crintrford wore drwn blue I with navy accessories. M?m Irene Allen. sister of the ( tr'de was -maid of honor and the ! only ar.tendent. She wore al becoming | T. cs -ti* chartreuse crepe with Jsp;nka r.cc-i-tflfi with shoulder cor-' nge oi pink ioE'3a. The bride and bn'd^-'srooTn entered lv? ceremony room together and w ere roe* at the altar by the brides' ( rotor. Rev. A. O. Srrgeairt, who " fllciau l, r^ng the impressive ring ceremony. The bridi^ wore a dress of scenaiia crepe with navy hat and other accessories of navy. Her corsage was of pink roses. The bride is a daughter of Mr. George Allen' and the late Mrs. Al len. She Is a young woman of charm and peaahvg personality. She has a wide circle of friends, here and elsewhere. The bi^do Is !j daughter of Mr, George Allen and the late Mrs. Allen. She Is a young woman of charm : uiul pleasing personality. She has a ! wide circle of friends, here and e'?cwhere. couple left immediately after the xereanony for a wedding trip after which they will be at home in Garland, N. C. Among? out of i4 own people here for the wedding were Mr. Marshall V?v>r?. M.r. and' and Mrs. M. M. Moore, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. S. D Moore, and Mas Bessie Moore all of Shelby Mr sod. Mrs. Coiman Carter and Mr. S. L. Smith. Sr. of Garland. ST. LYDIA CIRCLE HOLDS MEETING .Miss Melva Settlemyre was Ic less to the at. Lydfa circle of the Woman's- Missionary Society ct Cen tra! Methodist Church 011 Thurrriav evening. {Miss Ruth Moss, the circle leader wns in charge. After an Inspiring de vottonal period, business was Vi-ktci up. nya c'-clc Voted toadept a small girl at. the Childrren's Home In Wins f< orhSal tm for fchfeir "lX-tJe end enttluidhft'tlAfly made plane for crrri'.ng wit tli* project. Plana e made for. '? benefit candy null to b;* held In (Ihe recreo I t!on room of the church on nest : IVtlay evening. Tfxfs tj?,> expected to rro-i'do pirrtty < * wholesome fur ?ii?l the ?n cer* adrrrisHlon fee wil) be uaofl to wry on charity work of tlie circle. At 'th* 'tlc?te of th* --meet Jr.g Miss S?-*tle?r?vre 0*1 'stod' by her. mother r.nU M'i?< Ri'W.l Mct'laUi. served ivicst tmptl'ig tea nod kardwicher. j. " - - \ WOMAN'S CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS FOR NEW YEAR Tto Senior W(WCl'* C'lvh held tKs regular nief',*,inx *r , tie Ifnifo. rccm of the club last Prtfay r'trmoon. "WUh the exception of a p-e*1den*. oflkerm were elexrciT ?->* follows. " T-lrtK Vice PreedfH Mrs. C. E N?;M?r; |9kt^ tt I L'iJ Fivs'ii. Mr*. W. H. Mem; record/ur secretary %J*mi 11/ ZT I lfeMwesx aavw ea^/\ttH r??? fBLmm* ?r um?UIKIJ , iquriVTyvirtiMr etretary, Mn 4). C. Mumey; i*.r?aamar. Mm. Grady Patterwocv f ??.p lain. Mm H. T. Fulton; r"t>HC > (halrrcan, Mm K Wl Griffin. Spec or tar Jotter Club, Mm M- A. Ware A prejsWtent wm elf hut on a'o count of Indecision of nwep-'ance, as rouirarfnoat of bic^ne to t1| tbln ofllce all bo made at later a date. < . . *1 An firterestlnn (irottnrat on die war) of the North. .Carolina Federsttoi WU 'presented ai'.th Mm. (Jred! l'altMVoa. Mm. M. \V. Griffin im< Mm. Jim Willis takln* part. , Mm. Tbri Gvnble repreeehtf tUt ^/urfior dib uf von nt uixt meeting. The Senior j J Club exieesed wrrclfication for the 1 > genrous offer of the Juniors. . ! Allnr en j,nthn?iU?.!!? 1 - * ' ? m.t ?(nuuDiaieiu the week end with her parems. Mr. .;iid Mrs. W. 11. Turner. Mrs K \V Neal was a guest of her t?UU.. Mix iT.'Jf. KMiuvtlfiu tBatr frlotte for the week-end. Mrs. A. Lk Hill has as her house giest. her d'lughi'er, M;rs. .Ilmrnle t'nrrtgan uivdi her two grandchildren. o Hisses Mary Blakely and B. Herrot. of the Blacksburg school faculty ' were In town Wednesday afteroon. . 0~ 4 Tctrn Payne and Elgin Conner left Tue >:'i>y .for and Hollywood Beach, FTj., where they w 111 spend several weeks. . * 0-*-' Miss Ottle White, student of Queens Chlcora college spent the past week-end at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Glenn Whtte. Miss Frances Goforth, student at University, Chapel JHfll, te spending (Con'td on back page) ! ? a ?*v f # < I V . , i * . . ' t * '^1^1 i near its price ! 'r. "Hn .: .. . ,: . ' ' " ;{vC.fr u '- 'jM :; ^i " -:'3B OILY CAB with eight lag for leu than $956.* OILY CAB with full dtfre selling for leu the OILY CAB selling f< $889* in which both fv springs are relieved of braking strains. OMIT CAM with lem clutch Mllin| for 1cm thi OMLT CAB with fron selling for less than $891 LARGEST hydraulic ares per pound of car car ailing for less than 1 emergency brake-lining v car selling far less than LA10KB diameter bra) in tony car selling for lei >9 BP fffiRgpk r .?' lasffeB?Y * 1 PLON1 y - vv SPRING CLEARANCE SALE OF DRUGS 3 BIG EXTRA VALUE DAYS - Now Your Rexall Store Wc Give You Service , ;; Phones 41 and 81 Kings Mountain Drug Co. i The Rexall Store . | . J. #? * . SPRING NOTES -.^Ll ^OK YOUR FOR SPRING WE SUGGEST For the Hands A Sofeskin manicure, using Rev eJons new Jueltone shades of polish to hamioni. ze with your spring costume. For the Skin A series of facials, using a circulating treatment to overcome he effects of the rig on of winter. For Dull Hair A color rinse that gives an almost unbelievable brilliancv. denth and darianro and brings out the scintillating highlights of your individual shade of hair. For Lifeless Hair Oil shampoos to vitolize and recondition the hair and give new lustre. For Your Easter Coiffure A Permanent Wave styled the new short uptrend way. Only standard materials used. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL PERMANENTS FOR LIMITED TIME Ansell Beauty Shoppe Telephone 123-R TO* ' wiiir n Mtk "am with these quality features WDT8 cylinders sell- MORS floor-to-roof height than in any other low-price car. WIDEST rear t seat of any low-price car. iorquo-iuuo n $956.* v U6BE8Thorsepower-to-weight ratio of may car celling for let* than $806.* ?r less than ont and rear GMATEST fuel economy in milea driving and per gallon of cny standard-drive eer-'"-' with mere than four cylinders, proved .. . by the Fcrd M85:' in the recent Gilmore, Yosemilc Economy Ran, as reported m. $956" February Motor Age. t radius rods | ^ ^ m Detroit or mi I octety TTTiSi ' t|t*~* weight m any I **r **.- ^ ^ 'HICK I >640.* Largest If O?0 I area of any I y ?0" #Bk f $640.* I V ? CCypg f ce drums than * **? *>, f-_ I is than $956.* I RD ?-S RHB IMMP1 ?8827 nMP^: :. : } my Trau teamos Me-te Allowance K MOTOR CO. -. . ' ; - .? 1 11 ; ' . ^ - -.??, .. > ' " . " Y, . yj^-* _ .