' IJ.W1 - . A; ' : DIXON NEWS (Br Charles . Stewart) Mr. and Mm. Walter Karris of title domjnoalby spent Thitfwday Tiear Sutyt-na, 8. C., with Mr. and Mm. J. 15 Ohllders ^ Mrs Jltn Farria and family of Smyrna, <8. -v ' *Tf>{ \J i >. ii ' T>' '' MBiAiiTii'iii n r i 111 iftSteBMfitfti - < - lelgh, for Ibteasioa Circular No. Ut ?rtciag pum IVcU. la addition to Ublaa listing the food requiretnants tor one person, thera are table* riMhrlng how much reed la required! for one baa. one dairy cow, one beef animal, one hog t.nt sheep and one horse or mole. 'I he circular also contains a garden calendar, Showing what, when and how to plant dosens of vegetables adapted to this section, and & crop rotation table which lists the ? general crops, and other crops which follow best to> conserve and enrich the soil. Dr. Schaub said "It Is not possible to' predict definitely in advance what price farm products will bring. Those depending upon noney recelv (Hi from tne sale or rarra prouucuii with which to purchase food for the family and feed for the livestock of ten find themselves without the nee penary funds. The farmer who produces his living largely from the furm and who conserves the fertill ty of the soil usually lives well ev cry year and in the end has more cash as a result of his laboi V Because of the larger hatch ex pected this year, market supplies of chickens In the last half of 1939 will probably be above those of a year earlier. < During the past crop year, the Ag i (cultural Adjustment Administration program was applied to 282,621* hWUtravl." ar'a/mim.-d'J p*r cgnt- 'at the total crop land of - the United States. . ' * ' . ' - . A new plan of distributing food to relief families by Issuing them stamps good for commdltles tn groc cry stores will he tried as at experiment in * Hmtted number of cltloa. The Federal Surplus Commodities | State College's annual Farm and HOme Week to bo held July SI ? August 4, will feature mora farmers and farm women on the program, announces John W. Goodman, assistant extension director. ZERO PRICES Stores liar Does Its Duty" ? Piedmont Avenue Mmn??i lb 10c . . \ JL UUltU > 10c Red Rose 24 LBS Flour 59c 6 Lbs. Grits 15c ROSE lbs 20c GALLON ne Ilk . ES OR Pound 8 10c BOLOGNA 12 l-2c lb ----- :? \ *?t tt"^!Vj/7 T'T'.1"*'"*r7l ' ** i ', ". '' VMS K1MCM MOOmUOM ttUlAI BOY SCOUT (X>URT OF HONOR - ; The regular meeting of the Boy Scout Court of Honor held in the Town Hall Thursday night opened with prayer by ltev. H. I* Reaves 01 Grovev. followed with the repeating of the Scout Oath led by R. M. Sehlele, Scout Executive. After announcements were made the following Scouts were advanced in rank: Tenderfoot Rank: Bobby Early, 5; B. T. Wright, 6. Second Class Rank: George Worn nek, 2; L. Benson Wilson 7; Arthtit Lee Jackson 7; Clarence Jolly, Jr.. 7.First Class Rank: Stokes Keller, S; Glee Bridges 6; Clinton Jolly 7; Bobbie Rhea. 7. Merit Badges ? Athletics: Chas. Moss, Jr., 1; Jack Scott 3. First Aid: Jack Scott, 3., First Aid to Animals: Harold Falls t;' Doyt Redmond 4; ^Wm. Price 6. Handicraft: Coy -Conner 4.. Kotw ""\Chitesle meeting begat at T-.O0 o'clock. jDues were coliecte* #ud bustnees was attended to by L C. Dettra&r, Scoutmaster. The troo] decided to attend church Sun da; night in a body. They also decide* for a weiner roast Thursday night. The District and NHrhborhoot Commissioners, Mr. Aubrey Mann ey and Mr. O. W. Myers visits# th< troop. We also bad a quls on Nature la which every one took part, and ck? ed with the Scout Oath. I % LETTER I TO?m? w iwr? b * '' ?- ' .'s vi '.' r?, ,,^> ~$, ; ,^".v^ w^% I_. k R1 * """ rMTMWilT. MUCH. ?t. lWi F.n.-*4, - . . . * - * - ' * . Dairy , r!> yr '*: >' ' v Liiiiijjiiiniii i" .-^111iiRiti