Half Ton Of Water Carried For Wuhing | . '? finp ' Much hu been Mia ot the drud* . ?ry of carrylnc bucket* of water in the farm home, when no water hi piped into the house, H. M. El 11% ag rJcultureleoglneer of the State Col lege Extension Service, has figured it out that a housewife carries the equivalent of about 1,000 pounds of water ? bait a ton every time the laundry work -fa done ' without a modern water suatetn. {Here is how It wnrir*ut to carrying 117 gallons. Taking the weight of a gallon of water as ? i and 1-3 pounds, this meant carrying about 1,000 pounds of water., Of course this was only one task involving the lifting of heavy pau? of water in the home un^er observ* tion, Kills pointed out. 'Is there. < Symphony n > You'll love the smooth o slipon shoe, and you'll gai it makes your foot look J: *f 'f11 < . you iroui shop to i ! I ?to your gayest parties In Mack or Japomea or i lously low price! jj MYERS'Df Your Friend - ' ?>- - %\9irisv.+ -i Compare Tl Golden Gu ... m GfllJlRN ( * * i . ? ?<31 # , <. Serving Golden Guernsey 6 health insurance?it pays it builds up their resistai 4 ... k i ' ORDERS Y< .... f Margra Kinjs Mountain, N?- C. tfcerotM* Mr re?oa ft* a fcn family not Ins tail tag a low ooat wt tt,r system to rellsvs the hnrnwUi of all this drudgery?" the enclose asked. Free Headstones For Veterans of AU Wars It r.y# beeu reported to the Araet lean Legion there are a number o mi-marked war veteran*' staves ii K!ngs Mountain and the surrounding communities. J iThe Legion 1* anxious to assls In getting markers for all of thesi un marked, graves. There are three different upright nutrkes: one to veterans of the Confederate States one for all veterans except those o tlio Civil and Spanish-American war and one for the Civil war and Spat Ish-Amerlcan veterans. There is als< a flat moTker for all veterans wh< served In the armed forces of thi United States and the Confederal) States If It is desired in place o the upright marker. Applications should be filed witl P.txter M. Hayes, 8ervlce Officer Otis ,0. Green Pest No. 166. ant should give the following Inform.) 'Ion: name of veteran, date of en Hrtment of known, date of dlschnrgI# nna-ii sanlr an/1 o/iiitnont' nv rno it nuun ii, on it nun vuuipoii^ v#i i' iintent, date of death, name of cim< tery and location, and the addrea of the peraon to whom it should b< shipped. "" 1 ' -lTTiUrl -lHJLu. cost by the quartermaster genertt o* the army and are sent by prepak freight to the railroad station nea ert to the place of burial. The Got eminent does not erect these stonei The applicant must accept the stow tt the railway station and have ' ret up at the grave. IN SHOES i i i fP" j onvfort of this dainty ; sp at the miraculous way : sizes smaller! Enchant- : iguirigty cut out, if will .! shop during the morning ! m the atternoon! Hiite, and at a ridicu' 4 - i LPT. STORE | lly Merchant M a ? ie Value Of' ernsey Milk ' *? . 'i ^iirpxicuv wie yj/ / Milk to your family is ' [, in the long run because ice to ailments. BUR'S TODAY r' V' - ' / .. \. k-' y.v s ce Dairy Phone IS ' ; : ^ ' THE KWM MOCWMlW HMULD, ;| Church News r CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Rer. B. W- Box, Pastor 'J.45 Sunday school, B. S. Peeler, Supt. v 11:00 Moraine worship end eer t moo. The sermon subject will b? t "A Wise Investment." ( 7:30 The song service by th< young people will be an attractive t feature of the service. The pastoi ? will have for his subject "Jesus, the s man of power." r r Presbyterian Church R?v. P I). Patrick, Pastot > 9:45 A. Nf. Sunday School. Mr. C > F Thomas son, Supt. > 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. Sei s mon topic. "Why Am I Here?" ? 5:00 Veepers: Study of 4th Chap ' ter of Phllipplans. 6:00 Vespers: Seniors - Pioneers i Monday: 7:00 P. M. Troop Ont I y Scouts. Carl Davidson, Scout 1 master, Harry Page and W. B. Thorn sett. As&ts. . Wednesday 7.16 Prayer meeting ai i Margrace Community House. . * ? ! BOYCE MEMORIAL CHURCH W. M. Boyce, Pastor i"")Uiim. iiutiLLi ibiifiin frlnrft, I Morning Worship at 11:00. Hm r pat tor will speak on: "The Man ol ,. Cod"a Making.' ? Evening Service at 7:30. P Young People meet at 6:30. 1 t .Kid'week Service Wednesday ev nttlns ! *T 9A nfifeLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH A. FV Connor, Pastor We Invite you to be with In eacl "f our services next Sunday, ant hope you will bring your friends Pleaching after the Sabbath school also In the evening. LUTHERAN CHURCH L Boyd Hamm, Pastor Bible school 10:00, L. Arnold KU tr. General Superintendent. Service* for Passion Sunday. Morning 11:00 sermon: Unselflat Seekers. Evening; 7:00, pennon: The Sever ty of Jesus' Sorrows. 1, en ten Services Wednesday Ever !ng 7:30. Luther Leagues meet one houi before Sunday Evening Service. Boy Scouts Monday evening 7:0<\ Classes In Catechism Wednesday afternoon'4:00. , SAINT LUKES: Dible acbool 2:00, James Lackey, Superintendent The Seryice at 3:00. First Baptist Church Ansa* a. Sergeant, Pastor Sunday morning' worship 11:00. Subject: "The Christian Arena." Junior Worship 11:00 o'clock. All children of the Jnnlor, Prl niary and Beginner age are Invitee v to attend this service. t Sunday School 0.40. r A Clean White. Supt. i Sunday night service 7:80. Serjuon subject, "P)*rnal Separa m-:.- , Choir, practice Wednesday night 7:80 In the Benean class room. Teachers meeting 7:80 to 8:11 P. M. Wednesday night in tho 8cou Hut Beginning Sunday night,' Aprl fth and conrihultig through Aprl lSlb the membership of this churd Mill como together for the annua Church School of Missions. Thl year Home Mission Fields trill .h btudfod. There >0111 be classes for si r.ge groups. The closing Rally wll be held Sunday afternoon. April It r<* FStzabath Baptist Church. j Southern Home ^flaslon Board Ml stonary will bring the principle ax dress of the afternoon. ,***> ' - t jm' GRACE METHODI8T 8. W. Johnson, Pastor Sunday School 9:48. Preaching 11:89. Brotherhood 1:80. ^pworth league 0:16. Evening service: Music and Son 8ervioo. Wednesday, 7:00, Prayer meetlni CCOMO BAPTIST CHURCH ' Her. (J. C. Parker, Pastor Sunday School 0:45 each Sunday. Prtacfclng a. m. ao4 7: to p. n ob Sand* Macedonia Ban list Church I. V. Frederick. Pastor Sunday School t:4S a. aa. B. T. U. f:4S p. m. Bmlni Worthtp 7:00 p. aa. Praaehlai 11:00 A. If. and TP 1 7:00 p. m. Park-Grace M. E. Churcl C. P. Mf, Paator Sunday School 0:46 A. N. Morulas Worship 1100 A. M. Bpworth Lsasno P. M. Rrmloi Worship 7:SO P. V. |l Prayer Msettng Friday 7: SO P. rmrmvMT. MARCH, tt, tm . n -ifl V ; ' ' " ,-j ?" '? .|| j . . *' P . . PRIM1 rmni ' V- : ' " "' * - ''' .1' - r . " .. ; " ; . | ;/>;y;V v / :. ; : M i-. : yg -y. v v ' ' 1 ^ r. THAT PLI . ' ' * ' < I i . * .. . :: ' * l .. / , i ' ; " *.- > % , . *. I . I , , , . v ti . , . c ' ' . i. ' I " . * 1 x ' I <9 - ' ' * ' ' f. t ? I b . i 8 e ."'*'. II L-v. . - '/ 8 I.. I R|PPM|^|PipHHPPH9>OTPMIiiniPMPPpiVVnpiPIK3apppi!Hi|| l > . B w |A*i* < . A I y . gfl ;g vv ^ . &$ .'. to;- '. . > .' ' .*- :: . ... . .. '&? 'Hi ;;; v. *'//' V'*.' ' .' . .* ' '' V- ' '* * .1 ... , .. : \ /. ? * : M?J * r . ' . * . ; ' : 9 ' ' ..Jl . V 4^H x .. ' ' * t, il V .1 ' 1 .... . :| - * ' ' ' :\ : *31 I 1 1 ? 1 ^ *** I H ft v'vvS J te 167 J