? . Presbyterian Began In l! (By Mr*. W. X- Weir) On 8aturday. April 6, 1884, unde (be guidance of the Reverends Ceo) Lceper, J. J. Kennedy, and Elder J. 1 Holland the following eighteen me and women presented certificates o viemhersblp from Presbyterian chui ehes elsewhere and were organize inbo a Presbyterian church: W. 1 8towe, Mrs. W. I. Stowe, Thcnvae G 8 to we, Dr. T. J. Walker, Mrs. M. E Houaer, Dr. T. T. Hay, Miss EUi Hay, Miss Rosetta Hay, Louis G Hay, Mrs. Louis O. Hay, Richard T C'jnsler, Mrs. Richard T. Canslei Mrs. A. P. Aahbury, Miss M. M. Ash bury, Mrs. Carrie Black, Mrs. M. J Dellnger, Mtse Addle Smith, Mia 8al)le E. Aahbury. Two elders, W. 1 Stowe and Dr. T. T. Hay. and twi deacons. Richard T. Cansler am f/outs O. Hay were elected, ordalne* end installed. The name chosen to the organiratton was "The Presby tertan Church of Kings Mountain.' The first pastor, Reverend B. P. Da :s, who served from 1SM-1M7, wai engaged to preach one Sunday It crrh month. j. For tlie first three years thoyoum * church held occasional serrlcea fc TBWPRSB On April 3, 1887, the conaregatioi had the Joy of worshipping for tta< first time In their own church home a frame structure located! on the sou thweat ooratr of King Street ami Railroad Avenue, the dedicatory eer men be In g preached by the Rerer end E. P. Darvta. On July Id. 1887, a Sunday schoo was organised with Rider' W. 1 Rtcwe aa superintendent and with i membership of twenty. {During the first sixteen years O Ha history, the church made smal piogreas due Chiefly to the shortnesi of the service of the ministers ant the frequency of the vacancies thai followed. From 1884-1888 the King) Mountain Church was served for ow S-.bbath each month by the paatoi of the Shelby church. The secont pastor. Reverend E. E. Erwfn, eerv cd from April to December 1888. From 1889-1906 It was groupec with Dong Creek. Shlloh (Oroverl and Hepzlbah. with the pastor t( preach one Sunday each month.. Ir 1897 these four churches secured t manse In Kings Mountain on 'goutli Railroad Avenue^ after which, date lb? pastor resided In Kings Moun thin. During this period) the churcli was served by Reverend E. A. Sam pie (1889-1892), student W. L. Walk er (three mdnths In 1893). Reverend .1 K. H?U (1893-1894. Reverend R. J Mcllwaine (1896-1898), Reverend J R. Millard (1899-1902), and Reverend J. M. Forbls (1903-1908). In 1906 the Kings Mountain churcl decided to have half of the pastor'! time. Long Creek and Bessemer Cltj -with Kings Mountain, constituted the new group. The Reverend Mr For bis W3s succeeded by Reverent 8. 8. Oliver (1910-1912, Reverend R A Miller (1913-1914). Reverend C. L Bragaw (1914-1916), Reverent! J. E BerryhiU (1916-1918.) The congregation had long felt th< need of a larger church with more adequate provision for a Sunday School. On July 3, 1906. a new build h'gr, which had been erected on the northwest corner of Piedmont and ^W^Congr! THE KINGS MO I On It's 50th -H AND KINGS J 50 YEARS C v?; A Fu Qualit; . - ' '"-S- I.'-. I Prices MHIHHflHUflHI HAROLD O Bite* * * rM^fkvnitfik' TUB KINOB i Church m Mountain Streets, was dedicated by r the pastor, Reverend J. M. Fortols. [, JJurhig the tlret 'hlrty-a+x years I. me cnurch was blessed with Godly, a efficient pien who served as elders if sno deacons. Those elected as eld> ere and deacons. Those elected as d elders were W. I. Stowe. Dr. W. T. [. Hay, H. P. Allison', J. W. Drown, C. f, P. NeUler, C. J. McCombs, H. L. I. Rtmseur, Robert Barber, C. I. Huni ter, J. T. Davidson, J. T. Ware. I. Those elected as deacons were R. T. Cansler, L>. t>. Hay. C. B. Palls, C. P. >, Goforth, J. T Allison, G V. Patterson i- J. T. Welch. J. B. Thomasson, H. B. f. Stowe and P. M. Nelsler. . i By 1919 the church membership had increased from fifty one In 1900 9 to ninety-four. At this date the chur 1 ch took a very decided forward step 1 hi call Reverend Fred J. Hay as full r time, pastor. Two years before this date the house used as the pastor's - residence was sold, and the equity - falling to th& King Mountain church i was invested In a house and lot on i the corner of King and Carpenter Streets, which served as a manse { until 193?. , Upon the resignation of the RevI I II j lilin 1 111l ii iis 10(11; ills 11 iVnmi% extended a call to the Rev. I. 8. Mct Llroy. P. D, Dr. JicElroy accpted the call and nerved the church from [ 1923-19X1, when he was called to hla . reward. During his pastorate the cnurch membership increased and the Sunday School crew eo large that the church to 1926 rented an adjoining cottage to Mere 11 an annex. Harlnc been without a pastor from January to July the church extended a call to the Her. Ktohard C. Wilson, Jr., who accepted It and b?can his ministry in August, 1931. During his pastorate the way was prepared for the making of definite plans to construct a new building. The oongtegation was saddened a second time by the loss of a pastor by death In 1934. During the past seventeen years the church has found herself continually blessed by the same type of >.hle. God-fearing elders nitd deacons e* tbose under whose guidance she grew prior to 1920. Stnce that date the following elders have been chos en: J. C. Mason, C? E. Neisler, Jr., George Cansler, J. H. Thomson, J. D. Tbomasson, H. B. Stowe and R. H. Webb. The following de-acons have been elected: E. W. Barnes, C. E. Mason. D. 8. Rhyne, J. H. Thomson, C. F. Thomasson, C. W. Davidson. J. A. Neisler, J. W. Ramseur, C. F. Stowe, H. H. Houston, F. G. Rogers. Arthur Hay, Luther Cansler, H. R. Neisler and Paul Mauney. This church has heen honored In , sending out one of ber best sons as . r a minister, B. P. Ormand, Jr., gradI uated from the Union Theological . Seminary in May, 1937, and waa or1 dained on October 10, 1937,in Lost ; City, West Virginia. Having been without a pastor , from October to April, tho church extended a call to the Reverend P. J). i Patrick, who accepted the charge ? and began his pastorate in May 1935. i In 1936 Mr*- c E Nelaler preeen ted the church with the beautiful lot t ou the corner of King and Gaston I Streets for the erection of a new i itulate I UNTAIN HERALD I Anniversary 11 I ' FOUNTAIN ON i >F PROGRESS H 1 I ' 1 rniture Store -featuring! j y Merchandise at Low I ? Our Terms Are Easy. I s ; I ? fountain Ij Company I I ' OGOINS, Mgr. I | MOUNTAIN HSRALD. KINOfl MOUNTAIN. N. C? PimNTH Pictures Relate Growtl . c* *m* ?rw?w ^ ?> aa^HBHW Ss^yj^^ %':l'?..\f \i ^r* D99M9*mk .X *.-^#^-< t^yik -s Sj^?(m?t?Tv^ ^ t i;i pi !*># : DJPi'.1 - ?>^- >-* * >^t% ^ < i ^mt* n^^vv v^?mV |\I0A ^p Jr Ivl^yf **f<"y >:*'4 ^xg* I Vl^'vW>||P|N w iv'^UMl f 'JCT^ MMLypMN ""*? f^'S ?irT" d|| * **-~ ,'j^ MH ^V 2 - ?S k^P " ; ' * :' r ' ' '" ' ' :> ' ? -: " .'.' ' ': ! ... i . # .,'": ,. . ' -" f ? X .. Th* first nWiiM nf tkA If J u *_ sranlzed in 1936. , jfl ' ^ I vt^B * The last picture taken of the Band in 19 growth in hoth the band and the music rector Paul Hendricks, whose untirin in the State. ?.?? i . ?? liurch. As the lot Included an n( whole hearted cooperatU ractlve house to he used as a Borne ing God's House. the < [>r the pastor, the officers disposed worshipped tor the last I the former manse. old church October 31, The icongrogatfon elected the Roverend J. M Forbls pr tulldfag Committee composed o! sermon, and moved to th lessrs.J. B. Thomasson, P. M. Ne!s- Hon Noveinher 7. 1937. sr, Joe Thomson, Fsoil Maunoy, C. After a week of revlv !. Netaler, Jr., and K. G. Plonk, nnl end thanksgiving for tl Irs. C. B. Nelsier, Mrs. H. N. Moss Mod had bestowed upon lid Miss Carlisle Ware approved church, composed of a lie plans submitted by Wenner an.l ef 301, dedicated the ch tnU ?nS mrnrt, nn A..o..ol IB - , ?? ? r, - - ? - ? ? -- ??unv..-v - -r | >?f, lUlflillUg IT*. * ? 939. After experiencing the joy ot'ber 6. 1937, and the Neia KINGS MO L, - ' . \ > * ^^b B? ftwi'fl GREET KINGS MOU> I ' 1 . "; > . / .' ' i \ /; '. ;?' -: .: ' N. F. McGILL ESSO STATION i - /vmn ni t * ri l/l io rALLS ! L G. I Distribut u ' **'Sj tmrnmrnrnmim p.i.mu. UII,I.Mwmi.mil ,1 .J. ,n?m. ' - . v *... ' * " . * , : ANNlVMtART TOTION - , , . | i In Kings Mountain Sc r.KA XMr *>>; >*** ?** *** Mknmr* r* *?? T^IggS ; ^ v %?? ??***?m i * ^ ' jHsSX?l H eeHPSSyS ? ' -" ''^ ^ '"^ B^W s?'JMSSSK i ^L^L. > -* ,??. ?:n r? SSttm H ^nii ppi^i ?iP?55JS ^B j ^| I. ^| B ^ Mflliijli 1 BhM H^^B J B ?lpl^B^H - ' . ? ;V i;" ' *7 " ' ' ' '. " % f' " "."' . ? % . ' ? in School Band which was taken shortly aft< ; ' ' ? . r-J *Avr M7rjfm?Mr"^ ? BKMV^RjKyS^HK^^^P^ ^r^JHrSi^r .m M'W^ ift^-'SsK'''^w li^l '' Ww^lilii6iaH^**"^^Bfc *tB$ I tWlBhy AVBil Vfi^: ST-a| 1*RWTT7 %?7TSTJt,jye J^*4?wyAi^ ww^?^. ^ 39 that all of Kings Mountain is justly prou ians. The citizens of Kings Mountain are inc f efforts have made out-Band one of the mo n in build* al Educational Building at tlie even-i',een ,n9 ongregatlon lug service. young p< dine In the The Sunday Sehoo of "09 piem 'nB to tl ?7. wlth|bPorlan' ler Memorl-; tor of Religious Education and has j church. + + * ++ < ++ +++++++++ UNTAIN'S PROGRESSIVE ueaiers I TAIN ON 50 YEARS OF PROGRESS V' :{ C. C. OATES ESSO STAr MINTZ ESSO SERVICE SI 'ATTERSON org For Standard Products > i- - *' -Su*. - S . .. ' ' \ ? '' ' / . \ V - ' ' ' . \ ;'. '. .-' ?^ hoolBand IbB I xmmnSwSS ?m?22S^H i V n \ 9 HH 9H -<' - ':*?-: ?'; HB gaff* . r'^i- _. Bdr^i.: B' y^H 5ft '^2 ^ F? ' ?...!< -J d. Note the lebted to Dist outstanding . . . --i trumental in organizing the tople of the church accordto plan adopted by the Oen*mbly end is doing a vital lv them. Tho Woman's AttxO8o president is Mrs. O; W. nd the Boy Scouts of Amer*> V? 1 ?-> **- - v iw. a, unuvr me leanerdr. Carl Davidson, Bcoutind> Messrs Harry Page and liomsoTi, assistants, play an t part in the -work of the * V< . v . - ' < :! ' . * > 4 k : ; i! 4 hon :: nation i; .