^ > SOCIAL Of INTE PHONES 10-R i HOSTESS TO AOELPHIAN CLUB >fra. R. Ij. Mauney entertained K* i nw-*- - - A? <W. . ?? * iiniiiuno m mo Aaeiporan uiud ana a number of Invited guests entertain : log at her home on Piedmont Ave. Tuesday afternoon. The rooms were thrown en suite end arranged with lilacs. Jonquils end other lovely spring flowers. Rook was played at five tables eith Mrs.. Annie Dllllng receiving prize for high score and Mrs. J. 8.. Norman, prise for low score. A tempting salad course .and sweet course was served with the St. Patrick's motif cleverly suggested. Guests other than club members Included Mesdames B. 8. Nell!, Annie Dllllng, J. 8. Noruan. O. W. Myers, L. P. Baker and guest Mm. Holland, Jacob Cooper, Ladd Ham T'ck. L C. Parsons and Miss Kathryn Rudlslll. " f* . -* i - .? - * im MEETING OP LEGION AUXILIARY Mrs. Olee Bridges and Mrs. J. N. j1- Gamble were Joint hostesses to iiiruiUTJiu VI UIC AillCTIC*U lA'RMJU \ Auxiliary entertaining at the home of the former. The home wa* arranged -with bowla of lovely spring flowers. Mrs. James Ware, the president. , pieatded. After the devotional and Salute to the flag, the members joined In ainging. Star Spangled Banner, with Mrs; Byron Keeter at the plane. After the business session and report on the Poet Oflloers' convention recently held In Shelby a progran\ was rendeded under the direction ct Mrs. Eugene Mathis. The chapter voted to place a marher on the grave of Mrs. B. P. Orhiand, a former president and for a number of years, chaplain of the local unit and State Chaplain. The hostesses served delicious reTroflhmpnt consisting of a salad -course with accessories and coffee. ENTERTAIN WITH WEINER d ROAST Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ware cf Besse rr.or City entertained a number of their friends at a welner roast on p lest Friday night the guests including a number from Kings Mountain und Bessemer City. Those present were Mr. and Mrs C P. Ware, Mr. and Mrs. James IMPERIAL! * THEATRE . PHONE 1S4 Kincfi Mountain's I Popular Play House TODAY?THURSDAY Show Open* 1 P. M. Dally M ckey Roon?y, Ralph Bellamy in "LITTLE PAL" also Ken Maynard in 'STRAWBERRY ROAN' Serial ? New* 10c FRIDAY, ONE DAY ONLY 7 "Oklahoma. Outlaws*' Special Attraction Serial?Cartoon 10c and 15c SATURDAY Charlie Rung lea, Ona Munaon In "HIS EXCITING" NIGHT" Bob 8teel in "TRAILING NORTH" Serial ? Cartoon 10c and 15c Show Open* 10:48 Saturday MONDAY hnd TUESDAY Oary Cooper, Merle Oberon In "THE COWBOY AND THE LADY" _ ? 10c and 25c 1 ti^ World's \ ^ SINGLE-EDGE I I Blade I J I I fl I k&ssaSS^B (AfyyTyyT l ^ I : TOT B AND PERSONAL HAPPEI REST to 1 iND 88 . MRS- A. H. PATH ? ? ? < I Ware, Mr. and Mr*. C. D. Ware, and children, Phyllis and Buddy Ware, I Mr and Mra. R. L. Lewis, Mr. and J Mra. George Lewis and daughter, ' Barbara Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson, and children, Lois and nobby, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hc.tlon. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Queen, j Misses Mary and Lucnle Ware, Helen Patterson, Charlotte Bopt, Dot Ja-wIs. Thelitis Y ax bo rough, "Carrie J. Mauney, Mary Hoover. Annie Jane Jenkins and Betty Poster; Pat Jeklns, Cameron letters; Earl Harmon; Tommy Etters, Coe Lambeth, ' I^eonard Bumgardner and James Leigh. CLUB ENTERTAINED The lit el on I club was dellghtfutyi entertained by Mrs. JUes Cornwall I Monday evening at her home on East .Mountain street. Bridge was enjoyed during the Harris. After the games a coffee end sandwich plate was served. The personnel oonslsta of Mlsd Madge McDenlel, Miss Nina Jackson. Mrs. Jan^es White, Mrs. Get*" MoCarter Miss Elizabeth Harris, nshhU fl?W Ulu >...I. U^ll..l. w I mioo kJUDiv ui IVIUIUID Miss Ruby Ware and Mrs. Jllee Corn well. The club will meet with Miss titfilge Mcftanfel next Monday evenlb 6? Persan?'<5 Miss Mary Fiancee Gnntt spent the week-end In Shelby. Mr. and Mrs, William Norman of Greenville. 8^ C.. uere recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Smyre Williams. Mrs. Lona McGill has recovered from Injuries she received In a fall, she sustained some time age. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Troublefield of niacksburg. S. O., were guests of Mrs. A. L. Allran and family Sunday. ?-0~ Miss Claudia MeChesney of Woodruff, S.- C., visited in Kings Mountain the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Campbell have r< turned from Palm Harbor. Fla.. where they have been spending the winter. * ?o? Mr. and Mrs. D. Goforth and Mr "nci Mrs. Tlmmnns ' Hord were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell of Clover Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chares Wray Miss Mary Long Wray and Mr. Hugh Ware of Laurens. S. C., were guests of Miss Caryle Ware during the paiff week1?^. : Miss Dorothy Stewart, young dau' ghter of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Stew art, underwent on operation for appendicitis In tbe City Hospital, Gastonla. Monday. ?O? Mrs. Paul Kennedy and young son, Paul, Jr., whq,^ave been on an extended visit at the home of Mrs. Kennedy's mother, Mrs. Lona Mc, Gill, left this week ror their now home in Shelby. Mr. Kennedy was re eently transferred from Gastonla to Shelby where he Is danager of Maxwell Bros and Morris Furniture Store. ' SOCIAL NOTES OF YESTER YEAR Fulton-Baker?1898 Cards ore out for the marriage of Miss SalHe Baker, the charming dau ghter of Mr. aud Mrs. P. 9. Baker and Mr. H. Thomas Fulton, the popular salesman at the Enterprise ^flll on next Wednesday the 30th at 8:00 o'clock, P. M.. at the residence of i the bride. The Invitations were issued from the Observe]- Office and are quTte neat. 1903 A STORM PJARTY Borne of the young people of our , town surprised Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A Dllllng on Monday night by &ring ' J'Lfc'!?*T~ _ r. W H i m, m k m w M ' fl H Ibs^^t R!o IpppP' - mm wamrtum ?mi* tanom i HNGS WOMEN rEKSON, Editor 4 ! - * ? them a storm party. They met at Miss Eunce Hunter's and went in a body to the residence of' Mr. and Mrs.' Ddllng. They took in the stuaIon and threw their doors wide open and gave the folks a good time. ( "Trail'' was the prevailing game. They lso had mvsfc of various kinds. The following wore present: Misses Irene Schull Edna M. Brooks; Eunce Hunter Virginia Jones end Ida Ware and Messrs Cole, Hugh Wray and Do ris Mauney. 1 THON RE-JACK SON?1903 One of the most beautiful church weddings ever witnessed in our town was solemnized on Wednesday even Ing of aat week .when Robt. Tborne, nromU ng rt.ilrovd man of North Dakota led Miss Ellsbeth Jackson, a very popular and Inteligent young tedy of our town to the hymenal altar. Her paator, Rev. M. 1* Vestal, raKUyyaSH -aw: -?W3W^TOSW5J^;A? touching and solemn language. (Misses Carlyle Ware. Lillian V11" lion*, Fary Long, and Rosa Kan, drck meted as bitldes-m&lds, while tack Chadler, Osroe Ormand. Pre*ton SCoGtll and T. C. Bailey meeting were at the altar through different nielee, attod an groomsmen., repecttlvely. Tho bride canted bride's -ores and tarn* and efea gowned In a beautiful (While taffeta Vttjnmri- |n real lace and allk braids. The brides I maids wore whhite orgad.itfes and carried bouquets of white carnations Mr. O. B. Hanvton of Landurm, S uncle of he groom was best man while Mis Annie Jackson. a deaer o'fthe bride acted most mecomingly as maid of honor. Ail the gentlemen were faultlessly attired and the entire group were as beauti'ul as a picture. The ribbon girls were little Misses Clara Russell Mary Fulton. Katb l?en iWilMam and Margaret McLautl'en and hese never looked sweeter or acted nicer. Little Margaret Kerr acted as flower girl while Joe Nels ler had charge of the ring, as rir-? boy. Theae two also acted their parts to perfection. Miss Fairy Long 4n her easy and 'oucHng tones sang "Oh Perfect I?ve Just before the ushering of the bridal party. At the closing of the fiong by Mss Long the notes of the wedding march beg^n 4o sound forth from the organ under the perfect torch of Miss Katie Oarrrett and the btidal" phrty came 4n through differ enl olsles. meetn-g at altar where ev en thing had been set in order by ftJenda of the contraltlng parties Without goto* Into details we might say the church was most ele gently and l!3Stefully decorated for thd ocogalofl The present were mini eimna fc&Mfettme and useful, consist log of cut glass, silver, tabletwure nnd household articles Soon after the cereniony the cot pie left oo No 40 for a ten days visit to the jriirenta of the' groom, aftei which they wll proceed to his home In North' Dakota and settle down* tt t-.tuse keeping . ? =, . p IMC Mrs. A. Roburtue Rudlarfll invite! yon to be present at the marriage ol her daughter, , Alary Bright, to Horace Julian MoGheer on the afternoon of Sept 3rd at four o'clock at St. Matthews Lutheran Church Kings Mountain, N. C. 1913 BOOK CLUB iThe Thursday Afternoon Bool Club met at the home of Mrs. R. L Mnuney. The weather being favorable onlj two members failed to respond t( roll call. ;The Club was entertained with < sewing contest. Each lady glvei needle and thread and required t< outline an animal Some of the out lines were splendid: while otheri would havo made the real anlma ashamed of himself. Miss Willie McOtnnie played th< role of ? witch splendidly, foretell : the future In a most ludicrous man ner. The home of the witch was I *'?IM < ??? vliAM nno mitv hats black cats and the like. Last and best of all came an ele pant and most delicious two-coursi salad lunch served by .Misses Grnc< Rudislll and WUHe MoOfnnl*. IN HONOR OF MRS. CR0U8E Thursday afternoon Mrs. W. A Ridenhtr. sod Mrs. Doris Ma unco entertained at the home of Mrs. Ri denflour at an informal party 1r honor of Mrs. Arthur Crouse who ai bride, has recently come to our olty The welcome extended her wai warm and cordial. The unique amusement of thehoui excited hearty hand-clapping and n current laughter. A "New Tear' book for 1914 urged each one pres ent to turn over a new leaf and r< solve Immediately to- write, read slug a solo, given an original storj PPWTAIN, M. ft. PWTWTH ANMV1 ?- . "T*/. . 11 ,* %. . ' r V' .**' ?' * Sir.Haywood E.Lyni V.Ai + #*% M A V VI The Kings Mounts Kings Mountain,N My dear Mr.Lynch I am ple< to the Kings Moui and best wishes i service to the r>? No publl devoted renders t ,4oir. ith you in :.nr.iversary. and t same type of cons ' , . " i '* * ' act a Charade, execute a drawing or do any stunt that beet suited them. Mrs. Nelaler. who is good at draw Ing, produced a long eared, long leg ged donkey and astride his back a roupd beaming youngster. Some ot th>? gtiests sang songs and some gave reading. The whistling lfdy received great commendation; A. dainty lunch of salads and confections brought to a close this enjoyable function. vVITH MR8. DILLING Mrs. W. S. Dllling delightfully ententained last Wednesday afternoon -it n Rook party. Her invitations were issued and notwithstanding Jto bad weather there was no cause for regret. The guests were cordially greeted "by the hostess and shown to the liv'nt; room where Miss Emolyn Dili'ng gave them score card. By these lie guests were guided to the table . where many enthusiastic games were indulged in. The tables were In On! r . ? I - - ^ We Americans are inc opment with a certain d oil lamps replaced by d | we have witnessed the c i _i i_i. /-i ?.1.. aim cieviric rciriKcniwi commonplace with as t ? ' convenience and happlr i- 1 Industries of every kii service. More goods foi American ingenuity an< otherwise impossible. W pacity because they can pushing of a switch. So and improved products tries. r > " ; t In the home, electric s< > eliminating drudgery a b at a cost so unbelievabl; 1 able to the humblest ho l y _ 'f I *. ** ' ' * ,, All this progress has years ? most of it with continue at an even moi people for better thii DUKE P ? ' \' * * maitt kotion >wn of Kings Mounts Kings Mountain, N. C., "V- : ''V' ^ ' * jh ' in Herald .C. i ised to nave this opport ltaln Herald my hearties ipon its 50th. Ar.nlversar ?ople of vln<53 NJauntnin i leatIon la held In hlp.he: ;han The Herald and I an the celebration of The ! .o wish for It many more itruetlve leadership.' sincerely placed In th? hall, parlor and living ; room all * gay In thsdr decorations of ) palms, ferns and bright spring flow- f ora. Late In the afternoon tha hoa- f lees, assisted by Mrs. H. T. Pulton , and Misa Martha Simonton served , an elegant three course luncheon. 1 The hospitable home radiated] cheer with its glowing fires' and , bright lights. , VIRGINIA BIRO BIRTHDAY ' PARTY 1*31-11?1-31-16 ' Pome to drandma Kendrick's And bring your doll you ape < To Virginia's birthday party 1 Which begins at half past three. ' . I Knch dolly that's invited < Must be sure to have a name For while you're at the party We'll try to gueBs the same.' )The above invitations were sent to the girls add the following to the bo.vs: "Come to Grandma Kendrick's [y Fifty lined to accept the many mai egree of nonchalance and indi eaner, safer, and more conv levelopment of the radio, air r. Each one of these marvels oday contibut'ng immeasur 1688. nd have originated and flouri r more people at less cost hai I electric service have combu orkers in industry have incr produce more through the p also, more jobs have been ere which in many instances hav< ervice has revolutionized livir nd providing numberless cc y low that it has made these mes. ' o ' * ? ?.. . come about within the shoi dn the lifetime of most of us re# rapid pace because of the ifjTS and their faith in the fu OWER CO V :" V, '7:;'v ' , JN *rch 13,1939 ' ' * ' ' JV* * ' . . ' -? unity to extend t congratulations y of constructive and rorrunity. r esteem by its delighted to dernld's f.Oth. years .of the yours, nr.- y, wy^ NbVW ?' ' u ?>. *?% ? W* -a Wo'h.^ ' .i ' . ' it halt past three. She's giving a tlrthday party for Virginia Bird, yov ioe."- ' Esquire and Mrs. O. W. Kendrtek <ave a birthday party Monday afterloon in honor of their little flva rear old grand-daughter, Virginia fllrd of Columbia. S. C. The little guests were met at the lcor by Mildred Moss and -shown to lie cloak room. Frances Ware_ then took them to :he parlor, where they were greeted ry the receiving line composed of Virginia Bird and Nick Moss. Each child carried a doll and eactt doll had a name. A guessing conest was mleh enjoyed. William Hord won the prize, a handkerchief, tor chessing the correct name of mora dolls, than any one else. The guests were led after the contest, to the dining room by Virginia Bird and George Moss and were served home-made candy, cake and hot cliocolatpr^The dining room table was iCont'd on Editorial page) * - - " '* Years rvelous scientific develifference. We have seen enient electric lamps; plane, motion picture plus many others are ably to our comfort, ished because of electric re been possible because led to accomplish the eased their earning eaower controlled by the ated because of new i built great new indusig, giving more leisure, mveniences ? all these i marvels of living availrt space of the last fifty . And this nroaress will desire of the American ture. MPANY

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