: ^ [ Church News |? CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Hit. K. W- Vox. Pastor 9:45 Sunday School, B. 8. Peeler, K' supt. 11:00 ,Mornlng Worship and sermon by the pastor who has for. his subject: "Looklnf Towards Easter." E 7:30 The subject for the evening sermon by the pastor will be "Marvelous Praying and Forgiveness.' ine young people win lean ine aing Ing. In preparation for Easter and Com munlon Service on Sunday, April 9, the pastor will preach each qtgbt next week at 7:30. Every member la urged to attend each service and cur friends will receive a cordial welcome. % Presbyterian Church Rev. P. D. Patrick, Paator 9:40 A. M. Sunday School, Mr. C. P. Tfromasaon, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. Commuulcn .Meditation: "Love Cov era a Multitude of Sins." 5:00 P. M. Vespers. 6;00 P. M. Vespers of Pioneers and Seniors. Monday: 7.00 P. M. Boy Scouts, Ttnnn One. Pari Davidson. Scout master; Harry Page and BUI ThomWedneaday 7:15 Prayer meeting Mnrgrace Community House. BOYCE MEMORIAL CHURCH W. M. Boyce. Pastor Bible School at 10:00. J. L. McGlll Eg - General Superintendent. Morning Worship at 11:00. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will bf;. celebrated. The minister will bring a Communion Meditation on . > - -me Fed Soul/' Meeting cf Auxiliaries at 3:00 o'clock. Every organization .of the congregation will meet at this hour This meeting will take the place of the Evening Service. Mid-Week Service is held each Wednesday evening; at 7:30. Home "Where The Dol Kings Mountain's Pi Keeps In Step With Pro * \ ~ Eats At: , Mountain Street Apple Sauc PINK SALMOF SPREDIT or GEM Margarine JELLO MATCHES?3?5c BOX SALT?3?5c BOXES Shortening 3 POUND CARTON [ Kerose I Fat Back SLICED RINDLESS D 1 r_ D_ preaKragi pa< Pork Chops WHOL? OR HALF PORK HAM WHOLE r Pork Shouldc dhmm. jjL,* i. L. V fPih' Tfriiffi. iMdTai'lSttJBbM if \' ii ^ > > -* imp*.! ..!. "i*m ??mm . m %' *\ . ^ - y . " ' THK KINGS 1 nfe&LEYAN METHODjST CHURCH A. V. Connor, Pastor If you are not In Sabbath School, we would welcome you to the little brick church ou Waco Road at 9:45 A. M. After the sermon at the eleven o'clock service, the Lord's Supper will be administered. Rev. Petteracn of Kings Mountain will preach at the evening service. LUTHERAN CHURCIi L. Boyd Uautm. Pastor Rlb)&~school 10:00, L. Arnold Riser. General Superintendent. O f B~.mm 0- I ... 0..n-;- v K-ir. hMI i > i iiiia? ip . jh L. . ^ , JB . - H ^ iPRENX) DILLING 1Oct. 24,1839?Nov. 1,1924 m . ^ . ; .^>''9 ^ * . -g. jii' l i 19 f;9 } "S tV -1 I ;M I i C. E. NEISLER Feb. 3, 1868?April 14, 1931 ' ' ' . .. '" * ' Home Building And Loan ,:(ni ,0 *uctt<'d Dr- fr*11" and Association ,.7/U".""' Mr. K. I.. Campbell was elects .orney fcr the organ hat km. ? ?. space for the office of the ? B. Thomssson, vice president. Dr. soclatlon and In addition to Falls heeded the organisation icrf houses Wright's Barber Shop on seven years or until his death In first floor. Qn the second floor 19f.O, ,Dr. Falls gave freely of his found office rooms occupied by time and much credit la due htm for lorncrs B. L. Campbell and E. the success Of the organisation. 1 HarriR. |t Sir. ? E. Anthony was sleeted prea The annual report of the tre RgART IDtWCVM | ,. . ^^^ ^ ;__^ ?-? 1 f i \XT1 itiding Leaders Who i Kings Mountain IBj|; ; K Bl.P * K t - m K K . K" n-v H :: H^K'V' . ^Ht i. Bi-;-' ^F* * R_' ... Dec. 18, 1841?May 15, 1929 ^H?v' I II H HI - ' > : ^E' . I April 6,1846?Nov. 13, 1936 as ylvou at the annual mooting of all who are dependent upon h!m as pasi I (he stockhoders in Kebnaty :?h; v.-t ci [ test he can ? and if he has not. vlsI ulii tf.ittJl gpi'.i* end fi optintIsti."1 ion of conditions to come, and th^t d a'-|?,cte was ecundco ever ti.c out loo; care for the days that have not yet I or the coming year. The total asset* une, 'whb^f we sum up in the whole :tors. 1 m March 1st were *348.120.14. " pica of Thrift and Savings, then he n. \V Home Ownership has be. n the "rshtp in our community and by so . . T ? keynote of the organization and ma- doing have a part in supplying tho H- ny cr our homes, some humble, some foundation of the national life ot ir*r' mere pretenlout have been finance? whlch the illustrious Wilt-n spoke. - h successfully. It has been the policy! e success of this Institution is ft,Ur of the association to emphasize the attributed not alone to the fact that "re .' -ndert and most economical pl*M *?' officer* nnd directors have been u ** of home financing. Careful apprats- ?>?n of integrity and bualneyi abllf. . ale. and conservative loans are-made 'J but fsct that I-!"' Have 1("n* ? of shareholders, fiom the a?e- - I Beat Town In The State and surAa V" Proverbs we learn: "He be roundlng community, this comcth poor that deileth with a] ? ? M,d thAt the t6Bt of fhe ^ the a'ack hand, but the hand of the dill- ?? 0f nny business or organisation Is are f.ent maketh rich." ' tliemeaaisre of lta contribution to At | Former President Wilson's Idea of common good. Judged b> this standA. Thrift was expressed sis follows* jard the Home BulkMng at 1 I-can An "If a man does hot provide for h