^'~ l^:,.-- ' ? ?. - . ?^.?. ? ... -. -??!?.r* ' ; ^ -. I ^f^^KKmBKBr lif** CT?~ * *""**' I ' | 1 4 vm^bBHu llhki&w^-ClB66i*. I I \fl n I < i LwaHHOTMM^^B Charter No. 5451 Reserve District No. 6 Report of Condition of The First National Bank ot Kings Mountain,, in the State of North Carotins, at the close of bus' incss on March 29th, 1939, published in response to tail made by Compx troller ot the Currency, under Sec ion 6211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS Loans and discounts (including 91.82 overdrafts) $271,240.06 United State# Government cbUghtkm#, direct and guaranteed ... 66,986.95 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 121,650.71 Other bonds, notes, and debentures 13,915.00 Corporate stocks, Including stock ot Federal Reserve bank .... 3,900.00 Cash, balances with other banks, dnculding reserve balance, and cash Heme in process of collection 240,314.56 Bank premise# owned $14,715.00, furniture and fixtures $4,655.37 19.270.37 Real estate owned ether than bank premises 3,750.00 *- Other assets . 84.18 TOTAL ASSETS i $740,110.83 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 297,130.43 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations .... 218.889.72 Deposits of U. S. Government (including postal savings) 644.29 Deposits of State# and political subdivisions 66.111X0 Other deposits (certified and cashier*# checks, etc.) 10,170.52 i TOTAL DEPOSITS $693X96.46 Other liabilities j 4.741.48 ' ? * - T10TAL LJABXL1T1B8 $698,037.93 w ' CAPITAL ACCOUNT . Oapilal 8took: Common stock, total par $100,000 ... 100.000.00 , Surplus 30,000.00 Undivided profits 7.072.90 Reserves (and retirement aocoont for preferred stock) 5,000.00 /TOTAL CAPITAL AfOCOUNT 142.072.90 VPTAL LIABILITIES ANJ) CAPITAL ACCOUNT . $740,110.88 M'EJMQRANDA Pledged assets (sod s^curitiee loaned ) (book value): . " United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits And other liabilities 45,268.56 Qfkfr Hs>li^g nlAifgdfl In ? -* ?***- iUamslls smA sihsm lUk41UI?. . ! , -*-w wv??v wyvw?wi UTOilWHW UMIMIIlIVS \ ?*" eluding notes end bills redlecounted sold ' -under repurchase agreement) 32,377.60 l ~ TpTAL r--, 77,646.05 Secured liabilities: 1 (Deposits Secured by- pledged Meet* pursuant to requirements Of law 68,968.69 T < 0 < _ TOTAL, ...; ...... 68,968.59 v . . " - . ' *. \ t? " ' : 4 ' -y? 8TAT|D OF NORTH .CAROLINA,.County of Cleveland,~as: I, B. 9. Nelll, oaehler of the above-mmrd bank, do solemnly swear then 1 he above statement Is true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. 1'. 8. NE2LL, Cashier. ' ' ' " 4 'V- *4 ' - - < f Sworn to and subscribed before me thto 6th day of April. 1989. Correct?Attest: , J. R. Davis, Notary Public. ,.D. M. Baker P. M. fietsler My Commission expires 8-14-41. O. A. Bridges -V KDirectors. '' '? ' 1 ? -i UriraJCrvs CENTRAL MtSTItOtilST CHURCH Km. b. W. rw. r>*tor ft:46 Sunday school, B. 8. Peeler, sopt. H'ft'JflfT ine Sunday school will render ^ special Mhater Program. . 11:00 Baster service featuring the gtirrnmnnt M *?" * _ 7:30 The young people will lend the singing and Hot. C. U. Mob or, presiding elder of the Oastonla District, will preach a special sermon to the young people. Following this service the second quarterly conference for the' year will be held. Monday at 3:30 the circles of the Woman's Missionary Society will meet at follows Number one with Mrs- I. B. Gofcith, leader, at the home of MrsJ. R. Dovis oil Mountain street. Number two with Mrs. O O. Jackson, leader, at the home of Mrs. B. S. Peeler on King street. *" Number three with ,Mrs. C. A. Goforth. leader, at the home of Mrs. J. O. Plonk on Gold street. . j Presbyterian Church Rev H D. I'urlrt. Pastor 6:30 A. M Sunrise Prayer meeting Union Serviice M High 8cbool building. ?:46 A. M. Sunday School. C. P. Tbomassou. Supt 11:00 A M Morning Worship." Seeincn topic: Christ la Rlaon. II.W I. M. IHguni I11Mil >lii il, atudy in PhlUpplans. Monday 7:00 P. M. Trooy 1 Boy Soouta. Mr. Carl DnrMaon, Scout-" master. Utrrr Pe*e and W.I B. Thornton. Assistants. Wednesday, 7.16 P. M. Prayer meet ing at Margrace Community Honpe. Sunday April 16. we will hare the Mitchell College Choir with ua at the Veeper hour. BOYCE MEMORIAL CHURCH W. M. Boyce, Paetor Bible School at 10:00. J. L. McOill. General Superintendent. Morning Worship at 11:00. The pastor W.U speak on: "A Leap Into The Light." Evening 8ervice at 7:30.' Rev. W; It. Echols of Charlotte will cloae Ma Easter Series at this. hour. Y.' V. C. U. will meet afSrSOThere will be an Infant Baptismal Service Sabbath afternoon at tour o'clock. *EbLHYAN * i METHODIST CHURCH A. F. Connor, Pastor The little brick ebnrch on Waco Road extend* EASTER INVITATIONS to yon. to worship with, us in sabbath school, and In the preaching hours, morning and evening. The pastor will preejcb at both the servlCCS. There was a time when the Christians in the church < were burdenbearers, and. vwe had revivals. Now the few that la left laUva are pallbearers, and we have funerals. LUTHERAN CHURCH L. Boyd Htmm. Pastor Bible school 10:00, L. Arnold Klser. General Superintendent. Services for Easter Sunday. IMornlni 11:00, The Holy Communion. Afternoon 4:00, A Sacred Musical Concert by ,Mr. Orben Sime. (There will be no Evening Service. Luther Leagues and children of r5lll*ph MAAl Qa'iftriav R-1K Church Council gMonday Bvenin 7: 80. Boy Soouta, Troop 2, Monday Bvt entng 7:30. SAINT LUKJBS: The Service and Holy C'ommunlort P.00. V Bible school 10:00. James Lackey, Superintendent. . First Baptist Church Angus O. Snrgeant. Pastor Sunday Mjcrntng: A Special Easter Program is being errapged Ayr: the 11:00"D'oock worship hour with special music and sermon by the raetor: "He Is Risen." Beginning Sunday night April Ith, 7:30 and continuing for fire nights our Annual Church School of , Missions will be In progress. The Adult and Young People's group will study J>r j; B Lawrences book dealing with Home Mission principles and ppUcies 'Taking Christ Serlouslr." The Intermediate and Junior boys and girl* *1)1 follow ib Southern Baptist Flocetgn. Missionaries ta W. Thorn born Clark's book, "OutrMsra For Tb* Kin?" * \ mis little folks will be In their own grpup with a special mlssienary story each night. la tfc* closing .-.assembly each night the Pastor w4U lead us ta firs d.seasadoaa on Helping others To Become CMstiaas/ Lot as Ptea to attend "such of the fire nights and bring the family. Young People's Social. All mas* i beweeat ef Ae ehardh. ICON9- lAmiT CHURCH 4 Rot. 0. C. Parker, Pattw Sunday Schaol 1:41 each Sunday. g Preacblnp .11 a. at. and 7:10 p. at y each Sunda.-. A Macedonia Baptist Church j. v. Frederick, - Pastel hi Sunday School 0:45 a. m. f, B. T. U. 6:46 p. m. in Evening Worahlp 7:00 p. m. Preaching 11:00 A. M. mad 7 P It. 7:00 p. u. 31 M . tc Park-Grace M. E, Church 1 C. P. Self, Paator Sunday School 9:46 A. M. P Morning Worahlp 11:00 A. M. G Bpworth League 0:30 P. M. Evening Worahlp 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 P. M In GRACE METHODIST " 8. W. Joil noon, Paator te Sunday School 9:46. te Preaching 11:00. Brotherhood 1:80. t?, Bpworth League 0:16. ^ Evening aervtce: Muelc and Song '#? I.wv, m-wmjwr BVVIHf | W ^ 1 v_" v; wy>g f^yys M< I JJy^yVvj^ . and Evar-Raady RAZOI^^ .. i l^AL iflr Jl 1?SI I Vmbchs tall ' 1* Tii? I rt^W I 1CTI INTERNATK i * yi^wt.oreMi ?nd fail partiadan tkt DIESEL POWEH JU BEStSfeJ ! OAaOiaMiSSP1/ * " 1 <*? ? ,? - ' T I . P.L.I 313 S. Vance St PIEDMONT AVENUE ? I4I1 imtii I Mrs. J. J. Patteraon 4ia<1 aa her itata Frida) * night Mr. and Mra. ' Iter Farria and children, Ted and fld itnlttle of the. Battleground ?ec- W on. I 1 tMr. nnd Mra. A. R. Huffgtetler I tvb as their gueet this week their >n. Mr. Jake Iluffstetler of Wash- 1 gton. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ramsey have ] > their guest this week their son, r. Jennings Ramsey of Wnsbing>n. Mrs. J. J. Patterscn had as her iests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Y, W. atteraon and children of the Oak rove section. * iMr. Tom Crawford spent Saturday i Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. White had as leir guests Sundays the tetter's stair, Mrs. William Ycder and daught, Mary, of Lincolnton. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. White had as leir guests Friday Mr. and Mrs. loyd Falls of AltaVista, Va. Mr. Sam Sneed is very -sick at this ritiag. i iix FO? A Coming P? ?UI _ oI ftliMlimlai Com oe lUm Bond Me in* kooUdl O holds groat ra for trolnod man st ^ooo^lo adlo tuns booscoD si gloBt faidosf md Win be *kt^fcr mdUiew. lb prepared W linO? aetkecllUe. wiH hel ml A iaeriemteg book ?FBEE. mc&i engine! A FIELD WITH A F a fciim vT Jeter jeUrTou'l lie a &?e> condition 1 THE NEXT BIO INI i heeibIbe cmq meb&e sogtbosco b 7\ Conditioning ? the field in He beeotf bj[ eHee wihHiewei am. WiHe lee krfot ^ BotloBEd Cocroopoodraco Sthfdf* 3 iffltpl DNAL CORRESPONDENCE I OX Mf, ICIANTON, PINNA. gfoterar w'hSTi lADIO MECHANICAL coMDmoNma - Apvnrrama TAOMMIOAL AM) INBIMTMAL OtUMU _ _ llttNEM TRAININO COUMO At* AMnu. ....I r ? '* ">. . '' 1BBCY, Local Representative . - ;- V ' ; . ,-. , * ' j'Vdtii it u? mTmpiZ ???/ J5' r?ii?^ '?h. lor 41m r?mff ?. 4" .. " -? y <: Ifou Can Buy Your Feed ingredients for Mixing iere. j Fioh Monl ?. >Ma> Meat Meal Alfalfa Meal Steamed Bone Meal djj Lespedeza Hay Meal Pulverized Oats and M>"eir*l< Special Attention To Custom Feed Mixing WARE & SONS Kings Mountain, N. C? > xiTl . BtuJV 1 - il ) 1 ftgHS \ | RIMO f J" lBl? dttt** I I gUl 1 r*" I IH O I K >0?T*Y I fiKmiNg ] jjj SCHOOLS 9 I . . ' 9H jylmM MUhalSCShSdS P"~"V^ "MMI ~~ ' * * -** * ' --*' |4', '-'f.- - . 5 ^.JM