I I ~~ ' % y ^.y. social II Of INTE PHONES 10-R A "JUNIOR DAY" OF FEDERATION OF ROMANS CLUBS IN RALEIGH MONDAY APRIL 17 "Junior Day" of the 37th annual convention of the State Federation j of Woman'* Clubs, to be hel4 In Raleigh, in April, will be Mond?v. t April 17. |Ieadquartera for the convention will be the Sir Walter . ' -s Hdtel. Tlie Presldent'a Breakfast in bonor of Mrs. (Howard O. Etherldge, * State Federation President will be tbe first event on the Junior program. Only presidents of Junior (Tubs and State Junior ofllcers will attend the breakfast, which will be1 K>h at 8:16 o'clock. The highlight of the morning session will be the address of_Mrs. Sgldie Orr ,Dunbar, General Federation Prestdeat, who will . arrive frmp Waahlngtoh. fc>. C.. Monday morning. Tbe oonvention will be welcomed by . Mrs.- Patrick Msaly, Jr.. president . tt the JtntW Womai's Club of Bnli ii i SfcrthadghisJiMbsWaMMSaMllI ? ktl^i bv Mlsa Oerda Que|cfe, president of tbe Wilmington Junior Sorosis. ThS' > morning sddblnn wilt be heid la tfce Cotonia IRoom of the Sir Walter I Hnt?l I (Mrs. Karl Bishopric of ffpray. Jll*; ton chairman, will brink bar mesMge to Junlora at th< morning session. which trill bo presided over by tho president. Miss Nancy - Cos of Raleigh. Following a short business . session group conferences wl'l be held,'at which time the following (topics will be discussed: Programs and publicity. Mrs. .Henry Harris o Raleigh, chairman; parliamentary law, Mrs. A. W. Oholson of HendorUuU Imhh, CrmmJ Ckmm. Sfoa My. / SMS S. Am-ta St., SIImiIm, PliNliih, "THERE'S A | WEALTH JPPH.; 1. lelts T. Robert > . md Champion Bahfi . j. ernsey has more butit'll in essential fooil nd hat an abundance le primary sourer of e talked to the doetor I to'^ ,ne ,'lat " wINKy it different ... is to (ood W 'W&P pretrribct it for convalctm , Ope. It. wonderful creamy flavor : 4|lckly win* milk-thy children!" t ' Cot your children the tame, premium Golden Cnrrmey Milk that Mr*. Robertt and little Rowctve recommend to highly. And yoti ean be tare it i? the tame, for Golden > Goerntey it never mired with other milke ... k't aiway t told "Straight" and full-otrengtb. Give your children the bom .milk you eon net ? order Golden Goerntey today 1 H ^GOLDEN GUERNSEY vjy Rwiwea'i rani wag Onbr r?w Cnauu CoUmm Cmmnui MUM from jwa ' MARGRACE DAIRY Phone 18 JlB- ? a m B. VCttck row s^^B- IMOIfllli^ H \ 1 1 ^ >y?j ifl Ma gk ^K* ^1 r : \ *V ^^if\ II *11 \ JTrw m -1 Mmm I ki'v * ..^ji.-? ' r * j. . '^ Bftnfiv- j*r^i I fZr . Vf ? S-.. - , ^ : LND PERSONAL HAPPENI REST to J ND 88 MRS. A. H. PATTlil A A-*.A A. A A ? * on, way* and ohm of raising mon- H dy. Mrs. Harry Bynum of Greens- f boro; point system ..and training t< training school, Miss [Maude Hutcty '.h erson of Winston-Salem f and Statg L and local projects, Mrs. Robert Oat- '* ling of Ahoakle, Junior editor. H Mrs. Clyde R. Hoey will' be guest e of honor and speaker at the luncbe-'vi on at 1- o'clock In the Virginia Dart!' ballroom at the Sir Walter. Plans'tr for Juniors st the General Fedem-le tiou convention in San Francisco, d May 9-11 will be presented by Mrs. H H. Lathem of Asheville, chairman of the budget in the General Federation who also will be an honor gpest Mrs. Hgrry Bynlm, president of the Creenpboro Junior Club, will sing * during the luncheon hour. r '"The afternoon business session wiU be presided over-by Mrs. Karl.! Bishopric, of Spray and will be fea? ,, hired by tka' election of officers and t{ .reports of leader* o| the gitonp con frradcea. Mrs. R. ft V Jones will miHftmm % ' * A Mill 1 -I.-- u l... n o ?v? v*. " |)i??h mvuwv; 11uI* ? noon it | o'c lock tt the Woman's Club honoring Mr*. Bishopric and other ofllecta, , courtesy the Junior Woman's Club cif Raleigh. AH Junlor delegates and visitors attending K the convention will be guests of the Raleigh clubwomen. ' The Juniors will Join with the en- j t:re convention Monday evening to| 0 hear the addresses of Governor Hoey (f end of the National president, Mri. ,Dunbar, who will be Introduced by Mrs. Hoey. ? ' C AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY A TO MEET ..TUESDAY a The American Legion Auxiliary will meet next TXiesday afternoon at 3:30' at the home of Mrs. Charles A. I Ocfcrth on West Mountain street with Mrs. Baxter Hayes and Mrs. ^ Goforth as hostesses. * ++ ? ++ (THE FIN E"S TTj } :: Lo?alr packaqea. wiihqay prtng Cowan and ribbon. Ho axtra ckanja on raqular 51.40 par pound paclcaqaa. y ' * \ cM. and Novaitiai TJ fefeV: ...5Sc to $$JQQ WWjftfl 1??lkM2/mm.'*.:< wwn^sa KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. T" *? II Oi ine jvexuu a lore Phones 41?81 , ^ V v32fl M . ^ M Bjfc I. Mr Kt ITS B3R8T Igwrtte ofCust/ier 7o6accas MM ; ; I NGS VOMEN - J SRSON, Editor :: ? ^ ~ 4 IOSTE68 AT CLUB Miss Ntad? McDaalel was hostess > the Uielonl Club this week at her ome ou B:?t King Street. ttl'?L ... J 1?? ??'J ? unu w* untwe prniei were ob by Mrs. Jiles Cornwall and Miss luby Ware. After several bridge ses Ions n lovely salad course was ser> Ird. All members were present at the leetlng. Mrs. Gene MoOarter will uierta'n the Utelond's next Monay evening. ' Personal!: Mlap Carlyle Wfcre expects to i t?ent .the Easter holidays in Lautns. 8. C. * Mr.. Leroy .Hendricks of Be)k*? tspartafoftt - Store force has been til, tils week: i. r -.:; *' k _Mis. Hugh Hoke of lut Store ^.Vhical fcrie and Irs. (\Vi'.";uns of the Central school iv Itv have been confined to their I'uno on account of illness. Miss Estelle Bcokout of Brooklyn. j >T. Y? was & guest at the home ct ; Mr. and Mrs. ,D. A. Fulton this week ' . .pmu mevn All That's A The ' ffcerfh** JflH r mix i ,^mJL ^ ^ m m u?t? N?v a ?fc<><* 11 Hprv r . ^ Cleve _ i'hone 49 ijrut' *ii?Vrl^flTral'iirtai' &f;i > WQMP*T. APBIL. C 1W lifaA tfbokout U a alec? fit MniT Ful- v tOD. ,Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Falkerson, 1 Kisses Fanny Carpenter and - Bra 1 Plonk spent the week-end In the vh v clnlty of Charleston,. 8. C., where 1 they vtshed the gardens and other I FLOV FOR E A ? ' . - Lillies And Blooming Corsages, That Your Wit Will Be Proud To Wear. ?ORDER From Youi Walter's ' - - ? ' ? . . . " ' We Deliver . * < nrnn otm imwb EM ^DestitoTt^Uk&Ji+ii i R .; ?|| lliiw I r IMhHlN Ownaiifl Nnw Va?va-I*-? LVALUE r for folio, footuro for footuro ? far your moaoy thon any othor ? K-Hi?ki to CTuvroiofj uolum land Mot i '-v> 7;': y ' . ?* ' ' ' ? .jrw Vva <| >': _ laces of Interest. 1 _ o Mlsse* Geneva and Maude Owens. 11 eerie. Jordan, Ltllle M. Allen, Nel- < lue. and Elisabeth Oautt spent last teek-end in Charleston, S. C., visitng the Magnolia Gardens aha other (Cont'd on back page) " VERS | iSTER t Other ; i Plants i ? e, Mother, Sweetheart, :: now? . r Florist Flowers m ?? ' rnone 90 | | _____ Come In! j PH FEFL WHY IT YjM* NTAMES QUICKER 1$$% STRAIGHT-LIKE ISlI STOPS J1UK VAJ. iniain, N. C. ire Millions Can Afford w /yy/fjEkZfttoM Ix mMHMMMRHI t The on/y red car combining vest Co$f .s * j vjvvt;, * j I ' 7 * - . In Amtrlca-ond more than out off Hi* lost night y oars I IMANCE ,v t. >ttor on tho hills . . . and a than othor cars In Its flold. ire i IB.W tybng, N?w by Fleker b?? Im4 Ma HybMi Mim | e-Aeilee KIMwg lyilm w0t baprawW * j mtMi Wy) Tt?U> MHi CtaNh. , \ ?, car for cor, H |lv?i you or In He prfco \JBh> O loadorihlp. n? mmi w>? lor Co. Kings Mountain, N. C. ' ' 'P . Do Your ' . * Easter Shopping At Belle's And Save ?Easter Dresses . . ?Easter Hats ?Easter Bags -^-Easter Gloves ?Easter Hose BEDSPREADS Special Candlewick $1.00 > RUGS 9 x 12 Felt Base $3.77 INDIES' PURE SILK FULL-FASHIONED* v HOSE / 48c f Belk's Dept. Store Kings Mountain, N. C. . i,