BBfl Mountain . | Represented In Tournament Kire r?pr?inUUvM cf Kings (Mountain high school will attend the 1 irae annual North Carolina Speech and Debate Tournament for ninensont standard high schools to be held at, Wake Forest college Frldaf cod Saturday. April 7-8: 'Mildred Williams acid Howard Whtttlngton, affirmative, and Martha McClean and Clara Plonk, negative, will comprise the debate team ana argue the query: tResolved, that the United States should form an alliance with Great Britain." Howard W hitting ton will do the extempore speaking tor the school, and Betty Lee Nelsler will given an oration entitled, "A. Tarheel Views North Carolina." iD. M. Bridges, principal, will accompany the squad to the tournament. Twenty five nine-month high schools will send representatives to the tournament. Already entered are, Reldavtlie, Kannapolls Shelby, Tattooro. Rocky Mount; Lee Edwards <f Ashevtlle, Central of Charlotte, High Point Senior, R. J. ReyjnoM^aaf .yjrtnston-Salcm, Broughtok and Hugh Moraon of Raleigh. LextagMk, Durhctm, Kings Mountain. HmM Klnbton, 8e<*or or OraeaaboTO. nretttrlllc. Lumberton, Wtk Tke Wtkt KortH meet will mark the first time tke extempore tech i?w la debating has been used ta North Carolina high schcol tournament. One of the main object tree ot the tourney Is to get away from the eonrentonal "stilted and canned'* ifiiii ta debates. Speakers are to IMPERIAL THEATRE PHONE 1St . Kings Mountain's Popular Play House Open Daily 1:00 P. M. TODAY ? THURSDAY Double Pasture Program "Personal Secretary" Wm- Gargan?}7:y Hodges also "Gambling Terror" Johnny Mack Brown Chapter No. Tim Tyler'a Luck ?Anybody 10c?, FRL and SAT. ? Open 10:4S 'A. M. Twe Big Western Features . ' Cowboys on ths Loose asain. See Jack Randall and Kermlt Maynard in "Man's Country" and "Wild Cat Trooper" Starting new Serial ohapter?No. 1 RED BARRY NOTICE: Any Boy 00 Oirl under 12 years old clip Ihit Coupon and 5c aid adfnlt one from 10:45 to 12 o'clock Saturday Only. 10c and 15c COMING MONDAY Sector Special Eartttra Stmiwytk, Henry Fonda, In "Mad Miss Manton" Comedy. Cartoon, News BIG HITS COMING SOON Spirit ' Culver You Can't Cheat An Honest Man ' Stage Coach "* Throe Smart Girls Grow Up and many more. i * Thursday a "BOYS' 1 Spencer TracyATTIENTIOI All children under 12 wi see "Boys' Town" if acco mother. Saturday ?1> "DEVIL'S "LAW OPT! ? Buc Monday ai 'THANKS FOR Adolphe Mienji Ladies don't forget to co to get your next piece c W**T FREE. Wednesday?Double HAD MAN FROI Wallace ""NANCY DRBTO Bonita G Dixie 1 ?*&&? St* -i " X'iiiifiiiVritiiiiiiii to wei?m?t to awl the hw It?*u <C .he cppoaaats directly. Actual debate coodtttoas. where* tn afflrmttUre ind ?gatty> tees will meet in separate clash, will b inalatalat 1 >' ch teem will be pet milted to debate four times befor any are eliminated, thereby allowta each school to ensMte In eight d< bates. Judging throughout the toun ament will be done by expert crltt Htdges who will give oral criticism ( the participants following eacl debate. The final debate will b broadcast over station WFTF, tta ejgh. on Saturday evening, April I Vcm nine to ten o'clock. ' J. H Rrcughton, Raleigh, attorney, wtl present a 20 Inch silver loving cui *o the winning team. Besides debates, contests will b held in oratory and extempore speal Ing. Medals will be awarded winner In these events. U Kritical Moments AND H OWLARIOUS S COOK (By The Tattlers) We're aorta mad, and we * believe Justly so. Onr column didn't ge Into the Fiftieth Anniversary EMI Hon. Once In ftfty yearn; trad ns'nW in It! It's disgust tag! Bet maybe tta lay-oft dM us good. We needed s rest. And we have soma news thli seemed to bare lots of fun together In Linoolntoo Saturday. Bpple want a- nr. - ? .i .. l.o.V *V.?i ru w no on ui nvwion ms~ ihhuh vui the gals objected. And la It true that Eppte and Col are ca the "<mU" el nee than? la one of thoae "endurance" re inaneea which tee furnlahed ua with h ta of stuff about to termlneteT Ro n or, (and Indications) are that II will. Dan dated Catherine, and E. W dated Helen Garrison Monday, There waa a beaut If nl racon orer the lake.' 'tla said. Stuff that we have heard thli weekk la Margaret really "that way1 olout a guyT Who waa Mr. Belli brunette friend at Llncolnton _ Other Junk too numerous - to men tlon. Mountaineers Ooen Base Ball Season Today Tangle With Marion At 3:00 P. M. The local Hlcta baseball team o1* ns Its seeson today with a conference fit against Marlon. No advance Information waa given out by coaches Kittle and Smart, and neither would comment on the outlook, but with Uc forth and Ballard both eligible moundameu, and aevenl veternm back, prospects are bright. Very 11tie could he learned about the via Iters, but they are expected to be w rthy opponents tor the Mountaineer opener. ... PomIWo line-up: Goforth. Pitcher Plonk, Catcher Finger, First E3*e nennett. Second Base Falls, Third Base Morrison, Short Stop W'sler, Outfield Gibson, Outfield Gotns. (Ballard If Goforth starts :?u mound, Outfield. FASTER BOO HUNT The Young People of. the First P esbytorlan Church, ,-irc planning I - liuve au Master Kgg Hunt, Friday April 7lh. at four o'clock en the church lawn. All boys and girls under 12 yenrs of age are cordially Invi ed to attend. Admission 10c per nd Friday TOWN" -Mickey Rooney * KIDDIES II be admitted FREE to mpanied by father or t oftble Feature a %Tf\N B5LAJN1/ IE TEXAN" nd Tuesday EVERYTHING" ?u?Jack Oakie me on one of these days >f "Sweetheart BeautyFeature?10c and 15c d BRIMSTONE" Beery f DETECTIVE" rranville rheatre 'iffiirifMir iift'l lifei M tMOil TM KUfQI MOnfTilN Wltlfl ! r BUND TRIO TO 81 I rt B 11 1. J0j Jj^L h B 0 k f m I fl i 1 e . -:^al |Jm I j Ftc<o by Shelby, Gastonta, N. C. Ixft to right: Thornton. Pahline an ' Mf-dlin. pianist. The Davis Trio. tonia. *411 bring a program of met 1 Church next Sunday- morning April ing service. The paator. W. L. Ha* ?t that time. The' public ia cordially | ? I "Life of Christ" In Motion ? AU i! dirndl" Coming Friday April T. 7:30 P. M. "The Pin'n Phjr, or 'Uf^ of I Christ,' ts wH?My a treasured heritage of the agee, to ell Christian . people, wtacee faith la anchored In k th?. reaurrect'oo cf Jeees of Nasa . reth. The dramatic Torsions glren i. periodically. in Burope at Oherein incrgan, <ind Freiburg, are rtalted b> hundreds of thousands <ot Chris tier prople front all sections of the wcrl( i r.l enormous expense. Preduced In tVurope and Palestine, i The public of Kings Mountain it ' to be giren. the rare opportunity o i seeing the wirrhMwnoux "Passlor , Play" motion picture baaed upon ant - patterned after, both Freiburg, anc ObcTamraergau 'productions. <m d dually produced in Europe, thr Itly l,and. and Egypb. with specta 'gan and choral musli on sound e iilpinont, deplstlog many faraout rr.epes In the Life- Crucifixion, ant r caurrectlon of Jesus. at the Luth -an Church on April 7 at 7:30 p. m Everybody Is Inrited, and- xhuisgfccr Vkets are not neecaeary. A dflrei ottering w'tl be taken, to asdlat -'- it raying expenses. Unusual Spiritual Values. A very gr vifylng departure frotr ?be usual mov'e presentation tn chtr cbes U the high spiritual tare! ant oimospbere of meditation and pray er established end maintained throi ;liout the enttne pre gram which hai ' pen one of the fundamental objec See of the "National Bureau Dor K? ''ulcus and Educational Films,*' und -r whose management this film I being presented. This magnificent program is pic ure., muVc, and address is sttract :ng Immeniw ejudr.enccs In many c be largest Churches in the Unite* Suites and Canada, having been ex htbited in over two thousand of th'? ulnctpel Churches, to more thai ne million people, dtylng the pas. 'wo years. A capacity audience k, anticipated here. The public is cor< lolly invited. Peanuts (Should Be Planted May 1 to 15 H. D.'Morris, agronomist of <the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station at State College, ' reminds farmers of North Carolina that the beat planting dates for peanuts are from May 1 to 16. Earlier plantings often result in rotten seed because of cold, wet weather, and plantings later than May 15 generally yield less than plantings on reev ommended dates, he advises. Peanuts rank third In cash crop value In North Carolina, led only, by tobacco and cotton. This state is cue of the argest peanut-produaing areas, ranklnp second at present and producing approximately one fourth of the annual crop in money valge. Jumbo Runner and Virginia Biqftcb are the two moat commonly grchrn varieties Jn the northeastern section of the Rthte, where moat of the dbm inercial crop la produced. The Biamish variety le grown principally 1 in the piedmont section for home ddnaumptton and hog grating. Agronomist Morris recommends that peanuts be planted on well drained, sandy, fine .sandy, and Ytry fine sandy loams and that Umtng Is necessary If the soil Is too etroqfl? add. However, he says that growers should hesitate In applying large quantities of lime, especially It tobacco Is grown in rotation to the peanuts. ,c * I "! ' ' ' . * 1 " ' "* ~ . . THUMPAT. AWUL C tM? NG AT OAK GROVE 4 [ | ttfc I BtffiSSi*' * . < Sb? ? I B I ^K; i ? - *" " " 4 > d Fiord1 Darin, blind trio and \ BUI blind sister and bnothers. from Oie- 4 > ed music at the Oak Orove Baptist 9fii, at the regular 11 o'clock preachkins, wlU bring an Easier message < ' !n vited to attend this service. ? ???- 1 ' ,1 < _ p******^T (Cont'd from Society page) point* of intarentier. and Mr*. J. E."Adori>okU r? ! turned Tuesday frcu a ten-days trip \ * to Blloxl, Mlaa.. where they were , guests of their aon. Brneat Ader * holdt and tamlly. Mr. Aderholdt te '< ! supervisor ct the Food and Drug administration of the Mlaataalppi dla- < trlct. : - -V - | J ' 'J Mlaa Mary Loulee Rhyne of the )) New London School faculty - spent > i lie paet week-end with her parents. 1 ami had as her guests Miss Cather- ) | Ir.c Wront. A. P. Del'.'nger, Jr.. und Coach Plland, of the New London J | faculty. The 'party were entertained at Lake Montopla. 'Mrs. C. E.'Nelaler and Mrs. II. T. Fulnco. returned Friday alter nn ex- '! tended stay at tho Nelaler collage ; | at Palm Harbor, FVn Mrs. Fleming !! Pnmseur who has-also been a guest of Mr*. Nelsler at Palm Harbor atop ped en-route home for a visit to her ' | daughter and family in Savannah. ' Gci-rgt.a. . ! I Guernsey Is Sold To Ratterree Blackstock. 8. C-. April 3.?A rcg- ! iatered Ouernaey cow. haa recently | j' been arid by A. Mayo McKeown to 1' Bright I). Ratterree of Kinga Moun- )) tain, N. C. Thla animal ia Maid's < May Flower 346183 recording to the ! | American Guernsey Cattle Club of 1j Peterborough, N. H. H ^1 * I m- m 1 ^ MM J EASTER Accessories ( GIVE THAT FINISHED TOUCH TO YOUK " EASTER OUTFIT WITH THESE 1 ?ACCESSORIES? Beautiful Genuine Crepe Hose exquisitely sheer und lovely. Guaranteed first quality in the popu- t lar Spring Shade*? X 75c pr. TWO FOR 11.35 :: GLOVES with Kid back and corded silk palm in j; Navy, Good Earth, Black and White? I 97c OTHERS AT 5fr jl PURSES?large assortment to select from? 97c A Fear Styles At Idas Near Shipment Presses and Hats just received j from our Near York Buyer. - Laches' White, Patent and Kid Pumps. Straps ""*$2.00 to$3.50 MMacs* White and Patent Straps. Tan and White < (hfordo including barge lasts? $1.00 to $2.50 ilMen's White, Tan, Saddle Tan, Black, Two- tones ; barge last and brogue? $2.00 to $4.50 \\ New Shipment Men's FAMOUS WING SHIRTS j> av advertised in Esquire and Good Housekeeping ! collars and cuffs of airplane doth. Guaranteed to ! last as long as the body rof the Shirt. $1.66 value? ' $1.45 each OTHERS AT 97c Etdiison Hats, plain and roll brim, light tan, grey ? and greens? i ;> $3.00 each OTHEKS AT S7c and *1.45 New Shipment Easter Suits ; | Myer's Dept. Store j j Your Friendly Merchant h Attention! ^ r I Our Retail Ice Cream Store Is Now r - - -OPEN? I Visit our store for your favorite ice u cream flavor. I W Our ice cream is made from, grade 'A* milk and cream. The fittest fruit and | flavor that can be had. r l , ' ' i |? ' N-v; fc . ' * t USE DAIRY | it Door To Dixie Theatre

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