win J' rnw wimmmmmmmmrnrn J^RITICAL M OMENTO AND Howlarious Scoops (By The Tattlers) Quite u bit of criticism from last week's column. It seems that Epple '"'".end Colleen were rather unjustly accused of breaking up. We're sorry that happened, but 'Chief Snooper Number 1 made a mistake, taking the rumor for granted. Then the otb er stuff. Maybe we were wrong, so what? We had to do something to start something, and did it start? Whoopee! Phvllfa 4a hnmo on/1 Kool**? /*? !?? w .? unit MM * lug t|UHC it time. Some very Utter eating friends with her. Nine plpple. Bobby Allran at long last getting * break Sunday night. Very happy aMY1 CLEAF ii fikirtfr Anf | . 41 III I 141 villi > v r * .7 $2.00 AO WooI^leate $2.00 All Wbol Sweii : $1.45 1 > ' .. ?. v $1.00 All Wo , 79c I ' 'i& / H< * / * ' " . Real Chic. Full Fashion ' thread, 45 Gauge, New 1 ? ity, Ringless? 75c Wee Chic, Full- Fashion gauge, hard twist, Rinj ' : 58c V OTHERS AT ! Myers'D Your Frien< I I All Wa I Mu H I On :" *"?* > r 7f I The 15th OR SERVICE WILL B1 M RE-CON N ECTION. ~x i H H ' H I Alilf ik fit fir "J . ^ ? ' : '. * *1 ? e>o? t bout H. Who Is Thomas Ttodhll coins to the banquet wkht Whoever It to, it Imp him all adlther. Why dirtu't Mary Evelyn date 8untluy night? Or <Hd she, after? Milks Williams. Bill Baakhead, I..I) Fisher had: a Jlttahbug pahty tot her nite. Bill was voted Number t Jjttahbug. la Puff Herd really taking the blonde to the banquet? Which IMnildaV Vnu Irtv? ttr tho nlnn ftnh with the Myrna Loy nose. The Awakening Chorus was a very impropriate number for the Sunrise Service Easter Morning. Were you Just going In, or dirt you get up to attend. Ho hum. 'Spose that's ail, folks. The average railway haul of fresh trults and vegetables la about 1,400 Tiles, while the . average rail we y haul of all commodities is only 35* miles. BUS* IANCE i v ifvmvi w ' 4 * ?> .. , t - <. - . 1 ? d Skirts, pastel shade?.' : each ! ? < k |.++++++++++++*++++++<.<.**+ '.o, iters, Pastel Shades? Pair 1 ; ol Sweaters? Pair I - , . ??. )SE . , ; I i Genuine Crepe, ThreeSpring Shades, First qual 4 } ' - - i: t Hose, Three-thread, 45 <; irless, First Quality? Pair 18c and 39c PAIR fff f ?f T^f T; < ' * : " ' > eph Store | illy Merchant r j ter& Lii '.;-v^AiaPrjb^:.:- - . ''* - ^-<s^diSr?-ST->* ? ist Be Pi > Or Befo Day Of H B DISCONT1NUED AND C ' ' ' . I < > * ' *..* . . y-- - . J-* f I WATER AND TOWN OF K Bv.-? J -v . "'r. j . - - , *? . f2 4iai;vi,A. > - * i . . , \ " - > i ,r <?<*****: U?.?. i'. U. I'*irick, Pastor j:?q.a. M. Hunday school, C. F.Thotn?son. Supt. 11:00 Morning Worship. Sermon text: Rev. IP:9. 4:00 P. M. Mitchell College Choir. 6:45 Young People's Meeting. Monday. 7:00 Hoys 8couts, Troop One. Mr. -'Carl iDsvUbon, Scoutmaster. Messrs Harry Page and Bill Thomson. Asst. ScoutmastersWednesday. 7:1G Prayer Meeting Morgroce Community House. BOYCE MEMORIAL , CHURCH W. M. Boyce. Pastor ? Bible School at 10:00 o'clock. Morning Worship at 11:00. .The poet or will speak on: "The Pil-! K rim's Promise." Everting Service at 7:30. Officers for the new Church Year will be installed. The rastor wilt speak on: "Fot Such -A Time Aa This." Junior Christian Union meets at { 3:30. Intermediates meet at 0:30.' . Y. P. C. U. meets at ?:S0. ,Mi<l-Week Service each Wednesday evening'at 7:30. JLUTHERAN ' CHURCH U Bo yd Hina. >astar.' . fMm infiinni nijtni h mum Mr cr. Orwru Superintendent. Swt 'm for the Hrpf Iwiij ifUr EpMer,: Mornitig 11:00; sermon: The Dlvi|ie .Demonstration; Aftcrnocn 5:00. The Missionary ^ '.ietietK Luther L?in> The Brotiuibood and the Children of the. Church held their regular monthly meeting. There will be no Evening S? rviee. ?. j 8A1NT LUKE8 ?. , ] Bible school -10:00. Jam en Lackey, Superintendent. | CENTRAL 7 METHODIST CHURCH ' Rev. R W Fox. Pastor 9:45 Sunday school,. B. S. Peeler. Supt. 11:00 The service will be given to the observance of "Church School Day". The several, departments will Rive special programs. This promises to he most interesting service. 7:30 The. young people will lead the scng service and-the pastor will |>ren0h. . GRACE MEXHODJST T S. >t" jiAnynn-., hi?vv *?' SOnday School Fill A) M Wprahi'p Seryice 11:00 A. If. ' Epworth League 6:30 P. M. v Pvanlnw GInmUe T. D if MTvmun' ITW-tvw *?***0 tr xv* Prater Service Wednesday fitvtgt' tnf-7:3? P;M. }" - *".? . *] " ' - - - * * j tlOONO BAPTIST CHURCH ' Bmv. C. C. Park**, Pastor Sunday School t:45 aach Sunday. "Preaching 11*. m. and 7:30 n. ml *ach Sunda , Macedonia Baptist Church Fy?der|ckt Paste* Sunday. SetooQ) 9:45 a - at. B. T.U. 5:46 p. m. Rrenlng Worship 7:00 p. m "f Preaching 41:00- A. M. and 7 P to 7:00 p. ij. , Park-Grace ftL E. Church >' ~ C. P-Self. Pastor - Sunday School 9:45 A. M. -'Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. i . -_Bpwoxlh. League 0:30 l?. .14. j Evening Worship 7:30.P.,M, ..i Prayer. Meet log Friday 7:30 P.) 16 " I jht Bills I lid *?. , V I I ie Month I ' V> *l- " - / -; Wp| I ' oB HARGE MADE FOR *.% .<3 H >? I i-31 "". ** > > .^i i INGS MOUNTAIN. ' I H i - ? ' ??1 ? -1 THUMPAT. AHUL It. IW . Bunch Gratis Need ~ Spr?y With Bordeaux Bunch (rape*, such a* the Concord and Niagara. varieties, should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture to control Mafk ret disease which co uses the berries to dry up and dtop from the bunches, says H. 'R. Miswonger, horticulturist of the State College Extension Service. ? The first applicatlou should be made when the second or third leaf uh "nrlnar tin |huiamiihsm<1s '"'t*? n < uv icvVilUUCllUS. I uu next spray l? before the boaaoma are open and the third application should come when the berries are abcut the sUe of B-l) shot. This will suffice if a two-pound paper sack 1? Immediately slipped over each bunch with tho top folded over ond secured with a pin. TOe grapes * 111 continue tc> develop and color wlthiin the bag and be protected font Infection, 'as well a* birds and Insects. If this is not - done, the K rapes should be sprayed .-two weeks alter they reach the E-B shot stage. If there are periods of wet weather before the grapes are ripe, additional applications cf -Bordeoui may be necessary. Nlswonger give* the following advice on preparing Bordeaux mixture Ji'eeolve one pound of btusetbne in 12 gallons of water. Mia one pound of - hydro ted lime (plaster's finishing lime) '-fat a little water to make , a tliln paste. St'r this sto-wlr through a sieve Into the blueetooe water. When spraying, agitath the liquid tthhHiaUlMMHakflBMUilttUhadUifeai nialertals. When ehewdng )iassets see present; two ounces of -arsenate of lead should be added to the.Ad gallons of Ptrdeaux mixture, the specialist said. Leaf hoppers can be controlled ly spraying the underside 'of *" "the leaves with 40 percent nicotine sul-l phutc (Black Leaf 40) at the rate of one' teaspconful to one gallon of urates: to which Is added a small quantity of soap -about the sixe of a small walnut. . Prospects continue to favor increased egg production and Increased producttcn and marketing of poultry this year as oompared wkh.| I'.KiS. reports the U. 8. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.. EV .4111 ....I? m a * r.wu svni iuuiib ur?i in- unn iun* ly expenditures, but Increaaed outly for automobile and household op erntlcn In recent year*, baa ibored pir.'?Mtvg spending down to fourth Oh,Oh! 'S Wrong Way! (SQASTn CostoatrsWith A IMERTISIN'Q Backed Good Service ! " ' ' " f > * ' ' ", ? . ' ' * ' * .brings .**? f Be; . <~gfl ,r*^B ' ' jH -r,v J ' 1 ^'"^BI :;. > "> js* ?)'i Ixcivttv .' ' JSB , ?5Sw*n3USI I. : 3355Z* : t<] ^IHS^ >-niN B ." SESn>, I f3 r' ^ 25S2CTZi *iv *M I:' I 'gwn^i ?*i K. - ,?*r ."^tM L <..*. p ^ Era I , v \ * . I OASH |fl I Logs and Lumber DRY OR OREKN N. C. Pine, White Pine, Oak, Poplar. Hi] I Wright-Bachman I I Jimhrr Cn '< ' fl Fore.t City. N. C. Phone 21? ' ONLY PAPER IN . THE WORLD DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE UPBUILDING ' OP KINGS MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HMALO Mom* WORLD - Is jit ]lly Finger lips" | I 1 our world of friends,, rein- I jjj tives, business acquaintances, ' I is likely to be scattered over many points in the United Slates. To your long distance ,r< operator, all of these folks are a faces, ready to respond in person This is true whether your friend away, for today you can tdephon This miracle of-yesterday, is a o< many coordinated accompli slum the Bell Telephone Laboratories ratus and telephone lines j?-Uw handling of calls?Carehd selec ?> Above all. the sincere desire of t best possible service. . Today, the world la at your fingei do is pick up your-telephone and . SMTUEftn Bell Tcuraoir i tasoapi .' . " ' ;? ROMHZP/yE *? . . . - ? I ; I I I' I. I I : . * ;1 1 - ... i On* Wmy CMdt iW to i I Belmont, N. C. $ .35 I Bessemer City, N. C $ .10 Blacksburg, 8. C. 8 .28 Charlotte, N. C. 8 *8 Cramerton, N. C I 40 Gaston I a, N. C. I .M Grover, N. C. 8 Gaffney, 8. C. .. I M Greenville, 8. C |1-1S Greensboro, N. C. #1*8 Spartanburg, 8. C I W 'Washington, D. C. ....... *. $??26 S. ri' Ineure Sale*y. A*iU Hlgbrray Hianfc, Travel By Train, AirCea4ltteaeiX?a^Ksa ess - - TWretsgk Trsin-. ..r H. H. Orabeer, . IJjiJtliMify y ' n . r< K? H H ? ? Hi I i f . raiting intLe i?ril'oli|>uird aha at your summons, v ?>*.?. i Are in a .nearby town or far. . a all over tbe wprld. rmtnonjplaoe today,, because of *>ta?Continuous reseanfc in }? ^-Large investment* p> appa ? leasing study to iinprttre the lion and training of people-.? -v > elephone folks' to give jon the ' * ' ?* - " , ,?*.l tips, Too, when all you bare to ' r call "Long JHsUnce." .,...... j. MifaininiCtivns < ???. * ?* ? ?.. ' | MmMM K HBRa* .r*.' \ Vd0 iv Hft I * I B # b B I L 1 B ^B M b - B B HM i i %fl H BH H ^K . ' H B I B tl B i 1 " w it

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