? "ST T Kino Mountain Herald ; Established 1SM ? Published Evsry Thursday HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE. Haywood E. Lynch Editor-Manager intered aa second etnas matter s the PoatodBce at Kings Mountgii N. C.. under ire Act of March ,1S7?. SUBSCRIPTION RAT US One Year tl.C Six Months 7 A weekly newspaper devoted t the promoUuu of the general we rnre and published for the eiiligta meat, entertainment mid benefit c the oitUeuH of K'ngs Mountain an ' Ha vicinity. DON'T 8AY ANYTHING MEAN | Candidates are sometiitaeg pron * i to 8dy mean cutting things abou - I each other,- and excuse tbcmselve ' by thinking. MIt's cnJy political talk but harsh words are easily spokei ' but hrod to forge!. With a city elee tlon Just around the corner; It I i w ;se for the candidates to stop ant consider before they say something . detrimental to another's cbaraotor which might cost a friend. And i true fi^end Is worth more than win n'ng any election. NOT SO DUMB Orover Cleveland Bergtkll It com Ins home from Europe to give him elf up ii a World War draft dvdifi We think Mr. P err doll in eomlni that he wa? net no dumb by evadinj war In 1!?I7 to make the world 'tart for democracy." Musslflnt and Hl'le have proven tha' the "war to mi waa" wan a flop.. We think Mr. Rersdoll wap w!*i In not lining "rucked In." He it Mil alive and lots of 'he others wli were p.- qtft'elf to enter the fight in: are.dead. He Just showed goo-j j.idj; udflt. WHY PAY IN THE DARK? So one would be so foolish as t choose a pitch dark rcom In whlcl to compute monthly- blll? for rent clothing. fuel and food, and to noun the necessary luoney due on ?nch. ' Yet the Average consumer Is mad to do something just as foOUsh b paying taxes. In the dark ? tnxe that cannot be seen because the t. pre concealed In the purchase s prlc hf every necessity. A competent. et tsrnate Is. that 63 percent of alt taxe ,.i ?local, state an J rational ? ar iSldden. t * ?; The avetpge cinsumer: P'ays taice jo the AjJf.X'y example,',w\?< n h 7P?ys hlsy*(^ ?- tate-fourtp pt whlc ' |n on aVSf^gv'rgocs for Tib k'rt of a bottte of ih'-<5jtett>o Include [ ,'ttft proportions! part of 172 dlfferen . WtrlM roi Av?n- bImi Ar ? v.? K? vuu* j? n, distribution and' parkellng ' ^bere are 112 hidden taxes ill a pal; and I lie taxes ou nillkex ^jeed the profit gained hy the farmer ! "Jltls pyramided tax me'hipd Js fb< dsrgct of a militant attack hy th( luetic mil r.-usitiners Tax Cojnmls ' fjOn, representing prominent w'oruei tu a nation-wide crusade lenlnst In: f'p that !neren)es gave him n bnnnuet. at which his mind as alert "? ever, he spoke 1 lie said, necordiuc te the Satur . ' dov Bveulng Post, that iho had only cne message f-r those present. rod that It had been Impressed on him thrc?gh long experience: itamelv that human liberties were won In ihls .country nt heavy sacrifice ol , bl-od and fortune; that liberty 1? easllv lost;, that we must 1?? ready * ' to fight acain If necessary to ke?m it; that we must never Rttffer nnv man to arrogate to himself the powers '~t n king. emperor or dictator, At thnt banquet. was Paul 0. Hoff ' Pian. now head of the Studehe.Vcr Co Speaking 1n Now York recently. Mr. Tfoffman recalled Senator Cole's statement. and said: "Wo listened tolerantly because be was an old man, hnt privately ino?t of tts :hcupht he was living In world of Ideas helonalnsr wholly to the past .... What dM an old man's warning have to do with ?s? We had Just finished making the world safe for democracy. "I betve thought v-f that address a thousand times. The old senator was not Ih his dotaze it wns we who < wore blind .TM I need to nsk yon to think of the countries where In re* r^nt years civil and religious liberty ; lias vanished? T*> I need lo ask yon to think rf how serlonslv at thte moment thbso liberties are h* Jeopardy In democratic countries? , . "Why oro they In Jgc-pardy? Ttec'suse of pressures derating against frse enterprises. Those pressures ? , iiwi from two sources: First, these #f* wrongly tolled economic -^fcaafttV, -hut who hftvo something K, W' , EfcV- Sk tit/ v - '-'J * ^ 1 Here and There . . (By Haywood K. Lynch) Th? older I gtt tlM more | realize that it ia the littla thinge in Ufa that j count. There are only a vary (aw ex" tra big evanta In a peraon'e life, birth nvarriage, death, and thara are eo < many littld thinga when thay are addad togathar, thay make life Itaetf. . Everyone ohould be aa careful aa poe eible about the little every-dey-oou currencee that mean ao much In tha f. long run. 0 There wax a fellow In town thia 1 week who was a big Inspiration to t- me. He waa a cripple, who had only >f three toea on one foot, and three find {jrrs on hla one arm. Yet he waa not on WPA. He put on a "Strong-Man" - ?how in front of the Center Service Station. He paased the hat ar.d took * In $4.44, which waa a mighty good * take conaldering the crowd. Thoee * who were there seemed extremely ' .anxidus to help someone who waa 1 trying to help himself. We need mora h folks who desire to overoome their 8 obstacles instead of the sympathy 1 hunters. P Fir the latest politest dope, I refer a you to the Central Barber Shop. My preacher wag mighty dressed up Easter Sunday. Yours truly and Charlie Thomasi eon stood in front of the Kingx Moun i- tain Drug Co all Saturday afternoon trying to pet someone to urge us to S run for the Town Council, but carry IIIJl'IIF JUBU1B UFgl U up u Ml PHI ( ent we are not candidates!? Merchants report very good busi I nrw for Easter. That tittlo old bunny ' it not tuch a bad follow. '* ' Wo art .ibout to get over the mea* I let at my house. All three of the chil dren and the colored girt had them, - and I believe "the boat", Mrs. Lynch suffered more from the maid's . case than the children. Jim Willis, who is not a candidate is having', lots of fun watching those _ who are. 0 I) I notice by the paper* that a barbs 1 cur supper was given the losing cant didates for aldermen In Kinston, N. C. The winners were not allowed to attend. I think the fellow who got the >' party up had It exactly backward* The so called loosers are out of the f misery. But the winners are In for two years of "cussing and they are i the'ones-who should have been en-; a tertalned. ' Fred Stallworth and your* truly nlbtcrfd over to Maiden last week 8 tp fMt some anklets for his st?M. Be8 fetpvWe got read*, to wi ootte* e^lr? hitch hiker.t+)rfn#. C*? cdtoh' m 8 rt'dSyiSo we picked film up,'and it wis | 8 George Mauney, atudont from Lenoir t Rliyne cn his way hdme for tlie Casi tar Holidays. * * . I Bvcrf once In a while we pet to rushed that we don't know whore to * otart, and what to do whan.,we .get | pfortotf. That's the way Tar Heollaji up at the Uuhrersl-" .? ' frr next year, Its* good start Jn ibo right direction, and proves that i Martin really is as good as we al. ways figured he was. When we think i of the many fine fellows, like Burke . ltarls and Kay Howe, who have . come from up there. It only makes ns mere proud of Harmon. ! ? [ If anybody can thing of anything 1 n'orc disconcerting than a night mare at ten o'clock in the morning. ' I wish they'd let me know. 1 hare them every time 1 sleep past eight I o'elccH. It must be the morning sun coming thru my window. Or do you cull them nightmares utter the sun remes up? Seems to me they should | be cslled Morning Elephants, they J wreak so much havoc with the i liraln. . If ycu haven't henrd the tune call':?;ey; protection to this lady. I can ' shoot fairly straight if there 4e need--for it." . And he clambered Into the coach, seating himself an the front seat;alongside Peacock nr.d Boone, feeing Dalian and Mrs. Mallei? .?* the rear seat At a meaningful look from Curly. Buck , reluctantly picked up the ':etna and yelled to fita horses. ' "Ml there. Suav! HI there. BBly! Oltty an! Oit along!" . Tho stagecoach elattared up the main street of Tonto, bound for ^ .the cgsen country. ^ At the outskirts of the town they picked up etlll another passenger ? Mr. Henry date wood Tontae well-fed, self-important v j-auta". eallse and vouchsafed a tremendous desire to get to Lordsburg ' he nearest railroad station) as soon as possible. "Pine-looking bunch of soldier boys beck there," remarked Onto 1 aWiU 1 ^ -3?tj| fry ?3^1 I TH? PRESEN That L?ti A Yur . . ?*? A SUBSCRIPTION TO Tin Hpm Acwtp^i ' ' I ' * i-' U* ' " Br lySVliM wood "poospouoljr, oetUlnjr htauelf Bono too (OBtly botwoou the two girlo. "Anbody know wboro thoy'io "?5rom#r, trrai you awart or w^at'a htppinid?N fluttered ' Peacock. "W?'r? all itlnc to bo Mtlptd, Gatewood," MplklMd cbeorfulljr. "Moo?creed la one (oil ewoop. "It's that old A pooh* butcher, Ocroalmo ? bo's on the warpath." "Gcronlaio?" "Sura. Ron eh? burning oil owr tho countryside." "So Qeronlrac'e on the warpath!" Ootowood pulled out o largo handkerchief end mopped tho perspiration from his face. e * e Curly'* quest wos reworded sooner then he expected when o well-set-up, strikingly bond?mc youth in cowpunchers clothes apnea red ot o head with rifle in hand. Here woe the Ringo Kid, . bound for Lordsburg as Curly hud guessed, but forced to toko the stagecoach when his hoi so went lame. Curly, backed by the detachment of cevolry behind, relieved Rlngo of his Winchester, 8laced him under arrest, and orered hint Into the already full stage, where be ?oted his?elf on the floor. As the cosch rolled on toward Dry Fork, tho atmosphere among the eevea pa?eager* gradually mm ^ ?;l * * i nlly befueem tkt .two plrle. frew more and more tenee. Hatield worked assiduously at hie self-appointed task aa protector 01 the frail Mrs. Mallory, ordering Doc Boone to throw away hie odoriferous cigar, defending the good nam* of ~ Ore into Jaineifttu Confederacy, and snubbing j>a!lar. C.' *,"S'i"od c.iutcned hie' black tag-t::u fciowied at exeryonij Peacock towered in hie corner; Doc Boone happily le?iCd tile whiskey drummer o Mimpiea and snapped hie lingers at the world; Lucy Maliory stoically endured .the dtecomfoite of her trip; Dallas kept her own counsel; and Wnao chatted affably with Boone, who, it dcyckiped. bad treated hie brother for a broken .arm many years ago. that brother, Bingo quietly Informed the ooc-tor. had since been murdered by the -Plummcrs in Lordaburg. At midday Buck suited up hie berase at the Dry Pork way station ? a UtUe adobe building ' with a rambling yard and a corral attached. Consternation eel zed the group when cM Billy Pickett, the Innkeeper, informed them that the soldiers they had expected to pick up- ae their cirtxvoji bad, 'grn,~ dcred .-to* the next rfation at Apaehe Welle ? Luot Mallory's husband among them. The cavalry guard which had accompanied them thus far bad orders to return to Ton'to. "No soldiers? Well. Z guess we got to turn back," quavered Buck. "Tee," mumbled. Peacock, -I think we should all go back." But fialPWAArf nultlanlVw ialaal *** ? - - ? Ihg Lorda'wurg at all casta, tried to bully the young cavalry Licutr~tcinHtot?ilns^rrtSfhaihs:iv 1 c*fi ??|Hi aewnion or only, rpunar MM," he Mastered loudly. JJI ?ehe If up with your euperler rfheere! I'll take It up with Washnyton!" 'That's your privilege, air." retJimed Lieut Blsnehard .quietly, ^ut J' you mehe any tronbU acre TU put you under restraint." 'Til tell you bow well settle nouncpd Curly, the natural wader. "Well take a vote. Everyaody laslde. now?" k Aod^bcvjmii?U mgi4A rtto" the }? ? ?nr5k*t Is, except Doc *h0 au already more or firmly pfoppnd up against the W?! , (To be oo?ttu?ie.' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' " V v . . r . , . ? . V ' JUST HUMANS ^ratified j Washington Sn (Oent'S from front page) think it Is a sizzling Idea and fondly believe that It wft not enly give the irliefers more benefits, but also help dispose- of surpluses. ? But other pe;ple aronnd Washing ton are beginning to ask themselves this uuesrtlon: Suppose the reliefer wonts a few bottles of beer or a car t ? *:* ' -. .esse !->. An unprncedentcd event ha/1 Cap! to) Hill In a mtld furore the othor 4?y. Jt happened String considers Hid of'the" F&vldent'a request for an additional ?I50,000.000 to meet '-k mergensy' expenses of the way tvb'e the bill was being coneldyi^H n--:ny of the Com Kress men began receive letters from CIO and WRt] demanding that the request be grant] ed. But the unprecedented1 part o-f ft I was that the letters were mailed in J franked envelopes ? on which the] taxpayer pays the postage!! I - SflM For anyone who might wonder just what an Interior Department press agent does (after reading recently that Congress had denied See rotary Ickes additional funds to hlr? more press agents), the following Is offered as a sample. It was cue of M-reml Interior Department press j releases, distributed to ovrey newspaper writer hj Washington one day last week: "Men. of-Uncle Snm'n Navy, now returning from fleet inaneuveis In the Carrlhbean, are sold to hare stow ed aboard their battleships, destroyTHE BANK CHECK? is one of the ! of modern busi Over ninety percent of al tion is carried on by mea in the form of deposits w checks in settlement of tanging: from 9'few dolli dollars. For large amounts and uUU. 41 - niuim uic community, Bt points, the bank check pe safely and economically. 1 help in the bookkeeping o and establish a legal recoi These business services through a checking accou FIRST NATII Member Federal Dep I , ... ! -.. ?, ;., t. By GENE C\KK > Jill Vmbittoa . V . . ' , ' . Jl^ ?rsi itubniarlnee and bombing plane* napkin*, finger tip .towel*; baby bib* and basket*, according to advance r?p:rlj from the Virgin I#lai d* Handicraft Cooperative* which* risiched the State* today." But that was ouly the fir*t paraptaph ofr the release, which finally concluded: It must Ik? that ' every wife tind sweetheart of the fleet will receive a gilt." CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appreciation for the kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness and death of our husband and father. ,Mrs. Sam C. Sneed and family. ' a 11 ACCOUNTING is a profitable profession * tko laHttatct oi ?Nm?iaf' died*'' Uy It la 4k* ?U about whl?h . mcdtta WuoiaoM rooolrot. Why.T5 - .Iowa account!*? ? you can. do 'It debt fiVsrs^jnB*, :sr\W hSi'- ? with tu? km.wtSJVf JUi'bt dolSu!. lalai aatlaaal farra?pa*daaie lifcodk Box 889, Scran ton, Pa, ' Local Reprdseirthtlve ' P. L. PlERCY, 818 S. Vance St. Castonla, N. C. I ^IF YOU ^ fl TVYNT I JbT V# A % m Want Your, neighbor bringing: your wife. Install an ATLAS bat So that she can stav? her own car. I CITY SERVICE i I STATION I Otis FaUs I Phone 208 most efficient ness devices. !1 the business of the nans of bank credit. It is hich are transferred by -?A business transactions, irs to several million small, for short *rran?1a w ?V v* IVIWO id long ones to distant rforms its work swiftly [n addition, bank checks f those who use them' rd of payments, are available to you nt at this bank. ONAL BANK wk Insurance Corp. ' 1